For all the *actual* dog lovers out there...



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    my border collie pup, Jessie... 6 months I think

    miniature dashund, Wags.. he is getting old, turning 14 this year, and not sure how much longer he's gonna live for.. it's very hard for him to walk and we think he is going blind ):

    and this is our jack russell, bounding with energy at 12 years old, playing with the pup all the time
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    it is hard when a foster gets adopted but it is so worth it. I hope they keep you updated on how she's doing. I had a German Shepherd that I fostered for 3 weeks before he was adopted. He was one of my fosters I had gotten really attached to and I couldn't stop crying when I drove him to his new mom and dad. That was a year ago and I still get emails with pictures and updates of how he is. It helps to see him happy! Thank you for fostering, it's not always an easy thing to do.

    I had Dolly for about a month. Actually, I don't think I've ever had a foster longer than that. I cried over the first two, but haven't again until today. I always ask the adopters to keep in touch, but not all of them do. I end up e-mailing them to see how things are going. I had to put one of my dogs to sleep last February, and I figured I'm saving more lives by fostering for now instead of adopting. :smile: Thank YOU for fostering!
  • greengoddess01
    greengoddess01 Posts: 17 Member
    HAHAHAHAHA super gross dude! Thats funny!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member

    Our puppy

    OMG !!!!! Sooooooooo frickin' ADORABLE !!!! :)
  • thea0101
    thea0101 Posts: 54 Member
    How do we upload a pic here?
  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE my four Jack Russells!!! Well....three are mine and I have a foster right now !!! But I love them! Thanks to everyone that shared their pictures and stories...I enjoyed reading them and looking at the pics!!!!:smile:
  • I love our dog Todd. He is s sheltie. Animals just love without conditions.I have four cats three inside and a stray that is outside going on her second winter with us (although it is quite cold tonight so I let her come in and sleep in the basement on those nights) and our sheltie. He is wonderful.
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    3 Dogs, 2 Golden Retrievers and 1 Yellow Lab.
  • lizc_87
    lizc_87 Posts: 45
    I have a toy poodle, black, her name is Elli. She rides around in my car in her seat belt. Last year I lost my miniature schnauzer in a car wreck. The deer walked away, my dog never did again. For the month I did not have a dog I kept walking around saying "Some women do not feel complete with out a man, I do not feel complete without a dog." So yea...I'm a hard core dog lover.
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    I love my dogs too! An English Mastiff (Jericho) & a Lab/Boxer Mix (Gracie).

    Oh & as for dog hair, I saw a sign in a vet's office that said, "no outfit is complete without dog hair." :smile:
  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    My Aussie is my baby girl. She's 6 years old, and is practically attached to my hip. She's also my walking buddy.

    Dog hair? My dryer vent is FULL after I do a load of my laundry!
  • thea0101
    thea0101 Posts: 54 Member
    Ok, figured how to post a pic. Here's my 7 year old Miniature Pinscher Alexa. She is my baby!

  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    2 German Shepherd Dogs- Kobe and Danica- LOVES OF MY LIFE!!! I can't foster anymore because I don't have the time and I don't think my heart can take it. I fostered a dog I rescued and when she was adopted I cried for like 2 months!

    German Shepherds SHED LIKE CRAZY. If dog hair were only on my clothes, it would be better than having it in my hair, underneath and inside everything, and waking up spitting because a piece floated into my MOUTH during the night. My dogs are 100% house dogs but I don't let them on my bed or furniture. STILL get dog hair all over the place and have to vacuum like 3 times a week.


    Want to add: Kobe is a special needs dog with doggie ADHD. It is nearly impossible to tire him out (they get runs with my hubby and walks, including off leash time, with me). The vet had him on valium as a puppy but I didn't want him medicated. Instead, we play and do obedience, hide and seek, and let him wear a backpack that he delivers things to us throughout the house in to try to exhaust him. It takes PATIENCE!!!
  • We have an old boston terrier who is just the sweetest. We lost an old dog almost a year ago and I went to the pound to look around. My boston boy was really grieving his old girl. I brought home an old silver pug. Poor thing could hardly breathe. Well I loved her at first sight! She is my baby, my butterball, my raisin face, lol. i spent around 1000 dollars to help her breathe better and she is such a sweet little thing.
  • Now see, I posted a thread just like this and no one replied. No one loves me. :-( *sniff*

    But my DOG loves me ...

    No one ever reply's to me either *sigh

    Anyways,I have two min pins gunner and ginger aka the g unit :) and I love them both to pieces
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Thanks for posting.

    I know you love your precious little one... so please don't take this harshly. Please be careful... if she stays out 50% of the day, my guess is that you aren't watching her, and she's not fixed... When she's in heat .. another dog may jump that fence or dig under it just to get to her. Sometimes those strays can be large dogs and way too rough with her... especially since she is wearing a diaper and they may fight to "get to her".

    Hate to be a bummer, but I work with a rescue group and that kind of stuff happens. Please be careful. I'd hate for anything bad to happen to your little poodle. :brokenheart:
  • btpeanut
    btpeanut Posts: 20 Member
    love my pups....The older one kept me up last night with her over active bladder :(
  • bakingmadness
    bakingmadness Posts: 70 Member
    This is Demon. He is a Siberian Husky/Alaskan Malamute Mix. He is the first and only dog I have ever owned. I don't know where I would be without him.



  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    I simply must know...why is "actual" surrounded by asterisks?

    Are there *theoretical* dog lovers? Or any other sort of adjective I could surround by asterisks? This is weird.
  • jenniferdances1
    jenniferdances1 Posts: 86 Member
    This is my wild and crazy baby, Nanuk. He is a 2 year old American Eskimo Dog. He's super smart, super sweet, and always SUPER full of energy!:)


