For all the *actual* dog lovers out there...



  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Beautiful! Makes me miss my Dusty girl!



    Rest in peace my beautiful baby girl.
    7/10/00 - 12/19/11

    It's been a month without you, and you are dearly missed. You were the most loyal dog.
    You waited until everybody was home, before you took your last breath.
    Was one of the hardest days for me, but you will never be forgotten. <3

    well this made me burst into tears! I'm so sorry for your loss :(:(:( Sounds like she was the best dog ever.
  • cscgal
    cscgal Posts: 27
    I got a rescue chui dog. She is pretty quite and lazy most of the time, but once I bring out the workout stuff she thinks she needs to join. I love her so much and I think she is the one that gave me the motivation to work out as I cant chase her at the dog park very well being where I was weight wise
  • leelaknight
    my dogs - see pic of one - are my life i have dumped boyfriends for them, moved apt cause of them... mo (pict) had gain 3lbs on his 7lb frame cause of my love... he got dogfitnesspal first he's skinny now my turn!

    go dogs for being awesome- go all the other animals for being just as awesome!
  • leelaknight
    my dogs - see pic of one - are my life i have dumped boyfriends for them, moved apt cause of them... mo (pict) had gain 3lbs on his 7lb frame cause of my love... he got dogfitnesspal first he's skinny now my turn!

    go dogs for being awesome- go all the other animals for being just as awesome!

    mo also gives me kisses during sit-up hahahaha- yuck!!!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    <- - - - - - Booyah!!!

    although, sadly only down to the lab and the cat. our other dog Max (black) passed a couple Christmas Eve's ago. that was rough!

    all were rescue dogs (2 SPCA and one private rescue). and they are AWESOME. perfect pets.
  • Jrabbit81sleeved
    Jrabbit81sleeved Posts: 18 Member
    I love my dog Harvey and my life is better with him in it!! He makes me smile no matter how crap my days been and I love watching him running about smiling!! We've had him a year, he's now 8, collie with a dash of Doberman!! I love my baby boy!!
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    I have 2 pitbull/lab mix dogs and I love them sooooo much!! They are my babies!! Nothing like being loved unconditionally and covered in doggy kisses everyday!
  • softwind
    softwind Posts: 497 Member
    < --- These are my boys
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I have two chihuahuas I love them to pieces! One is 12 (Ragen) the other is 6 (Scooter). <3
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    <- - - - - - Booyah!!!

    although, sadly only down to the lab and the cat. our other dog Max (black) passed a couple Christmas Eve's ago. that was rough!

    all were rescue dogs (2 SPCA and one private rescue). and they are AWESOME. perfect pets.

    I had a lab that I had to put down the day before Thanksgiving 5 years ago - it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. She had seen me through some very tough times - sometimes she was the only reason I got out of bed.

    I now have a lab/pit bull mix who is one of the most affectionate, loving dogs I've ever known. We adopted her from the SPCA when she was a pup and she makes me happy when my day is otherwise terrible.
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Dale, DannyBoy, and Walter the cat. Dale is an ex-racer with 114 total races. DannyBoy is a rescue from the pound, now he's a therapy dog in an addiction rehab center.

  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    <- - - - - - Booyah!!!

    although, sadly only down to the lab and the cat. our other dog Max (black) passed a couple Christmas Eve's ago. that was rough!

    all were rescue dogs (2 SPCA and one private rescue). and they are AWESOME. perfect pets.

    I had a lab that I had to put down the day before Thanksgiving 5 years ago - it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. She had seen me through some very tough times - sometimes she was the only reason I got out of bed.

    I now have a lab/pit bull mix who is one of the most affectionate, loving dogs I've ever known. We adopted her from the SPCA when she was a pup and she makes me happy when my day is otherwise terrible.

    yah man...its so rough. I totally know how you feel.

    Ours was a Shar-Pei/Pitt Bull Mix. He was badly, badly abused from his previous owner and when we got him from the SPCA he was pretty much on death row, as he was a senior and wasn't doing well. He was an awesome dog and brought a ton of joy and laughter into our lives, and we only had him for 1.5 years.

    The funny thing is...I was always "that guy" who thought SPCA dogs were all trouble dogs and had bad issues. totally not the case and I would 100% guaranteed always use a Shelter or SPCA for our next pets.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Rest in peace my beautiful baby girl.
    7/10/00 - 12/19/11

    It's been a month without you, and you are dearly missed. You were the most loyal dog.
    You waited until everybody was home, before you took your last breath.
    Was one of the hardest days for me, but you will never be forgotten. <3

    Thanks for the cry! I'm very sorry for your loss, that was a sweet entry you made for her.

    Update on Dolly: I have now become a foster failure. She was returned last night. She was extremely stressed out being away from me, and she tried to run away yesterday. I think her last owner's suicide left her with separation issues. She was clearly ecstatic to be back with us! I can't put her through that again with another potential adopter, so she'll just live with us forever!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    I've got a 7 month old miniature poodle named Carter. He is bad, he still has accidents sometimes but is getting better. We have a bell set up by our front door and he is learning to ring it when he wants to go outside. He loves to chew and has chewed up a few of my shoes, a hole in the wall, and some cat turds. He just got fixed a few weeks ago so we are hoping that will help him calm down. I'm going to take him to the dog park soon and I'm excited, he's going to love it! Even though he is bad sometimes I still love him :)
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 133 Member
    <-- i love my rescued babies :)

    Juno (border collie, 2 years) and Moses (beagle mix, 2 years) are my life! they keep me sane, drive me crazy, and love my fiance and i to pieces. while one is smart and the other is not (guess who's the smarty pants), they are the most affectionate, loyal pups i've known. i will be devastated once they go. and sadly, i feel it'll be a situation in which they both go together.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    <- - - - - - Booyah!!!

    although, sadly only down to the lab and the cat. our other dog Max (black) passed a couple Christmas Eve's ago. that was rough!

    all were rescue dogs (2 SPCA and one private rescue). and they are AWESOME. perfect pets.

    I had a lab that I had to put down the day before Thanksgiving 5 years ago - it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. She had seen me through some very tough times - sometimes she was the only reason I got out of bed.

    I now have a lab/pit bull mix who is one of the most affectionate, loving dogs I've ever known. We adopted her from the SPCA when she was a pup and she makes me happy when my day is otherwise terrible.

    yah man...its so rough. I totally know how you feel.

    Ours was a Shar-Pei/Pitt Bull Mix. He was badly, badly abused from his previous owner and when we got him from the SPCA he was pretty much on death row, as he was a senior and wasn't doing well. He was an awesome dog and brought a ton of joy and laughter into our lives, and we only had him for 1.5 years.

    The funny thing is...I was always "that guy" who thought SPCA dogs were all trouble dogs and had bad issues. totally not the case and I would 100% guaranteed always use a Shelter or SPCA for our next pets.

    There's a bumper sticker I've seen, shaped like a bone, that says "Who rescued who?" They make us better people, not because we saved them, but because they give us unconditional love.
  • Ladyloraella
    Ladyloraella Posts: 46 Member
    I have a two year old Shih Tzu (well he will be in May) and he is like my wee baby. I love him to bits.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    We have a bell set up by our front door and he is learning to ring it when he wants to go outside.

    That's awesome!
  • jadick825
    jadick825 Posts: 34 Member
    I have an (almost) 8 year old corgi named Mary (Pictured in my profile Pic)! My bf and I adopted her almost 2 years ago. Poor baby has been through a lot including Mammery Cancer, but she is a tough little girl and pulled through everything. We love her to death and couldn't imagine life without her. We also have 4 rabbits. We volunteer at a shelter so it's easy to keep adopting but we love it! They are all our little fur babies :).