Real women have curves - curves do not equal rolls



  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    Real women are healthy

    So what's a fake women?

    A fake woman is a woman that's my size: size 0 and a 32" chest. I have no curves therefore I am not a real woman. I suspect I may be a man. Though how I gave birth with no meds is beyond me. Now that's some ovaries right there.

    I can't get pregnant and i have huge boobs, your one up on me
  • MrsKunz
    MrsKunz Posts: 151 Member
    Real women have vaginas.

    No the *kitten* they don't!!! Are you really going to sit here and say that transwomen and intersexed women aren't REAL women because they don't have vaginas? What about transmen? They have vaginas but they're no more a woman than I am a flying squirrel. This is hateful, derogatory, and exclusionary. This type of speech isn't uplifting or helpful. It's f*cking IGNORANT. Are you kidding me right now?!?! You are a woman if you say you are.

    not to be rude but anatomy class taught me real women do have vaginas. whether they were born that way or had it made to fit their body........ hmmmmm

    just cause i say im a banana doesnt make me a banana right??

    You're mistaking biological sex with gender. (Which, btw, get's rather f*cked up when you've met fully functioning women who just so happens to be born with vaginas yet their chromosomes are XY. Look up androgen insensitivity syndrome.) A person can be anything biologically - man, woman, intersex - but GENDER, that lovely thing people portray to the world, is totally different. Gender is fluid and falls along a spectrum rather than a blatant x or y.

    The problem I have is that we are excluding a LOT of people when we make ignorant, blanket statements about a person's genital configuration. A transwoman who's had bottom surgery is more of a woman than a transwomen who hasn't? A transman will always be a women if he doesn't have bottom surgery? What you're saying is hateful.

    Not to be rude, but anatomy class doesn't like to teach things other than a 2 gender system. It freaks people out to talk about it any other way. Besides, who's the genital police? Who's taking the time to look and see if someone has a vagina or not? Don't cut out millions of people in this world by such a closed minded view of what a woman or a man REALLY is. Thanks.

    This is so way off topic and you are taking this way too personally.
  • mistersmithsbox
    OT, perhaps but why allow ignorance to be perpetuated?

    Personal? Ya damn skippy. Until you've lived with an intersexed woman who's constantly being referred to a "he" and had her gender undermined for no reason, you don't know. She doesn't have a vagina. Hell, she wasn't even born with a penis! It's offensive and it hits really close to home that even when we're crusading for women, some are being excluded anyway? I don't like the hypocrisy.
  • MrsKunz
    MrsKunz Posts: 151 Member
    Webster's Dictionary

    wom·an noun
    \ˈwu̇-mən, especially Southern ˈwō- or ˈwə-\
    plural wom·en

    Definition of WOMAN

    a : an adult female person

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    A woman (/ˈwʊmən/), pl: women (/ˈwɪmɨn/) is a female human.

    So you tell me what is a real woman??
    I think it is a female human if im reading right
    So how it may be if you are in deed a female human i think you might be a woman
    Nothing in this says fat, thin, chunky, curvy, boobs, flat, sex organs or not
    OMGEEZ people this became such an inappropriate off subject outrageous thread
    Nothing in this should have been personal no ones name was mentioned
    Look in the mirror YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Has this really turned into a discussion on the definition of "woman?" I think we've strayed waaaaaaay off topic.
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    OT, perhaps but why allow ignorance to be perpetuated?

    Personal? Ya damn skippy. Until you've lived with an intersexed woman who's constantly being referred to a "he" and had her gender undermined for no reason, you don't know. She doesn't have a vagina. Hell, she wasn't even born with a penis! It's offensive and it hits really close to home that even when we're crusading for women, some are being excluded anyway? I don't like the hypocrisy.

    Well Miss you don't know me so i wouldn't talk a lot about what I know. i don't live with one anymore but my very close cousin (who used to live with me) in transgender, my uncle is gay and I have a close friend who is also transgender (she is a he) so yes I actually do have a lot of experience with this. The original post was about real women having curves so to me personally that would also include my transgender born male cousin since I don't refer to her as transgender I actually refer to her as a women because mentally that was how she was born. Your the one who identified their sex as transgender not just male or female.
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    Has this really turned into a discussion on the definition of "woman?" I think we've strayed waaaaaaay off topic.

  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    The real problem isn't women who are one way or another, the problem is a society that sets up ideals for yound women that are not possible or healthy for 99.9% of women and reduces what it means to be a woman to a set of numbers. I am not getting involved in all the definition of what it means to be a woman and all that. I am saying that it is sad that any woman, however you define it, is judged and judges herself based solely on what size she fits into or an arbitrary set of measurements defined by the fashion industry. We are not just a container, we have souls, hearts, minds and brains. That is not to say that we should not work to keep all those aspects of ourselves healthy, including our bodies. For some people, healthy will mean curves and for some it won't. Obese will never mean healthy, pure and simple, but it also should not be a measure of someone's self-worth.
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    By curves I don't think of Jessica Beil. She's extremely toned and doesn't have an hourglass figure. When CURVES comes to mind I think of...

    Or Christina Hendricks from Mad Men

    My goal in losing weight is to look like her.... her body is amazing!!!!!! (not so much in the picture though)
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Has this really turned into a discussion on the definition of "woman?" I think we've strayed waaaaaaay off topic.


    Seems to me saying "real women . . . " directly includes definitions as well as cultural perceptions. AND the poster pointing out the exclusion of transgender/transsexuals wasn't the only one who noticed this. In real life women are often the ones to place themselves in categories and exclude each other, more often than men do, as demonstrated by this thread. I think a lot of women could benefit from reading Inga Muscio's book C*nt.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    This is what I think of by "real women have curves"
    She has a booty, she has boobs and is in great shape!
    There doesn't have to be one extreme or another.


    THANK YOU SO MUCH! I hate it when the words "curves" or "curvy" are totally abused and misused.
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    Yes! Healthy Curves are beautiful, but being overweight and unhealthy isn't!
  • simoriah_angel
    I have to say, I have friends who are my height (5'5") and 100 lbs soaking wet. I consider them real women and adore their bodies without jealousy. I myself am....much larger. Obviously on here to actively reduce that girth. But I agree far more with Beyonce's body being an example of a "real" woman rather than Jessica Biel's (tho hers is far healthier, AND she was voted sexiest woman by Esquire so....). I just think we have SUCH a warped idea of what a "real" body looks like in this country due to all of the digital alterations we are used to seeing. Don't agree with me? Travel outside the US. Or even review ads for other countries.

    Please, when I went to the Puerto Rican day parade a few years ago in NYC, you could tell the difference between the dancers from the island and the dancers from the USA; kinda scary how we let our societal expectations color our views on what is a "real" healthy body.

    BTW I only take issue with the last Dove commercial; and if featuring one bigger woman helps out all of the women (like me, btw) not hate or judge themselves less, then I am all for it.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Real women are healthy

    So what's a fake women?

    A fake woman is a woman that's my size: size 0 and a 32" chest. I have no curves therefore I am not a real woman. I suspect I may be a man. Though how I gave birth with no meds is beyond me. Now that's some ovaries right there.

    I can't get pregnant and i have huge boobs, your one up on me

    I have like no boobs. So does that mean that between the both of us, we are one "real" woman? :laugh:
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    Real women are healthy

    So what's a fake women?

    A fake woman is a woman that's my size: size 0 and a 32" chest. I have no curves therefore I am not a real woman. I suspect I may be a man. Though how I gave birth with no meds is beyond me. Now that's some ovaries right there.

    I can't get pregnant and i have huge boobs, your one up on me

    I have like no boobs. So does that mean that between the both of us, we are one "real" woman? :laugh:

    You may be on to something ;) I like you style
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    Real women don't hang out with Yankees players.

    Oh please.
  • cuquee
    cuquee Posts: 8
    just love the skin your in...:)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm sorry that I forgot to include the full broad band spectrum of individuals. I never meant it the way you took it. Actually if someone has surgery and turns their penis into a vagina doesn't that support my statement?
    I'm pretty sure an XX chromosome makes someone a real woman. A transgendered person or a drag queen does not have that, no matter what that person calls him/herself.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I'm pretty sure an XX chromosome makes someone a real woman. A transgendered person or a drag queen does not have that, no matter what that person calls him/herself.

    Not according to the law. For transgendered, the state department issues a new birth certificate. They ARE real women. By how they feel, by body parts, and by law. Drag queens, for the most part, men who identify as gay, are are essentially putting on a show.