Real women have curves - curves do not equal rolls



  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    Real women are healthy

    So what's a fake women?

    Barbie as in real barbie she is plastic, so she is fake. I bet if you read my post after that you can figure out what i meant! Yay for reading
  • RoadkingDavid
    RoadkingDavid Posts: 143 Member
    Dare I weigh-in? Ladies, what makes you sexy? Because that's what we're really talking about, isn't it?!

    1. Healthy is sexy. And healthy comes in a variety of body types and sizes. But it comes from within. You have to like what YOU see in the mirror.

    2. When you carry yourself in a way that says you are confident, that is sexy, regardless.

    3. A woman who can make her man feel desirable is a sexy woman, regardless.

    I love women. God really did it right. :)
  • sunshinel397
    Real women don't hang out with Yankees players.

    Right on! Boston sports all the way! Love my Celtics and Redsox!
  • _Kate_P
    _Kate_P Posts: 132
    This is what I think of by "real women have curves"
    She has a booty, she has boobs and is in great shape!
    There doesn't have to be one extreme or another.


    She also has a wedgie...ha ha
    :laugh: I noticed that too. But look at her thighs! Theyre awesome and NOT the little twigs that so many ladies here want!
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Real women have vaginas.
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    Girls are probably gonna be shocked at me. But for me, this is my perfect size. I love my big hips and my big breast, and ideally I want to be a size 14. So I can keep both and have a smaller stomach. To me girls this size are gorgeous. I don't want to be a skinny minny run way model, video vixen, movie star.

    I really love the gibson girl body type
  • zibbity
    zibbity Posts: 126 Member
    I'm not going to touch the real women part. With a stick.

    I will agree that curves=/=rolls but I would hardly consider Jessica Biel curvy. She's fit, in shape, has a great body, but she is not what I'd call curvy. When I think curvy I think of women like Marilyn Monroe, Christina Hendricks, Demi Lovato(post rehab), Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson(after Weight Watchers). Smaller more defined waists, hips, a bit chesty, and yes a little round in the tummy for most of them. That's not to say there is anything wrong with girls built like Jessica Biel, she is gorgeous. It's just not what I'd call curvy.

    And I also know women who can eat and eat and eat(all of the worst foods for you) and never even gain an ounce. I'm friends with a girl who is built more athletically(very straight lined) and it makes her sad and jealous of me. I really think we all just need to accept our body types for what they are. I will never look like Jessica Biel. I'm okay with that.

    THIS!!! Jessica Biel is gorgeous, but she is not curvy to me. She's fit with a nice butt. I think everyone could stand to be a little more compassionate when it comes to how other women identify themselves. Yes, I agree that someone that is wearing a size 30 or hell, even a 20 is probably more plump than curvy. I am a black woman and have been called thick, curvy, stacked, and whatever else. I have thick thighs, a small waist, and huge boobs. But I want to be in better shape and feel a little better about myself. Thats why I'm here. If those larger ladies are happy being obese but still feel sexy in the body they are in, let them do it. Do your thing and work on you and encourage those around you and stop worrying about what everyone else calls themselves. Come on ladies! Solidarity! Lets support each other, not bring each other down.

    Also, if you were fat and are now skinny, congrats to you and your hard work! That does not give you the right to start putting others down that have not come as far as you have, especially since you know first hand what it feels like to not be comfortable in your own skin. Just sayin.
  • MrsKunz
    MrsKunz Posts: 151 Member
    Girls are probably gonna be shocked at me. But for me, this is my perfect size. I love my big hips and my big breast, and ideally I want to be a size 14. So I can keep both and have a smaller stomach. To me girls this size are gorgeous. I don't want to be a skinny minny run way model, video vixen, movie star.
    This is beautiful thank you!!!
  • mistersmithsbox
    Real women have vaginas.

    No the *kitten* they don't!!! Are you really going to sit here and say that transwomen and intersexed women aren't REAL women because they don't have vaginas? What about transmen? They have vaginas but they're no more a woman than I am a flying squirrel. This is hateful, derogatory, and exclusionary. This type of speech isn't uplifting or helpful. It's f*cking IGNORANT. Are you kidding me right now?!?! You are a woman if you say you are.
  • MrsKunz
    MrsKunz Posts: 151 Member
    Real women have vaginas.

    No the *kitten* they don't!!! Are you really going to sit here and say that transwomen and intersexed women aren't REAL women because they don't have vaginas? What about transmen? They have vaginas but they're no more a woman than I am a flying squirrel. This is hateful, derogatory, and exclusionary. This type of speech isn't uplifting or helpful. It's f*cking IGNORANT. Are you kidding me right now?!?! You are a woman if you say you are.

    not to be rude but anatomy class taught me real women do have vaginas. whether they were born that way or had it made to fit their body........ hmmmmm

    just cause i say im a banana doesnt make me a banana right??
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Personally I think the entire phrase is offensive. I know some girls who are tiny with extremly fast metabolisms. They wish they could gain weight because of people saying things like "Real women have curves". Real women are women who respect themselves.

    saw somebody already mentioned this,but I still stand by it.

    Thank you!:heart:

    I hate that phrase with a passion!
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 422 Member
    Real women are healthy

    So what's a fake women?

    Barbie as in real barbie she is plastic, so she is fake. I bet if you read my post after that you can figure out what i meant! Yay for reading

    Don't take it personal mam. I'm just trying to make a point here. Folks here are trying to define what real women are so I am just asking what is the definition of a fake women. I think that all women are real women. And I read your post. Yay to me.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Real women are healthy

    So what's a fake women?

    A fake woman is a woman that's my size: size 0 and a 32" chest. I have no curves therefore I am not a real woman. I suspect I may be a man. Though how I gave birth with no meds is beyond me. Now that's some ovaries right there.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm sorry that I forgot to include the full broad band spectrum of individuals. I never meant it the way you took it. Actually if someone has surgery and turns their penis into a vagina doesn't that support my statement?
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I'm sure this has already been addressed, but I can't find an exact quote that fits. Some of us will never have "curves" that meet today's society's norm. I am thrilled that women who have a more hour glass figure and more ample measurements are finally getting recognition they deserve. Once upon a time, that was the desired look. Then it became "stick thin". No matter where our popular tastes seemed to lead, someone has always been left out. I will never have curves, unless you count the ratio between shoulders and waist. What I wish is that every body type could be accepted and celebrated so that as long as we are fit we can still feel beautiful. It's too late for me, since old will never be beautiful, but it is a wish I have for all of my younger friends and family members. I just don't want anyone else wasting time wishing they could be "like' something that isn't natural for them. Find your best and feel beautiful in it.

    Don't count yourself out. Some of the most beautiful women I've met consider themselves "old". Seen Blythe Danner, Meryl Streep or Helen Mirren lately? Age is a number. Real men (including myself and most of my friends) are attracted to attitude, personality, presence. Decide you are beautiful and you are.
    Thank you, oh voice of reason.
    p.s. are you free??????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mistersmithsbox
    Real women have vaginas.

    No the *kitten* they don't!!! Are you really going to sit here and say that transwomen and intersexed women aren't REAL women because they don't have vaginas? What about transmen? They have vaginas but they're no more a woman than I am a flying squirrel. This is hateful, derogatory, and exclusionary. This type of speech isn't uplifting or helpful. It's f*cking IGNORANT. Are you kidding me right now?!?! You are a woman if you say you are.

    not to be rude but anatomy class taught me real women do have vaginas. whether they were born that way or had it made to fit their body........ hmmmmm

    just cause i say im a banana doesnt make me a banana right??

    You're mistaking biological sex with gender. (Which, btw, get's rather f*cked up when you've met fully functioning women who just so happens to be born with vaginas yet their chromosomes are XY. Look up androgen insensitivity syndrome.) A person can be anything biologically - man, woman, intersex - but GENDER, that lovely thing people portray to the world, is totally different. Gender is fluid and falls along a spectrum rather than a blatant x or y.

    The problem I have is that we are excluding a LOT of people when we make ignorant, blanket statements about a person's genital configuration. A transwoman who's had bottom surgery is more of a woman than a transwomen who hasn't? A transman will always be a women if he doesn't have bottom surgery? What you're saying is hateful.

    Not to be rude, but anatomy class doesn't like to teach things other than a 2 gender system. It freaks people out to talk about it any other way. Besides, who's the genital police? Who's taking the time to look and see if someone has a vagina or not? Don't cut out millions of people in this world by such a closed minded view of what a woman or a man REALLY is. Thanks.
  • mistersmithsbox
    I'm sorry that I forgot to include the full broad band spectrum of individuals. I never meant it the way you took it. Actually if someone has surgery and turns their penis into a vagina doesn't that support my statement?

    Not exactly because they're are a lot of fully functioning women w/o the means to "fix" their genitals to be "normal".
  • chatdude
    Real women don't hang out with Yankees players.


    agreed :tongue:
  • Legally_Natural
    Legally_Natural Posts: 101 Member
    I like Jessica Biel because we have the same body shape, inverted triangle (broad shoulders, bigger boobs, thinner straight legs). She is curvy for her body shape. That is about as curvy as we can get. I didn't read the rest of the board so I haven't seen the other women mentioned.
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    Real women have vaginas.

    No the *kitten* they don't!!! Are you really going to sit here and say that transwomen and intersexed women aren't REAL women because they don't have vaginas? What about transmen? They have vaginas but they're no more a woman than I am a flying squirrel. This is hateful, derogatory, and exclusionary. This type of speech isn't uplifting or helpful. It's f*cking IGNORANT. Are you kidding me right now?!?! You are a woman if you say you are.

    not to be rude but anatomy class taught me real women do have vaginas. whether they were born that way or had it made to fit their body........ hmmmmm

    just cause i say im a banana doesnt make me a banana right??

    You're mistaking biological sex with gender. (Which, btw, get's rather f*cked up when you've met fully functioning women who just so happens to be born with vaginas yet their chromosomes are XY. Look up androgen insensitivity syndrome.) A person can be anything biologically - man, woman, intersex - but GENDER, that lovely thing people portray to the world, is totally different. Gender is fluid and falls along a spectrum rather than a blatant x or y.

    The problem I have is that we are excluding a LOT of people when we make ignorant, blanket statements about a person's genital configuration. A transwoman who's had bottom surgery is more of a woman than a transwomen who hasn't? A transman will always be a women if he doesn't have bottom surgery? What you're saying is hateful.

    Not to be rude, but anatomy class doesn't like to teach things other than a 2 gender system. It freaks people out to talk about it any other way. Besides, who's the genital police? Who's taking the time to look and see if someone has a vagina or not? Don't cut out millions of people in this world by such a closed minded view of what a woman or a man REALLY is. Thanks.

    This is so way off topic and you are taking this way too personally.