THE Team Week 6 - 3/13/09 to 3/19/09



  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    LosingIt4Good - SW 222/GW 175/CW 220/ Loss 2 pounds
    dewdrop - SW 134/GW 124/CW 132/ Loss 2 pounds
    Stillkristi - SW 461/GW 195/CW 440/ Loss 1.75 pounds
    healthymom - SW208/ GW150/ CW192 Loss 3 pounds
    LaciJae - SW 199/ GW 140/ CW 179.4 Loss 3 pounds
    nitag - SW 202/ GW 145/ CW 200 Loss 2 lbs
    Swignal- SW 317/ GW 130/ CW 315/ Loss 2 pounds
    adopt4 - SW 273/GW 191/CW 253.5 - loss 2.5 pounds

    Way to go ya'll!

    Internet's back up, hurray. Made it to the gym and did way more than usual since I had my chatting partner back - 43 - COUNT 'EM - 43 MINS ON THE ELLIPTICAL!! Then 27 on the treadmill for a total of 70 mins workout and 626 calories! Guess I"m getting over my cold! I FINALLY lost an inch on my waist, now when I sleep on my stomach it's more comfortable, don't have to get this roll caught up over there and hurt, etc. Still plenty of padding there but less than there used to be.

    Tofurkey - never gonna happen - turduckin- seen 'em in the stores, but no, one bird at a time is enough! Sheesh!

    Stillkristi- I'm a farm girl! for Real! Dairy cows- milkin' em at 4 am every morning and 4 pm every night... couldn't wait to graduate high school and get off that farm! LOL All those wonderful muscles i used to have turned to fat years ago.. sigh...

    It's payday and bonus day for hubby (I think, better check the account balance!) and I"m going to Costco for some king crab lets for dinner! They're very low cal and HUGE!! That's our treat tonight.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Hi Team,

    This is my first time and I am learning the website. I hope that I did everything right. I am currently at 222.5 lbs as of Monday, March 9, 2009. I weigh every Monday with a buddy.

    Welcome, J.:flowerforyou:

    Monday weigh-ins are great! Glad you joined us. I sent you a message (go to your home page or "mail) with the links to our thread.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Anita, that's great news! There is another member, kellch, who has a little nephew going home Today!
    He was born with his intestines outside his body, and the drama plays out on this thread:

    Kole sounds like he's doing great. :heart:

    To post a pic from your computer: go to (or the "Photo-Sharing" website of your choice) Upload the photo by using their "upload" button - you'll have to find it on your computer in your pictures. (If you only have it in email, you'll have to load it to your computer first. ) Whenyou find the picture in your computer, click "open" in the box that the photo-site opened. It will load to the web (you can make your photos private on the photo site so no one can see them). Then just add them to your post by using the image tags at each end like all the other images we post. Click "Quote" on my water glass post to see what the image tags look like. You want to place the picture's url (http:/// etc.) inside the bracketed [ ] img things, lower case, no spaces, the one at the end of the url has a forward slash in it before the img in the [ ]

    For more photo instruction and a place to practice, go to this thread:

  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Kristi - Your welcome hun:smile: , that sounds good (the veg stock)...I do not think they would make it to the pot with me!!:tongue:

    Lacijae - Good luck on getting back on the wagon!

    Li4g - Nice start to the thread:smile: . Oh note on that recipe use like half the amount of flour or it gets realllllly thick (too thick). I enjoy it, it does not taste like meat gravy, but it is not trying to:smile:

    Cmr - Heh happy feet....cute! I love dance/techno gets me pumped up (for running especially).

    Adopt - Be open to trying new things, they are usually better then the other food you eat!:wink: , good job at the gym!

    LosingIt4Good - SW 222/GW 175/CW 220/ Loss 2 pounds
    dewdrop - SW 134/GW 124/CW 132/ Loss 2 pounds
    Stillkristi - SW 461/GW 195/CW 440/ Loss 1.75 pounds
    healthymom - SW208/ GW150/ CW192 Loss 3 pounds
    LaciJae - SW 199/ GW 140/ CW 179.4 Loss 3 pounds
    nitag - SW 202/ GW 145/ CW 200 Loss 2 lbs
    Swignal- SW 317/ GW 130/ CW 315/ Loss 2 pounds
    adopt4 - SW 273/GW 191/CW 253.5 - loss 2.5 pounds
    Chantybear - SW 148/GW 125/CW 137- Loss 1 pound
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Well I can't figure it out.. I will try later.. My boss is driving me nuts..:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member

    you have it, but no capitals on the img

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    AWWWWWHHH! I had to post it to see it......
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Thank you for figuring that out ..
    NE ways.. thats Kole Henry....
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Thank you for figuring that out ..
    NE ways.. thats Kole Henry....

    You can change the size or crop it on photobucket, too. He is adorable, those eyes are amazing! Thanks, Anita, for sharing your angel. :heart:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    That is one amazing little boy! :love: He's adorable!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Adopt4, mmm, fresh milk from cows. I just found it too fatty, but if you take the cream out (that's yummy on its own too, but I guess not good for us :grumble: ), then it's sooo good... :drinker:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Ugg I am just so sad.. My sister just called and the baby isn't doing good at all.. His chest is filled up with fluids.. Major set back.. They are going in and changing his cest tube.. Prayers for Kole..
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Ugg I am just so sad.. My sister just called and the baby isn't doing good at all.. His chest is filled up with fluids.. Major set back.. They are going in and changing his cest tube.. Prayers for Kole..

    Will pray. Stay strong and confident! :flowerforyou:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    OMG!! What a BEAUTIFUL little guy!!! He looks VERY strong too!!!!

    Thanks for sharing!!!!
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Ugg I am just so sad.. My sister just called and the baby isn't doing good at all.. His chest is filled up with fluids.. Major set back.. They are going in and changing his cest tube.. Prayers for Kole..

    I am sorry to hear that Anita..:frown: , my thoughts are with the little cutie
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    :brokenheart: oh dear, what a roller coaster of emotions for your family. I just kissed his forehead. Wish I could do more.

  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Thanks everyone for your prayers....

    Ok, just logged in all my food and hit the done button..

    If every day were like today... You'd weigh 189.2 lbs in 5 weeks

    Ummm < I hope so.........:smile:

    I guess if I can do 20 lbs in 6 weeks, I can do 11 lbs in 5..
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Well its official....all the kids are gone and I am COMPLETELY ALONE!! :frown:
    I never thought that having the house all to myself... all night long would be BORING!
    Wish I had the $ to buy my neighbors Wii..... :grumble:

    I did anticipate this and went and rented a couple chick flick movies.. so Im gonna go curl up....

    This is gonna be a looooooooooooooooooooooong dull night... :grumble:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    okay, this is gonna be long - I got catching up to do...

    LI4G - thanks for opening the week- you did CM's traditions proud with an encouraging and thoughtful opener! You DO rock, actually.

    LosingIt4Good - SW 222/GW 175/CW 220/ Loss 2 pounds
    dewdrop - SW 134/GW 124/CW 132/ Loss 2 pounds
    Stillkristi - SW 461/GW 195/CW 440/ Loss 1.75 pounds
    healthymom - SW208/ GW150/ CW192 Loss 3 pounds
    LaciJae - SW 199/ GW 140/ CW 179.4 Loss 3 pounds
    nitag - SW 202/ GW 145/ CW 200 Loss 2 lbs
    Swignal- SW 317/ GW 130/ CW 315/ Loss 2 pounds
    adopt4 - SW 273/GW 191/CW 253.5 - loss 2.5 pounds
    Chantybear - SW 148/GW 125/CW 137- Loss 1 pound
    lulubar- SW205/GW145/CW193- loss 0 pounds

    I didn't lose a pound this week, BUT I can pull my pants off without unzipping them AND my underwear is all loose:blushing: so I'm a happy girl:bigsmile: I seem to just lose pounds every other week:ohwell: And Adopt4 - get this - my shoes are a bit loose too - so I must be getting skinny feet along with you! I might have to get a toe ring to draw attention to my thin parts!

    CM - your helpfulness never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for being you and thanks especially that you are always so willing to share your knowledge with us:smooched: I really missed you!!

    Yes Kristi - turduckin is real - I didn't make it up. The best in the State is at Landry's in Lafayette.:love:

    Nita, Kristy and Adopt4 - our first 20 lb. losers!!!!! Congrats girls! You make me proud - and a little jealous:tongue:

    Lacijae - missed you girl - glad you are feeling better and back with us.
    Swignol - you are off to a great start!!! Way to go!
    Dewdrop - you are such a great addition to our party - and you are doing so great. Yayyy for you!
    Healthymom - what a great week! Good for you! How are those situps treating you? I'm staying pretty sore ~ but glad I'm doing it.

    Chanty - If I ran for five miles, maybe I'd lose a pound too:drinker: You're awesome! Good job:flowerforyou:

    Anita - prayers for Kole - that baby is too precious and just the sweet look on his face - that child is here for a reason and has a mission - He is beautiful and looks like he means business!!!:heart:

    Dairy farm milk - I spent the summer in an orphanage when I was 8, the orphanage was on a dairy farm and all the kids had chores around the farm (I was terrified of the cows!!!!) BUT I loved the milk - I remember it was in these big metal barrels, refridgerated, they were sort of like a beer keg with a spout, and I would sneak in and drink that foamy cold milk right out of the spout until I was sick. MMMMmmmmmm. It was gooooood.

    kelleighanne, renayeb, zano, getfit???? where are you guys?

    jyrowe - welcome to THE Team! You've joined a great group:glasses:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Well its official....all the kids are gone and I am COMPLETELY ALONE!! :frown:
    I never thought that having the house all to myself... all night long would be BORING!
    Wish I had the $ to buy my neighbors Wii..... :grumble:

    I did anticipate this and went and rented a couple chick flick movies.. so Im gonna go curl up....

    This is gonna be a looooooooooooooooooooooong dull night... :grumble:

    :frown: I know exactly what you mean. When you are used to lots of action and noise, it just takes a couple of hours for boredom to set in. (I'm over that now that mine are grown - now when they are around it just takes a couple of hours and I'm ready for some peace and quiet:laugh: ) My, my how things change! I watched "Nick and Nora's Infinate Playlist" tonight and it was really sweet and pretty funny in places ~ a good no brainer kind of movie.