THE Team Week 6 - 3/13/09 to 3/19/09



  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Afternoon everyone!

    Chanty I love that pita thingamabob that you told me to make. I had it again for lunch today and ya know all them mushrooms I had that I was afraid would go bad before they got eaten?? Well... I have enough for 1 more sandwhich tomorrow.. LOL! Yumyumyum!

    :smile: Glad you like it, I made it with portabella, asparagus, 1/4 cup yam (all grilled), and filled the rest of the space with baby mixed greens:smile: Portabellas do last a while!
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    Wow, this is really serendipitous! I was pondering just today how I had a lot of energy when I first started the d--- oops, new lifestyle, but lately, I feel pretty sluggish. I think cm is right on target, adequate nutrition and micronutrients, and essential fats are critical. WONDERFUL INFORMATION!! There is a thread where Banks waxes poetic on this subject. Its quite lengthy, but helpful. I asked him a question and the response (which is in the thread) was very helpful to me. The thread is

    So, thanks lulu for asking this, its pretty timely for me, too. My sis tells me that a little avacado, some almonds, salmon, etc are helpful sources of some of the needed essential oils. As far as the weepiness goes, that could be part of the caloric deficit. And, I still think it could be part of the postmenapausal joy. I find mysel being a lot more weepy since aunt flow stopped comming so regularly.

    And, by the way, come and get your cat! He's holding my dog hostage. :wink: Actually, my cats (three cats, one dog, yes I am THAT lady in the neighborhood!) do a pretty good job on him. One just sits quietly and when he scampers by, she reaches out and pats him, like she is saying, "Tag, you're it." My male cat finds the dog facinating. I think he is doing research on him. He loves to run outside when the dog goes out. He stalks him through the back yard, just as the lion stalks the unsuspecting wildebeest.

    smontoya, interesting that you, are suffering from the weepy feeling, too. I wonder if it is what victorian novels refer to as "The Vapors" ? But, seriously, I absolutely get crying on the tredmill. I cry just thinking about the tredmill. And the elliptical strikes me with dread! smiley_emoticons_flucht.gif

    cm, a diver on top of everything else! I want to be like you when I grow up.

    Somewhere I read that a true friend is the best possession. Well friends,
    Thanks for being such good friends!

    Er, having made a fourtunate discovery by accident. Sorry,

    StillKristi- U're so funny!!! I definitely feel teary when I start to think about the treadmill...I think it's just extra oxygen getting to my brain. I'm 27 years think I'm starting menopause early?!...I hope I have a couple of years so I can pop out a few kids..I heard something about them being cute and all..:tongue:
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    Morning gals and guys.

    Yesterday I felt like absolute lazy crap, I hope today is not the same:frown:

    Chantybear - I hope your day's going better today! :flowerforyou:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Has anyone heard of "the zone". The trainer at the gym mentioned it today and thought I would throw it out there and see if anyone has heard of it. Gonna do a little research on it. She said basically that it is a way of eating that levels out your insulin by eating 40% carbs, 30% fat & 30% protien. Just curious if anyone else is doing this and if its working for them. Im at adopt4's house visiting with her, so we are gonna look some stuff up and see what we can find.


    The Zone - Dr. Barry Sears. Ew, ew, ask me another one! :bigsmile: I am not too familiar with it, but when I was on the protein power plan, they (Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades) talked about the Zone. Seems like you eat the levels you are describing above, and in the right combinations. But, if you have googled it, you already know more than that. Here is the website:

    smontoya, I love to laugh, and I am happy that it makes you happy, too! Early menopause, not likely, and sure, kids are cute, but look at that pig! How much cuter than that can you get? Seriously, I love kids, and think that they should all be born into good homes, so I hope you are able to have some!

    Just logged on to log calories. At work, so talk to you all later! Toodles!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I talked to a trainer today, because I'm depressed about this stupid weight gain, and she told me (as did everyone else, but I'm hard headed) that there's NO WAY I could gain 3 pounds of fat in 3 days unless I consumed something like 5000 calories per day! It's WATER WEIGHT, like ya'll been telling me. I guess I needed to hear it from someone in person. And when I thought about it, I haven't been drinking as much water, I haven't been checking my sodium as much (need to research that more, find out what I"m supposed to have outside of MFP's guidelines)... So I feel better.
    :love: to you all!!!

    Adopt4, see cm's message to me: Get off the scale, walk toward the light, drink your water, keep walking. Gargle, rinse, repeat! :tongue:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Kristi, step away from the scale. Walk toward the light - then keep walking and drinking water.

    Scale is the :devil: Spawn.

    I love this post CM.. So flippin funny...
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Ok, I got my hair done.. I am braggin .. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Its been a super busy day and I have had hardly anytime to eat .. But I am off to get some work done. I will post more later..

  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Morning gals and guys.

    Yesterday I felt like absolute lazy crap, I hope today is not the same:frown:

    Chantybear - I hope your day's going better today! :flowerforyou:
    Thanks hun, I hope yours is better as well!!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Lets see a pic nita!! No braggin without sharin! :happy:

    Im headed out to get a pedicure. Havent had one in over 2 months and my poor feet could use some pampering :tongue:
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    ohh I just got a polar hrm...oh yayy!! Now I can see if the exercise equipment at the gym is right (I hope not! wise)

    I hope everyone else is having a good day, I think eating a bit more really helped me!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    ohh I just got a polar hrm...oh yayy!! Now I can see if the exercise equipment at the gym is right (I hope not! wise)

    I hope everyone else is having a good day, I think eating a bit more really helped me!!

    uh, oh, you know they are usually way high in the estimated calories on gym machines, right? So if you think you have been burning 400 kcals, it will be more like 320......wiggle-1.gif

    I hope I'm wrong....but that has been the general consensus on the boards, the gym, and it has been my personal experience with my HRM as well. :ohwell:
  • healthymom2009
    :drinker: Yeh everyone, I just want to report I went to the pool today. Really didn't feel like it but the next ten pounds compelled me. Yesterday I ran around the indoor track - 3.5 miles (21 laps) in about an hour. I wish the ground outside was that smooth! Proud of myself because it added 1/2 hour to my workout yesterday. (Yes, I did my sit up challenge too.) :bigsmile:

    Nice to see people treating themselves to haircuts and pedicures...I am going to the spa when I lose 20 lbs. My girls bought me a gift certificate for my birthday last month. I have to hurry and lose so I can relax....ahhh.
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    ohh I just got a polar hrm...oh yayy!! Now I can see if the exercise equipment at the gym is right (I hope not! wise)

    I hope everyone else is having a good day, I think eating a bit more really helped me!!

    uh, oh, you know they are usually way high in the estimated calories on gym machines, right? So if you think you have been burning 400 kcals, it will be more like 320......wiggle-1.gif

    I hope I'm wrong....but that has been the general consensus on the boards, the gym, and it has been my personal experience with my HRM as well. :ohwell:

    Yes I do, I am glad I have the HRM now to tell me the truth! I do not really believe those machines anyways, they just do that I think to make people think they are burning more, or just do not have the technology to measure everyone correctly:smile:
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    :drinker: Yeh everyone, I just want to report I went to the pool today. Really didn't feel like it but the next ten pounds compelled me. Yesterday I ran around the indoor track - 3.5 miles (21 laps) in about an hour. I wish the ground outside was that smooth! Proud of myself because it added 1/2 hour to my workout yesterday. (Yes, I did my sit up challenge too.) :bigsmile:

    Nice to see people treating themselves to haircuts and pedicures...I am going to the spa when I lose 20 lbs. My girls bought me a gift certificate for my birthday last month. I have to hurry and lose so I can relax....ahhh.

    Very Good job!! I wish I could swim well!!

    It was my easy 2mile run today (I ran along the beach, and it was really windy!!), and did 30min on the eliptical at the gym:smile:
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Hey team I did it, I went to my cousins and we walked to the park and then through the park for a total of 4 miles.... I cant beleive it last year I couldnt walk two houses... yay then I came home ate lunch and then I went to the gym and did the elipitcal for 35 minutes and the weights.. so I treated myself to tanning..

    Sheila :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    This is day two on higher calories and I definately have more energy - could be placebo affect I know, but I'm hopeful. Hear that Chanty and Dewdrop? Few more calories - better energy:tongue:

    Also got out and about today and I now have Centrum Mulitvitamin/Multimineral, more Calcium with D, and Omega 3 fish oil - they didn't have the 3.6.9 where I went, but at least I have a small bottle of Omega 3 and I'll get the other this weekend.

    Adopt4 - thanks for sharing what your trainer teaches! That's really good, helpful info for all of us! That doesn't mean we have to pay part of your gym fees, do we? I've heard of the Zone - but that's as far as it goes, sorry I can't give any insight:ohwell:

    Kristi - I'm leaving tomorrow to come to your house, should be there sometime Saturday or Sunday, depending on how caught up I get in the scenery and how often I have to stop to pee (since cm has us all guzzling, spitting, repeating and such) ~ anyhow, leave your scale on the front porch, I'll pick it up. Then I'm heading on up to adopt4's house to get hers. Ya'll are killin' me!!

    Anita - we wanna see that new do!!!

    smontoya - I have a sign hanging in my kitchen that says "Raising kids is like being pecked to death by a chicken!" Yeah, they're cute and all, but think looooong and hard!:laugh: :laugh:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I wuv wuwu.

    Hey, I'll save you some $$ and I'll go to adopt4's house and pick up her scale, they are only about 2-3 hours away, and I hear Li4g is having portabello stuffed sandwiches tonight. I'd prefer corned beef and cabbage if anyone is having that tonight....and needs a scale removal.

    I came up with the " :devil: Spawn" when I hit a 6 week plateau when I was 15 pounds from goal and a month until my vacation in the Bahamas last year.

    I have eaten everything in the house today, even made some tea with a ton of sugar in it. I'm 1,102 calories over already, and I haven't had dinner - and you can bet your bippy that I am having dinner. Let's say I was hungry today......ya think?? :embarassed:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Sheila and Chanty and healthymom,

    Nice work on the workouts. I'm joining a "Goals" challenge. I kinda feel like I'm floundering on exercise.

    Aerobic Gold Stars all around!!

  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    This is day two on higher calories and I definately have more energy - could be placebo affect I know, but I'm hopeful. Hear that Chanty and Dewdrop? Few more calories - better energy:tongue:

    Hey I just said I upped them!:tongue: I do not think it is a placebo effect, because I felt like almost passing out at the gym...until I came home and ate lots:laugh: ...and drank more water!

    Cmr - I felt insanely hungry yesterday too, I keep wanting to eat..and eat
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    I wuv wu too cm!!!hug.gif and thanks for picking up the run to adopt4's to get the scale, but if LI4G ends up doing corn beef and cabbage for you, let me know and I'll just ride with you:wink: And hey, after dinner, put....the....fork...away:bigsmile:

    Sheila, Chanty and healthymom - :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: You make me proud to know ya!! Way to exercise girls!

    LI4G - maybe we should see a pic of those toes too?!?! I always know I need a pedicure when I can pick up dryer sheets with the bottom of my feet:bigsmile: heehee