THE Team Week 6 - 3/13/09 to 3/19/09



  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hi Everyone..

    I had a great weekend.. Busy one at that.. and I lost 2 lbs.. WOO HOO.. I am under 200.. I can't believe it... We even went out to dinner on Sat. night to the Macaroni Grill. I had skinny chicken.. It was so good..

    Kole is hanging in there.. He has had a rough weekend but still hanging in there.... They are still saying it's an hr by hr thing until that infection is under control..

    I am going to catch up on the posts here in a bit..

    I hope you are all doing well...

  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Li4g - Ewww, that sounds disgusting. Many people believe they can lose weight by just sitting in the sauna, but they are just losing water weight, silly people. Good job on the cleaning, cannot say I did that much myself:laugh: It is awesome you stayed on track all weekend!!

    Anita - Good job on the 2lb loss! Poor little Kole:frown: Babies should not be put through such things:frown:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Anita, good to hear that things are going so well! Under 200 sounds great!! Keep us posted on Kole. We're all pulling for him!

    adopt4, sorry you are having a cranky day. I am kinda feeling that way today, too. It seems like my weight loss has really slowed down. As much as I go blathering on about how this is a new lifestyle, and blah, blah, blah whatever else, I still watch the scale like its my only friend (or enemy, depending on what it tells me :happy: /:grumble: ). In my head, I know that's foolish, but somewhere else where so many of my decisions get made.... or rather, impulses get carried out, I can't seem to shake the scale addiction. But, enough about me, regarding your "body turning to fat." That is clearly not happening to the elliptical queen! Gotta be that old muscle is more dense, therefore heavier by volumn thing.

    swignal, take care of the lump/bump thing, girl! Don't mess with that. Sounds like you are being pretty hard on yourself. In another thread, someone told me I need to have a treat once in a while or I won't be able to stick this out. Seems like the thing to do is plan our treats, like nitag did when she went to Macaroni Grill. She looked it up ahead of time and knew what she was going to do. I don't know, I am pretty new at this, and feeling cranky today, as mentioned before, but it makes sense. The thing to remember is we aren't going to lose the weight in a couple of months. If it is to be permanent, and healthy, its going to take a while.
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    Hi StillKristi -

    I fell off for a minute but I'm back! Taking Lulubar's advice, I'm loggin in everyday and checking in with the team. You guys are great!
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    I felt bad yesterday cuz I felt like I ate way to much even though I didnt go over my calories.. I just felt horible.. I had that baby shower yesterday and I didnt think I was eating alot I just put a small spoon of broccoli salad, small spoon of pasta salad, taco salad, and 7 carrots.. and i peice of this desert it was angle food cake with cool whip and stawberry jello with fresh stawberrys on top then I half of bowl of chicken chilli soup.. I ate very small portions and I felt horible. I felt like I cheated then i put everything in the computer and I still had a lot to go.. so I ate a slice of pizza last night for dinner.. and then I felt like crap cuz I dont eat bread very much and it mad my belly hurt... but I didnt go over my calories I just felt guilty about the pizza thing and the way my belly hurt after...although i am glad I got to the gym before I went to the baby shower...

    Well on another note I am going to the dr. tonight on for my follow up sleep study, 2nd is cuz my back is hurting my so bad...3rd is I found a small bump/lump under my armpit, it is small but it hurts to touch so I want to get it checked out... I am going to the gym this morning but its not going to be a really heavy workout like I have been doing : - { :ohwell: I am just parying that everything is okay..


    Swignal - I hope everything turns out okay for the lump! You shouldn't feel guilty about what you eat, especially since you stuck to your calorie count and only had one slice of pizza. It's just going to stress you out and make you retain or even gain weight. I heard stress is a big factor for women when trying to slim down...I believe it.

    So to Adopt4 - don't stress out and remember we do retain water. Our weights will usually fluctuate a few pounds, don't feel bad!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hey, smontoya1 glad to meet you! I just saw your av change! Do you have a min pin? So do I! He's a holy terror! Thinks he owns the place. Always ready to do battle with the cats (which are at lesst ttwice his size) until one of them has had enough of him and gives him a gentle reminder of who REALLY is the boss. robokitty.gif
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Anita, good to hear that things are going so well! Under 200 sounds great!! Keep us posted on Kole. We're all pulling for him!

    adopt4, sorry you are having a cranky day. I am kinda feeling that way today, too. It seems like my weight loss has really slowed down. As much as I go blathering on about how this is a new lifestyle, and blah, blah, blah whatever else, I still watch the scale like its my only friend (or enemy, depending on what it tells me :happy: /:grumble: ). In my head, I know that's foolish, but somewhere else where so many of my decisions get made.... or rather, impulses get carried out, I can't seem to shake the scale addiction. But, enough about me, regarding your "body turning to fat." That is clearly not happening to the elliptical queen! Gotta be that old muscle is more dense, therefore heavier by volumn thing.

    swignal, take care of the lump/bump thing, girl! Don't mess with that. Sounds like you are being pretty hard on yourself. In another thread, someone told me I need to have a treat once in a while or I won't be able to stick this out. Seems like the thing to do is plan our treats, like nitag did when she went to Macaroni Grill. She looked it up ahead of time and knew what she was going to do. I don't know, I am pretty new at this, and feeling cranky today, as mentioned before, but it makes sense. The thing to remember is we aren't going to lose the weight in a couple of months. If it is to be permanent, and healthy, its going to take a while.

    Kristi I just love reading your posts. They always make me feel good.. I was cranky this morning too.. I seriously hate when people talk to me in the mornings, so much so that my boss now has me coming in at 9:30 in the morning instead of 8:30. I am also a little crampy and I know it's going to be that time any day now...

    Ok, I am going to be a harda$$ here.. We are all here cuz we make/made bad choices.. Its time to make healthy choices.. We all know what is good and what is bad when we put it in our mouths.. Like CM once said, don't reward ourselves with food, its just not an option.. Get a pedicure or a manicure.. Go to a movie.. Don't make food a reward. For my cravings for sweets i am eating Skinny Cow Ice Cream and Jello pudding.. Do I crave pizza, like no tomorrow, but if I need to eat it I eat a lean cuisine.. We have to make smart choices.. Ok, did I do good at being a harda$$:laugh: :laugh: Trust me, I am not good at it..

    LI4G.. Sorry your having a bad day.. Tomorrow will be better...

    swignal - good luck at the dr and keep us posted..

    Adopt4 - I has so having the sore hips when I woke up and when I walked..My dr told me I needed to lose weight.. Well DUH.. Geeze sometimes they think they know it all... Kidding.. Sigh.. Since I've lost 20lbs I've noticed such a big difference when I wake up but not when I get up off the floor, oh my gosh, that kills me still..

    Chanty - Hi.. Hi... Hi...

    CM- Are you with us this week.. Your such a motivator..

    Everyone else where ya at???
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Anita - Hiiii!!
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    Hey, smontoya1 glad to meet you! I just saw your av change! Do you have a min pin? So do I! He's a holy terror! Thinks he owns the place. Always ready to do battle with the cats (which are at lesst ttwice his size) until one of them has had enough of him and gives him a gentle reminder of who REALLY is the boss. robokitty.gif

    Actually I have two chihuahua's but they have the same mentality...both holy terror's and they think they are supersized. I love em like my they are real kids tho.. do you know when the next team's weigh in is? The 19th is a that the new day?
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    We weigh in every Friday on a new thread.. Week 7
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    smontoya ~ yayyyyyy so glad to see you checking in! Missed you!

    adopt4 - DH and I put the scale away this weekend - in the top of a closet upstairs - not gonna weigh for a while, but haven't decided how long yet...

    Okay gang - I'm having issues and need advice. I am 5'2", now weigh 193. I changed my life via MFP on January 7, 2009. Since that time I've lost 12 lbs. I'm not disappointed with my weight loss, slow and steady wins the race so to speak, and it averages to a little over a pound a week. My clothes are fitting more loosely, I have more physical strength and stamina during exercise, and I'm sleeping well. Here's the thing though, I'm pretty weepy and if I'm not working out, I'm relatively listless. I'm post-menopausal (for over a year now) so it's not related to TOM. Yesterday, I went to three different bmr calculators, took an average and have decided to up my calories a bit.

    MFP had me at 1320 calories per day, which was okay - cuz I don't get that hungry, BUT the lack of energy thing is something, right? Anyway, I upped my cals to 1500.

    So, just looking for your input? Have you fiddled with your calories? Do you take multi-vitamins? (I do) Do you find yourself frequesntly lacking energy or listless? Weepy? I'm trying to determine if this is just transitional due to lifestyle changes or if perhaps it could be something else....

    I await your wisdom....
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Kristi - omg!!! I think that's my cat!!!

    Anita - You're a great hard@$$ - I needed to hear that because I was just contemplating asking dh if we could go to Anthony's Fornino (brick oven pizza) for dinner tonight!!!! I think you have ESP!!:noway: Okay, I'm going to heat up the leftovers:grumble:

    Swignol - prayers for you - I'm sure it's fine, keep us posted.

    Min-pins, chihuahuas - I've had both and they are both irresistably lovable devil dogs!!! I have a rat terrier now - pretty much the same personality type - bark, bark, bark, lick, lick, lick, jump, jump, jump:love:
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    Thanks Nitag!
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    smontoya ~ yayyyyyy so glad to see you checking in! Missed you!

    adopt4 - DH and I put the scale away this weekend - in the top of a closet upstairs - not gonna weigh for a while, but haven't decided how long yet...

    Okay gang - I'm having issues and need advice. I am 5'2", now weigh 193. I changed my life via MFP on January 7, 2009. Since that time I've lost 12 lbs. I'm not disappointed with my weight loss, slow and steady wins the race so to speak, and it averages to a little over a pound a week. My clothes are fitting more loosely, I have more physical strength and stamina during exercise, and I'm sleeping well. Here's the thing though, I'm pretty weepy and if I'm not working out, I'm relatively listless. I'm post-menopausal (for over a year now) so it's not related to TOM. Yesterday, I went to three different bmr calculators, took an average and have decided to up my calories a bit.

    MFP had me at 1320 calories per day, which was okay - cuz I don't get that hungry, BUT the lack of energy thing is something, right? Anyway, I upped my cals to 1500.

    So, just looking for your input? Have you fiddled with your calories? Do you take multi-vitamins? (I do) Do you find yourself frequesntly lacking energy or listless? Weepy? I'm trying to determine if this is just transitional due to lifestyle changes or if perhaps it could be something else....

    I await your wisdom....

    I think 1500 cals is better, especially if you exercise. You never want your body to think it's going into starving mode..I take multi-vitamins and fish oil. Hopefully the calorie uptake will keep you more energized. I'm not sure about the weepy part, I get weepy but I'm not sure either. Sometimes I'll be running on the treadmill and I'll see a commercial that'll make my emotions go overload and I think I'm about to cry in the middle of the gym...maybe cuz of the blood flow and the uptake of oxygen to my brain..haha...not sure. Are you feeling down when you get weepy or listless?
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    I think 1500 cals is better, especially if you exercise. You never want your body to think it's going into starving mode..I take multi-vitamins and fish oil. Hopefully the calorie uptake will keep you more energized. I'm not sure about the weepy part, I get weepy but I'm not sure either. Sometimes I'll be running on the treadmill and I'll see a commercial that'll make my emotions go overload and I think I'm about to cry in the middle of the gym...maybe cuz of the blood flow and the uptake of oxygen to my brain..haha...not sure. Are you feeling down when you get weepy or listless?

    I don't think I'm feeling "blue" so to speak, just sort of hyper-emotional - seriously you cry on the treadmill? Is that normal for you or do you really think it has something to do with the exercise? I've always been the kind of person that cries at sentimental commercials and stuff, but this for me is different. I'm not emotional during exercise, more a few hours after... hmmmmm, maybe some sort of endorphin thing?? This is interesting.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I think 1500 cals is better, especially if you exercise. You never want your body to think it's going into starving mode..I take multi-vitamins and fish oil. Hopefully the calorie uptake will keep you more energized. I'm not sure about the weepy part, I get weepy but I'm not sure either. Sometimes I'll be running on the treadmill and I'll see a commercial that'll make my emotions go overload and I think I'm about to cry in the middle of the gym...maybe cuz of the blood flow and the uptake of oxygen to my brain..haha...not sure. Are you feeling down when you get weepy or listless?

    I don't think I'm feeling "blue" so to speak, just sort of hyper-emotional - seriously you cry on the treadmill? Is that normal for you or do you really think it has something to do with the exercise? I've always been the kind of person that cries at sentimental commercials and stuff, but this for me is different. I'm not emotional during exercise, more a few hours after... hmmmmm, maybe some sort of endorphin thing?? This is interesting.


    Eat more.
    YES TAKE a multivitamin AND calcium supplement AND a 3.6.9. Omega supplement.

    1. Supplement ~ You cannot possibly get enough nutrients from the calorie-deficit diet needed to lose weight. If you aren't replacing them through supplements, you will start to have energy issues.

    2. Calcium ~ The calcium should be the kind WITH vitamin D for proper absorbtion. Change your nutrition tracking on your food diary to include Calcium. You will see that you probably are way under if you aren't supplementing. Low calcium causes your body to leech calcium from your bones. It also causes your kidneys to work too hard, trying to find calcium. Do your workout clothes get that "ammonia" smell?

    ~Centrum is fine for vitamins. Get the Multi-Vitamin / Multi-Mineral Centrum. Don't take more than you need. If you are post-menopausal, don't use the Centrum with extra Iron. The regular Centrum is fine. Check out their website.

    3. Omega Oils ~ The Omega 3.6.9 is crucial too. The fish oil and flax oil is brain food. Low oil in your diet (low fat) will cause you to crave sugars. Make sure you are getting enough good fat (good oils).

    4. TAKE A DAY OFF from exercise. You need it, and you should take it. 3 or 5 days a week exercising is perfect. There is the law of diminishing returns when it comes to exercise.

    5. And finally, as Kristi and Adopt4 and I said - your drug of choice (food) is gone. You now have to "deal" with your emotions. No medication. No "old" coping skills. That could be the emotional part - or it could be pre or post -menopausal hormones, or brain chemicals. Been there. You may need some prescriptions if the suggestions above don't help.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member

    I had a scuba dive yesterday - in the snow! Well, in the water, but it was snowing! The surface-swim out to the underwater dive park was surreal. Huge snowflakes swirling around - you know those fist-size floaters. It was cool.
    Anytime there is a dive scheduled, I am busy for two days, getting everything together and packed on Saturday, then the dive day is a seven to ten hour chunk of time. So I was away from the computer - and I had to eat two big breakfasts yesterday. The cold and energy expended diving and carrying all the heavy equipmement burns lots of calories. Early to bed after.

    My camera went ka-put. So now I will buy a new one. Someone took pics on the 'snow-dive' but I haven't gotten mine yet. When I get them, I'll share.
    Anita, Kole was lucky they caught that infection early. Those babies are so resilient!

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Start Weight / Goal Weight / Current Weight / Week's loss

    LosingIt4Good - SW 222/GW 175/CW 220/ Loss 2 pounds
    dewdrop - SW 134/GW 124/CW 132/ Loss 2 pounds
    Stillkristi - SW 461/GW 195/CW 440/ Loss 1.75 pounds
    healthymom - SW208/ GW150/ CW192 Loss 3 pounds
    LaciJae - SW 199/ GW 140/ CW 179.4 Loss 3 pounds
    nitag - SW 202/ GW 145/ CW 200 Loss 2 lbs
    Swignal- SW 317/ GW 130/ CW 315/ Loss 2 pounds
    adopt4 - SW 273/GW 191/CW 253.5 - loss 2.5 pounds
    Chantybear - SW 148/GW 125/CW 137- Loss 1 pound
    lulubar- SW205/GW145/CW193- loss 0 pounds
    Zano - sw/gw/cw 208/165/195 no change

    Stay away from the scales until Friday. You'll be so much happier......kristi..........:flowerforyou:

    Great Work on creating the "Garage" Gym ............kristi :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Back smontoya. You can run (and please DO! ) but you can't hide. Glad you're back! :flowerforyou:

    Sheila, you will have more days where your food choice aren't the best. We're only human. :flowerforyou:
    I pigged out all day yesterday, rationalizing, "The SCUBA dive burned all the calories off...." yeah. :laugh: I can't wear my HRM below 30 feet depth, so I never really know how many calories I burn. So I just eat whatever I feel like on dive days. It's okay.

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    smontoya ~ yayyyyyy so glad to see you checking in! Missed you!

    adopt4 - DH and I put the scale away this weekend - in the top of a closet upstairs - not gonna weigh for a while, but haven't decided how long yet...

    Okay gang - I'm having issues and need advice. I am 5'2", now weigh 193. I changed my life via MFP on January 7, 2009. Since that time I've lost 12 lbs. I'm not disappointed with my weight loss, slow and steady wins the race so to speak, and it averages to a little over a pound a week. My clothes are fitting more loosely, I have more physical strength and stamina during exercise, and I'm sleeping well. Here's the thing though, I'm pretty weepy and if I'm not working out, I'm relatively listless. I'm post-menopausal (for over a year now) so it's not related to TOM. Yesterday, I went to three different bmr calculators, took an average and have decided to up my calories a bit.

    MFP had me at 1320 calories per day, which was okay - cuz I don't get that hungry, BUT the lack of energy thing is something, right? Anyway, I upped my cals to 1500.

    So, just looking for your input? Have you fiddled with your calories? Do you take multi-vitamins? (I do) Do you find yourself frequesntly lacking energy or listless? Weepy? I'm trying to determine if this is just transitional due to lifestyle changes or if perhaps it could be something else....

    I await your wisdom....

    I totally need a nap and can't get anything done on days I don't go to the gym.. which is one of the main reasons I decided to go every day.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    smontoya ~ yayyyyyy so glad to see you checking in! Missed you!

    adopt4 - DH and I put the scale away this weekend - in the top of a closet upstairs - not gonna weigh for a while, but haven't decided how long yet...

    Okay gang - I'm having issues and need advice. I am 5'2", now weigh 193. I changed my life via MFP on January 7, 2009. Since that time I've lost 12 lbs. I'm not disappointed with my weight loss, slow and steady wins the race so to speak, and it averages to a little over a pound a week. My clothes are fitting more loosely, I have more physical strength and stamina during exercise, and I'm sleeping well. Here's the thing though, I'm pretty weepy and if I'm not working out, I'm relatively listless. I'm post-menopausal (for over a year now) so it's not related to TOM. Yesterday, I went to three different bmr calculators, took an average and have decided to up my calories a bit.

    MFP had me at 1320 calories per day, which was okay - cuz I don't get that hungry, BUT the lack of energy thing is something, right? Anyway, I upped my cals to 1500.

    So, just looking for your input? Have you fiddled with your calories? Do you take multi-vitamins? (I do) Do you find yourself frequesntly lacking energy or listless? Weepy? I'm trying to determine if this is just transitional due to lifestyle changes or if perhaps it could be something else....

    I await your wisdom....

    This thing has me at 1200 calories a day which isn't enough.. Sometimes I eat more sometimes less. Just depends on my hunger level. Some days I am starving and just grumpy... Like CM said, food used to be our drug of choice and now we just have to deal with our emotions in different ways.. I also believe I am pre-menopausal who knows. Boy and I am super weepy when it's the TOM.. I hate that thing.. I have been thinking of a multi-vitamin but I hate the taste.. But I think its a good idea..

    Update on Kole:
    this baby has everything wrong with him :sad: his valve from his lungs to his heart has to be replaced, his esophogas (sp) needs to be repaired, something about wrinkles and his is straight..Then the infection, they now know what it is and its bad its e-coli. It seems like it just keeps getting worse. The Dr. is going to a nationwide CDH convention and taking all of Kole's stuff with him to show the other Doctors. They have also called in a specialist to help with the E-coli and some of his other issues.. My niece is just at her wits end. They told her that the way things look right now that if they get to the point of him ever being well enough to go home it might be the end of summer time..

    I am off to fold laundry.. DH didn't do a thing today... :huh: