THE Team Week 6 - 3/13/09 to 3/19/09



  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Wow, this is really serendipitous! I was pondering just today how I had a lot of energy when I first started the d--- oops, new lifestyle, but lately, I feel pretty sluggish. I think cm is right on target, adequate nutrition and micronutrients, and essential fats are critical. WONDERFUL INFORMATION!! There is a thread where Banks waxes poetic on this subject. Its quite lengthy, but helpful. I asked him a question and the response (which is in the thread) was very helpful to me. The thread is

    So, thanks lulu for asking this, its pretty timely for me, too. My sis tells me that a little avacado, some almonds, salmon, etc are helpful sources of some of the needed essential oils. As far as the weepiness goes, that could be part of the caloric deficit. And, I still think it could be part of the postmenapausal joy. I find mysel being a lot more weepy since aunt flow stopped comming so regularly.

    And, by the way, come and get your cat! He's holding my dog hostage. :wink: Actually, my cats (three cats, one dog, yes I am THAT lady in the neighborhood!) do a pretty good job on him. One just sits quietly and when he scampers by, she reaches out and pats him, like she is saying, "Tag, you're it." My male cat finds the dog facinating. I think he is doing research on him. He loves to run outside when the dog goes out. He stalks him through the back yard, just as the lion stalks the unsuspecting wildebeest.

    smontoya, interesting that you, are suffering from the weepy feeling, too. I wonder if it is what victorian novels refer to as "The Vapors" ? But, seriously, I absolutely get crying on the tredmill. I cry just thinking about the tredmill. And the elliptical strikes me with dread! smiley_emoticons_flucht.gif

    cm, a diver on top of everything else! I want to be like you when I grow up.

    Somewhere I read that a true friend is the best possession. Well friends,
    Thanks for being such good friends!

    Er, having made a fourtunate discovery by accident. Sorry,
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I have been thinking of a multi-vitamin but I hate the taste.. But I think its a good idea..

    Perhaps flintstone vitamins?
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    CM ~ 23_30_1261.gif

    I hadn't even thought about my drug of choice being gone! Dang, cigarettes gone, rarely do I have alcohol, now food's gone. My poooor body - standing here withou a crutch!! Okay, I'm going to get the multi-vitamin with minerals - I think that would have to help, and I'll get the 3.6.9. Omega also. I do take calcium with vit. D per orders from doc after hysterectomy, but I have not been vigilant with that lately - it's a darn big pill!!

    Really, thank you for your input - it is greatly appreciated and I will definately take your advice my trusted sage!!!

    Sorry your camera went ka-put. I was hoping it recovered:ohwell: This is my next camera: The Mino Flip - it is sooooo cool. Takes video and then plugs right into the laptop and you can pull still shots right from the video. A family member had one at our Christmas get together and she demonstrated it and I fell in love with it. They are not expensive, but I am waiting til my income is a little more substantial...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I have been thinking of a multi-vitamin but I hate the taste.. But I think its a good idea..

    Perhaps flintstone vitamins?

    You have to take MultiVitamins or any B vitamins with a meal. Otherwise you get tummy upset and the lovely flavor reflux.

    Centrum is enteric-coated. No Vitamin flavor. Try them. You really really need them. Honest. Especially the fats and Calcium.
    The link below my weight ticker has ALL those great Banks posts, and many other important ones if you are ever looking for one. I add new ones all the time, so scroll through the posts on my thread and there are newer ones in there.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey all.....I had a pretty good day today. Went to they gym and did the elliptical for 30 minutes then went and sat in the jacuzzi for 15. Let those jets work my back and by the time I was done with that, I felt awesome so I decided to swim and did moderate laps for 45 minutes. Sat in the sauna and got all toasty for 15 minutes. My left shoulder is singing at me from the swim. I think I may have overextended it a little. Its a motrin night for sure! Im sure it'll be fine tomorrow.

    I was needing some adult interaction time... or, basically ANY kind of interaction time with other people around me besides little ones. Since I was stuck at home all weekend, I just needed out! I spent the rest of the day hanging out with a friend. Got home a little bit ago and the kids are back, so my house is no longer quiet...:laugh: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Lulu- I think 1500 is a better choice, especially if you are working out. My MFP calories are set at 1300 but when I add my exercise of 500 or 600 calories burned... I eat more like 1600-1800 calories. If you are lifting weights at all, you will want to eat on the higher end of that for energy. I'll eat on the lower side some days, the higher on others, depending on what I did at the gym. Also, I always eat about a 400-500 calorie breakfast when I go to the gym in the AM. If I dont go until later, I always make sure I eat good first so I dont run out of steam 1/2 way through. Of course, eating the good for you stuff is pretty critical. I take a multivitamin, Omega Fish Oil, Cinnamon, allergy and motrin pills every morning. I hate taking pills so Ive really had to stay on my own butt about taking them every day. Better to have to take multivits than medication for something caused by NOT taking them. :laugh: And CM is right, the deficit here doesnt give you enough even if you eat nothing but good stuff.

    Nitag- Poor little dude! It sounds like he has a very good team of doctors pulling for him which is great. I'll say some extra prayers tonight for him. Thanks for keeping us updated on how hes doing.

    Adopt4- stay off that flippin scale! Put it away until Friday and dont look back. You will drive yourself crazy with the yo-yoing that goes on over the course of a week. Also, like I told you earlier today... you may need to change your exercise routine again. It could be that your body has adjusted to what your doing already. Change it around and see what happens.:flowerforyou:

    CM~ You are NUTS!!!!!! Diving in the snow!!?? Yesterday was so nasty and windy here. I was chasing garbage can lids down the street... there is no way you could get me to go swim in that! Are you certified??? If so, That is way cool! I love to swim (in warm but I cant dive. I have bad ears. :cry: Morgolis is certified tho and during the summer he gets 2 tanks so we can scuba in our friends pool. I love it, but the pool is about as deep as I can go without killing my eardrums. I cant wait to see pics.. that is cool!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    CM~ You are NUTS!!!!!! Diving in the snow!!?? Yesterday was so nasty and windy here. I was chasing garbage can lids down the street... there is no way you could get me to go swim in that! Are you certified??? If so, That is way cool! I love to swim (in warm but I cant dive. I have bad ears. Morgolis is certified tho and during the summer he gets 2 tanks so we can scuba in our friends pool. I love it, but the pool is about as deep as I can go without killing my eardrums. I cant wait to see pics.. that is cool!

    I try to always keep my promises. You know, when you make plans for a dive, if you back out, then many people are inconvenienced. It isn't a sport one does alone. There were two people making their DiveMaster's Certification Dives and they needed us there. I was kinda hoping one of THEM would back out so I could bail, but - it was fun though - and something to add to "life experiences"

    Certified Open Water, yes.

    My ears used to give me trouble, but they get better as you dive more. Unless your eardrums ruptured badly. One of my eardrums ruptured, but it's okay now.

    Pt St Lucie = warm water dives. Ahhhh. I'll be visiting - oh, wait. Sharks.:noway:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    CM ~ 23_30_1261.gif

    I hadn't even thought about my drug of choice being gone! Dang, cigarettes gone, rarely do I have alcohol, now food's gone. My poooor body - standing here withou a crutch!! Okay, I'm going to get the multi-vitamin with minerals - I think that would have to help, and I'll get the 3.6.9. Omega also. I do take calcium with vit. D per orders from doc after hysterectomy, but I have not been vigilant with that lately - it's a darn big pill!!

    Really, thank you for your input - it is greatly appreciated and I will definately take your advice my trusted sage!!!

    Sorry your camera went ka-put. I was hoping it recovered:ohwell: This is my next camera: The Mino Flip - it is sooooo cool. Takes video and then plugs right into the laptop and you can pull still shots right from the video. A family member had one at our Christmas get together and she demonstrated it and I fell in love with it. They are not expensive, but I am waiting til my income is a little more substantial...

    No beat.gif Crutches.

    Suck it up on the big Calcium pills. No one said this would be easy. I take 'em twice a day, too. We're in this together.

    And thanks, I'll check out the camera.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    you guys are the bestest!!! JC_ThankYou.gif

    Adopt4, Kristi, LI4G, Anita :Thank you - I knew I could count on my buddies here. Just knowing there are others in this boat gives me a lot of relief! Honestly, if it's all just part of the journey, I can deal - I am going to add all the vitamins, minerals and oils, and I like the idea of some nuts and avocado and such (yum).

    Hey, don't do Flinstone - my 19 yo skinny son eats the worst diet ever- the other day I actually found an adult "gummy" multivitamin for him at Target! Gummy's creep me out a little, but he loves 'em so yay, a vitamin he'll take!

    Kristi - you can keep that dang crazy cat! My black cat (that is soooo sweet) will lay down with my dog and just lick her and nuzzle her and clean her - they are both so old, the cat is 14 and the dog is 13 and they just looooove each other!

    CM - I am a water rat big time. I'd rather be in the water than anywhere on earth, but you've trumped anything I've ever done by diving in the snow!! I am in AWE:noway:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Hey, don't do Flinstone - my 19 yo skinny son eats the worst diet ever- the other day I actually found an adult "gummy" multivitamin for him at Target! Gummy's creep me out a little, but he loves 'em so yay, a vitamin he'll take!

    I just started taking those, couldn't stand the horse pills they call vitamins these days... but they don't have enough of stuff that other things do. Dangit.

    Hey, I started gaining weight back when I started taking them... coincidence???
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member

    My dad used to tell us we were 1/2 Irish, 1/2 Indian and 1/2 Idiot!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Morning gals and guys.

    Yesterday I felt like absolute lazy crap, I hope today is not the same:frown:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I don't have a lot of time to post.. I am rewarding myself today.. I am going to get my hair done..Woot Woot...

    Talk to you all later...
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Morning gals and guys.

    Yesterday I felt like absolute lazy crap, I hope today is not the same:frown:

    It's my third day today to feel like that. :ohwell: Not intentionally lazy, just, you know... Blah! :huh:

    I gotta catch up with your posts. Wonder if I'll manage :glasses:.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Morning everyone! I fear the dreaded plateau is decending upon me!!! (Or, I am decending upon it.)
    Ugh!! My weight hasn't changed since Friday, other than to go up about a half a pound for a minute. :grumble: :grumble: . I am going to wait until Friday to officially call it a plateau, but I fear the worst.. :sad:

    I will work extra hard at eating enough calories, vitamins, and exercise. See ya later!

    Have a great day! Chanty its a new day! Have a great one. Lulu, thanks for the reminder, must wear green to work. Everyone else have a great day!!! :bigsmile: Kristi
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Kristi, step away from the scale. Walk toward the light - then keep walking and drinking water.

    Scale is the :devil: Spawn.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You are correct Obiwan, thanks for the reminder! I am working on my reframe already! For example, yesterday, I re-did the measurements, and generally, they were down, waist, hips, upper arm, thigh all down from .25 to .5 inches since March 5. For some reason, my neck has increased .5 :huh: Perhaps I am growing a goiter....... ? And, my BMI is down another point so, its off to drink more water, and then to work. Take care! :bigsmile:
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Kristi, lets hope its not a plateau.. I try not to way my self everyday.. I try and only do it once a week just incase the scale dont change cuz I dont want to get discourages.. or I dont want to see the scale go up either!!! well lets hope for the best Kristi..

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I talked to a trainer today, because I'm depressed about this stupid weight gain, and she told me (as did everyone else, but I'm hard headed) that there's NO WAY I could gain 3 pounds of fat in 3 days unless I consumed something like 5000 calories per day! It's WATER WEIGHT, like ya'll been telling me. I guess I needed to hear it from someone in person. And when I thought about it, I haven't been drinking as much water, I haven't been checking my sodium as much (need to research that more, find out what I"m supposed to have outside of MFP's guidelines)... So I feel better.

    She did say if I'm hitting a plateau, shake it up. Stillkristi, if you're hitting a plateau, it's a good thing, because your body is getting used to what you're doing! It's getting healthier! So shake it up, girlfriend. Do intervals (I think you are riding a bike, right?) and go your normal speed for 2 mins, then as hard as you can for 30 seconds, back down to your normal speed... etc. Intervals freaks the body out into losing again. That's what the trainer told me and I've heard that before...

    So I can finally do 30 mins on the elliptical (well, 35 with built in cooldown!) and she says it's time to shake it up, do it at my level 3 for a while, then go to 10 for 30 seconds, then back down... so that's what I'm doing tomorrow!! I don't think I'm plateauing yet (haven't hit one since I started this, because about every 30 days I know my body adjusts and I've been adjusting stuff at that point), I think it's just my sodium/water intake I screwed up on.

    I did also change my MFP goals to 30/40/30.. 30% fat in diet, 40% carbs, 30% protein. The protein was lower and the carbs were higher, but we'll see how I do in getting things in line with that. She also said that you need to eat like that EVERY MEAL. I have not been. Like when we had the crab, I just had crab. Well, you need the balance each meal so your body doesn't hold onto fat. I didn't realize that, so I need to change that up too.

    SO thanks for all your support and help, and yes, I know, everyone told me it was water weight... I just needed a more "professional" opinion to tell me there was no way no how I gained that in fat in that short of a time.

    Is anyone a physical therapist in this group? I have a question for you...

    :love: to you all!!!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Afternoon everyone!

    Chanty I love that pita thingamabob that you told me to make. I had it again for lunch today and ya know all them mushrooms I had that I was afraid would go bad before they got eaten?? Well... I have enough for 1 more sandwhich tomorrow.. LOL! Yumyumyum!

    Has anyone heard of "the zone". The trainer at the gym mentioned it today and thought I would throw it out there and see if anyone has heard of it. Gonna do a little research on it. She said basically that it is a way of eating that levels out your insulin by eating 40% carbs, 30% fat & 30% protien. Just curious if anyone else is doing this and if its working for them. Im at adopt4's house visiting with her, so we are gonna look some stuff up and see what we can find.

  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Morning gals and guys.

    Yesterday I felt like absolute lazy crap, I hope today is not the same:frown:

    It's my third day today to feel like that. :ohwell: Not intentionally lazy, just, you know... Blah! :huh:

    I gotta catch up with your posts. Wonder if I'll manage :glasses:.

    Today is better I think, I am eating a bit more then 1200, and going to see if it makes a difference.