THE Team Week 6 - 3/13/09 to 3/19/09



  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I am very proud of you for making you 20 lbs lost... I cant wait til I get there... I would love to join the team and the weigh in's just trying to figure it all out... hope to see you all around some more... Sheila
    my starting weight was 317 my goal weight is 130 and I weigh 315 right now... 2 lbs lost... but I did lose some inches... yay

    You ARE on the team, silly! And, good job on the inches. And, the extra energy, which you mentioned in another post! :wink:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I am very proud of you for making you 20 lbs lost... I cant wait til I get there... I would love to join the team and the weigh in's just trying to figure it all out... hope to see you all around some more... Sheila
    my starting weight was 317 my goal weight is 130 and I weigh 315 right now... 2 lbs lost... but I did lose some inches... yay

    You ARE on the team, silly! And, good job on the inches. And, the extra energy, which you mentioned in another post! :wink:

    Yeah, Sheila Girl! Youse is one o' the gang now! :flowerforyou:

    See, Lulubar even added your Stats to our running totals on the weigh-ins.

    You're one of our peeps..chicken.gif
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hey, everyone, LONG day at work. (I say that about 5 days a week, I think, which is odd, since I only work 4 days!)

    Anita, Kole is absolutely beautiful. And, as CMR said, what amazing eyes! My prayers are with you and your family, and like CMR said, I wish I could do more.

    We are grateful for interesting things, arent' we? poop, and loose undies, skinny feet, and something called turdukin. Seriously, how would you eat something like that? I can't wrap my head around it at all! ANdy how does it get cooked? I mean, how do you make sure it gets cooked all the way through? Ok, I am perseverating, I know.

    CMR, nice new pic. DId you take that? Lovely!

    adopt4, taters on my farm, but I think I said that before. I feel a chorus of Green Acres coming on!

    jyrowe WELCOME!!

    Good job on the weight loss this week! 1_smiley.gif

    Love you guys!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Kristi, you are tooooo funny.

    My dad used to cook turkey in his smoker standing on its tail with an open can of beer up its butt.

    The av is a field of shamrocks, and that is a 4-Leafer!

    no, I found it online.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member

    per⋅sev⋅er⋅ate  Pronunciation [per-sev-uh-reyt]
    –verb (used without object), -at⋅ed, -at⋅ing. to repeat something insistently or redundantly: to perseverate in reminding children of their responsibilities.

    show off. :laugh:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    True, nothing worse than a perseverating show-off. Makes ya want to give them a whack at an opportune moment.

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I have seen chicken cooked with a can of beer up its butt. Turkey must be cooked on a tall boy. And, tofurkey?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    True, nothing worse than a perseverating show-off. Makes ya want to give them a whack at an opportune moment.


    he he you swiped one of those **bad** ones.....redx2.gif

    tofurkey is wrong on so many levels, I'd drink the beer and have frozen dinners.........

    D'oh, sorry Chantybear 008.gif

    p.s. the av is a 4-leafed clover. What was I thinking..:embarassed: I have another picture with shamrocks. They don't look a bit alike....

  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    okay, this is gonna be long - I got catching up to do...

    LI4G - thanks for opening the week- you did CM's traditions proud with an encouraging and thoughtful opener! You DO rock, actually.

    LosingIt4Good - SW 222/GW 175/CW 220/ Loss 2 pounds
    dewdrop - SW 134/GW 124/CW 132/ Loss 2 pounds
    Stillkristi - SW 461/GW 195/CW 440/ Loss 1.75 pounds
    healthymom - SW208/ GW150/ CW192 Loss 3 pounds
    LaciJae - SW 199/ GW 140/ CW 179.4 Loss 3 pounds
    nitag - SW 202/ GW 145/ CW 200 Loss 2 lbs
    Swignal- SW 317/ GW 130/ CW 315/ Loss 2 pounds
    adopt4 - SW 273/GW 191/CW 253.5 - loss 2.5 pounds
    Chantybear - SW 148/GW 125/CW 137- Loss 1 pound
    lulubar- SW205/GW145/CW193- loss 0 pounds

    I didn't lose a pound this week, BUT I can pull my pants off without unzipping them AND my underwear is all loose:blushing: so I'm a happy girl:bigsmile: I seem to just lose pounds every other week:ohwell: And Adopt4 - get this - my shoes are a bit loose too - so I must be getting skinny feet along with you! I might have to get a toe ring to draw attention to my thin parts!

    CM - your helpfulness never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for being you and thanks especially that you are always so willing to share your knowledge with us:smooched: I really missed you!!

    Yes Kristi - turduckin is real - I didn't make it up. The best in the State is at Landry's in Lafayette.:love:

    Nita, Kristy and Adopt4 - our first 20 lb. losers!!!!! Congrats girls! You make me proud - and a little jealous:tongue:

    Lacijae - missed you girl - glad you are feeling better and back with us.
    Swignol - you are off to a great start!!! Way to go!
    Dewdrop - you are such a great addition to our party - and you are doing so great. Yayyy for you!
    Healthymom - what a great week! Good for you! How are those situps treating you? I'm staying pretty sore ~ but glad I'm doing it.

    Chanty - If I ran for five miles, maybe I'd lose a pound too:drinker: You're awesome! Good job:flowerforyou:

    Anita - prayers for Kole - that baby is too precious and just the sweet look on his face - that child is here for a reason and has a mission - He is beautiful and looks like he means business!!!:heart:

    Dairy farm milk - I spent the summer in an orphanage when I was 8, the orphanage was on a dairy farm and all the kids had chores around the farm (I was terrified of the cows!!!!) BUT I loved the milk - I remember it was in these big metal barrels, refridgerated, they were sort of like a beer keg with a spout, and I would sneak in and drink that foamy cold milk right out of the spout until I was sick. MMMMmmmmmm. It was gooooood.

    kelleighanne, renayeb, zano, getfit???? where are you guys?

    jyrowe - welcome to THE Team! You've joined a great group:glasses:
    Wow, everyone did well this week. Nice Job Team. No change here, but my wogging is going well. Up to a mile and a half on the track (total time 18 min), not including the 1.5 mi walk to the track and back which means total of 4.5 everytime I wog. This week will be better...:smooched: Zano
  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    Ooops forgot to post my results,
    sw/gw/cw 208/165/195 no change this week132398.png
    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Kristi, you are tooooo funny.

    My dad used to cook turkey in his smoker standing on its tail with an open can of beer up its butt.

    The av is a field of shamrocks, and that is a 4-Leafer!

    no, I found it online.

    Ok that is too funny... I couldn't stop laughing.. My husband seriously thinks were all nuts......
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Zano~ 18 minutes for 1.5 miles!!! That is awesome!!! Im still stuck around 20:39 for my 1.5 and feel like my legs are gonna fall off if I go any faster. 18 minutes is a great time... only 3 measily minutes for you to reach your goal by APRIL....good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had to share that my daughter's track season started a couple weeks ago and she has been practicing. She surprised her coach yesterday and did a 5:20 mile!!!!!!!!! God I feel old... LOL! Her goal is to shave 10 seconds off of THAT to beat the school record. Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn Shelllllllllbyyyyyyyyyyyy Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!

    On a funny note.... she went with me to the gym for family night a couple weeks ago and tried out the elliptical. She couldnt make it for 5 minutes!!! Said it was KILLING her! Adopt4 and I both were surprised to hear that one. She thinks we are both insane for being able to do it 30+ minutes now.. :laugh:

    CM- I LOVE BEERBUTT CHICKEN!!! I have a whole book of recipies for different types of it. YUM YUM!! Turkey WOULD be good that way... Altho, I dont think I could fit a turkey standing up inside my grill.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good afternoon everyone..

    Kole made it through the night. They collapsed his small lung so that he stops using it.. They took him off the ventilator and put him on an osalator?? Sorry spelling... He is a fighter. They almost lost him last night :cry: but as of today he is improving. The Dr. said he is going uphill... His intestines are inside now. When they did the surgery they discovered his colon had been punctured by the stitches and thats what caused him to go downhill so fast. They repaired that.. They said after they get the infection under control they should be able to hold him for the first time.. Something to look forward too. Please still lots of prayers....

    Tonight we are going to dinner for my daughter in laws birthday... She wants to go to Macaroni Gill. I looked it up and they have a skinny chicken dish for under 500 calories... so I am having that with a side salad with fat free dressing that they also serve.. I am going prepared....

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend..
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hello everyone. I have been out working in the garage. Dirty job, but someone has to do it, and the great thing is, I am able to do it! (Small gains, but gains nonetheless.)

    Nita, I am so glad to hear about Kole improving today. He is still in my prayers!

    Zano, does one encourage a fella by saying things like, "Don't worry about not losing, you should try on some clothing that used to fit tight." ? I hesitate to ask if you have applied the loose underwear test.... Anyway, you really are pretty inspiring. Walking to tthe track then exercising, then waling back. Beyond my comprehension at this point. And, you are always so upbeat and sincere. Thanks!

    Li4g, seriously, a whole cookbook? I am intrigued. Tell me more. It is kina poetic justice that your daughter hates the elliptical. Though you know my feelings about that infernal machine! I will stick to flat surfaces, thanks very much! smiley_on_tredmil.gif

    CM, I am thinking that tofurkey would need to be perched on a can of neer beer. :wink: Well, I must log mu lunch calories, and then off to the races! Or, the garage, as it were. See ya!:bigsmile:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Li4g, seriously, a whole cookbook? I am intrigued. Tell me more. It is kina poetic justice that your daughter hates the elliptical. Though you know my feelings about that infernal machine! I will stick to flat surfaces, thanks very much! smiley_on_tredmil.gif

    Yep it is a whole book. Has some great recipes in there also. Its written by the same guy that wrote the BBQ Bible and Rubs & Sauces Bible. Im a bbq junkie, but prefer my own to what I could get out anywhere. The beer butt chicken is actually pretty easy to do. I purchased a couple little stands from Lowes that is ment for cooking beer chicken. Its just a wire basket that you put the beer can in and slide the chicken down over the top so the basket sits inside it. You only use about 3/4 of a can of beer and the chicken doesnt really taste like beer. It just turns out really juicy and moist. You can use beer in the crockpot too with just about any kind of meat (my fav being a pork roast) and it will fall apart the same way. Diet coke works too believe it or not.. LOL

    I understand about the elliptical. I'll have to send a pic of her so you can see WHY i think it is such a riot that she hates it. I did 40 minutes on it total today, 25 on the treadmill. I didnt think I could go that long today.. I was so tired!! When I got there adopt4 was already getting started on the elliptical and I was just having fun climbing the stairs to get to where she was. I think I just hadnt had enough coffee this morning yet...LOL..I plugged away on it for 30 minutes and felt tired, then went and walked 25 minutes... then did 10 more on the elliptical. I burned a total of 630 calories and I am pooped! Its definitely gonna be a lazy movie night for me again!!

    I have 1 crableg left from yesterday's trip to costco and some salmon in the freezer so Im gonna attempt to make some crab stuffed salmon for dinner. Might as well eat good... just me tonight again.. LOL
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member

    I have 1 crableg left from yesterday's trip to costco and some salmon in the freezer so Im gonna attempt to make some crab stuffed salmon for dinner. Might as well eat good... just me tonight again.. LOL

    I will be right over!

    I'm with you on the BBQ, though I am not that good at it yet.
    But, this summer, I am going to master the mysteries!BBQSmiley.gif
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Lulu - Thanks hun!:laugh: You are awesome as well! I love when I do not have to undo my jeans, wow that sounds lazy!

    Cmr - It is fine, my bf was making fun of what I eat last night anyways:grumble: .

    I just got back from snowshoeing an hour ago, so fun, but I feel so lazy now:tongue:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member

    I have 1 crableg left from yesterday's trip to costco and some salmon in the freezer so Im gonna attempt to make some crab stuffed salmon for dinner. Might as well eat good... just me tonight again.. LOL

    I will be right over!

    I'm with you on the BBQ, though I am not that good at it yet.
    But, this summer, I am going to master the mysteries!BBQSmiley.gif

    LOL Come on over.. I have so much left over!! Enough for the next 2 nights at least!! I totally winged the stuffed salmon and it turned out perfect!!

    I used a big salmon filet, probably about 1.5 pounds. I had got a huge filet at costco and cut it up for the freezer. So I pulled out the smallest one I had and it was still huge. Anyway, thawed that out, then used a sharp knife to cut 1/2 way down the center, lengthwise, then fileted it from the center and opened it up with the edges still attached. Sprayed a glass baking dish with pam nonstick spray and put the fish in. Preheated the oven to 400. Then I made the stuffing, trying to copy the type of stuff they serve at newport bay, the only real difference from what I could tell is I didnt use shrimp and thiers was a bit more cheesy......totally winged it!!...

    I had one 1/2 pound alaskan king crableg so I shelled it and pulled out all the meat making sure there were no shell pieces. Shredded it up and put it on the saucepan on the stove. Added the following:

    3oz of fat free cream cheese
    3 tblsp grated parmesan cheese
    3 tblsp progresso italian style breadcrumbs
    1 tsp dried dill

    Mixed it all together over medium low heat until the cheese was melty and everything was combined.
    Opened up the salmon and blobbed the mixture down the middle, then folded the sides over the top as best I could. Shouldnt be able to close it all the way.

    Sprinkle salmon with garlic salt, lawrys seasoning salt and a little bit of pepper, drizzle with fresh squeezed lemon. Bake at 400 for about 20 minutes or until salmon is cooked through at the thickest part.

    THEN.... I made a lemon dill hollandaise sauce to go with it. 1 packet of knorr hollandaise sauce mix.. prepare as directed on package. When done, add 1 tsp dried dill and the juice from 1/2 a small lemon. Stir to combine.

    I steamed some asparagus to go with it, which went great with the sauce too. :)

    Bon Appetite!

    As for BBQing, I have alot of GREAT ideas if you truely wanna master that grill. Are you using charcoal or gas??
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Wow! That sounds great! I had (sorry, cover your ears chanty) a piece of pork shank roast with a sauce made with portabello mushrooms. I also had steamed asperagus and a big salad.

    My bbq is gas.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    mmmmmmmmmmmm mushrooms.. I have a huge container of baby porta's in the fridge that I got at costco yesterday. Dont ask me what Im gonna use them for...:laugh: .It was a "ooohhh those look soooo good" moments without really thinking about having to eat the whole thing before they go bad. I ment to make sauted garlic mushrooms to go with my salmon, but the asparagus just sounded better with the sauce. Gonna have to find something to make out of it tomorrow to go with the fish, since I have 2 nights of dinner left from what I made tonight.

    Cooking for 1 is a pain! Hubby wouldnt eat salmon even if he was home but my kids love it. I usually just make him halibut or roughy when we do the salmon thing. Only my oldest would eat it made this way tho, the youger 2 dont like crab.

    Chanty... what can I use these portabella's for?? They are the small ones, like button mushrooms. You have any good vegan things (no tofu) that I can try?? :happy: