Guys who find curvy girls more attractive...



  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I like women to be soft and have curves. An average sized to slightly large (C or D cup) bust size and a big butt. Big guts are not a turn on, I prefer a flatter stomach with some extra padding, but no large bellies. I also like thicker thighs on a woman.

    That being said I can appreciate most female forms, except super skinny anorexic types, it goes beyond not attractive to downright repulsive.

    I guess some might call me picky, but I also do not like at all:

    No calves on a woman (if all I see is leg bone...yuck)
    Flat butts
    6 pack abs
    Vascularity from being very skinny
    Too much visible muscle (nothing wrong with being strong, I just don't like that look)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I like women with natural curves, not fat rolls.
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    My bf prefers women who are soft and curvy too. He dated me at my heaviest and still wanted s*x so I figured he would like me when I'm thin too. Turns out he is worried I'll lose too much. It's frustrating though because he doesn't understand that I want to be thinner for myself... :) Glad he likes me any size or shape though!
  • Bradford72
    Bradford72 Posts: 51 Member
    I like women to be soft and have curves. An average sized to slightly large (C or D cup) bust size and a big butt. Big guts are not a turn on, I prefer a flatter stomach with some extra padding, but no large bellies. I also like thicker thighs on a woman.

    That being said I can appreciate most female forms, except super skinny anorexic types, it goes beyond not attractive to downright repulsive.

    I guess some might call me picky, but I also do not like at all:

    No calves on a woman (if all I see is leg bone...yuck)
    Flat butts
    6 pack abs
    Vascularity from being very skinny
    Too much visible muscle (nothing wrong with being strong, I just don't like that look)

    Couldn't agree more. I LOVE a woman with curves. Can't stand stick-figures or body-builder types...makes me wanna scream "eat a cheeseburger!"

    No thank girl is the perfect example of what I like in a woman...size 8-10, a little busty, great hips and a booty to grab onto!
  • aleciaj7
    aleciaj7 Posts: 39
    I like them breathing and with a pulse... unless I'm feeling frisky that day then anything is game! :wink:

    bahahahaha ;)
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member

    Here is a PG-13 -ish link with an example of my ah-ha moment regarding my weight, my college obsession with supermodels, my lifelong desire to be skinny... in one of the photos, the two (nude) females stand in close proximity (the photo is over the top un-necessary in the way they are posed, by my standards, but I'm not choosing to think of it the way I think it's meant, if you look you will know what I mean. Believe me it's nude women in a suggestive pose and if you get offended by stuff like that don't click!

    My point is, I never before saw the contrast between a size 0 person and a size regular-female shape. The "plus size model" is what I consider to be a regular, normal, attractive body shape, and then there's the opposite extreme, the chicken bones stick twig figure commonly looked upon as the desirable haute couture model, mainly I guess because she is shaped like a clothes hanger, her body doesn't bulge out enough to influence the lines of the clothing or change the way the cut drapes?

    It really hit home for me that wow, what "they" consider plus sized (in contrast to the size 0 girl which may be some people's goal unless they realize what that looks like!) is a way more attractive body type. Maybe that's just me. The magazine has lots of comments regarding encouraging plus sized people to stay an unhealthy weight etc. but geez, a person has to wear clothes and I don't see anything extrinsically motivating me to be anything, really. I'm intrinsically motivated to get healthy, for myself.

    Plus size model magazine huh? I think more like Perfect Size Model Magazine based on those pictures.
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    I'm laughing right now, because so many of these responses indicate a strong preference for—BOTH—T & A...naturally, and at the same time.

    In reality, there are so few of us who are actually blessed with both in equal measure...unless they happen to emerge alongside an overgrowth of everything else.

    But alas, this is coming from someone who wears size 12 pants and a size 32A bra and has a bunch of C and D-cup girlfriends who always complain that they don't have a booty.

    Any of you ladies out there lucky enough to be filled out in both hemispheres without a big belly, be truly grateful for your genetic inheritance.

    That is all. :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    Here is a PG-13 -ish link with an example of my ah-ha moment regarding my weight, my college obsession with supermodels, my lifelong desire to be skinny... in one of the photos, the two (nude) females stand in close proximity (the photo is over the top un-necessary in the way they are posed, by my standards, but I'm not choosing to think of it the way I think it's meant, if you look you will know what I mean. Believe me it's nude women in a suggestive pose and if you get offended by stuff like that don't click!

    My point is, I never before saw the contrast between a size 0 person and a size regular-female shape. The "plus size model" is what I consider to be a regular, normal, attractive body shape, and then there's the opposite extreme, the chicken bones stick twig figure commonly looked upon as the desirable haute couture model, mainly I guess because she is shaped like a clothes hanger, her body doesn't bulge out enough to influence the lines of the clothing or change the way the cut drapes?

    It really hit home for me that wow, what "they" consider plus sized (in contrast to the size 0 girl which may be some people's goal unless they realize what that looks like!) is a way more attractive body type. Maybe that's just me. The magazine has lots of comments regarding encouraging plus sized people to stay an unhealthy weight etc. but geez, a person has to wear clothes and I don't see anything extrinsically motivating me to be anything, really. I'm intrinsically motivated to get healthy, for myself.

    Plus size model magazine huh? I think more like Perfect Size Model Magazine based on those pictures.
    They look overweight to me.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    It's all about T&A, at least that's what makes me walk into stationary objects.

    Not so much that the T blends into the A.

    Nuff said.

    :laugh: Exactly.
    Confidence is a big one too! I always thought my husband was just messing with me each time he saw a model, actress, starlett or what I considered hot chick and said "meh"
    But after so many years he finally convinced me that what is trendy isn't necessarily sexy.
    He doesn't grasp to what I always considered the stereotypical male desires.
    Took a while for the realization to set in.
    I have always been well endowed so I always wanted a perfectly skinny body to go with it... think porn star. (yes, I know don't I pick great role models :noway: )
    I am completely reevaluating my decisions now and realized naturally healthy curves are great. And I have him to thank.
    Curves are great, rolls not so much. But my pale skin and lady curves will be okay for him.

    Don't let it dampen your spirit. You will always have curves, but healthy ones!
  • oleeiii
    oleeiii Posts: 1
    I don't think it has anything to do with weight. Im sure Serena Williams by weight is considered "heavier" than average women, but by no means is she big. She has curves, muscle tone (too much for some men) and her own sex appeal. It comes down to curves for me....not so much the weight. But I will say that as I've gotten older and more fit, my eye has wandered less toward "thicker" women. And when I mean "thicker", Im more talking size 10 or better.

    Personal preference, but once again, if you're curvy, toned and fit, you're pretty much the preference of most men.
  • Bradford72
    Bradford72 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm laughing right now, because so many of these responses indicate a strong preference for —BOTH—T & A.

    In reality, there are so few of us who are actually blessed with both in equal measure...unless they happen to emerge alongside an overgrowth of everything else.

    But alas, this is coming from someone who wears size 12 pants and a size 32A bra and has a bunch of C and D-cup girlfriends who always complain that they don't have a booty.

    Any of you ladies out there lucky enough to be filled out in both hemispheres without a big belly, be truly grateful for your genetic inheritance.

    That is all. :)

    Actually, if I had to choose one area of preference, it would be the booty / hips. For me, busty-ness is fine but not necessarily what I'm drawn to. I'd much rather have a girl with A-cups and a booty, than DDs and no butt.
  • YaBoiMUGS
    YaBoiMUGS Posts: 237
    I like my woman thick, curvy, voluptuous, whatever word you want to hear. Gotta have some meat on those bones, but there is a fine line between being thick and being overweight.
  • uwrobi
    uwrobi Posts: 2
    There's a difference between curvy and fat. You can still be curvy when you're skinny by having a bone structure with wide hips, skinny waist and C cups.
  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    It's all about T&A, at least that's what makes me walk into stationary objects.

    Not so much that the T blends into the A.

    Nuff said.

    xD thanks for the LOL I LOVE this response :)
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I mean it's not like he finds skinny women unattractive (for instance Scarlett Johansson) I guess he just likes them all cleavagey. And he said that's 'the norm'. (disclaimer, my boyfriend is of the cool nerd variety.)

    I'm not sure how many people would put Scarlett Johansson in the "skinny" category. She's pretty curvy and fit.
  • Bradford72
    Bradford72 Posts: 51 Member
    Mmmmm.....Scarlett :-)
  • Bradford72
    Bradford72 Posts: 51 Member
    Nice thread! I am still coming to terms with my curves, and trying to decide what my end goal should even be. I have to say though, it is nice to see some support for my fellow curvy ladies. That being said, ladies, no matter what your shape, and size, there are plenty of guys or gals out there that find you attractive. There is no one generalized answer to what guys find "more attractive". Everybody is different. :flowerforyou: look like a perfect example of curves :-)
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I married an a** man that prefers women petite with small waists and big butts. Check, I got that. We both agree that old movies stars were way, way hotter than the current stars. Rita Hayworth, my. god.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    My husband says that I am currently at my "perfect weight" and always repeats "curves curves curves!!!" He loves them. I'm 39", 31", 42". But I weigh 165! I want to be around 140, so he will have to deal. Haha. And I'm sure I'll still be curvy. Just be what feels healthy!
  • Bradford72
    Bradford72 Posts: 51 Member
    My husband says that I am currently at my "perfect weight" and always repeats "curves curves curves!!!" He loves them. I'm 39", 31", 42". But I weigh 165! I want to be around 140, so he will have to deal. Haha. And I'm sure I'll still be curvy. Just be what feels healthy!

    half_moon...your husband is right. You look awesome!