
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    My take on Spygate – as a Pats fan, well it sure does suck to have that black cloud hovering over you. Because ‘we’ did no wrong, yet ‘we’ fell into that same category of cheaters. It’ll be something that’ll always be held over our heads.

    With that said, a man I respect quite a bit is Bill Cowher. I remember very clearly when he said that 1) Mangini broke code. And 2) even he tried to steal signals when coaching the Steelers and that every team in the NFL has employees in the stadium trying to steal signals, even now. The Patriots are the only team that got CAUGHT. This is coming from a very successful coach who also had many playoff successes and Superbowl rings.

    It happened. It’s in the past. Things have changed. The NFL is much more aware now than they were a few years ago. I still think Belichick is a phenomenal coach!

    P.S. I think our punishment for this entire scandal was something we'll hang on to forever. Losing the game that would have completed your perfect season! Ouch!

    I too am a Pats fan but I have to disagree a little...'we' did do wrong and got caught. Yes, most teams were doing it and the "code" was broken but in the end it was still cheating.
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    I live in a house full of teenage boys who are Rams fans, so we don't really care for Tom Lady and the Pats!
  • I hate the Giants!

    Im a Steelers fan all the way!
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Go Pats!!!!! You only hate us because we are awesome!!!!!!!!
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member

    I too am a Pats fan but I have to disagree a little...'we' did do wrong and got caught. Yes, most teams were doing it and the "code" was broken but in the end it was still cheating.

    Sorry, I guess I wrote that poorly. When I say "we" I mean the fans. We as Patriots fans did no wrong other than stand by our team. Yet we'll be hassled for being a Patriots fan and part of Spygate for who knows how long.
  • you can't possibly hate the Pats more then we hate the Giants....that is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Bring it on.....new day...new ending!!!
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    Definitely not a Pats fan. I'm a Giants and Saints fan--I reserve the right since, until recently, I've been splitting my time.
  • I dont really like any team except for my Steelers.
    But growing up in Pittsburgh, you just hate the Pats, and Tom Brady.

    I dont think theres a team I dislike more,

    I'm rooting for the Giants, for the superbowl.
  • Hyoderrn
    Hyoderrn Posts: 54 Member
    Im a New Yorker living in NE. Since I have lived up here I have grown to absolutely hate the Patriots and Tom Brady . I seriously hope he gets run over by a MTA bus.

    BTW I think what made me hate them so much is the arrogance of Boston fans. You can go to NYC with any team and you wont here anything. In Boston you walk around with a NY hat and fans here feel like they have to cus at you and say nasty things to you. Well except for the last guy who said something to me......he def learned his lesson to not bad mouth someone he doesn't know ...LOL


    As I don't wish a broken leg on him, I too, dislike the Pats and Tom Brady very very much!!!!!!! :) I am actually a Dallas Cowboys fan(please hold back the laughs!) and dislike the Giants also as they are a division opponent...however in the event of the Superbowl I must say I hope the Giants kick Tom Brady all the way back NE!!! :tongue:
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    Ok im a Huge Pats fan....The worst team and their arrogant fans are the COWBOYS. I live in Dallas and cant stand them. They are like a yankees organization who suck. Americas team - NO... There are 2 type of people in Texas, people who love the cowboys and people who Hate the cowboys.

    You know what you call a Dallas cowboys huddle, a drug ring.
  • Has anyone considered that maybe this was done purposely in order to get caught and put a stop to it all together????? bahahahahahahaha....ok that was a joke.....but it got a laugh out of my house/man cave.......GO PATS....we're goin to the ship!!!!!!
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 272 Member
    Tom Brady is the man! Don't hate the playa, hate the game! Go Pats!!

    Although, I'm more of a hockey fan than a football fan, so go Bruins!
  • I think my photo covers most everything I could say!
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Seriously? Get over it!! Go Patriots!!
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    I didn't read all the responses, but a big :P from flyover country. Boston or New York, you pretty much get the same reaction from me. Whenever a championship in ANY sport is NY vs Boston you'd think the entire world was stopping. Even when the Yankees and the Red Sox play each other in the regular season they nationally televise all the games, as though every other region of the country cared as much about the rivalry as much as those who live there. Don't get me wrong. If you're from there, love and support your team. Be a die-hard. But Sportscenter, honestly....there's a whole bunch of us over here in the middle WHO DON'T CARE about Boston vs New York. That said, this is the Super Bowl so of course it's going to be great. :)
  • bella24xo
    bella24xo Posts: 177 Member
    i agree with you...i am a huge GIANTS fan and have been my entire life...brady sucked and got lucky he has a chance to even go to the super bowl..i hate hate hateeeeeeee him
  • Hyoderrn
    Hyoderrn Posts: 54 Member
    Well...clearly there was a huge conspiracy in the NFL to have a rematch of the Pats/Giants. And now we will have to deal with the announcers scrambling to figure out whose *kitten* to crawl up...Brady's or Manning's. Add that to the fact that Madonna is the Half Time Show and the Super Bowl will be vomit inducing this year.

    Indeed. I love to watch the commercials but not wanting to see either team win or Madonna...I'm bummed about the superbowl!!!
  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    i want to drive to Baltimore and punch Cundiff in the face. My kids made me a shirt that says "I hate you Tom Brady." My fantasy league automatically drafted him to me this year, and I think I hate him more. So, let's just say, I am "with you" on that.
  • I SOOOOO agree with this. I moved to the Boston area about 4 years ago and because the fans in this area I HATE the Patriots. When they won on Sunday I actually felt sick! I knew the next day that is all I would hear about on the radio, TV, and around the office. I can't stand it! I really don't have a favorite team and I really could care less about who wins but PLEASE dont let the Patriots win the SUPER BOWL. People in this area are big headed enough! :grumble:
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    It was kind of funny because Fox 25 was showing a report today on the rudest cities in the US. New York was number one and Boston was number five.