Shape up with the Daily HEET!

We are a small group of friends that met online and are now here to share our journey of a healthier lifestyle together. HEET stands for Healthy Eaters and Exercise Team. We are each doing our own thing and post our accomplishments daily. Anyone is welcome to join us at any time!


  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    We are a small group of friends that met online and are now here to share our journey of a healthier lifestyle together. HEET stands for Healthy Eaters and Exercise Team. We are each doing our own thing and post our accomplishments daily. Anyone is welcome to join us at any time!
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    OK Heeters! Here we are! Let's get back down to business! I can't wait for you all to show up.:smile:

    I know Wonderland will be lagging a few days behind but wanted to share that my back is feeling better as the day goes on. The heating pad definitely helped. I ate healthy today. Had an egg and two pieces of toast and some soy milk and for lunch a big salad and a Morningstar Farm corndog. I also started working on my water again but didn't get as far as I wanted. Dinner is going to be leftovers of some sort. We have bits of this and that leftover from our Tour of Greece.

    I'm axiously awaiting the rest of our gang and any new member that want to join in!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Julie, I love the idea of HEET ! I would also love to join. I have alot of weight to lose but it's going well. I did Lesley Sansone's walk away the pounds 3 mile walk with the restistance band this morning and dh and I will walk 2 miles with handweights this evening. I eat around 1,500 calories a day. Lots of veggies and healthy grains and lean meats. I drink at least 8 bottles of water a day. I had 1 cup of Kashi go Lean and 1/2 cup skim milk for breakfast. A lean pocket ham and turkey with cheese, a green pepper, 1 tbs light ranch and a Dannon Light & Fit yogurt for lunch. My snacks have been 1.1 oz of pistachios and 1 Fiber one caremel and oats bar. I have no idea what dinner is going to be yet. Probably grilled chicken and lots of veggies. Cindy :O)
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Yay!! Hi Cindy!! There should be about 3 or 4 us showing up in the next couple of days. We're a great bunch! We had our own group on another site but there were lots of problems with it so we moved over here.

    I've already lost 5 pounds that my counter doesn't show. I'm a Wednesday Weigher and a swimmer. I got in the pool last week but it really is just a tad too cold to fully enjoy (I'm in Florida). Another week or so, pending no rain, and I'll be back in it swimming my way to a leaner ME!

    I'm so glad you decided to join us!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Julie, Thanks so much for the warm welcome. The pool in our neck of the woods ( Texas ) is opening next month. I can't wait to add some swimming into my exercise routine. I can't wait to meet the group. Have a great day! Cindy
  • blackchick38
    hey there julie i found ya
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    There's my Beautiful Bahama Mama! How come your location says Alabama?? I love your personal line on your profile. Bringing Sexy Back! You'll be knocking those guys dead in no time! Tell that boyfriend of yours he better hold on tight! Bebe's Goin' for a Ride!

    I'm still playing around here trying to figure out my way around...

    I missed most of today's postings because of what was going on...are you doing alright? Did you get your walk in?

    I'm going to email Debbie. I'm hoping she'll join us too.

    I'll check back later tonight to see if there are any updates. If not, I'll see you in the morning. You're always the earliest bird.

    And look...we even have smilies!!:smile::wink: :tongue:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Julie, and Bebe, Welcome Cindi and all that follow. I think the change will really do us good. I'm excited and sorry that things feel apart before but I really was not in control of what was happening, and I sure hope Wonderland can get her computer up and running again, I really hate that for her.

    bbl Debbie (aka Lynn)
  • blackchick38
    hey ther julie it says AL because it didnt have nassau bahamas,so i just clicked the first thing that came to my hand.yes i did get my walk in this and i went all by myself and it was great.that was a big big step of accomplishment that i have done in months,and my BF brought home a bottle of red wine and i told him i dont want any,cuz if i start i dont know how to stop and it will continue for days and days,aint no moderation when it comes to alcohol :cry:
    yeah and we do have some upgrades of smiley faces,boy do i feel good..go ahead and email debbie letting her know we miss her.
    im playing with site feeling my way thru,trying to get my ticker straight
  • blackchick38
    debbie my dearest so glad to see you :flowerforyou: .since you have emailed me i have been on this site trying to figure things out and i just finally got almost done.
    julie i see where i went wrong with the country i got it now .im just not that computer savy.
    i will be back again
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there Bebe, good to see you. Hey don't feel bad I just figured out my ticker (LOL), but I do think we are going to all like it here. The food journal is easy and has a big database so I am not having to enter as many food info here as before and that's a good thing!

    Well making chicken pot pie tonight for dinner so best be getting it started. Hey after school today DH and DD rode the bike path, and I walked 2,860 steps!!! Knee was killing me but I did it!! My pedometer is broken so I counted the steps as I walked along and we as a family had a great time.

    So very glad we are here!
    bbl Debbie
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    ~~~Yay!!!~~~ We are all almost here! Can't wait for Wonderland to join us. What a bummer with the crashed computer. Dernnnn...I miss her already. I hope she and the boy get throught the chicken pox ok while she is away.

    Bebe...the ticker looks awesome! Way to go for getting that walk in and for abstaining from the wine! I'm not a wine drinker so that wouldn't be a hard one for me. But a beer???? Totally different story!:drinker: (Oh, I LOVE the smilies!)

    Debbie, I'm so glad you made your way here! We missed you!! How did you get your ticker to show your previous weight loss? I guess I need to go fiddle some more.

    AND...if you scroll down just a bit from this box you are posting in, you can see the previous posts. You don't have to take notes or try to remember who said or did's right there. Cool!:glasses:

    Dinner...hmmm...guess I should go out to the fridge and dig around...pull out what's in there and see what kind of meal we can make...

    I'll check back again...supposedly there's a setting where the last place you posted will show up in your profile or somewhere. I haven't found it yet but I'll keep playing...

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Julie go to the ticker and their is a place to update or edit your weight, put your starting weight and where you are now and save and it should update. I just now got it to add my ticker to the post, guess we will learn together that's what makes us all such good friends :)
    Debbie:flowerforyou: :heart: :blushing: :heart: :love: :wink: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Thanks Debbie, got it...Shoot!! I thought I had lost 5 pounds, :laugh: But it's right. First week was a one pound gain, next week two pound loss, then one, then one, and this week was a maintain...that comes to 4. Oh well, I still held on to One-Derland! Just by the skin of my teeth though!

    And you actually counted over 2,000 steps??? Good grief. I would have lost count after 50. Obviously, I can't even count to 5, ROFL!!!

  • blackchick38
    i just :heart: this site,it feels like a new toy.thank you guys for directing me here,it has so much to offer.earlier when you guys were sort of saying goodbye i was so depressed and lost wondering what in the world im i gonna do now?i was so stuck on mcc,thank you .
    dinner will be take out toningt,some KFC chicken and plain white rice with some beets,im to tired to of tomorrow i will be journling all of my food and exercises.i just came from grocery shopping buying all healthy stuff,i have so much energy dont know what to do with myself.
    will see you later or in the early am
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Bebe, yes I am lovin it too. Once we all get settled in within a few days we'll be pro's. We are all pretty fast learners and theirs a bundle of determination amongst us, lol.

    Julie glad you got it! Glad I could help a bit! I am going to try to locate a few more from the old site, I have emailed them before and have some of their screen names written down, so see what I can do to let them know where we are. Let's get this party started!!!!! What do you say!!! Now that's my motivation~~~~~`let me hear ya, we are family, I got all my Sistah's with me~~~~We are family~~Get Up Everybody~~Sing:drinker: :wink: :happy: :flowerforyou: :love: :heart: :drinker: :happy:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    I agree with you Bebe. Feels all fresh and clean. A whole new start, for all of us.

    I checked out my grocery store sales ad online and not much happening. Told DH we're gonna be eating chicken, chicken, pork, pork, chicken and pork, from the freezer, lol! In all actuality we also have a sirloin steak, some frozen cod, shrimp, scallops and quite a bit of soy-based products so we'll be fine. I can make do. Fresh produce is going to kill me again this week, though. Not much on sale that we enjoy.

    Dinner tonight was not as healthy as I would have liked, frozen prepared fish fillets, but, that's one more less-healthy thing gone from the deep freeze. Apparently when I was laid up with my back last night DH ate most of all the leftovers. What little tiny bit was left today went in the trash for garbage day tomorrow.

    Well, I'm glad we made it here and I'm glad Cindy found us. Another new HEETer! Yay! I'm off for the night. Going to curl up with my book. I'll check back tomorrow...

    Nitey Nite All,

    Edit...Debbie and I were posting, yet again, at the same time. LOL at you girlfriend!. I swear that girl can SING!! Yeah, I'm feeling it! ~~~Sing Song~~~ We are Family! I Got All My Sistah's with Me!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :drinker: :tongue: :wink: Hey there Heeters, I went to the old site and there are serious problems there, tried to find people and gave some my personal email so I can re-direct them, as I found them from previous messages I had sent them in the past. I am going to avoid going there, as it really messed with my computer while logged in. I don't know what to think, just hope they eventually get it fixed, and wonderland gets back with us soon.

    Hope your all doing well. Dinner was great. I am tired so I am going to sign out for the night, but will be back tomorrow.

    Take care and ((hugs to all)))), Debbie :yawn: :heart: :yawn: :heart: :yawn: :smooched:
    I love these smiles :) don't you?
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :drinker: :tongue: :wink: Hey there Heeters, I went to the old site and there are serious problems there, tried to find people and gave some my personal email so I can re-direct them, as I found them from previous messages I had sent them in the past. I am going to avoid going there, as it really messed with my computer while logged in. I don't know what to think, just hope they eventually get it fixed, and wonderland gets back with us soon.

    Hope your all doing well. Dinner was great. I am tired so I am going to sign out for the night, but will be back tomorrow.

    Take care and ((hugs to all)))), Debbie :yawn: :heart: :yawn: :heart: :yawn: :smooched:
    I love these smiles :) don't you?
    [/quote] "You Are The Architect Of Your Destiny" Swami Vivekanada
  • blackchick38
    good morning guys,i got in my walk this am and i can feel the vibe all the way in the bahamas debbie,we really are sistah's.hope wonderland finds us real soon.of to look for some breakfast i can hear my tummy making weird noise.
    TGIF enjoy this morning guys.