Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Good Morning HEETers! Happy Spring!!:flowerforyou:

    I'm up, showered, got laundry started and am getting ready to decide what to make for dinners next week before I head off to the grocery store. I had a nice healthy breakfast, my usual, egg, toast and soy milk.

    Bebe, way to go for getting in that walk! Do you know how far you are walking? Or how many minutes? Just curious.

    I'm still wearing my pedometer everyday but haven't been focusing enough to actually *add* to it but I AM recording my steps everyday in my planner. Not sure what I'll do with the information but at least I have it.

    Ok...guess I'm off to get my day started. Make today a Beautiful, Healthy, Spring Day!!

  • blackchick38
    julie the walk is usually 30mins ,we go over one hill and thru a few streets and back over another hill to get home.i dont know the miles,but i really need to find out.we usually walk at a brisk pace and we get no talking while walking cuz we will have to grasp for breath.
    goodmorning debbie and cindysunshine how are you guys,what urll up to today?today is my day off and im just home chilling,did my laundry and shopping yesterday,also did the window screens and scrub the bathroom and kitchen real good.move all the dressers and bed to mop behind them.once a week i do spring cleaning from top to bottom,my BF usually dab up the house everyday and always misses a spot,there is nothing like a woman touch.later on im going to the barber to get a shape up and maybe get my eyebrow shapeup also,its to bushy.tonight dont know whats for dinner,but i just may indulge in a few beers :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: ,and pray for no hang over in the morning.
    make it a great day guys
    BY THE WAY THAT PIC THERE ,I TOOK THAT IN NOV 07,IN PORTLAND MAINE AT 223LBS,boy was i plumb.the other day i was 223lbs and i looked way different, bebe/blackchick
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Morning Bebe, Julie and all that follow, boy it is a chilly morning here in Ohio this morning.:wink: , DH just took DD to school and I am so cold. Watching the Today Show and its snowing in NYC....brrrrrrr

    have a Quote to share with everyone today: "Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out"...Robert Collier

    This is so true its all about the small efforts and doing them repeatedly, til the habit becomes "YOUR WAY". I am feeling just that. I was journalling this morning and I am coming up on 8 wks. of my program and it does seem natural to me now. I am in my weekly routine and its a Great Feeling.:flowerforyou: I wish the same for all of you. If you aren't feeling quite as comfortable, then take it up a notch. We're ending this week and starting into a new one. Designate certain days of the week to form your routine. Ex: monday-weigh-in, journal, track, plan meals/Wed-"ME Day"-take time for just YOU/Friday~shopping day to purchase for the meal plan of next week, once you settle into a routine it keeps you on course and less apt to fall short of your goal. Just a thought!

    bbl Debbie Make it a good day Everyone! Smile!:smooched:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Heeters, great news, I heard from Lucy this morning. She gave me her personal email address and I emailed her and let her know what has been going on and where we are. Hopefully she will be joining us soon. She sounded really down, and I assured her, coming here will definitely Lift Her Spirits, I think this is Just What We All Needed, its like you all were saying, "A Fresh New Beginning".

    So watch for Lucy, hope Wonderland gets here soon as well. Told Lucy if she sees Don and Yari give them a heads up on where we are as well. I sent southpaw76 (Jen) an email and hopefully will hear from her as well. :drinker: :blushing: :happy: Its truly all good girls!!!!!!!

    bbl.....I am a busy bee this morning.....and Julie....having the same breakfast as you gal!!!!:wink::smile:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Debbie, thanks for contacting Lucy. I was gonna go back to the other site and PM her but when you said it was having more difficulties I got skeeered! I really hope she pops in... I like that quote. It is SO true! I kind of do have a system/routine but not to the extent that you do. I do have *ME* time, anytime I'm on the boards with you guys or when we go fishing or I get in the pool. That's enough for me. I don't do my nails, I clip them as short as I can. It's a *thing* with me. I don't like fingernails or toenails!:laugh: I don't *do lunch* or go for messages. I guess I'm not really a girly-girl. I'd rather go shoot pool and drink beer in a dive bar with DH!:blushing:

    Bebe, you are SO right about the house cleaning and men. I'm a neat freak and DH isn't and even though he *helps*, he seems to miss a lot! I made up a list of chores a few weeks ago, each of us with some things to do each day of the week. We did them for the first week, then kind-a-sorta-a the next, then fell off the wagon. Seems as though I've gotten back in to my weekend cleaning mode which has been difficult with boating. While I've kept things in their place, the house isn't really *clean* the way I like it. It just needs a good dusting and wiping. I always clean the kitchen and fridge before I go grocery shopping because I like putting groceries away in a clean atmosphere. Well, I haven't stopped yet, just gonna Go For It and do the whole house then maybe we can get back on our weekly schedule again. Groceries can wait until tomorrow morning. I'm gonna turn the news off, turn the radio on and light my candles to get the house smelling nice. Got the windows open and we have a nice spring breeze blowing in.

    So, I'm off to go clean. I've been walking all over the house and forgot my pedometer but I got it on now. Let's see where I end up at the end of the day...

    I'll check back later when I take a little break...


    Where is our Little Sunshine?? Yoo Hoo!! Cindy!! Where are youuuuuuu??
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there Heeters: In fitness and exercise, I started the "Step It Up Club", welcome to come one and all and check it out. This is just for like the challenge I had at the other site, and hopefully will attract some newbies.

    We here in the Heet can track our steps as well if you want or you can walk on over to the Club and share your totals there. Its always Optional, and Totally Your Choice.

    I have a schedule posted and Saturday's will be the day everyone participating will share their total steps amounts for the week. By July 4th weekend we will have everything to Celebrate, and How Fit We Will Be Feeling!!!!! Its gonna be a fun summer for all of us, how can it not be. We are all such great motivators and so determined. Its great to get Excited About Your Life, isn't it?

    Can't wait to see Lucy and Wonderland, gosh I am so glad Julie you followed my lead and came here, and Bebe too!!!!! The Heeters Are Here to Stay!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: C H E E R S :drinker:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    ~~Right hand over my heart, left arm stuck straight out, palm up~~


    ~~~STOP! In the name of love~~~

    Got the oldies on...loving it!! Kinda dancin', singin', cleanin'. Getting a little more work out in to my cleaing.

    So what are your best cleaning tips? I'm always looking for a new tip. Here are my top three...

    *Alcohol in a squirt bottle. I use it to clean the bathrooms when it all they need is a wipe down. Kills germs and is super cheap. Doesn't streak or smell chemically.

    *Helmac - you know those things with tape on them that are rolled backward so the sticky side is out so you can get pet hair off your clothes? I use them to remove the dust off the stereo speakers and lamp shades.

    *Krud Kutter. I found this stuff years ago when I was gutting and remodelling this house. I thought it was exclusive to Sherwin Williams Paint store but I recently saw it in Lowes. If you have anything *white* in your house, stove, refrigerator, toaster, it gets *everything* off. All the crud, stains, sticky stuff, you name it. You can even use it in the laundry although I haven't done it. It's not chemically either, just has a nice clean scent.

    Ok, back at it...

    Debbie, I'll check out the Step It Up on my next break...dancing out of my chair and going to tackle the living room...

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi gals, I don't have any cleaning tips Julie. I also love to turn the music up and clean. :O) I am getting ready to do my 3 mile WATP workout now. It's very windy here today so I don't know how much outside time I'll get in. My allergies are horrable on these windy Texas days. I hope everyone is having a great day! Debbie your club sounds great. I do 5 miles a day now and intend to bump it up to 7 miles a day within a month. TGIF !!!! :O) Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :flowerforyou: Julie girl I got a mental vision of you with apron on and feather duster dancin and singin it up girl and I am laughin out loud, DH can't figure it out LOL

    Not only are you a great volunteer at your job, devoted water bug, great caterer and cook, but now your the dancin singin cleaning lady (do you make house calls, I could use a hand, tee hee). :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: I am so glad we are here together, and as I make friends I am sharing the group with others and inviting them to check us out. We are such good friends and you can just hear the excitement in all our voices. We lift each others spirits and it is so important, as important as anything else, the emotional support. Thank you Julie for lifting me up, making me laugh and feel happy. Keep burning those calories girlfriend, don't over do though, I know you hurt your back this week, so careful careful!!

    Bebe: has the day off eh? make it a fun one!!! ((hugs))))

    bbl Debbie
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :laugh: Cindy we were posting at the same time. Good for you, and that's fine your still welcome to participate. The key with exercise and eating healthy is making it a habit and the more you do it the better you feel, the better you feel the more you challenge yourself and that's when you know 'It's working for YOU".

    keep up the great work, beautiful baby pic I meant to tell you. Take care sweetie:smooched:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Ok, another break for me...I had a full-on party going then DH called and broke my groove. Plus I'm at my worst point of cleaning. It's the only thing I hate to clean. I have this table thing that has two shelves on it. It's full of antiques from my grandmother/great grandmother. Little things. Perfume bottles, ink well holder, silver and glass stuff, antique pictures...It's a real pain to dust...:angry: Once we get back on good financial footing I'm going to re-do the living room. We already did the bedroom with all new furniture and stuff and the bathrooms got remodelled and finished late last year. I'm totally changing my style in the living room and a lot of the "little" stuff is getting boxed up. I have a rustic sign that hangs above the entertainment center that says "Simplify". That's what I'm going to do...

    Cindy, glad to see you! You should join Debbie's group for some moral support! You're already doing so well with your walking! You could be a great motivator for others!:bigsmile:

    I'm still debating. Walking really isn't my thing. Part of it is the heat in the summer and the other part is the neighborhood. People just aren't friendly here, lots of big dogs that bark viciously and so many people don't take care of their places. It's just not a pretty neighborhood. It's a shame. It has so much potential. I may still do it to show some love for my Sistah though. I'm thinking on it...

    Well, guess I better get my hiney up and finish dusting. Once that's done the rest of the house is a breeze.

    Hey Bebe...where are you? Today is your day off...whatcha' doin???

    Julie and I are just *too* wierd. Are you sure we weren't separated at birth or something? We're always posting at the same we're on the same wave length all the time or something, LOL!
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    ROFL at Debbie!! I tell you come down here with your bib overalls and take care of my garden and I'll put on my apron and grab my feather duster and clean your house! When we're done, we'll both cook one heck of a meal then take a dip in the pool and ENJOY life!!

    Thanks for the compliments. They really mean a lot!! You're a great friend!:heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Okay Sistah Julie.....sounds like a PLAN.

    So I get what you mean about the walking not being your thing, (can't keep the fishy's out of the water too long) so we will let you off the HOOK. You can work at Swimming the 5K, what do you say?
    Wonder, *(you probably know), how many laps are equal to 5 miles? Have to look it up. LOL

    well going to pick up my DD kayleigh here shortly and DH is taking us out to dinner. Thinking of maybe a grilled chicken salad, or spaghetti, I'll let you know.....decisions decisions......going to go play Bingo Tonight for Fun, it's been awhile, perhaps I'll get LUCKY, .......NOT......but something to do.

    bbl tonight, Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    You guys are too funny! I'm so glad you decided to join this site and I found you. I think I will join Debbie's walking club. The problem is I count miles not steps. Debbie thanks for the comlipment on my little girl. Thats last years pic. She's almost 2 now. I have two daughters. A 10 year old and the almost 2 year old. I homeschool the 10 year old. She has never been to a "real" school. This is our 5th year of homeschooling. I need to go start a load of laundry and do the dishes. TTFN-- Cindy
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    ~~~Who put the Bop in the bop she bop she bop...Who put the Ram in the ram a lam a ding dong~~~

    Still *Bopping* to the oldies. DH came home early. Got both dogs bathed and their bedding is in the wash. Now DH is in the shower...

    Debbie, I got my mileage all figured out, :tongue: ! If I swim 10 sets (in any combination) of 25 laps it equals 1.14 miles :laugh: :laugh: . It's easy enough for me to do once I get going. I have even done 2 miles on occassion but a mile a day is what I shoot for...

    Gonna surprise DH with dinner out - but in. I've got a little money stashed back. Gonna let him choose. Our Friday night delivery pizza (which we haven't done in AGES!) - healthier version of course - ham, pinapple and tomato slices or Outback carry out. During the holidays I came across a coupon from my grocery store, buy $50 worth of gift cards get $10 off. I bought 2, $25 Outback cards. Been hanging on to them for months. We get the Drover's Platter which is 1/2 rack of ribs and a grilled chicken breast and split it (when we're eating healthy - if not...oh my...anything goes! But tonight it's all about healthy! Those are my terms!)

    Debbie, enjoy your dinner out! I'm gonna make that Greek Spaghetti again later this week. It is the best spaghetti I've ever made and DH agrees. Insert a Slurpy Face Here!! LOL! And thanks for letting me off *the Hook*...

    Not sure if I'll be back later this evening or not...probably.

    ~~~R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Find out what it means to me.~~~ Oh, Lawdy, that lady can sing!!! Got to go, can't disrespect the Queen of Soul!

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Julie or Debbie please share the Greek spaghetti recipe. It sounds interesting. Cindy
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Everyone have a great night! :O)
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Oh Cindy...the Greek Spaghetti recipe is to die for. Let me see if I can go copy and paste it...Word of warning...the ingredient list is long but don't be discouraged. It comes together super fast. I look at the list, pull all the ingredients out of the pantry and start browning the meat. While it's browning I measure everything in to a bowl. Once the meat is done you just *dump* it...I'll be back...
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    1 large onion, minced
    4 garlic cloves, minced
    1 1/2 lbs lean ground beef
    2 (1 lb) cans plum tomatoes, pureed
    2 cups water
    2 tablespoons tomato paste
    2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
    1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
    1 tablespoon maggi seasoning sauce (a liquid soy-yeast extract blend lacking this, use regular dark soy sauce)
    1 1/2 teaspoons salt
    1/4 teaspoon pepper
    2 small dried red chilies (my kids won't let me add this, but it's good) (optional)
    1 tablespoon dried oregano, crumbled (Mediterranean)
    1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, crumbled
    1/2 teaspoon dried basil, crumbled
    2 bay leaves
    8 allspice berries
    1 1/2 cinnamon sticks (each stick measuring about 3 inches in length, 2 sticks broken in half, don't use one of the halves)
    1 1/2 lbs cooked spaghetti (or pasta of your choice)
    1/3 lb butter, cold
    1/2 cup grated mizithra cheese (or Parmesan, but myzithra is authentic)
    more grated cheese, for the table


    1 In a medium to large sized pot, add the olive oil, onion and garlic and cook, stirring often, over high heat until onion is translucent and whole house smells good, about 4 minutes. Add ground beef and smash down with the tip of your wooden spoon to break it up. Brown beef well.

    2 When you think it’s been browned long enough and it’s time to give it a stir to redistribute the meat for more browning – STOP – wait another minute and a half to two minutes, and then stir up the meat. Do this repeatedly until all the meat is good and brown. This is important for the end result. For a good meat sauce, you want your meat to have browned sufficiently, and most people don’t give it enough time. In all, this process should take 12-15 minutes.

    3 Add all the remaining ingredients, bring back to a boil, and reduce heat to a simmer. Simmer, uncovered, for 35 minutes, then cover pot and simmer a further 30 minutes. This is as long as I cook it for my family, the sauce is as thick as we like it. If you like your sauce thicker, cook it uncovered slightly longer before covering the pot (another 5-10 minutes?). If you like your sauce thinner, cover the pot after 25-30 minutes of simmering before continuing with the additional half hour.

    4 Fish out bay leaves, chilis (if using), allspice berries and cinnamon sticks.

    5 This recipe makes quite a lot of sauce, which is a good thing as you can freeze what's left to enjoy on another day, when there's little to no time to cook a homemade meal.

    6 To make authentic greek-style pasta: Cook pasta (I usually use spaghettini, but not exclusively) in the regular way until al dente. Drain.

    7 In the dry pot you cooked the pasta in, add the butter (BUTTER, not oil, not margarine); melt and brown the butter. This takes about 3-4 minutes at high heat. Turn off heat source and add spaghetti back to the pot. Toss to coat with browned butter.

    8 Put spaghetti in large platter, pour half of sauce over, sprinkle with about ½ cup myzithra cheese.

    9 Put the remaining sauce in a deep bowl and serve at the table for people to top off their pasta along with extra grated cheese.

    ***Yay! It worked. But here's the deal. This recipe as written makes a ton of sauce (which I will follow from now on and freeze the remainder - but I halved the original recipe for DH and myself as it was new to both of us...) Ok, here's what I did...I don't care for garlic so I only used 2 smashed cloves (not minced) and used petite diced tomatoes. I didn't have the Maggi Seasoning so I substituted Tamari Sauce (a smoother version of Soy Sauce, not as salty) and I didn't have the Allspice Berries so I added a pinch of Ground Allspice. **Also, once I started *smelling* the cinnamon stick, and you'll know what I mean if you cook this, I pulled it out of the sauce (as well as the garlic cloves), if you don't have the sticks, just add a pinch or two of ground. I served the sauce over whole wheat pasta and fresh grated Parmegiano-Regiano cheese and with a nice Greek Salad on the side. O.M.G. was it GOOD!!
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Anyway...I came back here to share something and ask something of you guys when I got (lovingly) distracted by the spaghetti recipe...Cindy...I'm an aspiring Chef. I'll never do it formally. I've tried twice to go to Culinary School. It's just too expensive, but if you flip my trigger with anything cooking I'm all over it! I did incorporate a Personal Chef business a couple years ago but found out I needed surgery and it blew my plans out of the water. **Maybe** once the economy turns around...

    Soooo... I was standing in the kitchen a few minutes ago and every once in a while this cracks me up...

    What's stuck to your refrigerator??? I kow that those of you with kids probably have all their school art but it's just DH and myself at this point. I have 2 refrigerator magnets that every once in a while just set me in to a fit of giggles and they really tell a lot about me and my sense of humor. The first one I bought about 7 years ago when I was single and was *really* starting to put on the weight. It says..."Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap." Now don't go busting my chops! I know it's not the most politically correct thing to say but I find it funny as a way to cope and deal with my situation. I think of some *Goombah* in a big city somewhere trying to pull me in his white pizza delivery van and not being able to yank my fat butt in. Me kicking and screaming the whole time.:laugh: :laugh:

    The other is "While you were staring at my butt I farted.":laugh: :laugh: I'm sorry, I just find it too funn!

    NOW...with that said, LOL, what can we put on our refrigerators as MOTIVATORS???

    I have some stars I made a couple years ago. I bought the stars at a party store and gave them each a number. Some have 1's for the single pounds I lose. Some are 5's for when I reach the 5 pouind mark. Some have 10's so I can remove the 5's and replace them with 10's. And so forth. Not sure if you're following what I'm saying so I'm gonna go to my photobucket account and see if I can upload them somewhere. Either here on this thread or in my profile somewhere.

    HEETers, those of us who are here are in it for the long haul. We have to have motivators outside this group to keep us focused!! Daily reminders!! Hourly Reminders!!

    What are your motivators or reminders??? When you head towards that fridge or pantry, what's gonna stop and make you think??? Sometimes all we need is a quick "Pause" to make a different choice.

    I'm off to play with some photos and see if I can show you what I'm talking about...
