Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • Hi Bebe and all. No time to post now. Will be back later. But I am splendid this find Firday morning. Keep up the good work of walking early AM Bebe. Am proud of you.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Heeters. It's a waindy cold yes I said cold day here in west Texas. The high is supposed to be 42. Yikes. I'm freezing! Bebe way to go on your AM walk! Julie,Thanks so much for your kind words. I feel like you are an old friend. ( not old in your age) LOL. I will upload a pic today or tomorrow. Have fun grocery shopping. :ohwell: Lucy, The baby is my daughter. She's almost 2 now. You fellow Heeters are a wealth of information. Debbie, Thanks for sharing your story. Skin cancer scares me to death. I an very fair skinned and burn almost instantly it seems. Since we moved to TX I'm realy cautious but my DH who works outside is not. :frown: Lucy, I love that you have that nickname because of Lucille Ball. That tells me alot about your personality. :bigsmile: I plan to do my 3 mile workout and drink tons of water and eat clean and healthy today. I hope everyone has a great day! Cindy :flowerforyou:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Any pasta lovers among the group? Here's a delicious high fiber recipe:

    Pasta Fagioli
    2 slices center cut (30% less fat) bacon, such as osca mayer, chopped
    1 onion chopped about 1 cup
    4 cloves of garlic, minced
    3 ribs of celery chopped 1/2 cup
    4 cups of low sodium fat free chicken broth
    1 can (14.5 oz) salt free diced tomatoes
    6 oz. whole wheat healthy harvest ronzoni
    1 can of dark red kidney beans rinsed and drained about (15 oz)
    1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
    1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
    1/8 tsp. ground blk pepper
    Heat lrg. saucepan over medium heat, add the bacon and cook until just strting to brown, 5-6 min. Add the onion, garlic, celery and carrots cook til starting to soften 2-3 mins.
    Pour in chicken broth, tomatoes, pasta (ronzoni) and beans cook 12-15 min and pasta will get tender. Remove from heat and stir in basil, parsley and pepper.
    Makes 6 servings
    Per serving
    Calories 210, 10 gms. protein, 33 gms. carbohydrate, 4 gms. total fat, 1 gm saturated fat, 3 mg. cholesterol, 9 gms. of fiber, 490 mg. sodium
    Enjoy and for those watching their sodium you can omit the bacon or go with turkey bacon, add no more salt. Recipe is to inspire and you can take it and make it your own, and add or deduct to meet your needs.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Thinking of Julie and those who like Spinach, I found this wonderful recipe in the new addition of Prevention Magazine I received, so here's to all of you!!:flowerforyou:

    Speedy Spinach and Carrot Salad
    work time about 10 minutes, serving 4

    1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
    2 tsp brown sugar
    1/4 tsp. salt
    3 Tbsp. olive oil
    1 bag (about 6 oz.) fresh baby spinach
    2 carrots grated, about 1 cup
    1/2 cup dried cranberries (totally optional)

    Whisk together sugar, vinegar and salt in large bowl. Whisk in oil and season to your liking with (added salt and pepper to taste)
    Add spinach, carrots and cranberries (if using)
    Serve immediately
    Calories per serving 133, 1 gm. protein, 9 gm. carbs, 3 gms. fiber, 10.5 gm fat, 1.5 g saturated fat, 0 mg. cholesterol, 233 mg. sodium

    Debbie :heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Lucy, so glad that work conditions are improving for Andy hope things continue to go well for ya'll.
    God is Good, no doubt about it, faith is what guides me in every aspect of my life's journey, without him I am nothing. Bless you and all my sisters in this group :heart: :smile: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :smile:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, Those recipes look so yummy! I will have to try them both. Thanks for posting these. :flowerforyou:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Cindy, you are truly welcome. I think sometimes we get into a pattern of eating the same things over and over, maybe in different ways but I know looking back today at my menus alot of my days did spill into the next. So perhaps putting a twist on it, trying something new, will rev up the metabolism in a whole new way and bring about good results. I love cooking, so finding and trying new recipes are a real treat for me.
    Settling in to the day nicely. I like what we are all contributing today., wholesome nutrition and as Martha Stewart is so known for saying, "That's a Good Thing"....:wink:
    Keep a pep in your step, smile on your face, positive thought in your head, and a song in your heart, that's my wish for my dear friends here today :flowerforyou:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Lucy (Chris), you really did do a good job! :laugh: I figured you username was a take on l Love Lucy but I also assumed your name was, well, Lucy, LOL!! It kind of fit you! Surely you remember VegeMeatAVitaMin or whatever it was called. My mom used to have that skit memorized and would call me in to the house whenever it was on the TV. She and I would just totally crack up! I was always a Lucy fan growing up. All the different versions of the show. She was fabulous. I also liked Mary Tyler Moore and would watch that with my grandmother. I totally understand the SAD. I'm a Michigander myself. It seems like from October to April it's nothing but gray, cloudy, overcast skies. That's good information about the Cod Oil. DH sometimes takes fish oil caplets (I forget why) but I tried one once and burped "fish" the entire day. It was disgusting!

    I got over hungry today even though I ate my breakfast. Shopping took a little longer today and I just now ate (1:15). I usually eat between 11 - 11:30. I knew it was gonna happen when I pulled in the grocery parking lot and vowed not to hit McDonald's (in the outer lot) on my way out so I grabbed a container of Prices Pimiento Cheese. :blushing: :blushing: I just totally scarfed a sandwich now I feel *so* full! It's one of my guilty pleasures. I can eat a whole container in a day. I'm gonna have to control myself!!

    Tons of stuff to put away. I really wanted some blueberries but they were $6 a pint!!! I bought a new thing today. There's a thread floating around here about Fayeh (or something like that). It's a greek yogurt but it comes in fat free versions. I found it today but not the fat-free so I opted for another brand. Supposed to be super yummy. We'll see. I don't eat yogurt much. I don't care for the consistency and they are loaded with either sugar or aspartame (yuck!) so I choose cottage cheese with fruit instead. But, I'm gonna give this stuff a try, it's loaded with live active cultures and supposed to be really good for you as well as tasty. I've got a few fresh blueberries that I froze a couple weeks ago. I'm gonna mix the two and see how it goes.

    Well, guess I got off my feet long enough. Time to get back to work...Later...

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi ya Heeters! Dh picked me up a heart rate monitor last night. It does not have a chest strap. I wore it while I did my 3 mile watp workout. I like it and think even though it doesn't have a chest strap it's pretty accurate. Now here's the kicker- MFP says I burn 598 calories doing that workout. I only burn 449 calories according to my heart rate monitor. Thats 149 calories differance! Now I know that mfp gives estimates. And I know that depending on how hard I workout to that watp workout will vary my calories burned but 149 calories? I'm so glad I got this. I can't wait to walk tonight and calculate that. :smile: I hope everyone is having a grea:flowerforyou: t day! Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Cindy, does the heart monitor only monitor calories burned, not distance? If you don't mind my asking what kind did you get *brand**and was it prcey? I would definitely like to invest in one and think it would make for better accuracy. Thanks and that was sweet of him to get it for you. Gotta love that support!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, It's a Sportline 7 -function ECG heart rate watch. He got it at Wal-Mart for $25.00. It has 1 touch heart rate monitor- calories burned -% of your heart rate indicator-stopwatch-countdown timer-time and date-daily alarm and a backlight. It's water resistant to 30 meters and has a 5 year waranty. It seems to work great. I think for $25 you cant go wrong! :smile: Cindy:flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie- Go to They have heart rate watches that measure distance and lots of other cool gadgets. It all seems reasonably priced too. :smile:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Oh My Word!! Talk about crash and burn??? Good grief! I had to grab a Pepsi for a little Pep-Me-Up. And I snuck two more bites of Pimiento Cheese. :noway: Spank Me!!

    Anybody ever cook fresh beets? DH loves them any old way but the only way I've ever eaten them was from a can and I didn't like them. I found them to be really sour tasting. Funny because I love almost anything "pickled" and beets are supposed to be really sweet. Anyway, I bought some today and am undecided on what to do with them. I have a recipe for roasting them but if anybody has a tried and true recipe I'm game. I've got a sirloin in the freezer that I'm going to cook with them. Here's this weeks menu...

    Friday - Cindy's Pizza Pockets in Pita bread

    Saturday - Lunch will be Tomato Pie (got some 'maters to use up) Turkey thighs with cabbage/apple casserole

    Sunday - Spareribs with lemon-apple coleslaw

    Monday - Stuffed Peppers stuffed with the Greek Spaghetti Sauce I made last weekend

    Tuesday - Crab Legs and either shrimp, scallops or cod - whatever strikes my fancy that night

    Wednesday - Steak and Beets

    Thursday - leftovers of what ever is left

    I'm gonna make another bean dip and some homemade guacamole if the avocados ripen by Sunday. They are pretty hard right now. You can tell by my kichen that spring is getting closer. My fruit bowl runneth-over! I found a beautiful whole pineapple and am gonna dice some for mixing with cottage cheese and the rest I'll mix with some fresh strawberries for a fruit salad. The grab and go fruits will be for lunches next week.

    Cindy, that's great news on the HRM! Now you have a more accurate accounting of what's going on.

    Lucy, I haven't read the book you mentioned but I have read Dr. Wiel's 8 Weeks To Optimum Health. It's a wealth of information and one I refer back to often. And I'm so glad you are being blessed and that DH is finding continued work. I hope the blessings continue for you and your family.

    Debbie, I'm researching the Polar F6 and Polar F11 Heart Rate Monitors. I think they are all-purpse but these two were specifically recommended by other swimmers on this site. These two run in the $160 range on Amazon. There are others out there that are a little cheaper though that would probably be a good all-purpose one to use during your walks. You can find one to do just about anything you want. Count calories, distance, program it specifically to your fitness level and "prompt" you to either *speed it up* or *slow it down* according to your activity level. Ask around on the Fitness Thread. There are so many out there it can get overwhelming. That's why I went straight to the forum - too many choices!!

    Hazel, here are a few more that we use regularly, DH is Dear Husband, DD is Dear Daughter, DS is Dear Son. If I think of more I'll let you know but will try to remember to post the meanings when I use them.

    Well, the Pepsi is helping. I'm feeling better so I better get up and get moving again...BBL

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi there Heeters, good day we all seem to be having. Picked Kayleigh up at school and we got our walk in early, another 2,630 steps (just a little over a mile for me with my stride), did it today in 25 minutes so we are getting that heart rate up and steppin it up a bit more!! Not bragging mind you, just surprised and really glad how far I've come from just the beginning of March starting the walking for my favored choice of exercise. Blood sugar was within normal range this morning before breakfast and just took it now about 2 hrs. after lunch and having just got in from our walk and it is 165, so far so good., needed to be below 180 so we are on track.

    Cindy thank you for all the info on the heart monitor, figure I will try to find one that combines my distance and calories burned which may cost me a little more, but better in the long run.
    I will check out the website and thank you.

    Also, thank you for sharing as well Julie, I will check with some of the other people in the fitness groups and see what some of their reviews are on ones they have tried perhaps to get an idea as to what I will get.

    Lots of good info packed into this day.......good Job everyone.....we Heeters are developing good healthy habits......Julie good job on keepin out of mickey D's though I know you would have made a good choice.....don't underestimate your capablilities Sistah......, but watch that temptation of pimiento cheese deary.......laps in the pool, where's that wet suit...tee hee:laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: :smooched:wishin skinny vibes to all Debbie
  • Hey all. Here I am. Did you think i fell offf the end of the world? ha. ha. Thank you all for all the cryptic clarity. It all made good sense when I knew what they were. LOL. I guess that's what people do with the text typing? All the abbreviations? That is funny. I had my own abbrev. but my DD didn't understand them when i used my own version. Guess it must be the generation gap.

    Today's posting has been a wealth of information.
    Debbie = Vitamin E. Great info and I will have to remember them especially my being diabetic that caught my attention.
    Lucy=great name. I loved Lucille Ball and she is still top female comedian in my books. May her soul rest in peace but she sure did bring many smiles to many, didn't she? That tells me a lot about your personality and I think it is simply so precious. I need to be around you so you can put a smile on my face and laughter into my heart on a daily basis. Only because it is easy to get in the hum drum of daily life. mind you, mine isn't all that bad but I spend most of my day alone after retirement. I am seriously considering doing volunteering at the Senior Center a few hours each week. That should give me a variety of people to be around to add some spice to my life. My DD's name is Christina. A name that has been so special to both my DH and myself for years before we got her. So, you have a beautiful name but I think I will call you Lucy as now I know why you chose that name. :smile: :love: BTW, i love the quote you have at the bottom of your post and congratulation's on DH work schedule. yes, we give all praises onto our dear Lord Jesus for how He provides for us everyday.
    Cindy= West Texas eh? I have not been in that part of our world yet. Will make it there someday. Are you northern part where it gets so cold with that Canadian winter air blowing in? I am in North Texas where it is not as harsh in the winter. BTW, what is "watp" work out?
    Julie=you go girl! you are tops in my books full of life and great ideas and i love all that you have to share with us.
    So many postings today and such great readings. hope I didn't forget anyone am probably did forget to mention something, but know that I enjoyed all your sharing.

    Now for myself. This morning started out great with going to the gym at 7:30 and working out for 1 1/2 hours. Did cardio and strength exercises. went for my weigh in and boo hoo. I gained 3 lbs.!!! I couldn't remember what happened since I had not been logging my food diary daily. But it all came to me at the same time and yes, I did it to myself. I had been practicing to make biscuits and eating them too. had KFC for dinner that day i went to the Aboretum. boo hoo. How quickly all that adds up. My DH is being very supportive however as he talked about how many inches I have lost. he is so very sweet and is the love of my life being married for 40 years 2008.

    I also eperienced drop in blood sugar and didn't feel so good, but after my nice turkey sandwich with avocado I started feeling better. Guess I just didn't have enough calorie intake with the work out this a.m.

    Had a long nap and now am feeling like I am raring to go. Dinner tonight is left over chicken curry. Thanks gals for the recipes shared.

    So, no, I didn't get to the grocery shopping but we have plenty to eat in the house so guess will have to continue to clean out the freezer and vegetable bin before getting more.

    Lucy, have a wonderful party tonight. Wish we were not so far apart and I could crash in. LOL.

    Love you all and ya'll have a wonderful weekend. This includes you Bebe in beautiful Bahama's.
  • Debbie, great going on that walk and getting your blood sugar down. I know it is hard work but you are doing sooooo good, girl. Keep it up. I am happy to know that you have the support of your DD and together you can strive for your health for long life.

    You have had such encouragement today for all of us. Thank you.

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Thank you Hazel for all the kind words to us all. Don't beat yourself up too bad over a slight gain, just try to journal this coming week and see where it leads you. It is so hard to remember and so for me I always track it before I eat it, then if I need to make a change I can, just something I committed to myself from the beginning and so far so good. :wink:

    Lucy, have fun with all your friends, I know you are all going to have so much fun at your party.

    Dinner is left overs tonight, and a relaxing evening, so see you all tomorrow.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel, I am in Odessa , TX. We have been here almost 2 years. We moved here from Northern Ohio smack dab in the middle of the snow belt. We get alot of wind here in TX. A few days in the winter are cold. It's nothing like Ohio. I love the hot weather here. I don't think I would ever want to live somewhere where there is an actual cold snowy winter ever again. WATP stands for Lesley Sansones Walk Away The Pounds. She has great walking workouts that are more than just walking . She incorporates strength training, kicks, sidesteps and kickbacks into her workouts. I do the 3 mile workout. It takes 45 minutes. That = 15 minute miles. She has a ton of video workouts. You can get 1 mile workouts on up to 5 miles. I love her workouts! I'm getting ready to make dinner, Zuchini lasagna. I make it just like regular lasagna exept I slice zuchini in noodle shapes. I use turkey sausage instead of ground beef. I use low fat cheeses and tons of veggies in it. YUMMO- Cindy :flowerforyou:
  • Debbie, thank you for the encouragement. I may just try your idea of listing my diary before eating and see if that helps. I have logged in today and so far so good except, I need to log in my exercise done. So far so good, however. Thanks again.

    Cindy, Odessa. My DH had mentioned or suggested we move out there but I just couldn't see being away from North Texas quite yet. We may take a drive out there one day. I will let you know before we do and maybe we could meet? But I don't see that happening for a while still. Too much going on with my DD being in Tennessee and we are planning on visiting her in April for her birthday. Okay video. I do have one for a 3 mile walk. I just need to remember to take it out and try to remember how to work that vcr. LOL.

    Have a wonderful evening, you two. Are you getting some of this cold your way, Cindy? Our temp has sure dropped and we are in the high 40's right now. Brrrr.
  • I fogot to mention your lasagne. That sure is interesting and creative. Hmmm. I have not been in the habit of making lasagne but your version sure is appealing. Iwill have to take out my lasagne recipe and try your version. We do like ground turkey so that would be a great recipe to try.
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