Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • blackchick38
    hi there julie,debbie and guys were busy today and thats great for a saturday,i just love you guys.seeing all thoes tasty recipes has me hungry,i have to try tha spinach ones,cuz i bought some fresh spinach a few wees ago and used some of it for salads and threw the rest of it in the freezer before it spoiled,now i know what to do with it now.i dont have any recpes to share because i eat just plain stuff,whit rice and fish or ckn are my favourites,so looks like ill be coming to you guys for dinner sometimes'
    cindy keep up the good work,people like you gives me the motavation to go on,your doing just fine.and dont we love compliments,they make us blush dont they.hope your baby is feeling better so you can get some rest.
    debbie you are so smart and it shows how much you are willing to lose weight,thank you for sharing all thoes wonderful ideas with us,you are the back bone so stick around.
    julie the cook,doing all thoes healthy dishes will have you shrinking in no time.i wish i had your talent.i love to cook but my knees wont allow me to stand up long enough in he kitchen.i hurt them a few years ago dancing at my 30th bday party ,so keep sharing thoes recipes .
    im of to the out favourite dish there is the salmon with some fresh veggies,im not a big food fan but i love to :drinker :drinker: .i will be having lots of frozen walla b darns,its some type of peach drink,i use to love the margerita but it usually gets me to drunk.or i just may go for vodka and milk,but what ever i drink ,budweiser will be the first down.see how good we are together,you guys be the cooks and i will be the bartender:laugh: .
    of to hit the shower,i will be back ,if im sober enough.tonight will be my pig out night.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Everyone, back from our walk, and had a wonderful time. Is a beautiful cool sunny evening, and the path was beautiful. It goes past daughter Kayleigh's school, past two lakes and one is stocked with fish and so some were fishing, around the one lake is a path and the ducks were playing on the lake having a good ole' time, people were out in their yards tending to their garden spaces and flower beds that will soon adorn easter lilies and daffodils and the like. All together we did a little over a mile, then loaded and unloaded the truck and now DH and I are deciding on dinner and then showers and an evening of rest.

    I am discovering that having started my walking I am feeling more limber and going the walk is becoming easier and little by little we are goind further with each time we go. I do remember when I started the 1st of March I was so out of shape. The calves hurt, the hamstrings were crying out, the lower back was burning, the breathing was out of rhythm and I was having to slow way down and pace off again, now we are able to walk and look around and take in the sights and talk to each other and stretching a bit before we start out, walking slow at first then after about 5 minutes pick up the pace a bit, then toward the end slow back and cool down, then stretch a bit as we end.

    So those of you walking the walk with me, what changes have occurred? How are you all feeling?
    Julie did you get in a swim today? Has anybody seen Lucy yet? I have her personal email address if any of you would like to email her. I am going to send out a Howdy to her tonight!!!!

    bbl Debbie
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    LOL at Bebe!! You're hysterical! Now you know I don't drink anything but beer but anytime you want to fetch me a cold one you got it and I'll cook for you! You behave with your drinking and please tell me you're not driving! You about gagged me though...Vodka and Milk? OMG, I can't think of anything that sounds grosser than that! :sick: I have bad feet. Started when I was gutting this house and spent way too many hours on my feet wearing Keds. I think my arches are falling and it causes me horrible pain. In addition, I installed wood laminate flooring throughout, tile in the bathrooms and pantry. No soft, padded carpeting anywhere. DH bought me some Gel-Mats for the kitchen. They're pricey but they make a huge difference when I stand in the kitchen for hours on end. I think between the two of them, one really long and one short in front of the sink, it was about $250 but I've had them 3 years now and they are still holding up great. I even burned one with a cigarette and dropped a knife through one and they still haven't oozed or lost their shape. They come in different colors and patterns so they are "decorator" friendly.

    So here is a REAL blast from the past! Remember when I mentioned earlier today about my discovery of needing to eat protein for breakfast and all the years I spent eating cereal or toast or whatever and starving to death? My discovery didn't happen until about 2 years ago. My previous breakfast *diet* goes back to my Richard Simmon's Deal A Meal days. Yep...that's right! Richard Simmons. Jeeze, what was that, about 15+ years ago??? Well in my binder I found a whole months worth of Deal A Meal menus that I had created for myself. I created a spreasheet and pre-planned all my weeks out using my little "dealing cards". Each page has 1 week on it and I would stick it to the fridge and was able to use it as a grocery list. The ONLY time I ever had a protein for breakfast was either a Saturday or a Sunday! AND several days a week I wouldn't eat protein until dinner time! NO WONDER I couldn't stick with the plan! I was ALWAYS hungry!

    And Debbie, you asked earlier today if anyone journalled. I meant to respond to that and kept forgetting. No, I haven't been journalling because I need to K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple, stupid) but I came across another tool I created for myself. I took my weekly meal plan and broke it down further. I created a Word document for each day that I would carry with me to check off if I had eaten everything. It evolved over time, even up until 2007, and I still have it saved on my computer. One of the most interesting things on it was how I slept the night before! I would rate myself 1-10, 1 being horribly and 10 being good. The reason I did this is because I have a sleep disorder (according to my ex-husband, and I'm sure he's right, just never been officially diagnosed.) In addition, I've started snoring more and more as I get heavier. I was tracking how my sleeping, or lack thereof, was affecting how I would eat the next day. If I was really tired I usually ate poorly, or at least not as healthy and sometimes not enough. This was SO important to me. How could I have forgotten this????

    I mentioned this way back, probably in the first week of re-starting the HEET. We have to pay attention to the signals are bodies are sending us! Espeically as we make changes in our eating habits. We need to be conscious and aware. So, YES, I will start journalling again using my little sheet I created. It's simple, basic and easy and *that* I can handle. I even have a place to record my day on a 1-10 scale to determine my stress level and see how stress was affecting me and how/what I ate.

    Good grief...where has my mind been these past few weeks???

    Sticking my nose back in my book!

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, Thats great about your walking! When I started walking mid January I could barely walk half a mile without huffing and puffing. Now I walk 2 miles with 3 pound hand weights at night in 30 minutes. Thats 4 miles an hour in speed turms. I love to walk. I love alot of forms of exercise. I like to bike ride and swim and most sports. I love being outside. I miss Ohio springs. Here in TX we don't have much of a spring just summer and a few cold days in the winter. Dh will be home from work soon and we are going grocery shopping and possible out to eat. I hate the idea of eating out. I don't think any of it fits in my food plan. UGHH I know that sounds weird. And believe me I love Pizza and tacos and cheeseburgers . I just try to make them at home so I can control what goes into it. Have a great evening everyone. TTFN-- Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    hey everyone, just can't seem to stay away. Bebe hope you have a fun time, you can be my bartender any time....just be safe...Use to be a party girl myself in the day...still like a marguarita now and then and vodka is my alcohol of choice.

    While on the subject of alcohol :drinker: what is a good dinner wine., red or white? I like something on the sweet side and not too sour. I have had a japanese wine that is a plum and it is really good., and not expensive like $8-10 a bottle.

    Everything in Moderation, but sometimes you just need a little bubbly....:laugh: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Julie you bring up some very interesting points and I love that we are sharing. I do have a diagnosed sleep disorder. I have obstructive sleep apnea. When tested my oxygen levels were desperately low, I would stop breathing 144 times an hour, (not a typo) and had seizures in my sleep that after six months I began having throughout the day 6-8 per day. I got to the point I lost memory, had bouts of confusion and paranoia, and needed help dressing myself and caring for myself from all the regression. I cried and hated for night to come because I literally could not sleep and yet was so tired. After countless exams and testing, a cardiologist suspected I had sleep apnea and sent me to a neurologist who wanted to induce sleep with sleeping pills. If you know anything about sleep apnea that is a big no no. People with sleep apnea stop breathing in their sleep. If they can't wake up they die in their sleep. If you have sleep apnea and it goes untreated it can lead to lung and heart damage and sudden death. I advise anyone with a sleeping problem to consult their doctor. Its serious business. I am somewhat better now, I sleep with a machine and get good REM (dream state sleep) and though the memory loss and some bouts of confusion still are existant and seizures periodically, I am far better than I was and owe my life to the heart doctor that made the discovery.

    Thanks for sharing Julie and keep it comin..Boy I am learning so much here today. We are a smart bunch.
    bbl Debbie
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Debbie, that's really scary! Seriously! DH DOES have sleep apnea. It's terrifying for me when he wakes me up. Sometimes I wake up on my own because his chest is heaving like he is breathing *super* heavy but his airway is closed tight and ain't nothing happenin'. After a few airless breaths he jolts himself out of sleep to take a humongous breath. It's awful but he won't go to a doctor. No insurance and he just won't go...He's not overweight either. It's just something he's got. I, on the other hand, rarely fall in to REM. That's my problem. I'm not getting any good deep sleep. Just that light, hazy kind and most days I wake up just feeling dreadful. And now my snoring is getting worse. I've always had a little bit of a *girly* snore but now I'm really shaking the rafters. DH is sleeping with ear plugs now and a lot of times I wake myself up because of the racket I'm making. For now, I do have insurance but only preventative is covered 100%. Anything else I have to pay out of pocket until I reach my deductible and it's $3,000. :sad: Both of us do sleep much better when we are eating well and exercising though. Does your machine do any kind of data recording? Oxygen levels or *events* during the night? I'd be curious to know what kind of improvement you'll see as you progress to the healthier you???
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Julie the machine I use is called a bi-pap and what it does is as you breathe in you get the force of air and as you breathe out the air pressure subsides for normal breathing rhythm. A c-pap machine is continuous air pressure and to best discribe what its like, you put on this mask and lay down to sleep and try to breathe normal an its like being on the back of a motorcycle going down the road about 100 mph with the wind in your face, I could not sleep with it.
    When you are tested the machine does have a reading that my neurologist can interpret, a medical supply place technician comes and sets the pressure of what you need regarding what the doctor determines from your testing. When he gets the computer card out of your machine, it records the # of hours you have used the machine faithfully and that tells him if you are using it all the time or not.
    I take my machine everywhere, if I stay overnight anywhere, or even a hospital stay.

    If you are in need of the testing your local hospital should be able to work with you as well as your doctor and alot of times it depends on the severity as to what companies will cover, but all hospitals can work with you on your bill, and figure fees in regards to your household income and such. I am so glad that I followed through and the first night I slept all night I felt the next day like a newborn baby, I was so glad to finally sleep and dream......hopefully in losing the weight the pressure can be lowered or maybe one day I can kiss that machine goodbye.

    Try elevating your head with pillows or I know the doctor when I first had trouble suggested putting bricks or block under the headboard of the bed to raise it up for better sleeping , you should never sleep on your back, always on your side, I do remember him telling me that, and he said if I could not elevate my head then I needed to sleep upright in a chair if I didn't have my machine.

    Hope this helps answer some of your questions. Seems just since I have been diagnosed more people are realizing the seriousness of this illness.
  • amahlman
    amahlman Posts: 22 Member
    so I am brand new as of 3 days ago and would love to join. I am wondering I was told 1200 cal per day but when I log in my exercise it will suddenly say you have 700 more calories to eat. Trust me I love to eat so I find ways to eat and drink those extra cals but should I not be doing that????
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Amahlman, perhaps I can help you out a bit here. The concept is that if you are on a 1,200 calorie diet and you burn say 400 calories then of the 1,200 you ate, you used up 400 of them., leaving you only 800 calories taken in for the day and that we know is way too low. So what you need to do is eat and replace the calories burned. I know when I tried to explain this to my spouse he was like, "well, what's the point of exercising if your just gonna eat more?" You have to Eat to Lose. If you take in too few of calories your body will hold onto everything you consume because it thinks its starving.

    So at best, try to make healthy choices and replace those calories and good for you working out and burning those calories. Make sure you are eating enough, and no less than 1,200 calories per day.

    We are glad you have joined us, we post daily and look forward to sharing in your Journey:smile:
  • amahlman
    amahlman Posts: 22 Member
    thank you!!! I was starting to get greedy when it would say...If everyday where like today you will weigh xxx in 5 wks when all I took in was 800 cals! ha! I will not try to beat the number by not eating as I know that only kicks you in the rear later. Thanks again. I will keep you posted!
  • trimkitty
    Hello everyone. I found you on the new site. My computer is back. The Geek Squad had to wipe out and reload everything.
    I am going to be off line for a few more days. Both my kids are very sick. I have no idea what's going on, but they are both quite miserable and I haven't had a wink of sleep. Seems like the flu to me, although I though it was a little late to get the flu now (even after they've been vaccinated, mandatory even for preschool these days :mad: )
    I've read some of the posts, but I haven't had time to read all of them. Seems like moving here was the right thing to do. Looks like you have two new members and everybody is happy with this site.
    Hopefully my kids will feel better soon and I'll be able to join you more frequently.

    On a positive note, I've lost 2 more ponds this week. That's a total of 9 pounds lost in the past month which brings me down to 162. Getting there :smile:

    I love these little faces.

    Good luck to everybody and I look forward to being on this site with you.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Wonderland, Welcome, golly we have sure missed you. Sorry the kids are feeling so yucky, that virus is the pits we here all know too well in our house. We went through it for about two weeks. Really wipes you out. That's a shame about your computer, but glad you were able to get it fixed. I was only back at the site to try to let everyone else know what is going on and where we are, but whether they will be here remains to be seen.

    You will like it here once you get around and use the site. The food journal is awesome. People are so nice here and we are on the grow.

    Well glad you found us and look forward to seeing you more often.
    P.S. great job on the weight loss!!!! Woo Hoooooo:love:
  • blackchick38
    good am all,i didnt get a hangover at all,so guess im a pro now.well no more drinks for the month time to get back on track.
    of to wrk now i got up to cook breakfast and time just went,i saw that u guys were busy lastnight and WONDERLAND is here,and also welcome to the newbie.
    will chat later bebe
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Happy Spicey Sunday HEETers! Since we're having Buffalo Chicken Breast today and gonna *spice* it up, what kind of *HEET* can you bring to your life today? Got any spices you haven't tried yet? Any healthy sauces? DH and I love hot foods, peppers of all kinds including habanero and dried/ground peppers. We are always looking for ways to spice up our food. Got to keep it interesting! Besides, hot and spicy foods rev your metabolism. I can use all the revving I can get!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Yay!! Wonderland found us!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Awsome job on the weight loss! You're doing terrific! Athough I hope it wasn't totally stress related. And now the flu??? Good grief, on top of the Chickenpox?? Oh my! I'm surely sending you some good thoughts. Sounds like you really need them right about now. Please come back as soon as you can...We MISSED you!

    Bebe, nice to see you up and at them this morning! And no hangover to boot! I hope you enjoyed your party with your mom. I hope she had a nice, healthy 75th!

    Welcome Amahlman! We're glad you found us. Just pop on in and start posting. Whatever is on your mind. I read your profile. Yep. Debbie, Bebe and myself know exactly where you're coming from. I wonder how much money, between the three of us, we have spent on fad diets, books, exercise equipment, etc., etc. Debbie calls us "Seasoned Dieters"! Well stick a fork in me because I'm DONE!! I know what works for me and I'm getting back to it. Slow, steady and a healthier choice than I made the day before. Eventually it will all come together.

    ***Waving at Cindy!*** I hope you don't think I was stalking you but I was cruising around the boards last night just checking things out. I saw your post about the Garden Burger. I don't care for the "Garden Burger" types. I don't like the little crunchy/chunky things in them and the flavor seems a little funny to me. I'll stick to the soy and black bean stuff. Hooray for you for trying something new though! I try once a week to try something new. A new food, piece of fruit, a veggie or a recipe. It's so much fun!

    So, the tea helped. Yesterday I was able to get in about 11 or 12 glasses of "water". I just brewed another pitcher and am drinking some now.

    Well, gonna scoot. Have some more things to do in the kitchen today to get prepped for next weeks meals. I'll be KNOW i will, LOL!!

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :tongue: Good Sunday Morning Heeters, Role call, bebe, Julie, wonderland, cindy, amahlman, and all that follow.....we're coming up on our weigh-ins....are we going to have a good one?

    I call here at home today....Sensible Sunday...simply put...proceed with caution, get all your meals and water in, eat lean (fish or poultry, or pork)....beef always makes you weigh heavy so if I have it I usually do on tues/wed/ or today going to have the grilled pork fajitas.

    Well best get dressed and get moving got to go pick up a few things at the store, so bbl, its Bristol for Nascar today and like Julie we'll be watchin :wink:

    Any Earnhart Jr fans? Tony Stewart? Kasey Meirs? Jeff Gordon? Kyle Busch? Carl Edwards?

    bbl Debbie:happy:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Ohhhh Debbie!!! Shame! Shame! Shame! I'm gonna wash your mouth out with soap because you said a REALLY bad word! Ack, Ack, Tony, Ack, Ack, Stewart! UGHHHHH!!!! I can't stand him. I've always hated him! He's got a bad attitude, the biggest whiner in the sport, it's never his fault, always somebody else's and good lord don't get me going on how he LOVES to bash Goodyear and their tires. I also can't stand Kurt Bush and I fear Kyle will follow in his brother's footsteps although he does seem to be a pretty good racer.

    I'm a Happy Harvick fan. Have been for about 8-9 years or so. Go 29!! He won yesterday so let's see if he can do it again today! Like I said, DH wasn't really in to Nascar and his very first year he picked Jimmie Johnson and has stuck with him. I used to like Jr. well enough but he's been making a lot of stupid mistakes in the past year or so. Maybe he can turn things around. I also like Matt Kenseth and Kasey Kahn. Both seem to be very humble guys.

    Boogity! Boogity! Boogity! Let's Go Racin' Boys!


    PS...I like your Simple Sunday! I may have to keep that one around for a while!

    And Hey everybody! I uploaded some pictures to my page. Check out my Hubba, Hubba Honey and Frito and Tia-Rio. Frito is my male on the couch and Tia is our puppy with the black mask taken outside. Aren't they all the cutest?!:heart::heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is having a great day so far. I plan to cook some cabbage rolls today. I bought brown rice and 93% lean ground beef to go in them so I'm anxious to total up the ingrediants and get the nutritional info on them. Julie , stalking- lol Ya know those Garden Burgers were not good. I am determined to find one we like though. When do we weigh in as a group? Ok girls, I have to start boiling cabbage. :o) TTFN-- Cindy
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Cindy, we each weigh in on whatever day works for us individually. I weigh on Wednesday, Debbie on Monday. Bebe is a compulsive weigher so she took the batteries out of her scale and only weighs occassionally now (love ya, Bebe!) and I think Wonderland weighs on Saturday. She'll be joining us soon as her kids get well. The choice is yours!

    I love cabbage rolls! Haven't made them in about a year or so. Thanks for reminding me of another healthy alternative!!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Julie......LOL, I am right there with ya when it comes to Stewart,......and yeah Earnhart needs to turn it around and he will.....I have faith in him......when I begun getting involved in nascar my man was 24 Jeff I'll cheer for him today, dear hubby is going with Earnhart today!!!!!

    Well back from the store and gonna get those fajitas going afterwhile. Everyone is out and about in the sunshine for now.

    Well have a good afternoon everyone, Julie love your pictures.

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey Debbie!! Here's a little game I always play with many Cautions do you think they'll have? DH is going with 20. I'm being a little more conservative today. I'm calling 11. How about you and your DH?