Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :smile: Hey there hazel and welcome to the HEET. ~~~waving to Julie~~~hope you had a great day girl~~~~
    Well trying to decide what to have for dinner tonight. Thinking chicken and some cabbage, the rest of the family is having soup and fajitas (they were a real hit yesterday and much left over).
    Taking a reprieve from walking the path today. Not being lazy, just too cold out today and windy.
    So how is everyone doing?

    Well I have ran behind today and am going to go and journal and complete my meal plan for the week, so see you all later tonight.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Ok, I'm home and can play with my friends! :tongue: said you didn't want to see the 220's again but weighed in at 216. Is that a gain for you? Are you moving up on the scale? If so, sit back for a minute and re-evaluate what you've been doing. Tighten up on your meals. Start measuring and weighing your food. Are you jounalling your food? I know you were hit and miss on the other site because I used to check your journal. Start again! Right NOW! Today! Even if you can't keep up with it every single day (I don't but I get most days done) do it a couple times a week. You'd be amazed how fast little things add up or just how high in calories some things really are and make sure to pay attention to what a serving size is for what ever it is you are eating. Like I said before, I don't use my calorie counter as a bible but I do use it as a guide to keep me in check. These are the baby steps you need to take to see the success you want.

    DEBBIE!!! HOLY COW!! Awesome job on the inches!! Been chomping at the bit to get home tonight to congratulate you! Are you noticing anything different in your clothes? I've already lost an inch in *the girls* so my bras and t-shirts fit better. As for your new measure group, I totally agree with your premise. I don't rely on my scale completely, it just *another* tool in my arsenault. I measure once a month and there's another tool to monitor my progress.

    Lucy, again, glad you found us! You get in here and start posting!! I missed you!

    Cindy, could you just be reaching a plateau? You know it's gonna happen sooner or later and with all the exercise you're doing you could be adding some muscle mass that would offset the scale. Are you measuring like Debbie and I do? I measure my neck, bust, waist, hips, right bicep and right thigh. Muscle weighs more than fat and people get mad with the scale because of it but muscle is our best friend when it comes to fat burning.

    Hazel, again, welcome to you as well. We are quite the bunch, aren't we?? :laugh: :laugh:

    I peeked at the scale this morning. Still maintaing at 199. Not sure if I can hold it until Wednesday but I'm gonna try. Dinner last night and lunch today was Buffalo Chicken Breasts and potato salad. It was totally awesome but really high in calories, even with my reduced calorie versions and substitutions. I'm gonna go over my limit tonight by the time I eat dinner but I'm gonna try to keep it tight.

    AND...I did measure and weigh everything today for my Measure It Monday. For me, tomorrow will be Two-Fer Tuesday. I'm going for 2 fruits tomorrow, at least.

    One thing I just learned about this site...I'm not sure how you guys are getting to this thread but I found a *shortcut*. When you click on the Community Tab above to get to the Message Boards there is another blue line underneath where it says Welcome to You...If you look over you will see a My Topics link. You can click that and it' will pull up all the groups you've recently posted in. This is handy if you post to somebody elses thread and want to see if anyone followed up behind you.

    Heading off for a bit but I'll check back later...


    Hey Debbie! Whatcha cookin this week? Might give me some ideas for next week. If I can find some cheap cabbage I'm definitely doing some cabbage rolls like Cindy. I LOVE those things!
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Heya, HEETers! Good news...sort of...I was able to salvage my dinner calories! I still went over but only by 100 (exactly) and ate an all around healthier meal than what I had planned. Tonight I was going to fix one of the processed foods in my weekly attempt to get rid of it, boxed Au Gratin Potatoes with some cooked sausage and a veggie but here's what I did instead. I had plenty of my homemade black bean dip left (just black beans, jalapeno, salsa, spices and lime juice) and 1 and 1/2 fat free tortilla wraps. I made *soft* tacos with the dip, added cheese and L/F sour cream (all weighed and measured...) and heated in the microwave. Even though I went over my calories I'm happy with the healthier and more nutricious choice I made! :smile: DH is going to finish off some other leftovers and tomorrow night I'll do the Turkey Thighs and veggies before weigh in on Wednesday. And now I'm finishing up my last water for the day to meet my minimum. Will still probably have more but at least I made the minimum!

    Yay for me!!

    Ok, heading off again. Later!

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey there Julie, welcome home. Dinner tonight was taco soup, cabbage steamed and chicken breast patty for me.
    Temptation Tuesday : is homemade chicken and noodles
    Wacky Wednesday is Fish fillets/steamed veggies and rice
    To Do Thursday is Upside Down Pizza Bake
    Family Nite Friday is Pamesan Chicken Subs and salad
    Simply Saturday is: Whole Wheat Spaghetti and garlic toast
    Sensable Sunday is: Hash Brown Potato Soup and Salad

    that's what is cookin' at my house this week.

    bbl Debbie
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Explain Homemade Chicken and Noodles and Upside-Down Pizza Bake please...
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Homemade Chicken and Noodles
    Calories: per 2 cups equal 145 calories
    In a large bowl take combine 5 medium eggs, 3 drops of yellow food coloring, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1/4 cup of milk and approximately 4 cups of all-purpose flour, mix well, then on floured counter or table, with rolling pin roll out the noodle dough til 1/8 inch thin, and cut into strips (I find using a pizza cutter works well to cut the noodles).

    In quart saucepan, use a 10 oz. can of white chicken breast packed in water, drain water and rinse, and put in pan, then add low sodium chicken broth 4-12 oz. cans and to the broth add 24 oz. of water bring just to a boil and drop in noodles, stirring to avoid sticking together, let boil about 1 minute then turn down to medium heat stirring occassionally. Great over mashed potatoes but the family likes them so well they would rather have more noodles and forget the mashed potatoes.
    If you like you can add green onion tops to the broth and slivers of celery and carrots for added veggies and eye appeal.

    Upside Down Pizza Bake! a weight watcher recipe favorite
    Serves 4 equals 5 pts. per serving About 230 calories per serving

    1 cup reduced fat cheese grated
    1 can diced tomatoes (no sugar) with chiles (drained)
    18 pcs. turkey pepperoni, diced
    1 cup reduced fat bisquick
    1 cup fat free milk
    1/2 cup fat free egg beaters or equivalent
    parmesan cheese (optional)
    garlic powder/italian herbs

    Preheat oven 425 degrees. Spray 8x8 baking dish
    Sprinkle 3/4 cup cheese on bottom, next layer is diced tomatoes, turkey pepperoni, last layer remaining cheese.

    In blender, add milk, egg, 1 cup reduced fat bisquick.
    Blend til smooth-pour over layers. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese, garlic and herbs
    Bake 25 minutes until golden brown, Entire pan is 20 pts., divided dish into 4 and equals 5 pts. per serving which would equal about 230 calories per serving

    For this you can make your own version, I omit the turkey pepperoni and add ham, or chicken, bell pepper, onion, you can add pineapple with the ham and its delicious. If you don't want to use bisquick you can find some low calorie biscuits and roll them out thin, or pillsbury pizza crust and roll out thin for your crust on top, or seasoned bread crumbs.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Thank You!

    The chicken recipe is too close to dumplings for me. Had a very, very, very bad run in with chicken and dumplings when I was about 8 or so. I haven't eaten it since even though I used to absolutely love it! Still brings back bad memories, LOL!

    Now, the pizza thing...that's a definite possibility! I'm always on the hunt for a new Friday Night pizza recipe!

    Question though...your chicken recipe calls for canned chunk chicken...girlfriend, do you know how expensive those little cans are?? Next time whole chickens or leg quarters go on sale buy yourself a bunch and cook them, pick the meat off the bones and freeze in baggies. Get your daughter to sit at the table with you and help. You'd probably have a blast getting chicken guts all over your hands! I bought 30 (yep, 30) pounds of leg quarters about 3-4 months ago. I had two oven racks going and 2 crock pots going non-stop until I got them all cooked. Of course, it took me almost 2 full days to pick the meat but I still got plenty o'chicken pieces left! I use them all the time for casseroles, tacos, enchiladas, spaghetti and such. Can't beat it for a quick, cheap weeknight meal!

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey Heeters. If you've been reading all my posts then you know I found the binder with all my "research" material in it from when I started getting healthy in 2007. When I first started this group HEET way back then, I put a lot of thought in to the name. The Healthy Eaters part was no mistake and by no means did I intend for it to be simply associated with or restricted to calorie counting. That's why I've said on many occassions I don't use my counter as a bible. I really mean "Healthy Eating" and that means covering all the food groups, colors, textures and flavors as often as possible. I believe in *nourishing* the body, not just making sure I get X amount of calories a day.

    Here is a list I found that can help you get the most from your food choices so you can be more nutritionally balanced. Pick at least 2 from each color every time you go shopping and be sure to mix it up as often as possible. If you keep eating the same ones you run the risk of getting bored:

    pink grapefruit
    red peppers
    red potatoes
    red apples

    brown pears

    black currants
    dried plums
    purple figs
    red grapes
    red cabbage
    purple peppers

    yellow peppers
    sweet potatoes

    green apples
    green grapes
    honeydew melon
    green pears
    brussel sprouts
    leafy greens
    green onions
    green pepper
    snow peas
    sugar snap peas

    Remember, buy fresh, frozen or dried. Frozen foods retain most of their nutritional content because they are picked fresh and flash frozen. Canned foods can have additives and have lost most of their nutritional value during the cooking and canning process.

    Hope you all have a good night. I'm off and will see you tomorrow!

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi there Heeters, Julie and the gang. Yes in the recipe on the chicken and noodles tonight I said canned white chicken breast as it was already here. Bought buy father in law before he passed away, so trying to use things up in the pantry, otherwise yes, I do buy big packages of meats when I find a good sale and do as you were saying. Good Point though, so thanks for pointing that out for everyone's benefit.

    Heard today on our news of a lady that is doing as I do, and you as well Julie. She gets the sale flyers at her local stores and watches whats on sale and what she has coupons for. She makes her weekly menu of meals around what she can get on sale and then goes and buys just what she needs for the meals of the week. With planning and coupon redemption she is making meals (3 a day plus snacks) for 7 days for around $79 for her family of 4. Two weeks ago I went shopping and after my coupons I spent $39.19 and at another store I spent $18.00 after coupons. Between the two stores I saved $70.00 off the grocery bill and we are still going strong. Many sites now have coupons you can log on and print off and alot of stores will double the value. Just the other day I got my cat some treats for .49 cents after coupon, and a 3 lb. bag of dog food for the puppy for $1.38....The savings are in the planning ahead.

    Well its getting late, so TTFN, wishing you good rest and pleasant dreams!
  • blackchick38
    hey there guys,i will be MIA until friday.going to one of the island for seminar.if tey have a computer there i will check in on you guys.yesterday i worked a 15 hour shift and that just put a dent in my walking plans.its a good thing i have a set of weights under my desk.i will stop here so i can read most of the post i missed yesterday.i didnt walk this am got up to late,and today im leaving for the island.
    have a great on guys.
  • hazelmichling
    Good morning, gals. Today is a brand new day to strive toward our goals. We can do it and with such a positive attitude in all I have read, I know we can do it.

    Checked my food dairy for yesterday and see that I have gone over by only 20 calories.
    Hooray!:heart::bigsmile: Didn't quite make my 8 glasses of water. Will try to do better today. Went to the gym for an hour work out and will go again this afternoon.

    Ya'll have a great day. I will check back in this evening. Busy day with Bible study early this morning until noon.

    Thank you for being here for me. I just joined but already look forward to your comments for the day. yes, I can see how sisterhood will be built and I need that too. :smile:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Morning HEETers!

    I got up a few minutes earlier today so I'd have time to post. I'm still struggling with the time change from a couple weeks ago but I realized last night I have just been "coasting" along. I really need to refocus and recharge. Time for me to SHAPE-UP!! I've been waiting for the pool to warm up. It was cold and rainy all weekend so now it's gonna be weeks before it warms up again.

    Today is Two-Fer Tuesday for me. I already got 1 fruit in, my glass of OJ. Some people say they would rather *eat* their calories as opposed to drinking them but I like my glass of OJ in the morning. I've been doing it for years because of the potassium in it. Really good for regulating the heart which I think is important early in the day.

    Bebe, I hope you enjoy your seminar but you hadn't mentioned it earlier. Did you know it was coming? Did you make any kind of food/exercise plans for it? Enjoy but be healthy!

    Hazel, I also went over my calories yesterday but I went over them in a healthier way than originally planned. It's all about *choices* and even though I missed the mark I feel good about my decision and the way I actuall *thought it out* before just stuffing my face. Congrats for getting your work out in and enjoy your studies.

    Debbie, check out HotCouponWorld. But be's addictive! I'm not couponing anymore. It's very time consuming for me and part of the reason I got off track last year. I love to save money but I have GOT to focus on my health this year. I spent too much time in front of the computer working all the deals (and there are plenty of them to be worked if you visit that site) and clipping all those coupons. Sometimes as much as 4 papers each weekend. I was also a heavy trader. It was fun but I spent too much time on my butt and not enough time in the pool.

    Well, time to put the dogs out and head off. I'll check back as I can...

    *Waving* to Cindy, Wonderland and Lucy!!

    Have a great Healthy Day!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :wink: Good Morning everyone, sorry a bit late getting started, having computer issues. Its been freezing up and then sometimes just goes wacky and starts opening up windows automatically and have to do a hard boot because it won't shut down. Its old like me, but its gotta hang in there no time to quit on me now, and no money to replace it..............urghhhhhhhhhhh

    So if one day I am MIA you'll know why....

    Here's a tip for today: Don't get in a hurry. To form a new habit such as eating healthy and exercising takes time. Though we may not see the results of our efforts immediately, we will see them clearly as time goes by.......

    Quote for today:
    "I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday"....unknown author

    bbl Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Heeters. :O) I'm happy everyone is doing so well . I'm proud of you all! I am going to do my 3 mile watp workout as well as the nightly 2 mile powerwalk with dh. My cabbage rolls turned out yummy . Thats what we're having again tonight. I love leftovers. LOL Julie, you mentioned pizza. Let me tell you what I'm making tomorrow. I bought whole wheat pitta pockets. I'm going to stuff them with fat free ricota, italian turkey sausage, mushrooms,onions green peppers, and pizza sauce with a sprinkle of low fat mozzerela. I'll stuff em' and them bake them. They get crusty on the outside and ooey gooey yummy on the inside. You can stuff them with whatever you want. Mine come out to around 180 calories a pitta half. Debbie I hope you get your computer bug worked out. I am convinced I'm holding on to water and that's why I didn't lose last week. I don't know why I am though . I don't think my sodium has been high. It's a couple weeks away from my tom. I just don't know. sigh- But I am going to keep right on along with what I've been doing. Ok Heeters, I'm off to do my workout now. ttfn---Cindy
  • lucyfan2009
    Hello all, Doing okay today. I like this sites journalling better then the other, there are more foods that show up when I type them in. This is great! I've started walking every night with my husband Andy and am feeling good about it near the end. I'm trying to start planning my meals better but still not there all the way. My weigh in day is Friday so I'll update all then. Today, I'm having lunch at Applebee's for a freinds B'day so I'm going to get online and look at their menu before I go so I will know what I'm eating. Julie, I think a HEETers cookbook would be great. yesterday I printed off several of your recipes that you had posted and I can't wait to try them, along with Debbie's fajitas. I'm getting ready for my party this saturday I'm finalizing my menu tomorrow. I think I will do okay with it. I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone will be dressing. I'm going to be an eccentric hippie! Just pulling stuff out of my closet. I spent 2 hours downloading music from the 60s/70s the other day and we will be painting our own pet rocks! I so need this time of girls only and friends.

    Matt is currently being hounded by a girl he was dating at school. I was flabbergasted that she sent me an email totally bashing my son. I couldn't believe it! I mean, I know he isn't perfect, but he has been nothing but a gentleman to her and since he isn't doing something how she wants him to do it, she is bad mouthing him around school. He is having a hard time because he doesn't like it when someone hates him. I told him that she is a sophomore, he is a senior and in just a short month and a half, he won't have to deal with her anymore. That I know he is a good young man and so do many others. I guess it had to happen sometime. Anyway, part of me wants to go talk to her mother and tell her to stop it, but I know that won't solve anything.

    Anyway, got to go for now. Talk later,

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Just a quick pop in...I wanted to check out something on the food journal and saw that Lucy posted.

    I still want to come to the party!! You need some MOOD RINGS!!! ROFL!! I sure hope you have a blast!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey thought I'd stop in for a minute Lucy good to see you. Have fun at Applebee's one of my favorite places. I love their French Onion Soup, They have alot of entrees that are for the diet conscious so should not get in too much trouble there!

    I wouldn't let what this girl said bother you to much, she's a kid, and what does she know, you are Matt's mom and know him best. What you haven't accomplished with him totally as mom, he will work out while in the Army. Sure made a Man out of my son, and he wasn't a bad kid, never in trouble with the law or anything, but he was no saint and he's grown up alot (especially in the area of attitude).

    It will all be okay you'll see. Well waving to Julie and Cindy and see you all later, after dinner, walking and so forth.

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    I'm back, can't keep me away.....LOL Here's a recipe I found that's healthy and simple to prepare, Enjoy Heeters.

    Mediterranean Stuffed Peppers


    4 Red Peppers
    200g (7oz) Feta Cheese, cut into 1cm cubes
    8 heaped teaspoons Pesto
    16 Cherry Tomatoes, halved


    Halve the peppers, cutting right through the stems too if you can. Trim the insides. Put the peppers in a roasting tin or in a shallow casserole dish. Divide the feta between the peppers, then spoon over the pesto. Finally top with tomatoes, skin side up.
    Bake at 200C (400F) for 30 minutes or until the tops are charring and the insides are full of juice.

    Nutritional Info
    Servings Per Recipe: 4
    Amount Per Serving
    Calories: 342.1
    Total Fat: 24.1 g
    Cholesterol: 52.5 mg
    Sodium: 263.7 mg
    Total Carbs: 15.8 g
    Dietary Fiber: 4.0 g
    Protein: 18.3 g

    bbl Debbie
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Good Afternoon HEETers!

    Cindy, you're doing awesome! And the Pita Pizza is definitely a Must-Do! I've still got a couple whole wheat pita's from when a week or so ago when I did a whole lot of Greek cooking. Gonna put on my thinking cap and see what I can stuff them with. Red/Green peppers for sure. My favorite pizza topping. Many, many times I've ordered a pizza with nothing but them.

    Lucy, the cookbook was Debbie's idea. I think it's great! Sorry to hear about the girl. Geeesh!

    Debbie, I also love stuffed peppers but the more traditional kind. However, DH being the Greek Freak that he is, would probably fall over himself trying to eat those, seriously! I'm still learning to eat Feta and actually am getting pretty close to really enjoying it but Pesto?? way. I just can't do it. I don't like the flavor combination especially with my garlic-fetish. Can't stand the stuff...but I"M TRYING! I cooked with real live cloves last week. Wherever it called for minced I just smashed a head that way I could remove it later.

    So here's one for you's one of my signature summer time dishes. Not really a recipe, just a method...

    Enough fruit of your choice for a good size (6-8 servings) fruit salad, 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup fresh lime juice and 1/4 cup fresh chopped mint leaves. Mix the *syrup* ingredients in a bowl and drizzle over fruit. You're not looking for too much. Just enough to wet the fruit. It is divine! I made it last week using cantaloupe and strawberries. Wanted to add Honeydew but when I cut it open it was rotten inside.:mad: I've done it with just about every kind of fruit and it's a knock-out every time.

    Today was Two-Fer Tuesday for me, 2 fruits minimum. I was going to eat an apple with my turkey tonight but when I pulled out the turkey thighs they were still frozen solid. I pulled them out of the freezer on Saturday! So, it's back to fish night, my usual meal before weigh in tomorrow. I'm gonna keep it simple tonight. Just lightly pan seared cod in a nonstick skillet with a dash of olive oil and butter, squirt with lemon when done and have a side of veggies - but I'll still have my apple. Lunch today was a salad and a Boca Burger on a light wheat bun. I got busy and time got away from me so I missed my 2:00 snack. Shame, shame! I can feel that I'm already hungry.

    Guess that's all for now...I'm still decompressing from the office. It was kind of a crazy day and boss JP whizzed me off. I'll check back a little later...


    ***Waving to Bebe over on one of the Bahamian Islands***
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    I'm back's something I realized today. I like apples...why don't I eat them MORE?? So I thought about it today. Honestly, I don't like chomping in to them. While I have a large booming voice (yeah, I'm one of those :blushing: ) I actually have a small mouth. I thought back to all the times I've eaten apples and realized I enjoyed them more when I remove the core and cut them up. I like *finger* food. So, I knew today that I was going to cut my apple up when I got home and eat it with my dinner.

    So, here's something for you to think about. What foods do you enjoy but you don't eat very often? Why? I wonder how many overweight people enjoy *finger* foods. I'm wondering how many like to hold it, look at it, smell it, then eat it.

    Think outside the box. Find a new solution to an old problem. Find a new way to enjoy the foods you enjoy. Put them on pretty plates, add an edible garnish, use toothpicks, a fancy fork, hmmmm, I just might be on to something here....for myself anyway...:glasses: