Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters, Good to see you Hazel, Bebe, Cindy, Julie, Lucy, and all that follow.....

    Hazel you may not know it but if your with us, your already a Sistah!!!!
    Bebe.....hang in there'll be home soon and then in better control of your choices go girl with all that walking...You rock
    Lucy....our party girl...I know how excited you must be getting....
    Julie....good to see you sis..,

    Listen everyone....thank you for your since encouragement, it means so much. I got through with dinner and convinced DD to go for a walk in the rain with me. It was sprinkling when we left the house, but by the time we were on the path, it was pouring, but we kept right on with the walk and did 1 1/2 miles......I walked off a bit of frustration and replaying the conversation with the doc really got me movin.....:laugh:

    So watching Survivor, usually watch idol but I think they are both on at the same time, so I will check in with Cindy to see what the outcome was tonight!

    take care all (((hugs)))))
  • Julie, yes, I didn't have to stop to "smell the roses". The fragrance of all the blooms filled the air and smelled so wonderful! tulips, wisterias, azaleas .... didn't know there were so many variations of this beautiful flower. I saw so many flowers that I had not seen before ... only in pictures or at Safeway (lol).

    Debbie, good for you gal for walking in the rain. That helps to wash all bad feelings away. :sad: :cry: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: Tomorrow will be a better day. You will see ... a bright new one.:happy:

    American Idol ... those contestants sure did kick it up tonight. I, am hooked on this reality show and record it whenever i cannot watch it live. Tomorrow night is when we find out who gets to go home.

    Good night all. Until manana
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi guys, Debbie American Idol was good. My absalute Fave is Adam. He was the best tonight. I've loved him from the start. That 16 year old girl did great too. I forget her name. I think Megan or that oil well worker guy will end up going home tommorow. Well guys I'm off to put my daughter to bed. I'll talk to you all in the AM. Have a great night everone.:flowerforyou: Cindy
  • Hi everyone,

    Julie - Thanks for the ideas, keep them coming. I will send pics when it's done. I can't wait. (Did I say I was making a homemade disco ball!) :laugh:

    Bebe - Good to see you back...Where do you even get stale chicken? Was it a seminar you were at? What kind of seminar?

    Debbie - be encouraged, you can do this! Being healthy is what its all about and having a healthy outlook will help, and I know you have that! Being skinny (loosing weight) is a side effect of this outlook and is a least that is how I think about it. YOU CAN DO THIS! YOU ARE WORTH THIS!

    Cindy- I am voting for Matt G. because he is from Kalamazoo, MI, which is just 20 min. from me and I think he rocks! But I do agree that Adam did an amazing job last night. I was flipping the channel between Survivor and AI. Survivor was a hoot though.

    For dinner last night, my husband made hamburgers and I had just one. I think I did okay for the day. But my focus hasn't been on food or meals so much and I need to get back to that.

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Morning Heeters, .....thank you Hazel and Cindy..for encouraging and supporting words and update on idol. I did get to watch it some last night after Survivor and I agree Adam really stepped it up last night. He was so handsome and really made that song his own. When you get a standing ovation from the creator of the song, their is no greater praise than that, that kid is gonnna go places.

    I have a Quote for us today: "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new" Eleanor Roosevelt

    Ya know some of us have made some new discoveries on our journey and shared, some of us have fallen off the wagon and needed to get back on....some of us have been disappointed by those dumb scales when we worked so hard........then discovered something we might have done that effected our week......

    But you know think back when you learned to ride a bike as a child, did you master it the first time? Or when you took but bowling.......did you get a strike the first time.....or when you learnt to water ski, or roller skate....or ice took several tries right? It took patience and to is true of our journeys. To form new habits takes trial and error..........perserverance;;;;;patience and in time we will master the skills and get there..........Just something to think about......

    So be kind to yourself........don't set your expectations too high............and never give up!!!

    bbl Debbie
    waving to bebe, wonderland, lucy, julie...........and all the heeters that follow
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good Morning Heeters. Debbie you are so encouraging .Your quotes and thoughts are somehow just what I nead to hear. Thanks so much. I hope everyone has a great day today. :bigsmile: I am taking the day off from my 3 mile watp workout today. I will however do my 2 miles tonight. I am going to lunch with my dh today. I think for the first time in 3 months I'm going to eat a hamburger. I think a day of higher calories might jar my body back into losing. I in no way will go overboard. I had a healthy breakfast and I'll have chicken and veggies for dinner. I will also log all my foods. (even the not so good hamburger) :happy: I think it's important for all of us to remember that this is a lifestyle change. I can not never eat a cheeseburger ever again. :laugh: Moderation is the key. I wont start something I can't continue the rest of my life. Keep up the super great work everyone. Cindy:flowerforyou:
  • Good morning sistahs! What a gloomy day it is starting to be with the thick fog we are in this morning. Makes me sleepy and not want to move. Better shake it off and should start with a hot shower. Had my healthy breakfast of Flax Plus cereal w/non fat milk but then I got hngry and gave in to adding a English muffin which brought my calorie count up so early in the day. boo hoo. Will try to keep my eye on what else goes into my meals for today.

    Debbie, good for you. Get up, dust yourself off, and let's go on the train to healthy lifestyle. It has taken me many years and I praise God that I am finally more focused on my health. If I have good health, the weight loss will follow.

    My daughter is getting married next January so this is my goal to be able to get down to a smaller dress size (several). Vanity, is it? But, if it works, it will be great, won't it?

    A friend sent me a idea for low calorie meal. Baked cornish hens served with stir fried carrots and asparagus. She included a snap shot of her meal and boy, it looks so delicious. That is a must for one of my dinners for next week. Just a suggestion for someone looking for something different to serve.

    Wishing you all a great day today. I am going to take Julie's idea of cleaning out the refrigerator and make my shopping list for the upcoming week. Love ya'll.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    No time to the office eating my lunch. I scanned the threads but didn't really read although I caught something Cindy said about a hamburger and I SOOO agree with you and will share my thoughts later this afternoon.

    I popped on just to say I DID NOT GIVE IN TO TEMPTATION TODAY! I'm out of salad fixins and fresh veggies and almost went to Wendy's. Figured I haven't eaten fast food in months and what would it hurt? Well, decided to test my willpower and I overcame! I went to the freezer and pulled out a bag of cabbage and ham soup I've had in there since last fall. YAY for me!! I saved a ton of calories and fat grams and got something really healthy!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi All, hope you are all doing good today.

    Good for you Julie on overcoming temptation, and having a healthier accountable lunch.
    The chicken I had the other day left over, I made chicken salad last night wih peppers, onion, celery, lite mayo, seasoning, and egg whites (hardboiled) then made some deviled eggs and DH and I had that for lunch today on a bed of lettuce and it was so yummy. Felt like an Indoor Picnic :smile:

    Raining still here today, and a bit colder. Much flooding in some areas of our state this morning, luckily we weren't effected, so usual day.

    For any of you that may be diabetic, there is a new group started in the msg. boards and will be a great place to make friends and support each other dealing with this disease, so I encourage you to share your experiences and knowledge. Working together we can all help one another, and isn't that what its all about!!!! Creating awareness is so important, knowledge is Power!!!! Just something to think about.

    bbl Debbie
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Cindy thank you for your compliment dearie, and Hazel as well, you gals just made my day!!!
    But, don't sell yourself short, your contributions to our group are not something to be overlooked and its the sharing and caring that is coming through and makes this group our own, and makes us want to come back time and time again!!!!

    Drinking my water and thinking of all of you, my dear Heeter Sistahs!!!!!!:heart:

    :drinker: ~~~~~~~waving to Julie~~~Cindy~~~Bebe~~~Lucy~~~Wonderland~~~~Hazel~~~and all that follow:drinker:
  • I want to see if I set up my ticker right. Does it look right to everyone? Boy it sure looks dismal huh...I sure hope my scale shows a loss tomorrow so this wont' look so horrible!

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi guys, I'm back from lunch. Let me tell ya that burger was soooo yummy! I was afraid I'd regret eating all those calories but it was so worth it. I decided I will do my 3 mile watp workout. I need to try and burn some of this lunch off. It's a beautiful day here today. I think I'll get some playtime in with the kiddos outside today. I'm so proud that I ate that burger and felt no guilt. In the past I would have an all or nothing attitude about dieting. If I ate something not on my diet plan I would feel so guilty and eat more bad stuff. It took me awhile to get to this point but now I realize that this is a way of life ,NOT a diet. Diets have an end. Ways of life last your entire life. Oh by the way I added tmy lunch to my food journal and with all my food for the day logged I didn't go over my calories. Mfp says I can eat 1,800 calories a day and lose 2 pounds a week. I never eat that many calories. I stay at 1,500 calories. I burn around 800-900 calories a day working out ( according to mfp.) I need to get a heart rate monitor. I think 1,800 calories is too high for me . I hope everyone is having a great day! I'll be back later. :flowerforyou: Cindy
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Lucy, your ticker looks great. :flowerforyou: Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Lucy, ticker looks great. Cindy why does MFP recommend a heart monitor? Just curious, don't know if we don't ask, eh? Have a great day, and enjoyed that burger!!!:smile:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, I meant that mfp says I burn 900 calories but I think that I burn less than that. Mfp doesn't say we need heart rate monitors. I want one so I can monitor my own calories burned . I don't eat all my exercise calories back . I realy don't eat any back. I want an accurate way to monitor my calories burned so maybe I can eat some of them back. I just finished my 3 mile watp workout. I'm sooo glad I did it! I'm going to drink a few bottles of water and watch the movie Milk. Cindy:flowerforyou:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey HEETers!!

    Just have to brag a little more and tie it in to what Cindy was talking about. I'm really proud of myself for not going to Wendy's today. I COULD HAVE and would not have felt guilty about it. Like I said, I haven't eaten fast food in ages. But I realized the reason I was going to do it was out of laziness. I didn't feel like eating anything from the freezer. I didn't want this, I didn't want that...blah, blah, blah. So it became a matter of Choice. I don't like Wendy's salads and find them severly over priced and knew I'd end up coming back with a lunch I wouldn't enjoy OR I'd most likely come back with a cheeseburger and fries. Or, I could eat something healthy from the freezer and be proud of myself. So, I made a conscious decision to do something healthy for myself. YAY!!

    Now, on the guilt thing...Cindy, this happened in our last group but I don't think Wonderland would mind me sharing the story. She got up and ran out the door with the kids to the circus. All she had was a cup of coffee. By 1-2pm she was starving and her and the kids went to Burger King and she scarfed down a whopper and fries. She felt terrible about it and was going to walk on her treadmill for XX miles or time. I said, Whoa! Wait a Minute!! Let's put this in perspective. Let's say you actually *planned* to go to Burger King and then come home and exercise. Would you still feel guilty?? Of course she said "no". Just because we don't plan a certain meal and eat something that's not the healthiest choice does not mean we are failures and should not make us feel guilty. It's LIFE. It's gonna happen! We have to remove the guilt! Cindy, you have made a very important realization with food. Nothing is off limits! (Well, except maybe my Spinach-Artichoke Dip, LOLOL!) Without sounding condescending (that whole internet thing that can sometimes be misunderstood) you have really GROWN in your realization and I am thrilled for you! YAY for Cindy!!

    Funny you brought up Heart Monitors. I'm researching them now and found a couple I'm interested in that are waterproof and should be good for me in the pool when I start swimming. I also wanted a more accurate account of my exercise and fitness as opposed to the exercise database. I emailed boss DW's wife and they have one she is going to let me test out. I want to put one on and see how they fit/feel/operate before I buy my own because they are not returnable and not exactly cheap. This way I'll be able to tell if it's comfortable enough under my swimsuit and if I'll be able to use it easily.

    Lucy, your ticker looks great. I know you lost some weight already and you can go back and change the settings to show it. Just go back to the ticker and edit your current weight. Debbie and I did. :bigsmile:

    Debbie, I'm glad you found a support group for your Diabetes. Hopefully they will have a wealth of information to get you going on the right track and be full of support. You know we will support you as well.

    Hazel, Debbie's right. If you're posting here that automatically qualifies you to be a Sistah!! :flowerforyou:

    Hoping Bebe is doing well. I'm gonna go cruise the boards for a bit and see what others are up to. I'll be back later...

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Cindy thanks, silly me, I never have gave much thought to having one, but would be good. Depending on what site you go to and find calorie burned calculators they all seem to vary, so the monitor would be much more accurate. Thanks for sharing.
    Well dinner time, bbl Debbie
  • hey HEETERS
  • hello lucy,debbie,hazel cindy and julie,boy do i deserve a prize,i remembered all of you guys names without looking back.YAY FOR BEBE :laugh:
    im back home for the seminar ,it was a small hotel tourism training seminar.i work at a small hotel in nassau bahamas and the seminar was in freeport gand was ok,nothing new was heard.lucy dont feel to bad about your ticker it looks like my twin.the weight will soon come off.debbie it great to see your in great dad has diabetes,here we call it sugar,as a young girl i can remember him being heavy and he tought me how to make certain meals for him,that were low in salt,fat and had lots of he ahs lost lots of weight even though he didnt follow his diet regularily until he got he has lost lots of weight just by changing his bad habits .you are on the right track and you have the right mind set to do so .so keep it up
    excuse me for a bit going to put my clothes on the outside line
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hey Heeters, I hope everyone had agreat day today. Julie you are so sweet. It took me two failed attempts to get to the place I am mentally. I am so happy to be on the right track with this new lifestyle. I made the decision to eat the burger and was perfectly ok with that decision. I wasn't going to do my 3 mile workout but when I got home from lunch I just felt like doing it. :bigsmile: Julie you should feel very proud of your healthy lunch decision. I am proud of you! :flowerforyou: Debbie, Yep a heart rate monitor is a good investment for your health. You can find out how many calories your burning on your walks. Bebe, welcome home ! Get back into the healthy habbits routine. :drinker: Dinner is almost ready . I'm going to eat and then go on my 2 mile walk. Have a super great night everyone. Cindy:heart:
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