Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    HEY!!!! Where is everybody???

    Don't make me go on a hunt for new HEETers!

    (Putting on my black ski mask and black leather Cat-Woman body suit...I'm gonna snag me some newbies...)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Julie you crack me up! I hope you and all the HEETERS had a great day. We just finished dinner . I'm getting ready to go on my 2 mile walk. I had a good day today food and exercise wise. I need to wash my windows and get the Easter decorations up. It's a beautiful day here in Texas. I saw a hummingbird today. I hung my feeder and can't wait till all those little cuties come back. We have tons of hummingbirds here in the spring/ summer. I love watching them. :smile: I need to take the puppy for a walk. He's whining at my feet. I'll be back later. Have a great evening everyone! :bigsmile: ttfn-Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: Hey there was your day? We had dinner and DD wanted to go for a walk, did our mile in 27 minutes tonight., and haven't been home too long. I did see Lucy and Cindy on here today I believe, and I know Wonderland was going to be out a few days, and I do think all that's missing is bebe and she's been pretty busy.

    So what was for supper at your house tonight? We had the chicken and noodles and as always its a favorite so its all good. We are looking to get some rain the next two days. Hubby is working in the old shed of his dad's out back and has been building shelves and the like and gonna make him a workbench area for him to tinker around. The puppy is growing, weighed here today and she is up to 14 lb., don't know how big she will get for sure as she is a lab and pug mix.
    Your dogs are cute. They sure are good companions aren't they? Have you put make on your wet suit and did some laps in the pool?

    Well, hopeful more Heeters will check in later tonight....don't get discouraged, as the weather gets busy people are more active and out and about!!!

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Cindy, you are SO with it! You're dedication is amazing and will get you where you want to be. And thank you for being so supportive in the group. I need it and really appreciate your kind and supportive words. We also had a beautiful day. Nice clear blue skies and our winds are finally shifting from the north to the east. Soon enough they will be from the south and east (oh lord help me! Here comes the humidity!! :tongue: ) I was a little overly ambitious a couple weeks ago with the pool but I couldn't help myself or resist the beautiful days. I've *just got to try it*. Of course we had a small cold snap and rain front over the weekend. I put my hand in it today and it's back to freezing. It just hadn't warmed up enough to withstand the weekend. :sad:

    Our Cardinals and Bluejays are back. Showed up a few weeks ago. DH and I made a small bird feeder area just off the pool a couple years ago. Far enough away where they feel comfortable coming for a bite but close enough to where I can see them from the pool without my glasses (can't swim with my glasses or contacts :smokin: ). Pulled up some sod, put some nice landscaping stones around and filled the area with white sand. Stuck in a good size feeder and bird bath. They'll start showing up everyday around 5:00 or so to feed. The Cardinals have a beautiful song, the Bluejays have an awful squak but they are fun to watch. We put peanuts on the fence for the Blue's to try and keep them out of the feeder. They rake their beaks along the feed line of the feeder and throw everything on the ground. Good for the ground feeders, Doves and the flock of Pigeons that come by, but we love our Cardinals. Now...The squirrels, we've tried everything. Even putting Crisco on the feeder pole. They still manage their way up. We figure if we're gonna enjoy our birds we're gonna have to put up with the squirrels. Two of the squirrels will hand feed if you have peanuts. That's "No-Tail", a little female that we assumed had her tail bit off by a cat or something. Then we have "3/4 Tail". Her tail is a little longer, almost complete, but not quite. But then I noticed "Sherwin" for Sherwin Williams Paints. Her tail is completely, totally white, almost all the way to her butt. Like she dipped it in a bucket of white paint. I have some really good pictures of her. Should post them sometime. I'm wondering now if they are all Mutants or something. It's very strange. Anyway, we love our creatures.

    I'm rambling again. Still decompressing. I was fine until an hour ago when I got "set-off". Without getting in to politics, I'm a very political person and am finding it harder and harder everyday to cope. A personal battle that I need to find a healthy outlet for but I'm not quite sure where to channel this energy yet and in what way I want to do it. But I'll figure it out without heading to the fridge for solace...

    I've got a crazy day tomorrow and not one I'm looking forward to. Need to head off to bed and do some reading or something to distract my wayward mind. I hope you all had a great evening and I'll see you in the morning.

    ***Wonderland***Where are you???? I miss you!!! Please come join us soon! I want to know what healthy food discoveries you've found and share some of my own!!

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Morning HEETers. It's Wednesday Weigh in for me and I'm down 2 more!!! Yep, that puts me at 197. Gotta run...I cant wait for this day to be over and it hasn't even started yet:grumble: :grumble:
  • lucyfan2009
    Hi everyone,
    Today is a gorgeous day! Even though it is raining, I woke up feeling great. Andy, my husband, has worked 3-days in a row. This hasn't happened since December! :happy: I just praised God and did a little dance in the kitchen!

    Anyway, Julie, I know I need mood rings, but I wasn't able to find any good ones that wouldn't break the bank. Oriental Trading Co. (OTC) has some but the reviews weren't good so I opted for peace sign necklaces. Our menu will consist of: Baked Buffalo Chicken wings, Marmalade meat balls, deviled eggs, veggie platter, individial orange and chocolate cheesecakes, caramel apple squares, chocolate fondue w/dippers, Gruyere & swiss cheese fondue w/dippers, black & green olives, chips & onion dip, corn chips & salsa, tang, non-alcoholic sangria, coffee, sodas. All items are gluten-free. What do you all think? Should I add or take away or change?

    I also found a dance game that I think will be fun. I got it from OTC too, you just spin the arrow and do the dance moves that the arrow lands on. Some of them are "the sprinkler", "brushing your teeth", the Saturday Night Fever move that I don't know the name of...there are about 6 different kinds or so. I think that will be fun.

    This morning I did an unofficial weigh-in and I've gained a few pounds, but I'm not feeling bad. I think this came from my short tail-spin after loosing my shape-up forum people, who I found here so I'm good now. :laugh: Yesterday at Applebees I had the spinach and shrimp salad which was awesome. I can't believe the got the whole salad and ate the whole thing!

    Anyway ttfn,

    P.S. I hope everyone has a GREAT day!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good morning Heeters, hope your all doing well this morning. "Me Day" for me and it's a rainy day here in Ohio. A bit windy, but going to make the most of it. Think a little stroll in the rain will do me good.:wink:

    Having Parmesan Chicken Subs today for dinner. DD is off to school and having my hot tea here with you all. :drinker:

    Got to thinking when figuring your calories for the day, do you count what you add to your beverage, that sugar...., are we getting too much? Just something to think about....what about that mayo on the side, or butter or margarine, or sour cream, ...all those little condiments can add up so weigh and measure a bit if you will and try being a little more accountable and see what happens, could be that tweaking here and there a bit, can make for success at your next weigh-in.

    Quote Today: "Focus+Focus=Success" by maribel bigcas

    bbl Debbie:smile:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is a having a super, great day! :happy: Julie thank you so much for your kind words. They touched my heart.:heart: I too love all our feathered friends. I have 3 feeders in our yard and 2 birdbaths. I go through 40 pounds of feed about every 10 days. These Texas birds are hungry little fellas. What does everyone have planned for today? I was up at 8 am and did my 3 mile watp workout. I just finished breakfast. 2 eggs and 2 pcs of turkey sausage. I usualy eat Egg Beaters but I was out of them this morning. I am getting ready to start lessons with my 10 year old daughter. Debbie enjoy your walk in the rain. ' do you like pina colatas, being stuck in the rain? " That song played through my head when I read your post. :laugh: Ok girls let's all have a GREAT day! Remember to drink your water and get moving in whatever manner that "moves you" :laugh: ttfn :happy: Cindy :
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Oh Julie , WAY TO GO ON THE 2 POUNDS!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    THANK YOU CINDY!! My feelings were hurt so bad because nobody noticed I had to go post it on one of the main boards just to get some love. :sad: (got to get back to work...I'll catch you later this evening)
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Wooo Hoooooo Julie ~Way to Go on the 2 lbs. gone 4 ever!!! (((hugs and sorry for the oversight))):wink:

    Hi Cindy...great advise on the water. Many programs are allowing us to count all our beverages the same as water. I was doing that on mine....then I got to thinking..I'm drinking Ice Tea and it contains many grams of sugar am I getting in my tea that elevates my sugar levels, stimulates my craving for more and can silently sabotage my weekly results. So.....back to the basics.....water is water their are NO Substitutes............funny how what we know is best for us...we are always working against....when its really easier to just "do the right thing to begin with".....just one of my self discoveries I thought I'd share with you all today.

    Debbie:drinker: one down, 7 to go...........:smile:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, You are so right about iced tea. I love sun tea with splenda in it. I was drinking a gallon of that stuff a day. Then I heard that the tea actualy dehidrates you. I haven't had any tea since I read that. Water is sooo good for you. It's good for your body,skin, hair and it makes you feel good. Drink up .:drinker: Julie, Hurt feelings. Oh no. Hugs to you I am so proud of you! . I am proud of all of us HEETERS. It's not easy changing your life. I've said it before and I'll say it again- WE ROCK! I am so very happy you guys came to this site. :happy: ttfn-Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :smile: Hey everyone, hope your day is going well. Had a check up today. The doctor said I am doing good considering all my health ailments., and when I told him about my exercising and dieting efforts he said, "well don't set your expectations too high because when you are diabetic it is harder to lose weight.
    I was ready to cry. I held up til I got to the truck and then I couldn't hold back any longer. I want this worse than anything. I am not looking for excuses and reasons to not diet and exercise, a little encouragement would have been nice ya know.
    So I have been on the internet trying to find out all I can and find the encouragement that didn't come from the doc. I have been going to him for a long time and he is "different", but I do respect him. He wasn't sarcastic or unkind just a bit straight forward and he's never gotten on me about my weight, like other doctors have in my past.
    I attended diabetic classes last year, but have forgotten much of what I learnt and said thing is with our moving and all I can't find my book with all the notes and materials that we were given. So anyway....feeling sorta bummed out this evening.
    Don't mean to drag anybody down with me, sorry if I am.
    If any of you reading this are type 2 diabetic or have some information to pass along I am all ears and would appreciate the support.
    Thank you for letting me share,
  • blackchick38
    HEETERS how art thou,i miss u guys so much,i just had to borrow one of the guest speakers laptop.i have been eating terrible fast food because there is no restuarant insight,and i didnt think to bring my tennis because of such short notice of the seminar.
    JULIE congrats of losing thoes 2lbs,you are doing so good.keep it inspire me a whole lot. you know me i wont be weighing until next month,when i said i dont want to see that 220 again was because i gained 20lbs from nov08 to feb09 and was in the 220's,when i get below 210,i will say i dont want to see that 210 or teens again,and that morning when i weighed ,crazy me drank 2 diet coke and 10ozs of i guess that wasnt accurate.
    DEBBIE that doc was such a fool and i wanted to say another word but use fool for now.i know that hurt and im glad to see you didnt let that keep you down,good girl ,u went and did some home work of you just keep up with he exercises and healthy eating and you will see frig him.we all are here for you:flowerforyou: .
    CINDY i usually drink lots of h20 myself,last few months when i use to drink half gallon,my face was so lighter and almost pretty.after i started drinking beers again i became so ugly and darker.h20 is the best.and we do ROCK.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, Oh hon , don't let your Dr. bring you down. I have a best friend who has type 2 and she lost 138 pounds and has kept it off for over 18 months. I think your doing great! let your results speak for themselves. Keep eating healthy and walking and you will lose weight. Hugs.:flowerforyou: ttfn-Cindy:smile:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    :flowerforyou: Bebe! I'm so glad to see you! I'm sorry you aren't eating well. As soon as you get back to your little island you are really gonna have to buckle down. I mean it Sistah!! You need to start thinking now about all the good things you are going to start eating and doing for yourself. Fresh fish, lean meats, veggies, fruits, healthy carbs, WATER and exercise! Start visualizing it now so when you get home you are revved up, excited and ready to start! You can do it! I can't wait for you to get home and start posting regulary again. :flowerforyou:

    Debbie, sorry about what the doc said. I don't know the first thing about Diabetes so I have nothing to offer other than keep researching. Having said that, we all know that a healthy diet and exercise never hurt anyone. Even if you don't lose ALL the weight you want you can at least start eating healthier so other parts of your body are operating at peak performance.

    Lucy, LAVA LAMPS!! (I'm still thinking of things. Once I get going I can't stop.) Your menu sounds great! You need to post some pictures when it's over. I'd love to see!!

    *Waving at Cindy (I know she's out there in Texas pounding the pavement and burning up those calories :bigsmile: )

    Where is Hazel? Hey MIss get your hiney back here and start posting with us! We need you!

    Wonderland...I'm still waiting for you...I sure hope all is well.

    Well, dinner is done and I'm gonna go eat. Have a great night.

  • blackchick38
    back again.
    julie im just picking at the food just to have something in my tummy,im eating lots of salad and stale chicken:sad: yuck.cant wait to get home.i will be home on friday evening hopefully.right now im going to put on some sandals and get some walking done.hope i can use someone laptop to checkin on you guys later.
  • hazelmichling
    Here I am! Thank you, Julie for caring and noticing that I wasn't on this morning. I was having a bit of problem with my old hand me down laptop but hopefully, it is okay now.

    Started the day by joining a group of seniors from our church at the Dallas Aboretum. First time for me going there and boy, am I glad I went. The flowers in bloom were soooo beautiful, it made me feel as beautiful looking at them all. And WALK, WALK, WALK. Felt GREAT!

    Debbie, I am also a type 2 diabetic and have been for over 20 years. It is so easy to let others get you down, but don't let them. All you need is a positive attitude and outlook, eat healthy and watch those carbs, exercise regularly and keep your blood glucose down and you can lose the weight. It may not be as easy as those who don't have the same trials, but you CAN do it.

    I am insulin dependent and that makes it harder to lose. But, guess what? Since I have changed my attitude about myself and gotten on the train to a more healthy me, I am losing weight. We can do it together. My blood glucose was way out of whack because I wasn't watching what I put in my mouth. Doing a journal helps and getting regular exercise and drinking the 8 glasses or water really helps.

    So, Debbie, if I can be of further assistance, just drop a note. We need to help each other and this is a great way to do it. I am new to this site but loving it so much.

    Thanks girls. I will learn more about you as time goes on and would love to become one of your sistahs.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hey Heeters, I just finished dinner. I made pitta pizza pockets. Yummy! I'm getting ready to go on my 2 mile walk . American Idol is on tonight and I am an addict. I want to get the 2 miles in and hunker down and watch AI . I'll try to catch you all later. Have a great evening everyone. :flowerforyou: ttfn-Cindy
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hazel, I knew you'd hear me. I have a big mouth and I'm kind of bossy! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Great for you to get out and do some walking. Sounds like you "Stopped to smell the roses" so to speak and had a beautiful day.

    ((Hugs)) Bebe!! Hang in there girl, you'll be home soon! (Stale chicken? What in the world??? Ugh. Makes me scrunch up my face thinking about it.)

    Nite All