Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Ok HEETers...confession time for me...remember, I'm the brutally honest one...and DON'T stop reading this post until you have read every single word! Remember, I can be bossy, too. :wink:

    First, I want to thank you Debbie for all your motivational quotes. I have read every single one of them. All to often I, personally, fail to comment on them. It's not because I don't care or I don't appreciate them. It's just that, FOR ME, I have heard them all. In some way, shape or form. The message is always the same. Remember, I'm a "Seasoned Dieter". I've been at this for years in one way shape, form or fashion. In addition, I read my own motivational materials on occassion when I feel the urge. Having said that, please don't stop! Because someday you will come upon something that will strike a chord within me *personally*. It may not do it for Cindy, or Lucy or Hazel or Bebe, or anyone else, but it will hit home with ME. Some little light that goes off. That profound AHA Moment. You already hit a chord with Cindy so what you are doing is worthwhile. You are taking time out of your day to research these quotes then share them with this group and for that, I appreciate you and certainly hope I have never hurt your feelings by not acknowledging your contribution. :heart:

    Secondly, I want to say that my feelings really were hurt yesterday when several posts had gone by and nobody commented on my weight loss. I know it was just a quick post, a sentence or two that was the last on the page before the forum jumped to a new page but as a successful motivational group we need to be aware of the previous posts and where everyone leaves off, be it the day before or just a single page back. THE reason we are ALL here is to lose weight and gain a healthier lifestyle. If we can't support our team mates when they succeed then we, as individuals, have no business being in this group. Can I do this on my own? Maybe, but if I wanted to I wouldn't be here. I WANT your support and will give each of you the same, to the best of my ability. So, please...I'm asking you...take the time to check *back* and see and read who posted. If you don't have time to respond then do what I do and say "No time to post but I'll read and respond later." or something to that affect. My mornings are tight, time wise, and I can't post from the office for any length of time but I promise you I always go back and check all the posts. I may not respond to every single detail but I try my best not to miss a single victory or personal struggle that any of you share.

    Lastly, I NEED MORE. What I mean by that is I need more FOCUS on what's important to me. I mentioned a few days ago about the true meaning of HEET. Healthy Eaters and Exercise Team. I really meant *Healthy Eaters*. Not just calorie counting. When I was 31 I had Cervical Cancer. Yep, I had the "C" word. My husband and I left the doctor's office and headed straight for our local Health Food Store, a Mom and Pop place that is stocked full of everything. We bought books, vitamins, minerals, supplements, the whole nine yards. I *changed my ways* so fast it would make your head spin. After my surgery I had enough of my cervix removed that I couldn't have carried a baby full-term if I wanted to. Then I went through 6 months of complications. Twice a week for 6 months I was in the doctor's office (that's about 48 appointments). My cervix wouldn't heal, continued to bleed, I had uterine bleeding, and the list goes on an on. I was literally within 6 hours of a Hysterectomy way back when, we finally got my situation under control. Anyway, fear is a great motivator. It can make you change your life in ways you never thought. Unfortunately for me, once I got the "All Clear" I went back to my old ways. Fast forward 10 years. I've got a fibroid so big my TOM was causing hemorraghing (sp?) and pushed my bladder out of the way causing other problems. A Vaginal Hysterectomy was out of the questions so they had to filet me like a fish. That's when I first started the HEET. While I was in my first recovery. Not being able to excersise at first, food choices were my only way to lose weight and get a *healthier* me. And I didn't want to just count calories. I wanted to learn more and share what I knew about proper nutrition, how to fuel my body and REPAIR my cells and body from all the trauma, self-induced as well as surgical. As a side note, I had a second "filleting" 3 months later to remove all the scar tissue that had attached to my intestines, bladder and left ovary (which was subsequently removed) and had to start all over again. The good news is, I had lost 25 pounds and was in much better health and had an easier recovery, but I still suffer with some side effects. But now I've come full circle again. What *I* need is more discussion on the health benefits of certain foods (not supplements, I've decided they are primarily unregulated and can be dangerous) and not just motivation for counting calories. **Edit to say** I forgot to add to add that I do evil things to my body. I smoke and drink...all the more reason for me to focus on *good* nutrition and natural cell repair. I'm not ready to quit yet so don't get on that band-wagon but I am reaching a point where I am seriously considering it. It's a start...

    So, what I want to do, April 1st is extend an invitation to fellow board members to join me/us if they are in to overall health and nutrition when it comes to food choices. What worries me is I don't want to alienate any of you because of my selfish needs. I don't want to start a whole new thread because I feel I would be betraying myself and my original quest. In effect, this again, comes full circle to the beginning of my post to Debbie. Whatever is posted may not suit you at the moment but maybe somethiing along the way will set off that interior light bulb and you can have your own AHA Moment.

    I'd like to know your thoughts on this one...
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Julie, I am with you on the healthy nutritional food . I love this group. You all are such great people. I am so sorry your feelings were hurt. I understand how you must feel. Those 2 pounds are a VICTORY! :smile: I agree with you also about everyone reading past posts. If we don't we wont have all the info we need to be supportive to each other as we should. I want to say how proud of you I am. You created something wonderful in your time of pain. You are truly a special person. :flowerforyou: ttfn- Cindy:heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Ok, during my *soul* expansion there were some cross posts...

    Bebe...I'm so glad you're home. Now...what are you going to do? What's your focus? Come on can do it! Make a statement...a personal challenge. We can't afford to *waffle* anymore. I did that for the last two weeks waiting for the pool to warm up. I'm not a walker and I HATE my elliptical (Yeah, I'm a weinie!). In the absence of swimming I have to count on my food intake and I nailed it last week and lost 2 pounds. So state your claim Sistah! Two fruits a day? Three veggies a day? Walking a mile? A ton of water? Give me something to work with because I'm your biggest Cheerleader!! You know I'm coming to visit's only a matter of time...I've already been thinking about my Passport...

    Cindy, I'm a hard nut to crack. In the worst way. I have this Super-Human exterior but my insides are like jelly. You are so incredibly sweet and honestly, really touch that soft spot in me, a place where a lot of people don't reach. Thank you so much for jumping on the HEETer bandwagon. *You* really mean a lot to me and I sincerely admire your tenacity. Do you know I hadn't had this group posted five minutes on this site and you jumped right in? (I'm gonna go back and check the very first posts to verify) I did the Intro so the other's could find us and I was still typing my own first message. Fate, Karma, what ever you want to call it. Of all the groups on this site, this one stuck out to you, in just minutes, and I'm really glad you're here with us!

    Well, guess that's it for me for tonight. I'm off tomorrow and need to make my grocery list and so forth...

    Nitey Nite HEETers,
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Oooooh! Ooooooh! Wait!....

    I'm not done...2 things...

    If you do not have any photos of yourself from your starting weights, take them NOW! Each month take them in the same place, in the same clothes, if possible. Do this once a month! I did this *last time* and you wouldn't belive the difference. Believe me, if you don't, you'll back and say, "Darn!! I wish I had a Before picture just to compare!" Trust me, you will say it and you'll be disappointed!! As hard as it may seem today to do it, just do it...

    With that said...I want to *see* who I'm talking to. Debbie, Cindy, Lucy, Hazel, upload a picture of your selves, You don't have to leave it up. Just long enough for us to get a glimpse and know who we are *talking* to. They are easily deleted. I have certain mental images of you all but I really would like to know what you look like. Tomorrow or Saturday, upload a picture of yourself, just long enough for the group to see, then if you are still uncomfortable, delete it.

    That's all...nite nite...
  • Okay, Julie...this is like homework! :embarassed: I will rise to the challenge, I need some prep time though. I do want to say that I am very serious about being and eating healthy and I'm tired of always failing. That being said, tomorrow I'm going to remove my ticker because weight loss isn't really my goal...(I'm making my statement like you told Bebe to do) goal is to be healthy, to be able to walk up the stairs and not be winded after one flight, to know that every bite that goes into my mouth is good for me, to be able to sleep at night knowing that I am physically and mentally healthy...and probably thinner because that is an effect of eating healthy.

    I do appreciate that you comment on my parties and fun ideas that I have and offer your own. Also, believe it or not, I admire your honesty, brutal though it can be, telling it like it is is something I admire.

    I will do better about making sure I acknowledge our group's accomplishments whatever they are...I don't want to have to start over again in a new group because truth be told, I probably wouldn't and I know that wouldn't benefit me in any way.

    Also, this is a picture of me, in all my glory dressed up as a flapper from the 1940s. I thought it was cute.

    Cindy, I'm with you, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and if I have I am sincerely sorry.

    So, that all being said...I hope everyone has a great night and I look forward to a new day tomorrow.


    P.S. Good job Bebe on remembering all our names w/o having to look back! :happy:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Well I've read the post! I really thought things were going well within the group, can't say I was prepared for a lecture of sorts. As the pages turn, and the group grows, their will clearly be oversights, not to be taken personal, or was intended to be ignored, or non-supported. Everyone in some way strives to contribute to the well-being of others, that was always my intent. As I chose to share I try best to use my words carefully, and stay positive to motivate and inspire.
    Sometimes words shared may have been heard at another moment in time, but each time heard takes on a new meaning by the receiver of those words, or phrases. In the last hour I have read and re-read Julie's post. I can only say that a group formed belongs to each and every member and each one has a different outlook, different reason for being a part of the group community. It is not a group that only supports one person's views, ways of doing things, wants, likes and dislikes. Sometimes when someone contributes something, they aren't looking to be picked apart, or told "you should have done it this way because I know....., or if it were me I would have done it like this. When sharing you take the idea and make it your own and run with it. You let the idea inspire you, motivate you, lead you to explore how you can make it work for you. Just as one person can't always please another, one group can not provide all that one needs. Their are many components to making Lifestyle Changes;;;;;;and it takes time....being open to all the possibilities......its personal choice....

    So I will leave you with this thought (quote)
    "I've learned that things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means you move on and treasure the memories" Alicia Boxer

    Thanks for the memories.....
  • Hi there all you gals. First of all, Bebe, hats off to you for remembering all the names of our sistahs in this group. I am going to have to start remembering them myself because I like to be personable with everyone. I don't know how long it will take me, but I will get it. All, please have patience with me. I am not as young as ya'll, it seems as I read your postings. LOL. But, I am young at heart.

    Julie, I love you. I apologize if I missed your 2 lb. loss. And YES, it is a great accomplishment indeed. Please, accept my apology and I will make every effort to recognize everyone's achievements no matter how big or small they may be. For myself, I will take 1/4 of a lb. loss over a gain, or even a wash is welcomed. It is better than a gain.

    Bebe, welcome home to your part of the islands. I am an island gal myself and I miss my islands. But I am adjusting and loving being on the bigger island (US Continent) as this is my first experience in seeing many things that I had just read in books or seen in movies or on television. All so very exciting to experience things first hand.

    Julie, don't know when I will get my picture posted, but I promise, I will. I am not so computer savvy but will seek help from my hubby.

    Debbie, Lucy, Cindy I appreciate your posts and I am going to have to go back and read them again from the beginning so I can understand where everyone is at in their walk in the new lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise. Sorry, my memory is not as strong as it used to be and this is what I also need to work on.

    Recently retired and thought I would be bored, but heck, no time to do anything other than trying to remember things. Ha. Ha. Not quite true, but sometimes I feel that way. So please be patient with me. Thank you.

    Now this logging my food diary is a pain to me. Any suggestions? Should I do a ticker? If so, how do I start one? What about your abbreviations ... don't know what they mean. Would you who do use abbreviations put the explanation in paranthesis for a bit so I could learn them. Thank you.

    I agree, the weight loss is nice, but the healthy eating lifestyle is more important and we should not beat ourselves if we eat some comfort food that is not so healthy. Our bodies will tell us if it doesn't like something. So, it is important for us to tune into our bodies and listen to what it is telling us. I can see that I am already changing my lifestyle for the new healthier one and liking it more and more each day. I have been able to avoid eating some of those delicious Coach Oats oatmeal w/cranberry cookies for over a week and just had one tonight and very much satisfied eating only one. Hooray for me.

    Debbie, one thing I wanted to mention to you about being a diabetic, I have discovered by putting myself on a schedule of eating time and medication time is very helpful to manage the blood glucouse. My blood glucose was like a yo-yo and boy did that play havoc on my emotions and appetite. Hope this hint helps you some.

    Julie, thank you for being the person that you are. I like your ideas and I like your frankness. I think you and me can be friends forever.

    I will look forward to getting to know you other gals as I go back and read the past postings. Will comment as much as I can and will try not to bore ya'll.

    Good night for now for tomorrow it's back to the gym for me and then my weigh in. Had a "me" day today.
  • Debbie, well said. We are sisters and we should be able to say what we are feeling or wanting to share. The receiver, I feel, should be able to listen (read in this case) and take what they want from it to do with it in what will benefit themselves. No more need I say about this as we are all adults.

    I am here to learn from each one of you and I just want you to know I will love you no matter who you are.

    Thank you for listening to me. Good night.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    thank you hazel, see you all tomorrow.
  • good morning lucy,deddie,julie and hazel .
    HAZEL~ i almost thought you were a new commer with all thoes flowers for me,nice picture.its great to see and i are alike im not computer savy either,
    LUCY~wow that pic was from the 40's and sorry i missed your parties,but next time i wont.
    JULIE~sorry i missed your weight lost and i know we all want to be applaude for accomplishment at times,cause it means so much to us.say like for instance you get a new hair cut and no one notice,it can when my big ZERO changes,hit me with your best shot.with me i read post and by the time im finish reading all of them i forgets,so im the biggest culprit of forgetting.with this new site i just realize that you can scroll down and read the last few post.if i missed any of you guys its not day we all will hit the nail on the head right away.and for me my body its different from most of you guys,ican eat healthy and dont feel or see any changes,but when i exercise which is walking,i see and feel myself shrinking,and i do eat healthy on most days.just need to ease up a bit on the alcohol,cant walk with a im getting there.taking pictures are a great idea
    DEBBIE~i love your quotes so keep them coming,like julie said they mean alot to the rest of please share your knowledge with us..
    CINDY~WONDERLAND continue to do well.
    GUYS~please forgive me if i missed a party ,weight lost,wedding or anything that may have been important to you,we all are in this together and we are SISTAS.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Morning Heeters and TGIF to ya all.

    The Importance of Vitamin E. the "super antioxidant"

    It is extremely important in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease and is useful in treating premenstrual syndrome and fibrocystic disease of the breast.

    It protects currently studies have shown against approximately 80% diseases.
    It protects against thick scar formation when applied topically accelerates the healing of burns.
    Reduces blood pressure, aids in preventing cataracts, relieves leg cramps, promotes healthy skin and hair and prevents age spots.

    Vitamin E retards cellular aging, prevents and dissolves blood clots, slows progression of Alzheimers Disease, strengthens the immune system, supplies oxygen to the blood which then is carried to the heart and other organs thus alleviating fatigue. It treats circulatory problems, improves muscle strength.

    Studies show it improves insulin action, and exerts a number of beneficial effects that aid in the prevention and long-term complications of diabetes, especially cardiovascular disease. Studies indicated that taking Vitamin E on a regular basis had a 41% lower risk in one developing heart disease.; 70% decline in the number of heart attacks.

    Recommended daily dose of 400-800 IU.

    Here are some great food sources of Vitamin E
    Almonds, Asparagus, Avocados, Nuts, Peanuts, Olives and many seeds. Dark green leafy vegetables, oils like canola, corn, soy and sunflower oils. Wheat germ is high in Vitamin E.

    For your Health...........make it a great day:heart:
  • Okay, I think we should not all get "paranoid" if we miss something someone said...I will be the worst one. :wink: Just be more aware...:huh: (not like this little guy here.

    Hazel-love your picture and I will try to abbreviate more.I just figured out what Debbie's bbl means, it means be back later...right Debbie? :happy:

    Debbie - I love your quotes too and I think maybe we are just going thru some growing pains. You are the reason I'm in this group, that's how much you have affected me and I think that's a big deal.

    Bebe-the pic of me was from last year. You didn't think it was really from the 40s...right...that would make me 80 or 90? I think...too funny! Your job sounds interesting, maybe someday we can all gather on your island for a celebration of our accomplishments and finally meet each other. This is what I look like though for the most part, except my hair is brown, I am wearing a wig in the pic. After my party tomorrow, I will post a diff pic in my guady hippie chick outfit...should be interesting...:laugh:

    I weighed myself this morning and I gained 0.8 poinds. I'm not mad or aggravated. I've been having a tough time drinking my water and eating regularly. I have added walking again several days a week so I'm confident I will see a drop next week!

    Cindy-who is the baby in your pic? It is a very cute picture.

    Well, I need to be off for final shopping and prep for 2morrow, I am coming to adore you all and I so look forward to contining and building our friendships on our journey to health and vitality!

    ta ta for now (ttfn)
  • Debbie - I've been taking cod liver oil in liquid form...don't actually isn't has a lemon taste added to it. I know it is really good for you and helps with seasonal affectiveness disorder, which those living in the areas you and I do, can suffer from every year...I know I do and this year seemed pretty bad for me. It is a pure source for Omega 3s and vitamin D when you can't get it from the sun.

    See you later!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Lucy thank you so much for sharing that information and I will have to read up on that condition. I actually have malignant melanoma skin cancer and can not be in the sun, so I don't get to really enjoy summertime til in the evening. I can't lounge on the beach, and bask in the sun, or go to a tanning salon. My dematologist said when going out I should have my entire body covered and wear a hat, scarf and shades to protect my face. So I would definitely look as though I was incognito...don't ya think.
    When I was pregnant with my daughter kayleigh who is nine, I had to undergo the removal of melanoma on my face. They had to cut a place 3 1/2 inches long, and go 2 1/2 inches deep into the side of my cheek to remove the cancer. I have since had 9 other places on my body where they have found and removed the cancer. Their is no cure, and chemotherapy is not an option. So with that said, it does prevent me from having as much fun as I would like. I buy the highest spf sunscreen I can find, and have to wear long sleeves in the summer and keep my legs covered by slacks as well, or sometimes for lounging around I will wear summer dresses that are ankle length.

    My dear son in law lost his brother to this disease 3 yrs. ago and he was only 26 yrs old. So I caution people as much as possible to wear sunscreen and to avoid the sun in the hottest time of the afternoon, which it varies depending on what you read and others say, but somewhere between 11 and 4 p.m. depending on where in the country you live.

    Thank you for inspiring me to share this with all of you, since summer will soon be upon us.
    bbl Debbie:heart:
  • hi HEETERS i just finish my walk and it feels great,dont know what will be for breakfast.maybe some oats and apple with some milk.
    lucy i thought that pic was from the 40's,that how much i pay attention,im a bad forgive me darling.
    debbie where do you live?you probaly dont want to visit the bahamas,it gets so nasty and sometimes when im driving with the ac on,i sometimes has to take off a few clothing.i see you have it down pack.
    where is wonderland,julie and cindy oh and hazel this am.sorry on this TGIF.
    have a great one guys
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Lucy thank you so much for sharing that information and I will have to read up on that condition. I actually have malignant melanoma skin cancer and can not be in the sun, so I don't get to really enjoy summertime til in the evening. I can't lounge on the beach, and bask in the sun, or go to a tanning salon. My dematologist said when going out I should have my entire body covered and wear a hat, scarf and shades to protect my face. So I would definitely look as though I was incognito...don't ya think.
    When I was pregnant with my daughter kayleigh who is nine, I had to undergo the removal of melanoma on my face. They had to cut a place 3 1/2 inches long, and go 2 1/2 inches deep into the side of my cheek to remove the cancer. I have since had 9 other places on my body where they have found and removed the cancer. Their is no cure, and chemotherapy is not an option. So with that said, it does prevent me from having as much fun as I would like. I buy the highest spf sunscreen I can find, and have to wear long sleeves in the summer and keep my legs covered by slacks as well, or sometimes for lounging around I will wear summer dresses that are ankle length.

    My dear son in law lost his brother to this disease 3 yrs. ago and he was only 26 yrs old. So I caution people as much as possible to wear sunscreen and to avoid the sun in the hottest time of the afternoon, which it varies depending on what you read and others say, but somewhere between 11 and 4 p.m. depending on where in the country you live.

    Thank you for inspiring me to share this with all of you, since summer will soon be upon us.
    bbl Debbie:heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Morning HEETers,

    Late post for me. Been busy this morning...

    Hazel!! So good to *see* you! You're a beautiful and special lady and thank you for all your kind words! Here are a few abbreviations...LOL or lol is Laugh Out Loud. BBL is Be Back Later (Lucy was correct). TTFN is Ta Ta For Now. TTYL is Talk To You Later. I can't think of anymore that we might use in this group.

    Lucy! I'm so sorry! I didn't recognize you! You had a picture posted in the old group but I thought you were blondish???. The wig and the black and white picture really threw me off. I honestly thought Dorothy the Dish was some iconic figure from way back that I didn't recognize! :laugh: :laugh: What is Seasonal Affective Disorder? Is it like an arthritis during the winter months? Maybe a depression during the winter months from being cooped up inside? And you're right. Weight loss, better sleep and improved mood will be a side effect of more nutritionally sound eating. So, toss that ticker if you want and start being good to your body!! You'll reap some fabulous rewards! :flowerforyou:

    Adding to Debbie's post of Vitamin E, you can also take it with Selenium. I don't have the exact dosage in front of me but the two play off each other for cell repair and antioxidant properties. Take them with protein for proper absorbtion. Learning to know *when* to take vitamins and minerals is also very important. Some things can counter-act each other or not be absorbed properly if taken together or eaten with certain other foods. I don't take many vitamins or supplements anymore. Just my good quality multivitamin. It gets confusing and that's why I'm trying to focus on a variety of different foods. That way I can attempt to cover all the bases.

    *Waving to Cindy and Bebe. I've got to get going. Grocery shopping day then more office work. My absolute least favorite thing to do...:grumble:

    Hope you all are having a Fabulous Friday!

    Edit...more cross posting...Congrats on the walk Bebe. Are you off work again today?

    Debbie, my mom never had melanoma but was VERY fair and not the peaches-n-cream kind, if you know what I mean. Just incredibly pale (Strawberry Blonde) and would burn so easily. She was almost always covered head to to and constantly slathered in sunscreen. I'm lucky, I can take the sun and tan fairly easily but am sure I've had more than my fair share. I try to be more cautious nowadays and keep sunscreen handy at all times but suspect I'll end with something at some point. I'm already noticing little spots on the tops of my hands. They appear to be the same kind of cancers my dad has on his hands. I think they are called Squamas or something like that. Gotta run but I'll be back...
  • You guys are just too funny!:laugh: :laugh: :tongue: I guess I did a better job of dressing up for the 40s then I thought. I also had on false eyelashes!!! Lucy isn't my real name either. My real name is Chris (Christina) but since I'm a huge Lucille Ball fan...I'm mean we're talking HUGE...I made Lucy my nickname.

    Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder (SAD) is caused by the lack of exposure to the sun. When the sun hits our bare face, arms and shoulders, we chemically produce natural vitamin D. When we don't get that daily exposure, and it doesn't have to be much, just 15 minutes or so, it can cause many people, especially in the northern regions of the world to suffer from SAD. Which is depression, sickness, listlesness...believe me it is horrible. Debbie lives in OH and I live in MI where during the winter months we can go for days or weeks without sun. There aren't very many natural sources of vitamin D and sun exposure, from my research, is the best way to get it. Unfortunately, for people like Debbie, it is more difficult to get so cod liver oil is best. I take 1 tsp a day in the morning and that is all I need. taking fish oil caplets, while less expensive, is actually less effective. The brand I use is Carlson Norwegian Cod Liver Oil lemon flavor. It is pricy though, but I think worth it for me. 16.8 oz. is $34.90 on sale. I've heard that people in places like Iceland actually drink it with breakfast in the morning on a daily basis and depression is very rare in that country.

    Anyway, Debbie I'm sorry to hear that you are so sensitive to the sun. I also sunburn very easily and have to be careful, but have never had cancer problems from it. I bet with renewed health though, your sensivity may decrease some.

    Has anybody here read Jordan Rubin's book entitled "The Great Physician's RX for Health & Wellness"? It is a great book, easy to read and understand. It talks about biblical principles for eating and health. While I don't agree with all of the things not to eat, (like bacon), I can certainly understand why God told the Isrealites not to eat certain things and why they should eat other things. The Seven Keys listed in the book are great:
    1. Eat to live.
    2. Use whole food nutrition supplements
    3. Practice advanced hygiene.
    4. Condition your body with exercise.
    5. Reduce toxins in your environment.
    6. Avoid deadly emotions.
    7. Live a life of prayer and purpose.

    I do believe the basic prindicples are very sound and I'm trying to follow his ideas. Let me know if you have read it and what you think.

    I guess I better go, I still have that shopping to do!

    Adoringly yours,
    Dorothy aka Lucy :wink:
  • One more thing before I really get down to my "tasks at hand"

    Andy has worked 5 DAYS IN A ROW!!!!!

    Yahoo, praise Jesus. This is a new record!!! He hasn't had this many days in a row since Christmas!!!!! I know Julie and Debbie know what I'm talking about...isn't God awesome!!!!

    Okay, I'm good now. :laugh: :wink: :flowerforyou: :tongue: :bigsmile: :blushing:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Lucy, you are a doll. Thank you so much for sharing. Kayleigh and I go to the library sometimes as much as 3 times a week and we read Alot. I will get the book because it inspired my interest, and knowledge is power and we can never learn enough. Thank you thank you for taking the time to share and understanding and appreciating my take on what I choose to share in topic and on a personal level. I will at best try to keep my focus and conversation here about good eating habits and exercise. Make it a great day everyone :wink:
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