Negative Comments on the Boards



  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    I'm so with you, I feel the same way. we are all adults here and should act like it!
  • tiamaria3
    tiamaria3 Posts: 92 Member
    Hey, I heard there is an ignore option. Anyone care to tell me how to do it?
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Under the pic of them there is a down arrow,when u click on that you will see option ignore user :bigsmile:
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I'm so with you, I feel the same way. we are all adults here and should act like it!

    I think people should embrace the snark and stop taking everything so seriously and personally...but that's just me
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You are putting silliness into people's heads which is doing nothing to further educate them, if someone watched that and didn't have the where with all to do a little research themselves, they might actually beleive the video, making them more ignorant to the how things actually work.

    And you still don't get it right? Didn't I say that people, including myself, are not professionals in the field or specialists? And if you are going to talk about research, what kind of research are you talking about? Because if you are as smart as you trying to sound, then you should be aware that the internet is full of useless information as much as good material.

    I'm talking about actual peer reviewed science, it's not the be all end all, but a lot better then stuff people read on a website, blog or from their fav. celeb. I have no issues with people sharing stuff they've heard, but the burden of proof of what they're saying is on them, should someone call them on it
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    People abuse the report button also. ie.. when their opinion gets proved wrong by research or when they hear something they don't want to hear. Especially when it's the truth.

    This forum has been PC'd down to a "G" movie rating. Odd because you have to be old enough to see a "R" rated movie to join. If you are old enough to be drafted, hold a gun and die for your country, you should be old enough to handle some words on a screen.
  • seehawkmomma
    Although I do see the OP point, this is still life.

    People still have their personalities that shine thru this magical internet world.

    Even though we all have the same goal that doesnt mean we are all on the same side.

    Have more patience for those who aren't "kind" maybe they are just coming from a different POV.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Using the ignore feature burns no calories. ;)

    I can use ignore feature, but I believe more people are unaware of this option than are aware. It's not so obvious. I acknowledge it's simply a preference issue- I prefer the moderators keep the site full of supportive people, but I know that's just my preference. Yep, they'd be busy, unless more mods were added.

    As for lost revenue, people do leave sites because of negativity. That's also lost revenue, isn't it?

    Ah but if internet rage burned calories I'd already be Kate Moss.

    I agree more people need to know about it. That's one of the reasons I try to bring it up in threads complaining about negativity. But what continually happens is people don't want to use the ignore feature. They feel they "shouldn't have to". They think everyone should conform to THEIR idea of supportive or be kicked off the site.

    "Supportive" is a vague term. When people want to do dangerous 500 calorie a day diets they complain that they don't find support here. Nevermind that "supporting" something like that is closer to enabling a deadly eating disorder. But that doesn't matter. If you don't throw out the rainbows and the sushine you're a "hater". "Say something nice about my dangerous diet or don't say anything at all."

    There's nothing supportive or positive about giving people praise just because. And starting threads complaining about negativity only fosters more negativity and calls for bans from the side asking for "positive support". I see nothing positive or supportive about banning those you disagree with.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    Unfortunately there will always be trolls.....

    The best thing about the ignore button is that you ignore ALL posts from that person- whether it is on the original post or elsewhere in the forums!!
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    This isn't kindergarten. You don't need to tattle to the teacher, you don't need to whine repeatedly about "rude people", you don't need someone to control your surroundings, and you should know by now that you should concern yourself more with your own behaviour. You're a grown up in a grown up world, congratulations!

    Humour is not rudeness.
    Someone disagreeing with you is not rudeness.
    What I often see is people getting nasty to others they deem as "rude".
    Calling someone rude is a cop out. It's like accusing people of being "just jealous".

    Perhaps consider that your position may be incorrect and re-examine whether your are mature enough to handle constructive criticism, or should even be participating on the net. Your boss won't coddle you, your bank won't coddle you, why do you expect this site to coddle you and interfere in your personal affronts? Are you not a rational adult who can solve your own disputes?

    By constantly complaining about rudeness you are what is known as an internet policeman, a board mother, a hand-wringer and a pearl clutcher, a white knight. Your complaint is not new or newsworthy. Joining the conversation just to derail it and insert your "omg people are so rude" comment is not constructive nor helpful and has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

    I don't know why people like this seem to think that their idea of forum behaviour is the be all and end all. It's a diverse board with people from all over the world. Enjoy the diversity instead of trying to force people to conform to your obviously perfect behaviour.

    Surely you can think of something more productive to do than whine all day about the horrible people on the interwebs.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    This isn't kindergarten. You don't need to tattle to the teacher, you don't need to whine repeatedly about "rude people", you don't need someone to control your surroundings, and you should know by now that you should concern yourself more with your own behaviour. You're a grown up in a grown up world, congratulations!

    Humour is not rudeness.
    Someone disagreeing with you is not rudeness.
    What I often see is people getting nasty to others they deem as "rude".
    Calling someone rude is a cop out. It's like accusing people of being "just jealous".

    Perhaps consider that your position may be incorrect and re-examine whether your are mature enough to handle constructive criticism, or should even be participating on the net. Your boss won't coddle you, your bank won't coddle you, why do you expect this site to coddle you and interfere in your personal affronts? Are you not a rational adult who can solve your own disputes?

    By constantly complaining about rudeness you are what is known as an internet policeman, a board mother, a hand-wringer and a pearl clutcher, a white knight. Your complaint is not new or newsworthy. Joining the conversation just to derail it and insert your "omg people are so rude" comment is not constructive nor helpful and has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

    I don't know why people like this seem to think that their idea of forum behaviour is the be all and end all. It's a diverse board with people from all over the world. Enjoy the diversity instead of trying to force people to conform to your obviously perfect behaviour.

    Surely you can think of something more productive to do than whine all day about the horrible people on the interwebs.

  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    This isn't kindergarten. You don't need to tattle to the teacher, you don't need to whine repeatedly about "rude people", you don't need someone to control your surroundings, and you should know by now that you should concern yourself more with your own behaviour. You're a grown up in a grown up world, congratulations!

    Humour is not rudeness.
    Someone disagreeing with you is not rudeness.
    What I often see is people getting nasty to others they deem as "rude".
    Calling someone rude is a cop out. It's like accusing people of being "just jealous".

    Perhaps consider that your position may be incorrect and re-examine whether your are mature enough to handle constructive criticism, or should even be participating on the net. Your boss won't coddle you, your bank won't coddle you, why do you expect this site to coddle you and interfere in your personal affronts? Are you not a rational adult who can solve your own disputes?

    By constantly complaining about rudeness you are what is known as an internet policeman, a board mother, a hand-wringer and a pearl clutcher, a white knight. Your complaint is not new or newsworthy. Joining the conversation just to derail it and insert your "omg people are so rude" comment is not constructive nor helpful and has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

    I don't know why people like this seem to think that their idea of forum behaviour is the be all and end all. It's a diverse board with people from all over the world. Enjoy the diversity instead of trying to force people to conform to your obviously perfect behaviour.

    Surely you can think of something more productive to do than whine all day about the horrible people on the interwebs.

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    This isn't kindergarten. You don't need to tattle to the teacher, you don't need to whine repeatedly about "rude people", you don't need someone to control your surroundings, and you should know by now that you should concern yourself more with your own behaviour. You're a grown up in a grown up world, congratulations!

    Humour is not rudeness.
    Someone disagreeing with you is not rudeness.
    What I often see is people getting nasty to others they deem as "rude".
    Calling someone rude is a cop out. It's like accusing people of being "just jealous".

    Perhaps consider that your position may be incorrect and re-examine whether your are mature enough to handle constructive criticism, or should even be participating on the net. Your boss won't coddle you, your bank won't coddle you, why do you expect this site to coddle you and interfere in your personal affronts? Are you not a rational adult who can solve your own disputes?

    By constantly complaining about rudeness you are what is known as an internet policeman, a board mother, a hand-wringer and a pearl clutcher, a white knight. Your complaint is not new or newsworthy. Joining the conversation just to derail it and insert your "omg people are so rude" comment is not constructive nor helpful and has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

    I don't know why people like this seem to think that their idea of forum behaviour is the be all and end all. It's a diverse board with people from all over the world. Enjoy the diversity instead of trying to force people to conform to your obviously perfect behaviour.

    Surely you can think of something more productive to do than whine all day about the horrible people on the interwebs.


    All these posts are wah wah wah.. Someone was mean to me and now I'm going to go whine about it instead of confronting that person like the adult I'm supposed to be.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    People abuse the report button also. ie.. when their opinion gets proved wrong by research or when they hear something they don't want to hear. Especially when it's the truth.

    This forum has been PC'd down to a "G" movie rating. Odd because you have to be old enough to see a "R" rated movie to join. If you are old enough to be drafted, hold a gun and die for your country, you should be old enough to handle some words on a screen.

    Still think this sums it up the best.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I'm with you, and have been doing the same thing--laying low and not getting too involved in many threads. Some people like the drama, maybe? Not me. :glasses:

    Me too. I had to go as far as deleting my account and then creating a new one because the level of harassment from 2 different members was getting to me and nothing was being done when I reported the harassment.

    They were literally following me from thread to thread just to dispute anything that was stated and I am a thick skinned person.

    I mostly stay to my groups and will post out here in the general areas sometimes.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I'm with you, and have been doing the same thing--laying low and not getting too involved in many threads. Some people like the drama, maybe? Not me. :glasses:

    Me too. I had to go as far as deleting my account and then creating a new one because the level of harassment from 2 different members was getting to me and nothing was being done when I reported the harassment.

    They were literally following me from thread to thread just to dispute anything that was stated and I am a thick skinned person.

    I mostly stay to my groups and will post out here in the general areas sometimes.

    I'd never delete my account for someone. I'd put both on ignore.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    nope not with you,people need to stop being so sensitive in my opinion
  • KeegansMomma
    I used to be an avid poster to many different website forums up until about 3 or 4 years ago. When the downright negative/harsh/cranky responses come along, it's not fun to post any more.

    When I had my son, I realised that I didn't need the drama and crap of online forums anymore. This was very apparent when I joined a forum for a particular Big Brother contestant back then and posted my disdain for the contestant. I was quickly banned from posting or even viewing the forums again just because I did not like the contestant and stated so 1 time in a very respectful manner.

    With MFP, I find I DO read posts, but do not reply very often due to the negativity and rudeness of some who reply to the threads.

    Also, while I hear what the OP is saying, that us positive posters should band together to cut down on the negative posts, I say this, if you see an outright negative post ignore it and post your reply because then you're not giving that negative/rude poster the time of day and stepping on their reply like it's a bug...or if it does violate the boards posting guidelines, report it. Although, the easiest option (because negativity and rudeness means something different to everyone) is to just ignore the negative/rude posts.
  • cryspetstalerson
    I gave up on asking questions on the forum, not because of the way I was being treated but because of SOME of the rude comments or remarks I saw posted on other peoples questions. I just started asking questions in my blog on here, and leave it at that. Unfortunately, not all of us are strong enough to "ignore" and move on. Some of us who are extremely overweight , already have low self confidence, and being put down just makes it worse. I am looking for support and not negative support. There is a difference between tough love and being a complete *kitten*.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm with you, and have been doing the same thing--laying low and not getting too involved in many threads. Some people like the drama, maybe? Not me. :glasses:

    Me too. I had to go as far as deleting my account and then creating a new one because the level of harassment from 2 different members was getting to me and nothing was being done when I reported the harassment.

    They were literally following me from thread to thread just to dispute anything that was stated and I am a thick skinned person.

    I mostly stay to my groups and will post out here in the general areas sometimes.

    Isn't it possible you were posting things that simply weren't true or were not very good advice?
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