Negative Comments on the Boards



  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    Honestly I think the fact that this and 100 or so other threads on the same line recently are an indicator that people are overly sensitive and take offense over little things, people sweat the small stuff way too much. What one may consider mean someone else may consider just stating a fact or being honest. There is such a varied group here people need to stop whining and complaining about the boards and just participate in the ones that interest them and stay away from things they do not like. I will say this however, there are a lot of users who post a topic asking often for personal advise and when the replies are not what they want to hear things seem to get nasty. Just as in life, you are not always going to like who you work with or have to deal with on a daily basis, the internet community is no different.
  • cryspetstalerson
    totally agree with u... i thought this was a more mature site than say facebook, where u can be caught up in drama.. sometimes i post serious questions and get a few smart sarcastic responses... i just brush it off, bc like the saying goes:

    when u talk about me, it says more about you.

    I actually never have drama on Facebook. I hear this a lot from people though. I wonder why they would keep drama queens as friends on there.

    Yep, delete button. But in my case, it is mostly family members being drama queens. I have had friends get mad at me for not getting involved in their drama... So delete is my friend.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    I must say... THIS^^^... is adorable!!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    It's funny how many people use the forum to post that they don't use the forum any more.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    It's funny how many people use the forum to post that they don't use the forum any more.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    It's funny how many people use the forum to post that they don't use the forum any more.

    Ah, you caught that, did you?
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
  • cryspetstalerson
    It's funny how many people use the forum to post that they don't use the forum any more.

    Ah, you caught that, did you?

    In my defense, I said I don't use it to ask questions. I will post on other peoples topics or questions though.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    It's funny how many people use the forum to post that they don't use the forum any more.

    I F'n love Ken! I know because I've had to say this like 9 different times!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I'm with you, and have been doing the same thing--laying low and not getting too involved in many threads. Some people like the drama, maybe? Not me. :glasses:

    Me too. I had to go as far as deleting my account and then creating a new one because the level of harassment from 2 different members was getting to me and nothing was being done when I reported the harassment.

    They were literally following me from thread to thread just to dispute anything that was stated and I am a thick skinned person.

    I mostly stay to my groups and will post out here in the general areas sometimes.

    I'd never delete my account for someone. I'd put both on ignore.

    Yes, I wish I would have just done that...............I was so irritated that I acted irrationally. It dawned on me what a stupid idea it was to delete the account and start over this morning when I went to the recipes to plug in a serving of my home made sage breakfast sausage and low and behold I had no recipes there............

  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think there are far less negative comments on the boards then there are misunderstandings, miscomprehension, and miscommunication. Wittgenstein was right to believe that clarity in language could solve any arguments.

    Admittedly some posters are flat out rude. Then you have to ask yourself "why is or should this person's opinion be of any importance to me?" The answer is invariably is "It isn't"

    Emotional robustness is an essential quality to progress in real life. Use forums as training wheels to practice if you need to...
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    This is the internet. If you post on public message boards, you should have thick skin. If someone says something offensive to you, ignore them.

    It's a shame MFP does not have an ignore option.

    IT DOES!

    Every single person who complains that they don't like what people are saying has a wonderful option. They can set that person to ignore. Once they do that they need never see another post from that person.

    Now if people know about this option, elect not to use it and still want to complain about what other people choose to say, well I have no sympathy for them.

    Thanks for the info. I had no idea about the ignore button!
  • mllowe2
    mllowe2 Posts: 50 Member
    This is the internet. If you post on public message boards, you should have thick skin. If someone says something offensive to you, ignore them.

    It's a shame MFP does not have an ignore option.

    Not everyone has thick skin. Some people turn to these boards becasue they do not have people in their lives who support them through their fitness goals. When those people get bullied and hurt on here, they lose any support system they may have. Words can cause serious damage to someone's life. And un-provoked meanness is never acceptable, no matter where it takes place. I'm not saying we should form some sort of vigilante group that seeks to destroy the nay-sayers... I am saying that if you are here to HELP and SUPPORT people through their fitness goals, make your voice louder than those who are here to be cruel.

    Exactly, I'm totally with you. I read that same thread about the negative calories and thought people tore that girl up for no reason...I posted a simple question about a HR monitor a couple weeks ago and one person took the time to respond just to tell me that I should've searched the threads instead of asking this since it gets "asked daily." Sorry, then don't respond! Ugh I swear some people sign up just to post negativity every chance they get. Completely counter to what MFP is supposed to be!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    welcome to the internet...where there are no rules and idiots roam free. What do you expect with all the meme posts and de-motivational posters.

    This is why I turn to video games to take my anger out on society. If I come across someone I find is being rude and childish I find a character and pretend it's that person and then beat the hell out of them with any object I can find (on the game of course lol).
  • fithealthygirl
    fithealthygirl Posts: 290 Member
    When I first joined MFP, I was all about being active on the boards. Lately though, I have been laying low due to all of the negative posts and responses I have been reading.

    Now let me by clear: by negative, I don't mean posting something that respectfully disagrees with another's post, or citing sources that refute someone's claim. If you think an OP was off on their facts, then it's perfectly acceptable to kindly steer them to some information that may be more helpful. But people are just getting down right mean and taunting. This is a place where all should feel free to come ask questions and share experiences. If you are one of those who makes fun of or is disrespectful in your replies, you should feel ashamed of yourself. You are nothing more than a bully and should leave the boards completely and forever.

    If you feel the same way I do, let's ban together. We need to be heard louder than those with spiteful words. To me, this doesn't mean we attack those who are being out of line. It means we no longer stay silent. We need to counter-act their hurtful actions with loving and supportive actions of our own.

    Who's with me!?

    I'm with you! When reading replies to posts on here, I often feel badly for the OP. I understand that there is a search function on here, but sometimes people post questions just because they would like the support of others. I don't think it's fair to bully and disrespect people just because a question has been asked before. If it has been asked before and it irritates you then simply don't respond. Nobody would be this rude in real life and if they were, this world would be a sad place to live in.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member

    I must say... THIS^^^... is adorable!!

  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I think there are far less negative comments on the boards then there are misunderstandings, miscomprehension, and miscommunication. Wittgenstein was right to believe that clarity in language could solve any arguments.

    Admittedly some posters are flat out rude. Then you have to ask yourself "why is or should this person's opinion be of any importance to me?" The answer is invariably is "It isn't"

    Emotional robustness is an essential quality to progress in real life. Use forums as training wheels to practice if you need to...
    Oh man.. I feel sad that the wisdom you posted will likely be lost in this thread. Thanks for sharing it anyway. Hopefully a few people will take it to heart.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Its one of the reasons that I like the GROUPS option. Because the reality is that one person's FACT is another person's FICTION. And fights about what's true and what's not are normally where the rudeness occurs. But now, there is no reason for a vegetarian to get blasted by paleo eaters, and lowfat adherents to get ridiculed by primal eaters, and runners to get ridiculed by weight lifters...which is what happens on the "open" boards.

    Just join a group of like-minded people and the haters won't join.

    Easy, simple.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    It's at times like this, I think of the greatest words of wisdom my grandmother ever said, "Boy, you keep eating grapes like that and you'll **** yerself."

    I live my life by these words.
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    I think there are far less negative comments on the boards then there are misunderstandings, miscomprehension, and miscommunication. Wittgenstein was right to believe that clarity in language could solve any arguments.

    Admittedly some posters are flat out rude. Then you have to ask yourself "why is or should this person's opinion be of any importance to me?" The answer is invariably is "It isn't"

    Emotional robustness is an essential quality to progress in real life. Use forums as training wheels to practice if you need to...

    You write the most thoughtful, rational comments.
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