Why are some so desperate.........................



  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    People aren't educated well enough to take care of themselves properly or to lose weight the right way. It doesn't help either that they are surrounded by convenience foods that are terrible for them. I really feel nutrition labels should be mandatory on ALL foods for this reason, including fast food products and things like that. At least that would leave out most of the guesswork for people...

    Totally agree, the calorie amount should be stated for the entire packet/box as well as per 100g. I also think products which are sold as snacks yet have the same calorie amount as a full meal is quite worrying.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,719 Member
    I kind of have to disagree, I don't think people fall for scams because they are too lazy or stupid. I think the majority of people who do fall for the scams are hopless. They feel like are willing to do anything to lose weight becasue they have been put down to the point where they don't believe that they can lose the weight on their own. Maybe I'm wrong, just my opinion :)
    I haven't read through all the responses, but I got to this one and didn't want to lose it. I think you're right on. I think many people believe losing weight is much more complicated and difficult than it really is, and because of that, they don't bother to try. It reminds me of myself and quitting smoking. I had convinced myself that it was nearly impossible to do. I finally decided to do it anyway. I'm not saying it was easy, but it sure was more "doable" than I anticipated. I was kicking myself for not doing it years before. The same thing was true when I decided to drop 25 pounds once and for all. It took consistency, but it wasn't really hard. I think people often are overwhelmed and feel defeated before they even get started.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    My dad says the same thing, but it is so tempting to get wheigth loss shakes... Just see if they work... Haha
    But you are right :)
    I love those Slim Fast shakes....
    To make them taste right, I put in a scoop of ice cream and a few globs of peanut butter.
    LOVE IT!
  • p0stdramatic
    Body by Vi is really growing i think :P

    I'm not sure why so many fall for it. Like the shakes and such are going to make you lose more weight.. even when you have the same about of calories? I don't get it.

    Body by Vi makes me so mad. Several girls on my facebook friend list are now spamming our news feeds about "Lose weight, gain muscle, and get a BMW!" REALLY?
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Body by Vi is really growing i think :P

    I'm not sure why so many fall for it. Like the shakes and such are going to make you lose more weight.. even when you have the same about of calories? I don't get it.

    Body by Vi makes me so mad. Several girls on my facebook friend list are now spamming our news feeds about "Lose weight, gain muscle, and get a BMW!" REALLY?

    I know I've been seeing an increase on my Facebook too. I just got over the pain of being constantly invited to "Mona Vie" Acai juice meetings.
  • p0stdramatic
    Body by Vi is really growing i think :P

    I'm not sure why so many fall for it. Like the shakes and such are going to make you lose more weight.. even when you have the same about of calories? I don't get it.

    Body by Vi makes me so mad. Several girls on my facebook friend list are now spamming our news feeds about "Lose weight, gain muscle, and get a BMW!" REALLY?

    I know I've been seeing an increase on my Facebook too. I just got over the pain of being constantly invited to "Mona Vie" Acai juice meetings.

    Oh lord, I forgot about all the "party" invites every week. Gah.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I never understood, but I do now. My weight has gone up and down the same five pounds since the beginning of July. My clothes keep getting tighter. I've tried eating less, more, changed my workout routine, added more protein, cut carbs. You name it, I've done it and NOTHING. So, a "magic" pill or whatever sounds pretty good to me.

    And, yes, had a physical and all is perfect.

    Diet and exercise have failed me. Now what?
    You failed and are looking for an excuse. The sad truth is many enablers will line of to affirm you in this absurd notion.
    Poor me:sad:
    I am different....

    Really? I burn an average of 500 calories or more per day through exercise. I do cardio and weight training. I eat whole, healthy foods and more than the recommendee fruits a veggies. I rarely eat junk. I eat on average 1,500 calories or less per day. Yet I CANNOT LOSE WEIGHT. So, please, Mr. I'm Perfect and Have All the Answers, what am I doing wrong?

    I'm just glad I have people in my life who love me despite my imperfections.
    I call such people "enablers".

    Anyway, I have no answers for you. You probably are right; you can't lose weight.
    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”
    ― Henry Ford
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    Why is it that most of these threads end up talking about how stupid everyone else is?

    It's called psychological projection. It's quite common actually.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I never understood, but I do now. My weight has gone up and down the same five pounds since the beginning of July. My clothes keep getting tighter. I've tried eating less, more, changed my workout routine, added more protein, cut carbs. You name it, I've done it and NOTHING. So, a "magic" pill or whatever sounds pretty good to me.

    And, yes, had a physical and all is perfect.

    Diet and exercise have failed me. Now what?
    You failed and are looking for an excuse. The sad truth is many enablers will line of to affirm you in this absurd notion.
    Poor me:sad:
    I am different....

    Really? I burn an average of 500 calories or more per day through exercise. I do cardio and weight training. I eat whole, healthy foods and more than the recommendee fruits a veggies. I rarely eat junk. I eat on average 1,500 calories or less per day. Yet I CANNOT LOSE WEIGHT. So, please, Mr. I'm Perfect and Have All the Answers, what am I doing wrong?

    I'm just glad I have people in my life who love me despite my imperfections.

    I would strongly recommend that you research and find a sports nutritionist in your area and have a good discussion on what your caloric needs are. You may in fact be eating too few calories and have reached your plateau in weight loss. Regardless of what anyone in the forums tell you it will never replace the personal touch of seeing a profession to have your body composition analysed and a really plan of action decided.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i dont like when ppl say they lose and eat fast food all day either, thats just plain dumb and really bad for the body
    just cause you get results- doesnt mean its the proper way
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Trying a magic pill, shake, patch for the first item won't hurt anyone if you can afford it. No point in yelling at people about it. I drink Special K protein shakes for lunch and I'm on Turbo Jam. So far I've gained 2 pounds and I look even fatter than I did BEFORE I started working out. Lucky me...

    So if someone comes to me saying "Hey this'll make you lose all that unwanted belly fat so you can actually look your age in a bikini" I'm gonna say "GIVE ME TWO!".

    Now, the floor is open to judge me
    This is a diet scammer's dream come true!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    It is really hard to not get taken in when you have friends who it has worked for. One of mine lost 5 1/2 stone in 4 months using lipotrim (we'll not mention that she ended up seriously ill in hospital afterwards) and one lost 2 1/2 stone in a few weeks on the HCG diet (but that may have had more to do with the 500 cal diet).
    I have a very important reason for needing (and I do mean a medical need, not just wanting) to lose weight as quickly as possible and have been VERY tempted to try some of the fads but I also want to continue losing afterwards so I haven't done, I am slowly learning that I need to be patient of I want it to stay off :grumble:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,719 Member
    I never understood, but I do now. My weight has gone up and down the same five pounds since the beginning of July. My clothes keep getting tighter. I've tried eating less, more, changed my workout routine, added more protein, cut carbs. You name it, I've done it and NOTHING. So, a "magic" pill or whatever sounds pretty good to me.

    And, yes, had a physical and all is perfect.

    Diet and exercise have failed me. Now what?
    That's a tough one. It sounds like your body is very comfortable at your current range, which makes it difficult to figure out the precise formula to be able to get the scale moving down. I think it's easier, albeit maybe more overwhelming, when you have much more to lose than you do. I know I said in an earlier post that losing the weight was easier than I expected it to be, but I can relate to what you're saying too. I initially set out to lose 25 pounds, which I did, then I wanted to lose more, and I managed to lose 30+ pounds in total. However, I struggled with maintenance and put five back on, and my body seems to want to stay right about here no matter what I do. I'm still trying to fine-tune it myself.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I think it has a lot to do with self control and tired of being overweight. At least for me personally, I've been tempted by the pills. Don't like how they make me feel so I don't take them. But when you've been in a consistant caloric deficit for several months and see no progress on the scale it makes you think "WTF is wrong with me?!" Then you try gimmics.
  • EmilyLStuart
    Bookmarking for later..thx
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I never understood, but I do now. My weight has gone up and down the same five pounds since the beginning of July. My clothes keep getting tighter. I've tried eating less, more, changed my workout routine, added more protein, cut carbs. You name it, I've done it and NOTHING. So, a "magic" pill or whatever sounds pretty good to me.

    And, yes, had a physical and all is perfect.

    Diet and exercise have failed me. Now what?
    You failed and are looking for an excuse. The sad truth is many enablers will line of to affirm you in this absurd notion.
    Poor me:sad:
    I am different....

    Really? I burn an average of 500 calories or more per day through exercise. I do cardio and weight training. I eat whole, healthy foods and more than the recommendee fruits a veggies. I rarely eat junk. I eat on average 1,500 calories or less per day. Yet I CANNOT LOSE WEIGHT. So, please, Mr. I'm Perfect and Have All the Answers, what am I doing wrong?

    I'm just glad I have people in my life who love me despite my imperfections.
    I call such people "enablers".

    Anyway, I have no answers for you. You probably are right; you can't lose weight.
    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”
    ― Henry Ford
    Ford was a Nazi.

    I'd rather be surrounded by enablers than narcissists, personally. And while NPD prevents your awareness, you're also lucky to have a few "enablers" in your life. You'd be terribly lonely otherwise.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I never understood, but I do now. My weight has gone up and down the same five pounds since the beginning of July. My clothes keep getting tighter. I've tried eating less, more, changed my workout routine, added more protein, cut carbs. You name it, I've done it and NOTHING. So, a "magic" pill or whatever sounds pretty good to me.

    And, yes, had a physical and all is perfect.

    Diet and exercise have failed me. Now what?
    You failed and are looking for an excuse. The sad truth is many enablers will line of to affirm you in this absurd notion.
    Poor me:sad:
    I am different....

    Really? I burn an average of 500 calories or more per day through exercise. I do cardio and weight training. I eat whole, healthy foods and more than the recommendee fruits a veggies. I rarely eat junk. I eat on average 1,500 calories or less per day. Yet I CANNOT LOSE WEIGHT. So, please, Mr. I'm Perfect and Have All the Answers, what am I doing wrong?

    I'm just glad I have people in my life who love me despite my imperfections.

    Well I can see your problem a mile off. I'm sure others can too. However, I avoid dealing with self-defeatists and people that are generally negative, so I'll just advise you to do a search or post a topic :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I never understood, but I do now. My weight has gone up and down the same five pounds since the beginning of July. My clothes keep getting tighter. I've tried eating less, more, changed my workout routine, added more protein, cut carbs. You name it, I've done it and NOTHING. So, a "magic" pill or whatever sounds pretty good to me.

    And, yes, had a physical and all is perfect.

    Diet and exercise have failed me. Now what?
    You failed and are looking for an excuse. The sad truth is many enablers will line of to affirm you in this absurd notion.
    Poor me:sad:
    I am different....

    Really? I burn an average of 500 calories or more per day through exercise. I do cardio and weight training. I eat whole, healthy foods and more than the recommendee fruits a veggies. I rarely eat junk. I eat on average 1,500 calories or less per day. Yet I CANNOT LOSE WEIGHT. So, please, Mr. I'm Perfect and Have All the Answers, what am I doing wrong?

    I'm just glad I have people in my life who love me despite my imperfections.
    You're going to tell me I'm not eating enough. That isn't the problem.

    Well I can see your problem a mile off. I'm sure others can too. However, I avoid dealing with self-defeatists and people that are generally negative, so I'll just advise you to do a search or post a topic :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm going to be done with this thread after this post, but I wanted to say that a few people have made suggestions that I am going to try. I think and endocrinologist and testing my insulin resistance are good ideas, among a few others, though the timing of my problem really makes me think it's directly a result of my choice of BC. I really appreciate the suggestions and understanding.

    To those who chose to be insulting, I didn't post my issue seeking advice. If I wanted advice, I would directly ask for it. I posted because the consensus in this thread seems to be that diet and exercise work 100% of the time and anyone for whom they don't work is stupid, lazy, both or in some kind of denial. I was a size 4, without effort, until I was 29. I gained some weighr and then over the course of three months I took off 34 pounds and dropped three sizes and kept it off for two years. Despite continuing a healrhy lifestyle I regained 20 pounds that will not move. I've done this before. I'm not stupid, lazy or in denial. But every time I step on the scale now, I end up in anger and tears. THAT is why some people turn to too good to be true methods. And that is why I posted my story.