Awesome Husbands



  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    My husband is awesome,he works 13 hour days (sometimes for no pay since hes commision).He busts his butt for us. He always tells me im beautifull,and reminds me not to worry about the little things.The other day on his ONLY day off I fell asleep and woke to a spotless house,and he did the laundry. He holds my hair if I puke,and thinks I look sexy with a hangover. Im told im beautifull and perfect daily. Hes compleatly awesome.

    Now lets hear about everyone elses awesome SO

    Does he have a single brother, cousin, male relative, or friend that treats women the same as your husband treats you? If so, hook a single girl up! :)
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    My husband is awesome,he works 13 hour days (sometimes for no pay since hes commision).He busts his butt for us. He always tells me im beautifull,and reminds me not to worry about the little things.The other day on his ONLY day off I fell asleep and woke to a spotless house,and he did the laundry. He holds my hair if I puke,and thinks I look sexy with a hangover. Im told im beautifull and perfect daily. Hes compleatly awesome.

    Now lets hear about everyone elses awesome SO

    Does he have a single brother, cousin, male relative, or friend that treats women the same as your husband treats you? If so, hook a single girl up! :)

    No he does not have very much family anymore lol
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Plus i love her big ol titties lmao

    Just to clear things up...I'm not his wife :wink:
    True but Im a morman in my head so you could always be number two lmao

    Ooooooh lordy lordy......*runs away*
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    I wish I could say how much I love my OH (soon to be husband) and list all the things he does for me and how fantastic he makes me feel but I just can't! The words dont exist! And I would cry if I even tried!!
  • cryspetstalerson
    He sounds wonderful!!!
    I have a pretty awesome husband as well. I met him after I went through my divorce. I was a single mother. Right now, my daughter thinks of him as her daddy. He takes care of both of us, and loves Emily as his own.
    I have so many medical issues, and he has been there for everyone. He is there for me when I have a bad day. He knows what to do when I have one of my depression freak outs. Sometimes I think he knows me better than I know myself.
    We have been through many arguments with his mom, step dad, and sisters, and he stood up for me through every single one. He is always by my side.
    The other day, he told me that he wouldn’t be where he is in life, if it weren’t for me, and that he owes a lot of credit to me.
    Most of the time, on his days off, he will volunteer to take over the house work and parenting so I can get some rest. I of course let him sleep in before he does this.
    He also loves to talk. We rarely fight but when we do, he likes us to go on a long drive so we can talk out all our problems.
    He calls me beautiful every single day, and tells me that he would love me at any weight. I think he is the best!

  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Thank you everyone for your stories. I think so much with the stresses of life we sometimes get caught up in the little things,and forgett how truly special the people that make up our lives are, husbands,wives,boyfriends,girlfriends hell even pets.
    Its nice to remind ourselves how much better our lives our with these people in them. I couldnt even imagine life without my husband
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Ahhh, here we go!

    Being adventurous out in the forest:

    TJ with our pug:

    When he had long hair and I was gigantic:

    And finally, us being adorable on the first snowy day last year:
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Oh, I like this thread! I responded in the "Help I hate my husband" thread, but not that I hate my husband. I decided to copy and paste my response from that thread into THIS thread...

    I have known my husband for 22 years, married for over 18. I have been frustrated and angry, perhaps resentful, but I have never hated him. Hate is a powerful word and I won't bring it into my marriage even in thought. I love my husband. We were kids went we met (19 & 24), we have 2 kids (went through my psycho-crazy hormones of pregnancy), have been through illness and death in the family. These experiences have brought us closer, helped us see what we're capable of as adults. To see my husband as a loving father, as the man who took care of his family when his father passed away, as a man who has grown in his convictions and who has grown in responsibility in his career, these things have shown me what stellar instincts I had in choosing a mate. He respects me as a woman, partner, mother. We have grown so much together. It does not just "happen". It is work, and it is worth it.

    I love him, he truly IS awesome.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    You and your husband are beautiful together.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Smashatoms -- lovely. I "misplaced" the prior post complimenting you and your h.
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member

    He's in the military and is currently away from home, doing an amazing and incredible job, he's been away for 3 months and still has several more to go and I miss him deeply!!

    Lovely post! :-D

    Thank you both for your service...I don't know how you military wives do it, but you BOTH deserve to be thanked!

    That's lovely thankyou :-D
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    there is a starbucks iced venti espresso waiting for me by my nightstand every morning when i wake up - :heart:
  • cbh142
    cbh142 Posts: 270 Member
    My hubby and I are doing this whole weight loss thing TOGETHER! Whoever makes dinner asks the other how many calories they have left and we figure something out accordingly. We sit at the table together every dinner.
  • cryspetstalerson
    my wife is AWESOME she is an amazing cook, always helps me and supports me with everthing. She is my rock, she is smart, sexy, and fun. Most of all she stepped and has been a mother to my oldest kid. I couldnt ask for a better woman in my life. Plus i love her big ol titties lmao

    YAY For an AWESOME wife post!!
  • cryspetstalerson
    Plus i love her big ol titties lmao

    Just to clear things up...I'm not his wife :wink:
  • hannahmayr30
    hannahmayr30 Posts: 93 Member
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Bump for later.

    I want to read the stories so that I too can be an awesome husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm sure you already are, T!!!
  • hallucinogenic_lipstick
    My blokes been pretty fantastic too, his only gripe is he's worried I'm going to loose my butt and boobs lol!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I lucked out in that department too. Right now he is downstairs with my three year old so I can work out, which I finished I dont know about half an hour ago. He is AWESOME! He brings in the groceries, cleans the kitchen (sometimes) and does laundry all the time. He always tells me how lucky he is to have me and how wonderful I am to have given him a son! He is a great man and I love him dearly.He had been working 80hrs a week because I am unemployed at the moment and he always tells me how great I am when I put myself down about being out of work. He never complains that he is working so hard! I love him dearly!!!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I lucked out in that department too. Right now he is downstairs with my three year old so I can work out, which I finished I dont know about half an hour ago. He is AWESOME! He brings in the groceries, cleans the kitchen (sometimes) and does laundry all the time. He always tells me how lucky he is to have me and how wonderful I am to have given him a son! He is a great man and I love him dearly.He had been working 80hrs a week because I am unemployed at the moment and he always tells me how great I am when I put myself down about being out of work. He never complains that he is working so hard! I love him dearly!!!

    Edited due to a little too much personal info HA! I got carried away! Sorry