Awesome Husbands



  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I have a pretty awesome husband! He does not clean house, do laundry, or dishes, or anything of that kind. But, he lets me be a stay at home mom, even though sometimes it is hard to make ends meet. He takes as much overtime that they will allow. He took on my two children from a previous marriage, adopted them when the ex took off, and loves them as his own. He told me I was beautiful at my largest (which was pretty large)! He takes care of me and our 3 kids all on his own. He is wonderful! Here's to Awesome, wonderful, good husbands!!!!!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Having had the scare of a lifetime last Thursday dealing with my husband I'm more thankful than ever for him.
    He was on a trip to Idaho and I got a call Thursday morning that he had had a seizure and was being taken to the hospital. Once there, since he'd never had a seizure before, they performed a cat scan followed by an mri and found a mass. They wouldn't let him fly home to Tennessee and arranged surgery for Friday. Luckily I was able to get to Idaho Thursday night, it was a long 8 hours of plane rides but I wanted to be by his side. They took out the mass, and he's doing fantastic! He's had sporadic numbness and speech loss but nothing long lasting. I called out to Idaho today and they contacted me back to let me know that it wasn't cancerous which has laid my mind so much at ease. Right now it looks like a zipper is running over his head (41 staples...ugh) but he alert, talking, eating and being more and more like himself! I had never wanted to imagine my life without him, but that was one time that fear was right at my doorstep. Ladies, I know that sometimes we take them for granted but once in awhile really stop and tell them what good men the are...they like to hear it even if they are! :0)

    I know what you mean, my husband an I were in a car wreck shortly after having my son, for about half and hour, I thought he was dead. It was horrible....I was so glad he was alive I didn't care about ANYTHING else. We were actually having some problems and were in counseling to save our marriage. After that we didn't need it anymore, were were both like --WHAT WERE WE FIGHTING OVER??? Everything seemed so silly and small compared to losing our lives.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    this comes at a perfect time...

    I find myself *****ing about him a lot, but when it comes down to it he is pretty swell...helps me out with house work...always cooks dinner....and always tells me how good I look!!!!
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    Mine is awesome too! He's always my biggest supporter and my best friend. I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. I always get a little sad when people gripe about their spouses IRL or on the internet. I'm seriously so lucky, he was the first person I ever dated and I wasn't even looking, I truly believe we're soul mates.

    That sooo awesome!!! Sounds like my hubby!!! He was the 2nd serious person I dated, been together for almost 16 yrs, married 3 this year!!! :smile:
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    I'm not married, but I have a wonderful man in my life. After some of the painful things I've experienced, I really didn't think "he was out there", but he was. :heart: He is a blessing to me and I love him very much :blushing:
  • smashatoms
    smashatoms Posts: 144 Member
    Aww, thank you Buddhas! :)
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    there is a starbucks iced venti espresso waiting for me by my nightstand every morning when i wake up - :heart:

    Love this! That is SO sweet! :smile:
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    My husband is so wonderful in so many ways....
    I am blessed to have found him.
  • msmellissa
    I'm a newbie. Can I join? :)

    My husband is dead sexy. He has a great butt and a big huggable chest. He every day, without fail, kisses me goodbye when he leaves for work and kisses me goodnight when I go to bed. Even if we've had an argument. He works insane hours to make sure our family is well provided for. He's supportive of my ideals, my passions, my independence, and constantly calls attention to my strengths. He has never ever made me feel less than. Ever.

    The 12 years I have spent with him are the best of my life. He's truly my everything.<3

    Did I mention he's sexy? lol
  • awoodwaring
    awoodwaring Posts: 90 Member
    I love my husband for his keen fashion sense:
  • LeSsOvMe
    LeSsOvMe Posts: 117
    My husband is amazing! He has stuck by me through so much. He is a great father. My superman. An amazing cook. He always gives me the last bite when he is eating something delish. He he is my protector, my lover , my best friend. I'm so blessed to spend the rest of my life with this man. I love you MTC :)
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    I felt the need to re-vive this thread, mainly because it makes me happy, but also to brag about my man some more.

    I have Lupus, and today was one of the "bad" days. It took me nearly ten minutes to get from my bed to the shower (about 30 feet). I was in so much pain by that time that I was literally laying in the fetal position in the shower bawling my eyes out, just letting the water hit me. The man worked night shift last night, and I wasn't expecting him home so early (I didn't realize how long it had actually taken me to get out of bed, or how long I had been laying in the shower)...he heard me in the bathroom, came in, and when he saw me, he got in the shower in his full uniform and just laid there holding me until he thought I could get up. He helped me up, helped me get dressed (while he was still soaking wet) and even helped me dry my hair! Got my lunch all packed for me, and backed my car out of the driveway so I wouldn't have to turn my head backwards to try to see (he knows how much my neck always hurts when I flare up). I am so lucky to have such an amazing man!
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    Works long hard hours at a fast pace job. Still finds time for me and the kids. Helps family and friends out. Volunteers. Takes care of us all not only gives what we need but what we want. And is really getting behind me on my getting healthy even though he says there is no need for me to loose weight at all. To much to say about mine. Lets just say if there was a husband of the year he would win every year.

    And ladies don't get upset. Shouldn't we all feel that way about our husbands?
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I felt the need to re-vive this thread, mainly because it makes me happy, but also to brag about my man some more.

    I have Lupus, and today was one of the "bad" days. It took me nearly ten minutes to get from my bed to the shower (about 30 feet). I was in so much pain by that time that I was literally laying in the fetal position in the shower bawling my eyes out, just letting the water hit me. The man worked night shift last night, and I wasn't expecting him home so early (I didn't realize how long it had actually taken me to get out of bed, or how long I had been laying in the shower)...he heard me in the bathroom, came in, and when he saw me, he got in the shower in his full uniform and just laid there holding me until he thought I could get up. He helped me up, helped me get dressed (while he was still soaking wet) and even helped me dry my hair! Got my lunch all packed for me, and backed my car out of the driveway so I wouldn't have to turn my head backwards to try to see (he knows how much my neck always hurts when I flare up). I am so lucky to have such an amazing man!

    This is really beautiful. You are one lucky lady. What a great guy. :heart:
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    I felt the need to re-vive this thread, mainly because it makes me happy, but also to brag about my man some more.

    I have Lupus, and today was one of the "bad" days. It took me nearly ten minutes to get from my bed to the shower (about 30 feet). I was in so much pain by that time that I was literally laying in the fetal position in the shower bawling my eyes out, just letting the water hit me. The man worked night shift last night, and I wasn't expecting him home so early (I didn't realize how long it had actually taken me to get out of bed, or how long I had been laying in the shower)...he heard me in the bathroom, came in, and when he saw me, he got in the shower in his full uniform and just laid there holding me until he thought I could get up. He helped me up, helped me get dressed (while he was still soaking wet) and even helped me dry my hair! Got my lunch all packed for me, and backed my car out of the driveway so I wouldn't have to turn my head backwards to try to see (he knows how much my neck always hurts when I flare up). I am so lucky to have such an amazing man!

    I have fibro and other issues. I totally am with you. The pain can just be horrible and what wonderful men we have that cares for us regardless of our issues. I'm very worried. My fibro has gotten worse and they want to run test for Lupus (in my family) I"m scared to find out. At least now I can deny I have it. If they tell me I do then I can't. A couple years ago they said I was boardline.

    I am glad you have a loving understanding husband. Cause no one not even someone with the same issue can fully understand how we feel since it effects everyone differently. I wish you all the best.