Diabetes Support Group~~~Part 1



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello chowhound~~~~~~~~~~

    Good morning to you. Well in the morning is my WI day. I am looking forward to it. I had a good week so far. My husband is taking me out to eat tonight and I hope I can be good. I better be. My daughter coming out Sunday and we will go out to eat. But she is on SBD so that will be no problems

    Time to go get breakfast now,
    See you later
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Morning Calie,
    Here's to Sat. WI. Look forward to hearing how you did. Enjoy your evening out.

    Chowhound - It's a new day.

    Lioness - nothing like atkins to get the blood sugars down. i did it once for 2 years then we were in India for several weeks where it is impossible to maintain. I guess we've all tried lots of different diets. Did you do an online search for recipes? I used to find lots there. Loved the protein pancake with egg and protein powder and sugar free syrup.

    My blood sugar is coming down too with keeping the calories in check. Here's hoping we get some clear skies today for walking.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Ellen---What part of the world are you from? I am so glad you join us. It is such a pleasure to have you with us. Together we can lick this thing. And the help of all the others. Did you go to this site for Low carbs recipes? Here is the link
    http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/recipes.html ~~~~~~~~~I I love it there. beeen all morning on it.
    Looked at your profile you have came a long way. Just keep working on it. the 2 lb loss was grat.
    Se you later.

  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Hi Ellen---What part of the world are you from? I am so glad you join us. It is such a pleasure to have you with us. Together we can lick this thing. And the help of all the others. Did you go to this site for Low carbs recipes? Here is the link
    http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/recipes.html ~~~~~~~~~I I love it there. beeen all morning on it.
    Looked at your profile you have came a long way. Just keep working on it. the 2 lb loss was grat.
    Se you later.


    I'm Canadian, living in the beautiful OK valley of BC, a fruit growing, tourist area, hot and sunny most of the summer, lots of lakes.
    I did spend the better part of 2 years in Dallas Tx when my boys were young, I was attending Bible College. We loved it, found the people so friendly and outgoing. Canadians tend to be a little more conservative.

    Lioness - Calie's locarb link might interest you.

    I did it once but after 2 years just got really tired of it, ended up gaining back all the weight and that's when I became diabetic. Now I just try for a fairly balanced lower calorie diet. So far it's working out OK.

    Sunny day again, had a good long walk and will likely go out again later this afternoon to meet some friends for coffee.

    Feel like I'm starting to get to know some of you.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ellen your part of the country sound wonderful. What kind of Fruits trees? We only have peache, pears. We dont have any tho. How did you like Dallas? I was raised here all my life. And I love the Dallas Coeboys. Can't hardly wait till they start playing again.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Chowhound--Hope it is cooler there than it is here. Hot and muggy.
    How did you eating plan go today? I had a a good day.

    Ellen Here we are again. Did you have a nice day. Oh we do have a couple of Pecan trees in our yard, Mostly for shade trees. We get a crop about every 6 or 7 years. We had plenty of rain here lately so maybe we will have one this year. Our neighbor has 2 pear trees and when she has a ggod crop let us come doen and pick some.

    Lionness~ Hope your day went great.I ask my diabetic doctor the last time I was there if I lose a lot of my weight could I get off of insulin and she said proboble not since I have had it so long.

    Have a good weekend everybody. Watch those carbs

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning my friends,

    great night last night except for the heat and muggy weather. gonna be cooler today. thanks goodness. Seems like we juat went from winter to Summer. I have a 2 lb lost this week, that makes 15 lb since Dec'08. I feel pretty good about that. Rain is due in today.
    My low carb diet is going over well for me.

    Have a good week end. Watch them carbs and :drinker: :drinker: plenty of water/

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey I am sorry I missed yesterday. I don't know how.

    I had a lovely Mother day and my blood sugar stayed steady. Stay on the low carbers way of eating.

    My girls came by and brought gifts. I got a HRM, 2 real nice t-shirts. A 20 jar spice rack all filled with spices. I am going to throw all my old stuff out.

    Hope you all had a good day too.

  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Ellen your part of the country sound wonderful. What kind of Fruits trees? We only have peache, pears. We dont have any tho. How did you like Dallas? I was raised here all my life. And I love the Dallas Coeboys. Can't hardly wait till they start playing again.


    Calie, We grew cherries and peaches, the neighbour's orchard was apples, pears, plums, apricots and there are lots of soft fruits and veggies. Summer's are wonderful for the diet.
    Got to run. Glad you had a good MD.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ellen , it sound like you live in Paridise. All those fresh fruits. Yum. When do you leave on your trip.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Yes, I would love to live where they have year round fruit trees growing.

    Especially cherries. Besides all sorts of berries, cherries are my favorite!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning. Sorry to have been MIA lately.
    Ellen I love all fresh fruits. And cherries is also my fav. When we live in Oklahoma there was a apricot tree in a vacant lot next to our house. They were so good. taste nothing like the one you buy at the store.. It is going to take me awhile to get back in the groove of things. I go back in to the hospital next friday for then to insert the stint in one leg and then one more trip for the other leg. I will have the same nurses as I had so that will be nice.
    Ellen when do you leave on your trip?

    Lioness---- How are you this morning? You all have had your share of bad weather here lately. We bought us a generator to have in case our lights goes out. Never had to used it yet tho. We did loan it out when the last hurrican hit the coast of Texas for about a month. Thats terrible what the insurance co. are doing to the people there in Ill. I hope they don't get by with it.

    Hello Chowhound--- How are you this morning. Has spring arrived where you live yet? I think summer is already here in Texas. Gonna be a booger today.

    Everybody have a great day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    A great day. It is raining clearing the air for some fresh air. A wonderful world.

    Hope this find all of you in good heath and eating a good healty meals and drinking your water,

    I had scramble eggs and slice tomatoes for breakfast and a big glass of ice water.
    Making tuna salad for lunch with shedded lettuce salad. For supper will have griilled chicken and green beans and salad For snack will have 1/2 of fruit

  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    Wow Calie, you sure have been through the wringer. Sounds like things are under control. Are you on blood thinners? Do you have to sit around a lot for awhile or do they want you mobile during this whole procedure. They couldn't put a stint in my arteries and controlled it with meds.
    Summer has finally arrived I think. It's a lot later this year and actually snowed in the passes a few days ago.
    I just found out that my Mom's grandmother, died young of diabetes, of course that was in the thirties, so I don't feel so bad checking in on this site. I just get bits and pieces of info from my Mom. Not sure if it was type 1 or 2. They come in spurts. Blurbs from my Mom I mean. My sister is borderline type 2.
    Get better Calie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Janet--- Don't ever feel bad about posting on this thread. You are always welcome. Seems like you and I are the only one posting here regular. But I like to keep in touch. There are a lot of diabetic on MFP. How is your husband doing?

    I am up and around and doing my own cooking . And doing the laundry today. Feeling pretty good. No I am not on blood thinner except for the baby aspirin/ I am just not getting enough oxzen to my leg, ankles and feet. As long as I am sitting They dont hurt. So I do sit a lot.

    My mother got diabetic late in life. In her 90's. She was already in a nursing home then.

    I so enjoy talking to you.
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    My husband seems fine. He has gained back the 25 lbs he lost during chemo and radiation. His xray showed nothing but next is a CT scan. We'll see. I am not sure if I told you but now my sister, who lives in Toronto, has been diagnosed with an aggressive kind of breast cancer that has the word negative in it. Anyhow I will probably have to go East to visit her in between her radiation and chemo treatments. Probably in September. I plan to fatten her up also. I am good at that. haha
    I just take baby aspirin also and no blood thinners.
    Good luck to you Calie and eat well.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Chowhound---- so sorry to hear about your sister. I wish the best for her. I know how you must feel by now. Did your friend ever get on MFP?

    Not much going on here today. I promise my husband I wpuld fix him Chicken and dumplins today and he remined me last night. I like them too only I wont eat any today. for just way too many carbs for me, I have me some Tuna salad made up and will eat it over shedded lettuce.

    I hope the test turns out ok for your husband. Keep me informed.
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    My friend has joined curves (but not gone yet) and promises she will check this site out. Time for me to get off the computer and get some work done. I love these silly games on this site.
    Have a good day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey I am running late again. Everything here is about the same. Just got back from a walk with Sammy., calie ,and Jerry. Had a good dinner of Salmon. steam cabbage and blackberries. And ice tea.
    Hope everyone had a good day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all,

    this is a beautiful day here in Texas. No plans for today. Just stay on my low carb diet and drink plenty of water. and take short wlks thru out the day.

    Hello chowhound, You have a wonderful day.

    Have a good one everybody.
