Grab and Go Breakfasts???



  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    what does BUMP mean?
  • MTBrowneyedgirl
    MTBrowneyedgirl Posts: 3 Member
    That sounds fabulous! Thanks for sharing.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Here's the website:
  • Paul_Kent_UK
    Paul_Kent_UK Posts: 63 Member
    i make these and freeze them in freezer bags 2 in each. takes only a minute to nuke them and away you go!

    1 onion
    1 green pepper
    4 cloves garlic
    1TBSP olive oil
    1 cup frozen or fresh spinach
    12 eggs
    1 cup fat reduced mozzarella cheese
    3 TBSP bacon bits

    Chop garlic and saute in oil. In the meantime chop the spinach, onion and green pepper. When garlic starts to turn light brown add green pepper, onion and spinach. Cook til spinach is done. Set aside to cool.
    In seperate bowl, whip eggs, cheese and bacon bits. when veggies cooled add them to this.
    Mix together. Spoon into muffin tins sprayed with cooking spray.
    Bake approx 20 mins in 350F preheated oven
    Makes 18

    Per serving
    103 cals
    2g carbs
    7g fat
    9g protein

    I rather like this idea!
  • kimhurt
    kimhurt Posts: 313 Member
  • campuschef
    campuschef Posts: 10 Member
    In reponse to the question of "What does bump mean"

    Stolen from a website answer;

    It's used to bring the question to peoples attention
    People use it to "bump" the question to the top of the discussion list. The "Active Discussion" tab on the Askville home page is listed by time, with the most recent discussion at the top. So, by typing bump, it potentially brings the question to the attention of anyone browsing the Active Discussions.

    Additionally, it pops the question up to the top of the "Discussions" list under "My Askville" for the people already involved in the question, either the question asker, question answerers, or other discussion participants.

    People use "bump" to try to get other Askvillers' attention, whether to get more answers to the question, or simply to restart a stalled discussion.

    "Bump" is just shorthand for "bump to the top of the list". Any comment would serve the same purpose, though. For example, if you were interested in trying to get more answers, you could type "hey, anyone else interested in giving an answer?". It would serve the same purpose by bumping it up to the top of the discussion lists.
  • szqnva
    szqnva Posts: 52 Member
    i make these and freeze them in freezer bags 2 in each. takes only a minute to nuke them and away you go!

    1 onion
    1 green pepper
    4 cloves garlic
    1TBSP olive oil
    1 cup frozen or fresh spinach
    12 eggs
    1 cup fat reduced mozzarella cheese
    3 TBSP bacon bits

    Chop garlic and saute in oil. In the meantime chop the spinach, onion and green pepper. When garlic starts to turn light brown add green pepper, onion and spinach. Cook til spinach is done. Set aside to cool.
    In seperate bowl, whip eggs, cheese and bacon bits. when veggies cooled add them to this.
    Mix together. Spoon into muffin tins sprayed with cooking spray.
    Bake approx 20 mins in 350F preheated oven
    Makes 18

    Per serving
    103 cals
    2g carbs
    7g fat
    9g protein

    This looks great! I'm on it! :)
  • szqnva
    szqnva Posts: 52 Member
    I make these for work, but if you take just a general cake mix (preferably spice), mix in 1 cup of pineapple tidbits, 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, 1/4 cup raisins and 1/4 cup shredded carrots and add 2 cups of dry powdered milk to the dry mix, add the water and bake, you come up with a dense breakfast bar that not only is a grab and go item, but has one serving of fruit & vegetables in in, along with the nutritional value of one 8 oz serving of milk.

    Our guys love it, (and I serve it to about 4000 people every morning).

    Change out adding coconut, chocolate chips, M&M's and other goodies for a sweetness and crunch change.

    Good Luck on your goals.

    These sound great! I may be missing something....but how much water is added?
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 182 Member
    what does BUMP mean?

    "Bump" is just a way of replying to a post when you don't really have anything to add to the thread but want to save the topic for later.
    Anytime you reply tot topic it gets listed under your "My Topics" for the message board, allowing you to easily find the topic later.

    Hope this helps!
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    I like to do a green smoothie with (spinach, carrot juice, mango, peach, pinneapple, apple, chia and some egg white for added protein)
    steel cut oats that I make in rice cooker
  • TTTT
    TTTT Posts: 2 Member
    I love this healthy shake by Dr. Furman
    1 cup almond milk
    5 oz of fresh spinach
    1 banana
    1 cup blueberries
    stevia to taste.....

    so good for can also toss in your vitamins for the day or protein powder, but the greens already have a lot of protein.
  • kcmg0730
    My fave grab and go breakfast is a peanut butter and banana sandwich! 2 tbspns p.b., about 1/2 a banana on a 100 calorie sandwich thin. It's around 380 calories, but if I have one in the morning, I'm generally really not hungry at all until lunch, and even then, I'm not starving hungry.
  • bubblywine
    bubblywine Posts: 28 Member
    I see that they are not very popular on this site, but I use the Slimfast shakes for on the go days, usually with a banana. Easy to do in the car or walking, no mess or clean up , and they work for me. I've seen other poster call them evil incarnate, though, so use your own judgment to see if they are OK for you.
  • joynova
    joynova Posts: 65 Member
  • greengirl1978
    greengirl1978 Posts: 13 Member
    I make these for work, but if you take just a general cake mix (preferably spice), mix in 1 cup of pineapple tidbits, 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, 1/4 cup raisins and 1/4 cup shredded carrots and add 2 cups of dry powdered milk to the dry mix, add the water and bake, you come up with a dense breakfast bar that not only is a grab and go item, but has one serving of fruit & vegetables in in, along with the nutritional value of one 8 oz serving of milk.

    Our guys love it, (and I serve it to about 4000 people every morning).

    Change out adding coconut, chocolate chips, M&M's and other goodies for a sweetness and crunch change.

    Good Luck on your goals.

    First post ever for me...I am new to the site as of January. I usually have green smoothies for breakfast, but this sounds like a great snack to make ahead of time for road trips and things like that-- I just need to find a cake mix that isn't full of fake stuff. Thanks for the great suggestion! :)
  • Gogobecky
    do you drain the Pineapple first or use that as part of your liquid? Also, how much water to add or is it just what is listed on the cake mix box?
    I make these for work, but if you take just a general cake mix (preferably spice), mix in 1 cup of pineapple tidbits, 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, 1/4 cup raisins and 1/4 cup shredded carrots and add 2 cups of dry powdered milk to the dry mix, add the water and bake, you come up with a dense breakfast bar that not only is a grab and go item, but has one serving of fruit & vegetables in in, along with the nutritional value of one 8 oz serving of milk.

    Our guys love it, (and I serve it to about 4000 people every morning).

    Change out adding coconut, chocolate chips, M&M's and other goodies for a sweetness and crunch change.

    Good Luck on your goals.
  • frilly7483
    frilly7483 Posts: 56 Member
    I struggle to eat in the mornings too, I've started drinking protein shakes. I leave the water in the fridge overnight, and just before I dash out the door (and return several times becaused I always forget something) I add two scoops of powder, shakes on the way to the car and devour on the journey!

    I also start the day with hot water and a slice of lemon - I just have no idea which order I should consume them in!!
  • annalistic
    annalistic Posts: 56 Member
  • swycoff17
    swycoff17 Posts: 50 Member
    yogurt with granola, smart ones egg mcmuffins (210 calories) instant oatmeal, fruit.....All these are really easy to do.
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    Atkins Day break bars! My fave grab and go breakfast! Or hardboiled eggs and low sodium ham or string cheese!