Grab and Go Breakfasts???



  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    just replying so that i have something to look at later. great ideas here guys!!
  • ibrake4java
    ibrake4java Posts: 11 Member
    campuschef, your breakfast bar sounds pretty good. How many bars does each batch make?
  • jersanter
    jersanter Posts: 74 Member
    Folks c’mon. It takes maybe 15 minutes total to scramble some eggs and eat them. Then grab a bag of almonds on your way out the door for the car ride to work. Making excuses doesn’t get the job done. All I’m seeing is excuses in this thread. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day if you plan on losing weight. Period.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Folks c’mon. It takes maybe 15 minutes total to scramble some eggs and eat them. Then grab a bag of almonds on your way out the door for the car ride to work. Making excuses doesn’t get the job done. All I’m seeing is excuses in this thread. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day if you plan on losing weight. Period.

    First you're wrong. Breakfast isn't any more or less important than lunch, dinner, or whatever snacks you might have throughout the day.

    Second, people are trying to find things that are fast to meet their schedule. That's not an excuse, that's an attempt to come up with a way to get healthy nutrition in when they're in a rush (maybe because they leave early and don't get home until late, and that 15 minutes to scramble eggs would be better used from a weight loss perspective getting a final cycle in their sleep).

    I am currently looking into a microwaved omelet on a whole wheat tortilla with fat free sour cream, salsa, and a little bit of shredded cheese. I think I can get this done using only a glass bowl and a spoon and it shouldn't take more than 6 minutes start to finish to make.
  • michellefarris
    Sounds Good! Should I use liners or do they hold together pretty well? Thanks for sharing!
  • dnkaiser
    dnkaiser Posts: 72 Member
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Recently I've been grabbing either Luna Bars or Cliff Bars (the Cliff Bars are more filling), and just drink with water, it isn't much but it's something to put in your system.
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    It did...thanks!
  • jersanter
    jersanter Posts: 74 Member

    First you're wrong. Breakfast isn't any more or less important than lunch, dinner, or whatever snacks you might have throughout the day.

    Second, people are trying to find things that are fast to meet their schedule. That's not an excuse, that's an attempt to come up with a way to get healthy nutrition in when they're in a rush (maybe because they leave early and don't get home until late, and that 15 minutes to scramble eggs would be better used from a weight loss perspective getting a final cycle in their sleep).

    I am currently looking into a microwaved omelet on a whole wheat tortilla with fat free sour cream, salsa, and a little bit of shredded cheese. I think I can get this done using only a glass bowl and a spoon and it shouldn't take more than 6 minutes start to finish to make.

    No I'm not wrong first of all. That is my opinion and you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but many nutritional experts agree that breakfast sets the tone for the rest of your day. I weigh exactly what I weighed in college 14 years ago. Apparently there is some truth to my opinion. From my experiences, a bad breakfast leads to a bad day of dieting overall. And waking 15-20 mintues earlier will not have an effect on your sleep cycles. If it does, get to bed 15-20 minutes earlier. Excuses (and they are excuses) and cutting corners are why people FAIL at dieting. Time doesn't make itself. You have to make the time. Not everything will perfectly fit your schedule but you have to make adjustments, dedicate yourself and be willing to sacrifice 15-20 minutes of sleep.
  • micaela76
  • Spudley64
    Spudley64 Posts: 18 Member
  • LindsayHein
    LindsayHein Posts: 73 Member
    I usually pick two of the following for breakfast...

    Cheese stick
    Granola Bar
  • Kerns63
  • iseewholewheat
    iseewholewheat Posts: 18 Member
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    chocolate chip fiber plus eggo waffle with 1 Tbs of peanut butter. I eat it as I drive to work
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
  • CuteMonkeyGal
    CuteMonkeyGal Posts: 138 Member
    I like to make up egg sandwiches on bagels, English muffins, or biscuits and heat them up before I go. A slice of low-fat cheese, some ham, spinach, and tomato rounds it out.

    Oatmeal with fruit and a splash of milk is always a quick and filling meal.

    Homemade blueberry scones (made with skim milk) and a piece of fruit is a good one, too.
  • gabemack1
    gabemack1 Posts: 1 Member
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    i make these and freeze them in freezer bags 2 in each. takes only a minute to nuke them and away you go!

    1 onion
    1 green pepper
    4 cloves garlic
    1TBSP olive oil
    1 cup frozen or fresh spinach
    12 eggs
    1 cup fat reduced mozzarella cheese
    3 TBSP bacon bits

    Chop garlic and saute in oil. In the meantime chop the spinach, onion and green pepper. When garlic starts to turn light brown add green pepper, onion and spinach. Cook til spinach is done. Set aside to cool.
    In seperate bowl, whip eggs, cheese and bacon bits. when veggies cooled add them to this.
    Mix together. Spoon into muffin tins sprayed with cooking spray.
    Bake approx 20 mins in 350F preheated oven
    Makes 18

    Per serving
    103 cals
    2g carbs
    7g fat
    9g protein
    love this Idea!
  • jonnysmomma
    I love to make this super simple breakfast for me and my son, who is 7.

    2 eggs, beaten(I make one egg for my son, two for me)
    fresh ground pepper to taste
    2 slices Sara Lee Delightful wheat bread
    1 slice Great Value Deluxe American

    Pour egg into a skillet that has been sprayed with Pam. let the egg set up like an omelet, fold into quarters. Toast bread while egg is cooking. place folded egg on toast, place cheese on egg.

    My son requests one every morning. :) I am planning on adding veggies(peppers, onions, etc) when I get groceries on Monday.