Any atheists/pagans/wiccans out there? :)



  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I think atheism is kind of hypocritical in the face of those with faith. One side saying, "God exists." The other side saying, "God doesn't exist." Well, neither of you know. I don't know why we have to label everything. Someone asks me what my faith is and I just say "I don't fu*king know." Nor do I care. My faith is in the here and now, on what kind of impact I can make now.

    And agnosticism requires a degree of skepticism, and that doesn't pertain to me either. Because I don't doubt anything. We're here, aren't we? That's why I believe in the universe, because it's somewhat tangible.

    Simple. Every atheist I know will admit they don't "know" either. They leave open the possibility. We just are not convinced because of the complete and total lack of evidence. There might be an invisible floating tea pot on the other side of the moon. I can't say for sure there's not. But I'm pretty sure there isn't. Same with god.

    Wouldn't that make you agnostic then? A=without. Theism=belief in God or gods. Would that not strictly mean you are without belief of a God or gods? I am not trying to say you are wrong, obviously, just curious :)

    Several posts earlier in the thread address the difference between atheism and agnosticism.
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    I am a christian by choice:smile:
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Hmm! Well I am a very strong believer in GOD!! And no it was never pushed on me, All of my family has different beliefs. I do not believe that any RELIGION will get you heaven? No Church will get you to heaven? I do believe the Bible! I would never try to convert anyone that is not what it is about. The void you may be feeling could be filled, and I will leave it at that. I think that this is a TERRIBLE topic to be posting on a website for motivation and support for health and weightloss. I can see where topics about religion and politics could really make people leave. There is a reason that each and everyone of us came here. and this site is about FITNESS not RELIGION or POLITICS so why bring it up here. Just thougth I would voice my opinion, cause I do care about the people on this site..
    I hope you all find the happiness that you are seeking!

    Do you honestly think it's terrible, or do you dislike it because it goes against what your beliefs are? Personally, I don't really care if you dislike it. But that's just me. We are not doing anything wrong. I thought earlier it was still against the rules, but since it is not, I wanted to take advantage. Please don't come on our thread telling us how wrong we are. I feel absolutely no void, I am very happy being the Wiccan that I am. Thank you. :)

    ETA: please note, this is also the "Chit-chat, fun, and games" section. Do you also feel that every single other non-fitness related post is inappropriate?
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Wouldn't that make you agnostic then? A=without. Theism=belief in God or gods. Would that not strictly mean you are without belief of a God or gods? I am not trying to say you are wrong, obviously, just curious :)

    Nope. Just Weak Atheist as opposed to Strong Atheist. And I don't think I've ever met a single Strong Atheist. One who says categorically "There is no god." Atheists are generally smart people and know we don't know everything. So yes technically anything is possible. But for me that doesn't make me lean towards agnosticism. If we're being technical about labels I don't think true agnosticism is even possible.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Hmm! Well I am a very strong believer in GOD!! And no it was never pushed on me, All of my family has different beliefs. I do not believe that any RELIGION will get you heaven? No Church will get you to heaven? I do believe the Bible! I would never try to convert anyone that is not what it is about. The void you may be feeling could be filled, and I will leave it at that. I think that this is a TERRIBLE topic to be posting on a website for motivation and support for health and weightloss. I can see where topics about religion and politics could really make people leave. There is a reason that each and everyone of us came here. and this site is about FITNESS not RELIGION or POLITICS so why bring it up here. Just thought I would voice my opinion, cause I do care about the people on this site..and I love to help motivate and help people reach their health and fitness goals.
    I hope you all find the happiness that you are seeking!

    No one forced you, or anyone else to read this thread. If it makes you uncomfortable, it's easy to avoid. I got tired of reading the same 10 threads (e.g. "should I eat back my exercise calories?" or "how can I spot reduce my abs?"), so you know what, I quit clicking on them. Also, obviously at least a few of us WANT to have this conversation, or we wouldn't be here.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Wouldn't that make you agnostic then? A=without. Theism=belief in God or gods. Would that not strictly mean you are without belief of a God or gods? I am not trying to say you are wrong, obviously, just curious :)

    Nope. Just Weak Atheist as opposed to Strong Atheist. And I don't think I've ever met a single Strong Atheist. One who says categorically "There is no god." Atheists are generally smart people and know we don't know everything. So yes technically anything is possible. But for me that doesn't make me lean towards agnosticism. If we're being technical about labels I don't think true agnosticism is even possible.

    I've met a few like that, and they're all intelligent, generally (but not always) very rational people. They were also typically brought up in very religious environments.
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Hmm! Well I am a very strong believer in GOD!! And no it was never pushed on me, All of my family has different beliefs. I do not believe that any RELIGION will get you heaven? No Church will get you to heaven? I do believe the Bible! I would never try to convert anyone that is not what it is about. The void you may be feeling could be filled, and I will leave it at that. I think that this is a TERRIBLE topic to be posting on a website for motivation and support for health and weightloss. I can see where topics about religion and politics could really make people leave. There is a reason that each and everyone of us came here. and this site is about FITNESS not RELIGION or POLITICS so why bring it up here. Just thought I would voice my opinion, cause I do care about the people on this site..and I love to help motivate and help people reach their health and fitness goals.
    I hope you all find the happiness that you are seeking!

    There are so many other threads that you can post in then. You don't have to be in this one if you don't want to be.

    Like... Okay, I really can't stand Dress Barn, so I don't go in there. I go to Target instead. It's like that.
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Wouldn't that make you agnostic then? A=without. Theism=belief in God or gods. Would that not strictly mean you are without belief of a God or gods? I am not trying to say you are wrong, obviously, just curious :)

    Nope. Just Weak Atheist as opposed to Strong Atheist. And I don't think I've ever met a single Strong Atheist. One who says categorically "There is no god." Atheists are generally smart people and know we don't know everything. So yes technically anything is possible. But for me that doesn't make me lean towards agnosticism. If we're being technical about labels I don't think true agnosticism is even possible.

    That is a very good point. Thank you for clearing that up :) I think my dad falls into the strong atheist category. He admits he thinks the idea of any god or being is silly, and he has said there is absolutely no god. He is very hard-headed :) Then again, just because he says it doesn't mean that's how he thinks.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    What I'm about to say has absolutely nothing to do with my beliefs at all. This is just a simple point I'm stating based on the "unless there is evidence, scientific or not, that there is/are God(s), Goddess(es) or any type of deity, someone will not believe they exist", it is kind of what people used to say when it was first said the Earth was round, our planet wasn't the center of the Universe and the Sun would spin round our planet, when people didn't know about gravity, etc.

    I respect and support anyone who believes in anything just as much as those who don't believe in anything at all. But when it comes about proof, not even science can deny the existence of things just because they can't explain it.

    If you want a better example of what God is, God is everything. Not a guy sitting up there in the sky (heaven) watching everything we do. God is everything and all of us. Interpretation has a lot to do when it comes about manipulation of religions. Even when the statement "we are made in the image of God" has been interpreted as "we" humans, but the truth is, "we" is just everything that exist, whether is living and non-living. God is energy, just a conscious energy that keeps everything in balance.
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I think it's interesting a study recently conducted that showed that more atheists in America understand the bible than do devout christians.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I think it's interesting a study recently conducted that showed that more atheists in America understand the bible than do devout christians.

    My dad, the super-atheist, can quote you verses from the bible. He likes to do his research on exactly WHY he hates religion, haha.
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    What I'm about to say has absolutely nothing to do with my beliefs at all. This is just a simple point I'm stating based on the "unless there is evidence, scientific or not, that there is/are God(s), Goddess(es) or any type of deity, someone will not believe they exist", it is kind of what people used to say when it was first said the Earth was round, our planet wasn't the center of the Universe and the Sun would spin round our planet, when people didn't know about gravity, etc.

    I respect and support anyone who believes in anything just as much as those who don't believe in anything at all. But when it comes about proof, not even science can deny the existence of things just because they can't explain it.

    If you want a better example of what God is, God is everything. Not a guy sitting up there in the sky (heaven) watching everything we do. God is everything and all of us. Interpretation has a lot to do when it comes about manipulation of religions. Even when the statement "we are made in the image of God" has been interpreted as "we" humans, but the truth is, "we" is just everything that exist, whether is living and non-living. God is energy, just a conscious energy that keeps everything in balance.

    I can respect that.

    I have a problem when we have politicians - with their own limitations and agendas - attempting to interpret the bible to fit the narrative of their perspective in order to legislate discriminatory things - such as gay marriage. That's my big beef on religion.
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I think it's interesting a study recently conducted that showed that more atheists in America understand the bible than do devout christians.

    My dad, the super-atheist, can quote you verses from the bible. He likes to do his research on exactly WHY he hates religion, haha.

    lol hey, it makes perfect sense. Know thy enemy!
  • maxwellcoffeebean
    Apathetic Agnostic (:
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    Folks seem a little confused about definitions of things.

    Atheists aren't violently ANTI-god, we are just NON-theistic in our beliefs. For atheists, it doesn't matter whether there is a god or not, and we don't believe in praying, or worshipping, or conversations with imaginary friends, etc. etc. We just tend to believe that it's good to be good to our fellow man, not out of fear of bad things in the after-life or promises of awesome things in the after-life, but just because it's good to be good to other people.

    Agnostics aren't sure yet WHICH religion, if any, to follow, but tend to believe in a higher power people often refer to as god.

    I like this. I am an atheist
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I can respect that.

    I have a problem when we have politicians - with their own limitations and agendas - attempting to interpret the bible to fit the narrative of their perspective in order to legislate discriminatory things - such as gay marriage. That's my big beef on religion.

    Not to mention the whole "separation of church and state" thing.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    What I'm about to say has absolutely nothing to do with my beliefs at all. This is just a simple point I'm stating based on the "unless there is evidence, scientific or not, that there is/are God(s), Goddess(es) or any type of deity, someone will not believe they exist", it is kind of what people used to say when it was first said the Earth was round, our planet wasn't the center of the Universe and the Sun would spin round our planet, when people didn't know about gravity, etc.

    I respect and support anyone who believes in anything just as much as those who don't believe in anything at all. But when it comes about proof, not even science can deny the existence of things just because they can't explain it.

    If you want a better example of what God is, God is everything. Not a guy sitting up there in the sky (heaven) watching everything we do. God is everything and all of us. Interpretation has a lot to do when it comes about manipulation of religions. Even when the statement "we are made in the image of God" has been interpreted as "we" humans, but the truth is, "we" is just everything that exist, whether is living and non-living. God is energy, just a conscious energy that keeps everything in balance.

    I don't understand what you're getting at here. You believe god is everything, that's great for you, but what's the bigger point?
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Folks seem a little confused about definitions of things.

    Atheists aren't violently ANTI-god, we are just NON-theistic in our beliefs. For atheists, it doesn't matter whether there is a god or not, and we don't believe in praying, or worshipping, or conversations with imaginary friends, etc. etc. We just tend to believe that it's good to be good to our fellow man, not out of fear of bad things in the after-life or promises of awesome things in the after-life, but just because it's good to be good to other people.

    Agnostics aren't sure yet WHICH religion, if any, to follow, but tend to believe in a higher power people often refer to as god.

    I like this. I am an atheist

    Unfortunately, as an explanation of the philosophies behind agnosticism and atheism, the statements made above are incorrect.
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I can respect that.

    I have a problem when we have politicians - with their own limitations and agendas - attempting to interpret the bible to fit the narrative of their perspective in order to legislate discriminatory things - such as gay marriage. That's my big beef on religion.

    Not to mention the whole "separation of church and state" thing.

    That idea got shot to hell a long time ago. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints single-handedly overturned gay marriage in California. WITH THEIR TAX EXEMPT STATUS.

    Ugh. I'm gonna start going off if I get into this stuff.
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