Any atheists/pagans/wiccans out there? :)



  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    Born and raised Atheist. I grew up where it was rare to find someone religious, (or maybe it was never mentioned), but now I am living somewhere where you cant get away from it. Almost everyone has some kind of religious belief. I dont mention anything about me being an Atheist, unless I am asked. I just dont join the conversation. To each their own, just dont try to convert me :smile:
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I don't know. I don't really care.

    I'd LIKE to think there is a God, but I'm not holding my breath. I believe in the Universe more than anything - kinetic energy that may bring two people together. I believe that the universe conspires for certain things. Because I'm weird.

    I don't have a problem with God at all, if there is a God. I have a problem with his fan club.

    I don't have a problem with ALL members of his fan club, it's just like any other group, it's the few @ssholes who make everyone else look bad. Although I will admit certain religions seem to attract more than their fair share...
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    Atheist in the hizzy.
  • chrischinchilla
    chrischinchilla Posts: 109 Member
    I'm an atheist.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Yet another atheist.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Ooh I love seeing so many fellow non-believers! MFP Atheists. Join now!

    We serve the baby everyday around noon.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Ooh I love seeing so many fellow non-believers! MFP Atheists. Join now!

    We serve the baby everyday around noon.

    Is baby vegan?
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Grew up with a Jewish mother and a Catholic father... very odd environment.

    Though I identify with Jewish culture/history, I am not religious and would consider myself agnostic. Sometimes spiritual, but I believe in the science of energy more than anything else.

    Question about that. Now, being non-religious yourself, but having a mother that is Jewish, that does make you Jewish in the traditional sense, yes? From what I understand it is "passed" from the mother's side. Am I completely wrong here? lol

    Yup - which is neat, because I can take a "birth right" trip to Israel for free just because my mom is Jewish. I may take it someday, because I find the history to be so important, and because I HAVE been discriminated against (I live in Atlanta) simply because it's known that my family is Jewish. My last name is Irish, though... I don't know, I appreciate now that I was able to grow up in two religious worlds, because it's made me realize just how intense the similarities are between most religions. It's also what made me decide for myself that I want no part in any of them.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    Yup - which is neat, because I can take a "birth right" trip to Israel for free just because my mom is Jewish.

    DO IT! I would love to travel to Israel at some point. It's on my list of places to visit.
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I believe in the Almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster and surrender to the power of his noodley appendages.

    ^^ this
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    Just in case everyone missed this, please join the atheist group, we need some activity!
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I think atheism is kind of hypocritical in the face of those with faith. One side saying, "God exists." The other side saying, "God doesn't exist." Well, neither of you know. I don't know why we have to label everything. Someone asks me what my faith is and I just say "I don't fu*king know." Nor do I care. My faith is in the here and now, on what kind of impact I can make now.

    And agnosticism requires a degree of skepticism, and that doesn't pertain to me either. Because I don't doubt anything. We're here, aren't we? That's why I believe in the universe, because it's somewhat tangible.
  • MarCarCas
    MarCarCas Posts: 96 Member
    i don't know where i was. I did not believe in anyone or thing, and just wanted to find some kind of balance. when Wicca found me, it was when i decided that everything Wicca stood for i was already at that point of believing. and i found i finally had a name for it.

    That brings up an interesting point.

    Do you think that people are more apt to identify with a certain religion, simply because it's something to identify WITH?

    I think that it happens. Some Christians I know (totally not saying all Christians are this way) are only Christian because their parents, extended family, and the rest of their social network are; they've never really deeply questioned what they believed. Happily, the majority of my Christian friends have done that and stuck with Christianity because it is best for them; these friends of mine have a wonderful commitment to their churches.

    Some people get into Wicca because it sounds 'edgy' but fortunately these people do not last for very long. Wicca takes a lot of study and practice, plus you have to contend with people who misunderstand it and think it is a bad thing.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    yup.,,proud out atheist
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I think atheism is kind of hypocritical in the face of those with faith. One side saying, "God exists." The other side saying, "God doesn't exist." Well, neither of you know. I don't know why we have to label everything. Someone asks me what my faith is and I just say "I don't fu*king know." Nor do I care. My faith is in the here and now, on what kind of impact I can make now.

    And agnosticism requires a degree of skepticism, and that doesn't pertain to me either. Because I don't doubt anything. We're here, aren't we? That's why I believe in the universe, because it's somewhat tangible.

    Simple. Every atheist I know will admit they don't "know" either. They leave open the possibility. We just are not convinced because of the complete and total lack of evidence. There might be an invisible floating tea pot on the other side of the moon. I can't say for sure there's not. But I'm pretty sure there isn't. Same with god.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I think atheism is kind of hypocritical in the face of those with faith. One side saying, "God exists." The other side saying, "God doesn't exist." Well, neither of you know. I don't know why we have to label everything. Someone asks me what my faith is and I just say "I don't fu*king know." Nor do I care. My faith is in the here and now, on what kind of impact I can make now.

    And agnosticism requires a degree of skepticism, and that doesn't pertain to me either. Because I don't doubt anything. We're here, aren't we? That's why I believe in the universe, because it's somewhat tangible.

    Simple. Every atheist I know will admit they don't "know" either. They leave open the possibility. We just are not convinced because of the complete and total lack of evidence. There might be an invisible floating tea pot on the other side of the moon. I can't say for sure there's not. But I'm pretty sure there isn't. Same with god.

    Wouldn't that make you agnostic then? A=without. Theism=belief in God or gods. Would that not strictly mean you are without belief of a God or gods? I am not trying to say you are wrong, obviously, just curious :)
  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    I guess agnostic, or even a touch ath-nostic. I believe everyone has a right to believe and practice what they believe as long as it doesn't hurt others. Like others have said, I don't like people trying to convert me and I don't like hypocrites either. I too am sick of being damned to hell for beleiving or not beleiving this or that. Church and/or religion does have it's place in society as it does lend itself to contstructive achievments, but unfortunatley organized religion is too often missused to control and subjugate people by power hungry hypocrites. I abhor organized religion that is used to cow the masses through guilt and fear. Instead of being enlightening, religion has historically been used and perverted by spineless, sick men who want to force their brand of twisted and repugnant morality on everyone else.:explode: :explode:

    Too each his own, if everyone could just live and leave everyone else alone in these matters and stop forcing their views on others the world would be a better place.:smile:

    I couldn't have said it better myself! Although I do not claim any single "label" for my beliefs. They are a combination of Pagan, Hindu, and Science. I believe in magick, in nature, in evolution, karma, reincarnation for those that have achieved that priviledge, and in spirits walking amongst us. I don't knock other religions, but my own opinion is if the Christian "god" exists as they say... then with the life I have lived... "he" is a sick twisted (insert nasty word here) and not somebody I would ever lower myself to worship. I have had Christians tell me it is all due to "free will" blah blah blah... guess what... again... if there is an "almighty god" that would allow an innocent child to be repeatedly beaten, sexually molested by more than one trusted adult family member, and unloved... I certainly wouldn't want to be on his bandwagon. But that was just what first led me to question my "Christian" beliefs that I was raised with. Since then I have studied quite a few religions extensively, and although there are extremists in every religion, the one that has caused the most suffering, war, death, etc. has been Christianity.
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    Most religious beliefs , while similar , are mutually exclusive . It is wonderful ( and frightening ) that we have the freedom to chose what we believe even if it is that there is nothing to believe in . Religious leaders say that they know their religion is right and could never agree that there is more than one way to God . Atheists must also strongly reject religion because to allow it to exist unchallenged is to leave the impression that there is a possibility of it being right . So we can't all be right , we have the freedom to chose what we believe , but each religion or non religion has parts that exclude the possibility of another answer . So , if you care about others you must try to explain what you believe in the hopes that you can convince others to your view . Is that hate or love?
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Most religious beliefs , while similar , are mutually exclusive . It is wonderful ( and frightening ) that we have the freedom to chose what we believe even if it is that there is nothing to believe in . Religious leaders say that they know their religion is right and could never agree that there is more than one way to God . Atheists must also strongly reject religion because to allow it to exist unchallenged is to leave the impression that there is a possibility of it being right . So we can't all be right , we have the freedom to chose what we believe , but each religion or non religion has parts that exclude the possibility of another answer . So , if you care about others you must try to explain what you believe in the hopes that you can convince others to your view . Is that hate or love?

    Mind=blown. I don't know. I certainly don't think my way is the only or the right way, so I never try to convince others it is, either. I simply feel it is what's right for me, and I really don't care what happens after I die. I will be too dead to care.
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