You know you're a fitness nut when...



  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    When the day after running 60 miles (carrying a 25lb pack) you're talking with your mates about upcoming marathons and 2 days later you think its a good time to get on the treadmill. (that lasted the whole of 5 mins before I realized I was being stupid. The give-away was my knee getting sore after 500m and me not being able to run faster than 80% of my warm up speed).

    Now when my mates ask which of the upcoming events I might compete in, I tell them C25K.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    My daughter and husband keeps saying "Don't push yourself so hard." I keep telling them that I hate pain and I'm not going to hurt myself. I am currently doing Couch 2 5 K, Yoga, Pilates, Weight training, and the 100 push-up challenge.
    I love it though. I'm finding strength and endurance that I haven't had in such a long time. I love how I look and I love how I feel and I like the challenge of trying something new.
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    ...when you are dog tired but you go to the gym to get husband can't wrap his brain around that one!
    ...when you go to the gym sick (had 2 shots)
    ...when you have to cut back to going to the gym 6 days a week (hubby made a comment about going on Sundays)
    ...when you are just maintaining and you still track all of your food and exercise, religiously!!!
    ...when your children tell you that you can HAVE a treat every now and then

    It's all good!!!
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    Well I do realise things have got seriously nutty. I recently took up cycling - have always mountain climbed, run marathons in obscure places (4 participants in the Gobi desert), snow sheed, rock climbed, but decided this cycling would keep me in the beloved outdoors without having to push myself ... you know, nice gentle non-weightbearing activity. Bike touring between vineyards was what I had in mind. Alas I saw a cycle tour from Lhasa, Tibet to Kathmandu, Nepal. I lived in the latter for 2 years and have been to Tibet, Hiked and climbed extensively, but to cycle would just be a dream. Goes to Everest Base Camp on the north side and I'd love to compare it to the other side - and also see where a few friends have hung out for extended periods. This IS my dream tour EXCEPT it is really really hard. 70-130km a day, mostly above 4,000 metres, 6 passes - 3 above 5,000m, horrible headwinds and extreme weather. Imagine waking 18 mornings and knowing you have to slog for hours against the wind? I was definitely going, then abandoned it for the folly it is (and the stories of physical hardship from I imagine much younger and more proficient cyclists) ... but it is like an itch that just won't go away ... I've got 5 months to train, surely I can do it??? I am completely nuts.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    When you find it 10X easier to get out of bed in the morning when you are going to get some cardio in before work.

    When it's a weight lifting day but it is so beautiful outside all you can think about is going jogging.

    When everyone in your office constantly tells you how they "are thinking about buying P90X". :laugh: When you get irritated with a consultant when he states that he does P90X and then continues on to tell you that, yeah, he does the Ab Ripper X sometimes... as he chugs his 2nd Pepsi since being at your office. :explode:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    OK so after almost 2 years in my new lifestyle, I've finally come to the realization that I am a fitness nut. And not only me, but the wife as well.

    this is how I knew I was a fitness nut:
    My wife's birthday is sunday. After thinking about things to give her. I kept coming back to a heavy bag in the basement (it's our workout area). Not only did I bypass jewlery and dinner out...etc, I was as excited as she will be cuz I never had my own heavy bag before (I asked her if she would like that, she was like "HELL YEAH I would like it!").
    Not very romantic, I know, but we've been married long enough now that I want to get her stuff she will use and enjoy, rather then stuff that just looks pretty.

    So, what was your "OMG, I'm a fitness nut!" moment.

    I love this!!! I keep asking my kids to get me a heavy bag. :laugh:

    I knew I was a fitness nut when I asked for boxing gloves for Christmas, and they couldn't be PINK for cryin' out loud. And I got them! And love them!!! Plus, I get excited about going up to the gym to work out. I love logging in my calories burned, and I LOVE seeing the changes in my body and fitness level. I love setting new goals and meeting them!!!!

    Great thread, SHBoss!!!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    When you get excited over new work out clothes & sports bras. :happy:
  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    My "fittness nut moment" : ON most days I see both of my 3 year old grandbabies. ONe of the first things they say to me everytime they see me is "Nana, you gotta do excercise, we pick out dvd!" They love to decide what I'm doing for workouts!! Yesterday I told my little grandaughter I was tired and she said "mabye we should workout, you'll feel better!!" lol