At a loss for journey is put on hold.



  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,209 Member
    Oh darlin", I can feel for you. I, too, had a surprise fourth child, 23 years ago. The trouble and strife babies bring are repaid a thousandfold in the joy you get. It is scary, I was 36, and was sure the baby would have problems. She was perfect. The odds are on your side that things will turn out great. Just keep eating healthy and exercise in moderation and remember, we are hear for you.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Oh congratulations to you!!! My husband and I had two children, had to jump through medical hoops to have a third. When he was born we learned he had Down syndrome. I was crushed (then, not now). When our son was 3 months old I learned we were pregnant with #4. I cried. I had a newborn with special needs and now we were pregnant again. 3 weeks after our son turned 1 our daughter was born. I can't imagine life without any of my 4 children. You'll do great. All children are a gift from God. Just eat healthy, stay active and enjoy every moment as life goes by so fast and faster all the time.
  • Weighting4Happiness
    First off...congratulations!!! Secondly, I have kind of been in the same boat as you are now. I had 3 boys, I felt my family was complete and didn't want anymore. But alas, oops, we found ourselves pregnant AGAIN. I was angry and scared at first, but I had to just suck it up and realize, this is what was meant to be. I was very overweight, and actually LOST weight during my pregnancy, because I really watched everything I ate, and I did whatever gentle exercises I could do right up till the very day I gave birth. We didn't know what we were having, we had the ultrasound, but because I was very big, they had trouble seeing what was growing inside of me. So it was a mystery all the way up until I gave birth. Hearing those words.... "It's a girl!!!"... I was over the moon and thought I was in a dream. I could not believe I had FINALLY had a daughter. We gave up trying because we thought it was just never meant to be and we were more than happy with the 3 sons we had already had. But having her, was the best thing that ever happened to me and I am sooo glad it did! But again, as I said, I gained NO weight whatsoever during my pregnancy with her, and my doctor said the baby was apparently taking what she needed from my body anyways, so she was healthy the entire pregnancy even though I gained nothing. So just try to ENJOY your pregnancy. It really is a blessing in disguise and meant to be. =) Keep doing what you're doing, just modify it for your pregnancy and you will be fine! Again congratulations, when you hold that new precious angel in your arms, you too will see, all this sacrifice was so very worth it! =)
    Best of luck!!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Your journey has certainly taken an unexpected turn, but it doesn't have to be on hold. Tell your OB that you were losing weight before your happy accident and work with him/her to keep yourself on track during your pregnancy. Depending on how much you had to lose, you may continue to lose, but you can definitely prevent gaining. Being overweight after a pregnancy is not a given. If you eat right and exercise throughout, you should be back in shape soon after. Just focus on your health for now.
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    I wish my husband and I would have that kind of 'accident'. I just turned 40 and we've been trying to conceive for over a year now (we have a 6 yr old). I kinda feel like my weight is a factor in me not gettting pregnant.

    Good luck to you. Talk to your dr about how many calories you and your baby need to be healthy. You can still exercise. Just be sensible. It's not like you'll be pregnant forever.
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 271 Member
    even though you are expecting you can still workout and lose weight, I did with my little girl and I felt better for it, you have to be carefull but you can still do it, and the more fit you are the easier it will be to have the new bundle of joy. Stay positive and everything will workout.:happy:

    I totally agree with this!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Well everyone. I have been working hard and lost 20 lbs, which is great, I am happy. My husband and I found out we had a little accident and we are pregnant. I was just really working hard on trying to lose the weight from our last one. Of course I would always love any baby that comes into our family, but I'm not ready right now, we have 3 healthy children and I feel so lost and confused. I could use some inspiration if anyone has some.
    How'd that happen?
    Yes, I think I know or sure as heck should.
    We had our 2 kids, then OOPS!
    Another - number 3, and 9 months after he was born - OOPS!

    Here comes another, but NO - TWINS!

    Guess what? You'll get through it, and the joy you'll have will make you wonder how you made it so long without them.
    Believe it!

    And one final thought.
    My wife lost all the weight from each delivery, and she is in peak condition today.
    After 5 kids!
    Worry NOT!

    At the right time, you shall get yourself in shape and reach your own goals.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    First and foremost, congratulations :flowerforyou:

    Do you belong to a gym? The trainers there can usually give you some very valuable advice on training during pregnancy. Don't be disheartened.
  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
    If I were you, I'd be thrilled that I could get pregnant and carry a baby to term.

  • GreenEyedGrl86
    We were trying for three in our family, and wound up with four when the third turned out to be twins. It put a lot of things on hold for us, in terms of health, lifestyle, financial, etc. But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. And all of those other goals will still be there to work on after the baby comes. Enjoy the time, and continue the journey after the birth. The journey is on hold, it is not over.


    ^^ This. :)
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    My sister lost weight with both of her pregnancies. She craved veggies and ate a ton of them....mainly spinach.
  • lynzy713
    lynzy713 Posts: 67 Member
    My sister in law still worked out during her pregnancy - her doctor acutally encouraged it since she did it before she got pregnant (she runs marathons). He just had her tone it down a little.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Several years ago I had just lost 50 pounds and was totally done having kids. Then we had our little "love child". I was pretty upset initially and tried really hard to come to grips with the situation. It was a struggle but I finally resigned myself and of course was planning to love the baby no matter what. Then I went to my first appointment where we could hear the little heart beat and I fell in love. There was no more convincing myself that I'd be ok because at this point I became excited.

    Now, seven (almost eight) years later I can't imagine life without that little girl! She is a delight to our entire family and pretty much everyone who meets her. We thought our family was complete but that was before we met her. I finally (just this year) re lost the weight I gained with her but that wasn't her fault. I just never got back in gear. However, she was worth every pound.

    Give yourself time to wrap your head around this new situation. Make the best choices you can while pregnant and know that being healthy isn't just about weight loss. Congratulations!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    An accident? uhh, no.
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member
    You sound to me like you want to be convinced that this is a good thing, a blessing, when you think that it might not be. I would urge you to think about your resources and the obligations you have to your children that already exist, and make decisions based on what is best for your entire family: the three children you already have, your husband, and yourself. Only you can look at all these factors and decide what is the best and most logical decision. Do not let anyone make you feel bad for making the best and most logical decision for everyone involved.
  • Secret_Agent_007
    You wouldn't be the first person on here thats pregnant and weight lifting. Quitting is not a great idea.
  • akadrea
    akadrea Posts: 85 Member
    ((((hugs)))). I'm actually in the same boat....already have 3 children too - had an oops over new years... I've just changed my calories to maintenance for now and I'm continuing to go to the gym/lift weights. I will not be out of control this time! You have the tools you need to stay healthy and to bounce back! I know it's new, but I always say you'll never regret the children you have, only the ones you don't. It'll all work out!
  • weaverfit
    weaverfit Posts: 124
    Take this opportunity to make this your best pregnancy ever. Feed yourself and your +one on the best organic fruits/veg you find. Fill your system with pure water and terrific nutrients. Give the little one the very best building blocks to create with and enjoy seeing how he/she turns out - could be a Beethovan, an Einstein, who knows.
  • determined136
    You will NEVER regret this sweet baby on the way! Keep your chin up, eat healthy and exercise during and enjoy it! We will all be here for you when you are ready to start the journey again! I have four and the body to prove it but they make my life wonderful!
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    My husband and I found out we had a little accident and we are pregnant.
    "Accident" will make a great first or middle name. :flowerforyou: