At a loss for journey is put on hold.



  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Accident? Really?
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Well everyone. I have been working hard and lost 20 lbs, which is great, I am happy. My husband and I found out we had a little accident and we are pregnant. I was just really working hard on trying to lose the weight from our last one. Of course I would always love any baby that comes into our family, but I'm not ready right now, we have 3 healthy children and I feel so lost and confused. I could use some inspiration if anyone has some.

    I understand your frustration. I am working on losing the baby weight my 6 month old gave me and I would be in so much shock right now if I was pregnant again. I want to be very healthy before the next one comes along. However, just think of how much you are gonna love this child! This child is gonna mean so much more to you than the 20 lbs you lost. You have the tools to maintan a healthy pregnancy weight and lose the weight once it's over. Focus on the new baby and having a healthy pregnancy:happy:
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Accident? Really?

    Yes, accident. Because sometimes people use protection, but something unexpected happens, which makes it an accident.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I lost 25 pounds while I was pregnant with my son. The doctor had me on a strict diet due to Gestational Diabetes caused by PCOS. It can be done.

    I pray every night to give my son a sibling, so be thankful your fertile and don't have to look into taking fertility treatments.
  • dvcab
    dvcab Posts: 78
    just hang in there!!! and get your tubes tied!! LOL

    Or better still get your husband fixed its easier to but congrats as someone else said we are only given what we can cope with, i have four boys (well men now) and i wouldnt change them for the world. The shock of someone you you know dying giving birth is only relevant cause your pregnant is they were hit by a bus would you stop crossing roads. Everyone has their own path to travel and we cant tell when our journey ends or how. So live for today and look forward to your blessing.
  • leanmachinedream
    Personally I would have an abortion. No one says you HAVE to be pregnant and if financially and emotionally you can't handle another child then abortion is a legitimate option for you. Don't let anyone guilt you into thinking otherwise.

    Either way, you can still exercise and log what you eat. Continue to eat healthy, and don't use pregnancy as an excuse to pig out. If you have the mentality that your journey is on pause, then you're already off on the wrong foot.
  • dvcab
    dvcab Posts: 78
    just hang in there!!! and get your tubes tied!! LOL

    Or better still get your husband fixed its easier to but congrats as someone else said we are only given what we can cope with, i have four boys (well men now) and i wouldnt change them for the world. The shock of someone you you know dying giving birth is only relevant cause your pregnant is they were hit by a bus would you stop crossing roads. Everyone has their own path to travel and we cant tell when our journey ends or how. So live for today and look forward to your blessing.

    And ps yes keep eating healthy with a few more cal for bub and exercise. :happy:
  • ZCEmama
    ZCEmama Posts: 29 Member
    Congrats on your new little one. It is difficult to find yourself pregnant when you aren't expecting it. My last child was a surprise also. We already had 4, our oldest was 17 and our youngest was 9! I was overwhelmed to find out I was pregnant at 37! But, we started over and were blessed with a sweet baby girl who turned 2 in November. I was also trying to lose weight when we found out I was pregnant. I ate very carefully and did moderate exercising. Walks and swimming. I lost 3 lbs during the pregnancy and gave birth to a very healthy 8lb 9oz baby girl. I came home from the hospital in my jeans and went to the 6 week appt in a smaller pants size! LOL

    It will all work out for the best and when you hold your new baby, you'll wonder why you were ever worried... :flowerforyou:
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Its her baby.... She can called it whatever she wants. Although, I waited until my kids were old enough to know I was joking before I affectionately gave them the nicknames Spawn 1 and Spawn 2. lol

    It might take a while, but "Spawn 4" could be a term of endearment :wink:

    But seriously, congratulations. A good friend of mine was in a very similar boat to yours (had two, were surprised by the coming of a third) and had gained a lot of weight with the second preg. She went to a nutritionist and started walking every morning. She wound up losing weight during the pregnancy... and didn't have a whole host of other issues she had struggled with (pregnancy induced diabetes, for one). The birth wound up being the easiest one she had had.

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member
    Personally I would have an abortion. No one says you HAVE to be pregnant and if financially and emotionally you can't handle another child then abortion is a legitimate option for you. Don't let anyone guilt you into thinking otherwise.
  • sweetrice12
    sweetrice12 Posts: 101 Member
    I work in a fertility clinic where women are trying to get pregnant all the time, so I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky.

    I have to politely disagree - the inability to conceive would take a lot of pressure out of my life.

    If OP is happy, I am happy for her and offer my congratulations, but I guess it's just a stupid pet peeve of mine that I should feel "lucky" just because I can do something that someone else can't.

    It just makes me appreciate what I have, that's all. Babies are blessings.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Babies are blessings.

    To you.
  • Twinsmama75
    Twinsmama75 Posts: 76 Member
    I have 4 kids and while we tried for all of them, our first pregnancy was a set of twins. I was scared, depressed and other feelings I am very ashamed of :( I can look back now and say that a lot of my feelings were because of shock and just the normal pregnancy hormones that make dealing with things that much more difficult. But now I am soooooo thankful we got twins, once we got past the hard part, it was a breeze.

    That being said we are D.O.N.E. so if I got pregnant I would feel the same as you. But I firmly believe God has a plan for each family and I would try to trust in that, if you are a praying person. You will feel different as you adjust to this shock. My brother passed away from suicide a few months ago and I remember thinking how I wish I could get pregnant again so I could feel that "life" and a GOOD shock instead.

    Goodluck and go easy on yourself, you have 9 months to adjust to having a 4th child. (I know I didn't address the weight-loss issue, but that doesn't seem to be the biggest issue for you right now! :wink:
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member

    There is a lady at my Gym was use to work out when she was pregnant till about 8.5 months. She took a month off working out when she had the baby, but was then back in the gym, looking as amazing as ever!
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    You can definitely walk and that will be good for the baby! And also, if you are eating healthy that is great for the baby. You just won't be eating to lose, but maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy is the best thing you can do for you and your baby. You will probably feel better than you did in your prior pregnancies.

    Look at it this way, if it was something you wanted in the future, then God just decided you were ready for it now. What better time than when you are already on track with your health and your weight.

    Take it from someone who always wanted another child but ended up in menopause early, this is a blessing!
  • rtaddlowe
    Well everyone. I have been working hard and lost 20 lbs, which is great, I am happy. My husband and I found out we had a little accident and we are pregnant. I was just really working hard on trying to lose the weight from our last one. Of course I would always love any baby that comes into our family, but I'm not ready right now, we have 3 healthy children and I feel so lost and confused. I could use some inspiration if anyone has some.

    Congratulations! There is no greater gift and seeing a brand new little one will bring a lot of joy to you and your whole family. I think if you stay active and talk with your OB and follow the advice given you can still keep on track. Good Luck ! You have a big support group out here.
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    First, congratulations!!! Don't give up your journey...remember that you are and have been making a lifestyle change. You don't have to change that just because your pregnant. And, as long as you get the okay from your doctor, you can still work out and continue to eat the right foods.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    This very same thing happened to me....I had lost 65lbs and was done having children and SUPRISE! I am now back to trying to lose 75lbs, but I have an amazing young boy that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world!

    I was angry for the first two weeks....and then it passed....and I realized how blessed I truly was.

    Good luck...take care of can continue a light, pregnancy-friendly fitness routine and eat very healthy!
  • Connie0510
    These unplanned ones are the nicest gifts! Cherish will all work out.
  • seehawkmomma
    Well everyone. I have been working hard and lost 20 lbs, which is great, I am happy. My husband and I found out we had a little accident and we are pregnant. I was just really working hard on trying to lose the weight from our last one. Of course I would always love any baby that comes into our family, but I'm not ready right now, we have 3 healthy children and I feel so lost and confused. I could use some inspiration if anyone has some.

    What a blessing a child can be.My friend is in her 8th month and during her pregnancy she has lost 20lbs. IN A HEALTHY WAY. She worked with her doctor and her baby is perfectly healthy and she is also getting healthy because she is not over eating and is doing pregnancy work outs which will benifit her once she has child birth.

    Talk to your doctor. It will be okay :)