
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    WHEW! I'm tired! 40 hours and only 2 hours of sleep. I am not logging food, not logging exercise, not doing anything but heading to bed. BUT I am the proud grandma of grandbaby #7. My daughter wanted me as labor coach (she has a very soft spoken husband who had difficulties being "tough" with her. lol and mom... well, mom's been there, done that, and doesn't hesitate to say BREATHE! lol). She had it all natural, no drugs and after a very long labor produced a baby boy, 8 lbs. 14 ounces. 20 1/4 inches long so he's a little chunk. Big baby for a first one.

    I'm too old to do this.... even just as a coach! lol

    Plus the only food available was vending food stuff or the snack they packed, which were NOT healthy for me. lol But I ate them anyway.

    Night all. Hitting the hay.

    congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :love:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @meg...i am sorry that you are frustrated....i know of that.....not counting this month(not a good month for me)....anyways i find that logging everything i eat, upping my calories to my BMR and not eating back my exercise calories have worked in the past, that being said, i lose VERY slowly...and when i do go over a bit it seems to take a lot longer to make a dent....(i am one of those that CAN NOT eat anything sweet, small or tiny)or my desire for it will be huge(i am going through that now).....so DO NOT give up....i find that i need to adjust my methods frequently to lose weight.....good luck:flowerforyou:
  • jmderango
    jmderango Posts: 3 Member
    Just joined MFP and am looking for some groups to help keep me motivated. I'm hoping this will be a good one. Have to head off to work now but will check back into this group once I figure out how to do that :smile:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning dearies, :flowerforyou:

    How are you all today?

    I downloaded “The Happiness Project” to my Kindle yesterday. I read the reviews and was hesitating because it seems like a book that could go either way, it could be the author’s self-indulgent blather or it could be a good read with a few ideas worth considering. “Eat-Love-Pray” was another one that hovered close to the edge, but it came out on the positive side for me. The good reviews that Sarah and a few others have given it here encouraged me, so I made the investment and I’m enjoying it.

    The author writes of her need for “gold stars” – some kind of tangible positive reward for her efforts to “be good”. I am like that too. That is why I enjoy my HRM and Nike iPod ap, they give me tangible evidence of effort – which I promptly go and record on my spread sheet so I can gloat over it later! She wrote about using her calendar, listing and checking off her resolutions, work for the day, etc. Yesterday evening I brought out the day book my dear dad gave me for Christmas and began recording the other things I’ve been pushing myself to do – get up earlier, for one thing. So I’m recording the time I get out of bed on weekdays. What's next? A best-seller?

    MFP gives a person tangible rewards too, in the form of the weight loss ticker and the “Mazaron has logged on for 50 days” messages and the end of the day food and exercise record that says "if you ate like this every day you'd weigh ... in five weeks". However, the best reward I get from MFP is the intangible, which is the companionship of my pen-pals here.

    Thanks for sharing :smile:

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    And now the other half of my post! :happy:

    Laura, Your kitchen experiments, adapting recipes to make healthier food, sound like fun. I am amazing myself with how little salt I can get away with! The boys add some at the table, but I don’t and I am sure it helps me stay healthier. Hoping your DH gets “the call” for a job soon.

    Kackie, I love skiing in fresh snow :love: as long as there’s no wind. Are you getting lots of slope time in? You mentioned that you do all your workouts at home. I just can’t get motivated at home – so all my workouts are at the Rec Centre. I don’t bring school work home, either. Work is work, home is relaxation.

    JB, good for you, scale down ½ a pound and you back on track with food and exercise. I think things like the Paleo Diet or “Wheat Belly” are extremes, we need to focus on “moderation in all things” and never, never give up homemade huckleberry pie! :wink:

    MacMadame, Glad to hear Mini-Mac is on the mend. The principal at my school (a good friend) fell on the ice a couple of weeks ago and banged the back of her head. She’s been off work ever since. It reminded me of you and your bain injury. How are you feeling these days?

    Barbie, you just tell your husband that young is a state of mind, and don’t let the big boys in the gym intimidate you either. :laugh:

    Virginia, What a thing, to say “I’m trying to stop losing weight”. :flowerforyou: Having made such an effort to get where you are it must seem like a precarious balance to stay where you are. I love my plain yogurt (and I make sure it’s the kind made with milk and no other additives, it’s stunning how much junk manufacturers can stuff into a container of yogurt) with a spoonful of honey. Satisfied my cravings for sweets and tastes sooo good!

    Michelle, DH came home from the gym yesterday absolutely exhausted and feeling nauseous. :sick: Of course, he pushed himself way to hard on his first workout, and forgot his bathing suit so he could not go down to the pool and recuperate in the hot-tub or the steam room. Is it a guy thing? We will go together on the weekend and I will keep an eye on him.

    Marcelynh – congratulations on the new grandson! :flowerforyou:

    Genealace, I am so pleased to hear that DBF is coming home, what a long time it’s been. I was thinking of Lent too and wondering if this is a year to add something, rather than give something up. Add a good habit, I mean. I will know by tomorrow.

    Mimi, a pedometer is about as low-tech as they come. No more complicated to set up or use than the average clock-radio and not very expensive. You’ll love it. We had roasted veggies last night, dressed up with Moroccan tagine spices. Yummy.

    Meg – Hang in there. Drink lots of water and measure or weigh everything you eat for a while. That will help with portion control. If you can, get a heart rate monitor to measure calories burned when you exercise. It’s a lot more accurate than a pedometer or the MFP estimates. Check your sodium intake. I know that the recommended maximum on MFP is double what the Canada Food Guide suggests. It made a big difference for me when I cut back on salt. As Red Green would say, “Keep your stick on the ice, we’re all in this together” (Canadian content joke :bigsmile: )

    Time to get J'boy up and ready for the day.

    Hasta pronto,

  • Hi! I'm 51 (is that old?) I've enjoyed this site and the "MyFitnessPal" app on my phone. How are you doing? It's been almost 3 weeks now and I have lost 5 pounds (no exercise). I have about 12 more to go.
  • Tangerine16
    Tangerine16 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 56 and started with MFP around 9 Jan 2012. Counting seems to be working so far - just need to add some exercise now!:smile:

  • jackiebo
    jackiebo Posts: 115 Member
    I guess I'm "marking my spot" too, but not like male dogs mark their spots. I don't often read the message boards, over on the side it's just too worthless. A friend of mine told me about this one, at LAST there are people here that have some sense in their heads LOL just kidding

    I might be down to my goal, have been holding steady, up and down a few pounds here and there, my old clothes fit again, I'm not unhappy with my weight. I'm another dog-lover, a semi-retired nurse who has a foot care business and loves doing that. Live in Oregon with my wonderful hubby, 2 Labs and an old cat who puts up with the 4-month old puppy. I want to get healthy because I don't want to turn into a stiff old lady who can't get out there and do things. LOL how's that for being generic? LOL

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Hump Day All!

    Virginia - sorry to hear that your hubby is unemployed too, but we will keep reaping those "cleaning" benifits:wink: in the meantime. I am sooo pulling for you as you turn to maintenance, I completely FAILED:sad: and gained from April - Dec 2011 so my lack of doing what I knew I should have been doing is what has put me back here...then again I should NEVER have left:grumble: .

    Michele- buying swimsuits can be a real challenge. Right now I have so many in so many different sizes that it's quite embaressing:blushing: and some even have tags on them...those are my goal suits:drinker:

    Marcelynh- :flowerforyou: Congrats on Grandbaby (boy) #7, I think that it's wonderful that you were able to be her coach.

    Genalace- it sounds like DBF is progressing well in his healing. When my hubby had his hip replacement they wouldn't release him until he could put on his own shoes and socks and since he couldn't wait to get home (where he could finally get some rest) he worked on it really hard:laugh:

    Renny- your book choices for reading are sure from extreme sides:noway: my reading is pretty much my romances and cookbooks:wink:

    Mimi- Thank you for your Veggie Receipe, I've already printed it to add to my cookbooks and will be working on those this weekend after we ( yep that's a we not an "I" hubby is stir crazy by Fridays when it's time to get groceries) go grocery shopping.

    MEG- be NOT discouraged there will be times like this keep logging and drinking your water:drinker: with exercise thrown in and the weight will come off, remember we aren't as young as we used to be and sometimes it takes us a bit longer to lose what has attached itself to us:grumble:

    So yesterday I was looking at the "topics" and one that popped up was "The Ultimate Mom's MakeOvers" I know that if I'd had that kind of example and encouragement it wouldn't have taken til after Son #3 for me to lose... some of those pictures are amazing. But what it made me realize is that when I had lost the weight from Son #3 and I was looking good that I remember that I didn't "think" I looked good, the self image that we carry around with us sometimes is what brings us down, and in my case what caused me to lose control and start gaining. I'm hoping that this time I will make my success permenant.

    When I was last on this journey in 2010 and I succeeded and more than met my goal I used Nutrisystems to get there. It worked and I really did love the food and variety but the problem was when it came to maintaining I wasn't used to cooking my own food. This time from day one I'm cooking my own food and learning the "true" portions of what I eat. I bought these spoons and spacula that measures out "one serving" and it's really helped when I'm serving up my food.

    Enough for today. Everyone have a good day:drinker: don't forget to drink your water:drinker: it really does make a difference in the weight loss. Let's keep moving too...one of these days I'm going to like exercising:ohwell:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies!

    I just love reading all of your posts and I get something from each of you! This is the very best motivation and therapy:love::love:

    Regarding Skiing: DH and I had NEVER skied downhill until our late 40s. Our youngest son wanted to come out west to ski because he had gone while we lived in MN with a group and become a good skier. Guess what? We were terrible at first and never ventured off of the beginner slopes for a few years. But we kept coming out every year with him on his spring break and our oldest was off in college. DS was a good teacher and it was fun to learn something from our youngest. DH and I learned together and each year got a little braver. Fast forward 10+ years and we now ski the black diamonds and I LOVE it!!! It has motivated me to get in better shape because I enjoy it so much and have met other people here that we love to ski with. So, I really think that if you can find an activity that you enjoy, it will drive you to do more physically in order to be able to enjoy that activity more! IT is a good cycle.

    Mary (SVQ): You are doing great with your walking and I also recommend trying to use a pedometer or, better yet, a HRM. I am NOT a techy person so I resisted for a long time, but it is such a great motivator and VERY easy to use. I know now that the calories burned that I log are correct and it is so fun to watch that number climb up and up. It really does make you move more too! I am loving the roasted veggies and I do need to try to eat those as a snack when I am hungry FIRST...it does work! And the non-fat yogurt with a bit of fruit also helps satisfy that sweet tooth as well! I am worried that this snow/wind/blizzard weather is going to keep me on the mountain and I need to do a major food run to stock back up on fresh veggies and fruits now. At least I have some veggie/chicken soup made up, but that won't last long!

    Meg: Everyone's advice is good and we have all been where you are! Just hang in there, plan your meals ahead of time for a few days at least and try to limit carbs and sweets later in the day. I know it shouldn't matter, but for me, it does! Try to add an extra 15 minute walk in addition to your regular exercise...even going up and down a few flights of stairs when you can...all will help move you off that plateau! Good luck...and as Barbie says: "Never, ever give up!"

    Nancy: Regarding the "Happiness Project"...I really enjoyed it...everyone comes from a different perspective, but I can still learn from them. The author certainly gave me several concrete areas that I need to work on. Also, I don't tend to be as "scientific" as she is, and I realize that sometimes it helps to be that way. I pulled the book back out and am going back over it again...

    Regarding S-L-O-W weight loss and other ways to measure our progress...here are a few that I have noticed the past month:

    My stamina is WAY up. I can ski hard for most of the day and feel GOOD instead of exhausted, which is an improvement over
    past years.

    I can wear more fitted shirts and clothing than in the past. My middle is smaller than it used to be. Even if the scale hasn't
    moved that much in the past few months, things have shifted in a better direction!

    I wore a very nice black skirt-suit that I bought several years ago (payed WAY too much for it) to a funeral a few weeks ago
    and it FIT...for the first time since I bought it!!!!!

    I am sleeping much better than I did for a few years. I do not have any "hot flashes" or "night sweats".

    I think before I eat, "what is REAL food and what is PROCESSED" food. I pick the real food first...every time. I WANT the
    REAL food more than the processed food.

    I do not feel good if I cannot get in REAL exercise each day and plan my day around getting this exercise into each day, even
    when traveling. It is a HABIT that I am so happy to have in my life.

    Having said all of this...I am far from perfect... I have too much wine some evenings, crave simple carbs some days...but I am determined to keep moving in a healthier direction each day. So, I am not at my "Goal" Weight yet, but am trying to measure success in many ways other than the scale.

    Have a wonderful day, dear friends. Happy to see some new faces and getting to know each of you.
    :heart: Kackie
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Meg, I have the exact same problem! I was so excited when I entered the 160s, but within a few days I was right back into the 170s and crying like a baby. :sad: I've found that I have to cut calories back to 1200-1250 and burn 300-400 a day in order to see the scale go consistently down. No eating back exercise calories for me, at least not during the week. I have to go light on the breads and fruits, and fill up on vegs and protein. Beans are terrific. I use cheese as a treat anymore. Walnuts & almonds work wonders for keeping me feeling full. If I eat too much sugar I go insane and start grabbing for everything I can get my hands on. Maybe you could try adjusting the foods you eat, change things up a bit, and be sure to get enough protein.

    Nancy, you're absolutely correct, moderation in all things is the key. I think cutting way back on breads and sugar will help me a ton. I mean help me lose a ton, haha. Now then, a homemade double-crust pie filled with huckleberries, sugar and butter....just look at those ingredients! :laugh: Oh dear me. But I don't care, I'll never say no to a piece of the most delicious pie on earth. I make one a few times a year. Might even have one this weekend if we have company.

    Our sugar-snap peas have germinated upstairs under the lights, they'll get moved out to the greenhouse today in order to grow under cooler conditions. Celery seeds have sprouted, broccoli and cabbage, too. Hello my little darling seedlings! Time to start a few other things, too. I'll be busy with that this morning, but first I must complete 30 minutes of aerobics and do my stretches.

    Good day everyone, eat less, move more. Salad Sistas are back! We never left, really, just been on the quiet side lately. :blushing: Fix big plates full of greens and vegs for lunch, sprinkle on some feta or what have you. Get good and hungry first!

    :^) jb
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all! Can't resist coming back on a day when I can log another pound shed:blushing:
    I love reading your posts and identifying with some and agreeing with some. I too feel better when I exercise. It does reduce my stress levels and boy do they need reducing.
    Started Physical Therapy yesterday for an old shoulder injury which has been greatly aggravated by stress. Finding time to take care of me is like being an acrobat with one arm, possible, just challanging:laugh:
    Keeping track of food and exercise takes time too, so I don't always get here to log those. Just changed doctors and she's sending me for tests...probable diagnosis= high blood pressure, high cholesterol, borderline diabetes (at best). First thing she said was quit working so hard....sure thing and lose weight....ok, I can work on that.
    Keep on inspriring me, all of you. You're a great bunch!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    t's Monday - once again time for you all to snooze while I give you my weekly goal accountability report. Please feel free to move on to more interesting posts and skip mine!

    February, week 3: Still doing pretty well with my goals, so they are doing their job of keeping me focused. I have successfully logged every bite, lick or sip of the day 5 out of 7 days, putting me at 16 on my goal of 21 days this month. I did click complete diary and all were within the calorie range that I committed to, 1200-1700. My average intake was 1568. I logged one of the other two days, and was under my goal with exercise calories added in, but finished the day at 1917 calories, so I didn't count it. I did add it into my average for the week though.
    My goal of exercising at least 21 days is also going okay, but not as well as I had hoped. Sometimes life just happens! I exercised 4 days, my totals being 157 minutes and 1752 calories burned, per MFP calculations as I don't have a HRM. I am at day 12. This leaves me 9 left to exercise, with only 10 days left in the month. The jury is still out on if I can make this one or not.
    I continue to focus on my motto of the month. No progress yet on my journal or my updated profile, and I am starting to think that finding time for this will be iffy, but haven't given up!

    Once again, boring report done, you can all wake up now! The establishment thanks you for your attention, or at least your polite lack of attention!

    I hope that you are all doing well and having a great Wednesday. I am rushed, so signing off for now. Mary
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    MacMadame, Glad to hear Mini-Mac is on the mend. The principal at my school (a good friend) fell on the ice a couple of weeks ago and banged the back of her head. She’s been off work ever since. It reminded me of you and your bain injury. How are you feeling these days?
    I'm going through some frustration because I thought I was on the mend, went for a very, very short run, and it set me back more than a week! Argh. I have only signed up for one race (I got a 30% discount doing it in Dec and I couldn't resist) but it's already getting to be too late to train for it.

    I'm going to contact them about getting my money back.

    Mini-Mac had the expected ear pain yesterday. She's also slacked off on taking her pain meds because she hates the taste so that didn't help. I'm going to get her some liquid ibuprofen she can alternate with. Hopefully that won't taste as bad. We go back to the surgeon for our post-op follow-up visit today.

    Yesterday I had a job interview and it was kind of weird. Whenever I talk to the guys, I get very excited about the job. But as soon as I am away from them, I get very unexcited. It's probably a sign. Or something.
  • divamsm
    divamsm Posts: 79 Member
    Hi ladies...sigh...:indifferent:

    My scales really hate me. They seem to want to win this battle of the bulge...but I refuse to let them. So, I come to you, my friends (Barbie..you're so right...a Life/Health Coach would not be helpful here...only earning her salary). :flowerforyou:

    I have been analyzing my weight loss (I know I'm bad, but I keep my daily weight in a spreadsheet) and I am in a pattern I cannot seem to break. Perhaps you can help. On February 4th I finally broke into the 170's ... although just barely. It was inspirational for me, and I felt I was heading to the next level. Since then, I have flipflopped between 180.something and 178.something. The real agitating part is that the 180.something seems to hit on my WW Weigh Day which is Tuesday. For example...on Monday I weighed 178.2 (woo hoo after a weekend!). Yesterday I weighed 179.6. :explode: I know I went over in calories Monday night (Hubby fixed ribs, coleslaw & french fries-baked) but I really thought I was reasonable in my portions. I need some advice if any of you have it on how to get over this stall and get back to business.

    I also discovered that my W.W. Pedometer that I had changed over to is malfunctioning. I was holding it yesterday in my hand...standing dead still, and steps were just a clicking up. No wonder I was thinking I had become super-woman all of the sudden...but I should have realized that just doing more walking on the treadmill would increase my steps as much as it seemed to. Darn...my 20000 step Saturday was all a farce. So back to "old reliable" today. :angry:

    Hate to sound whiny...but I am frustrated !! Any input appreciated and executed.:ohwell:
    And, oh by-the-way, thanks for letting me vent :blushing:

    Today is a new day...Yesterday I hit my WW Points dead on target, walked for 40 minutes and committed myself to an improved attitude. I know that increasing my exercise would definitely be a positive...just have to figure out a way to have the time.:happy:

    Congratulations to those with new grand-babies, husbands that are following your example and joining you in a healthy lifestyle, and weight-losses this week. :wink:

    So glad to have the support of you great women...you are my lifeline to health. :flowerforyou:

    Have a healthy day!

    Meg, I've had the exact same problem! The problem is that I've had that problem every single time I've gotten really serious and worked hard at this weight loss. I've only lost 7 lbs and upon my weigh in which should have been yesterday, I had gained 3+ lbs. I haven't really gone over my calories, but did drink over the weekend a bit...but was still within my calories. I'm working out 4-5 days a week and already stuck! I was sooo stoked and pumped that I was going to do it this time, but I'm starting to get really discouraged. I never, ever cry, but I've been crying all day today. I just don't know what to do anymore. I've had a hysterectomy, so I know it's not my period or anything female. Last night I was reading through some of the blogs and forums, and found this website freedieting.com. I re-calculated my daily calories and while MFP says I should be eating 1200 calories per day, this one says 1625, with 1360 at a very, bare minimum. So, now I've changed my goals, etc. hoping that's the problem. HELP! I don't want to give up again....I really want to stick with it, but I need to see some results. Even my measurements aren't really showing much. Still wearing the same clothes with very little extra room in them. I'm about to just say screw it, or sew my mouth up. What am I doing wrong??
  • Meg and Diva, If you aren’t doing it already, try weighing your food on a food scale. It's far too easy to underestimate unless we do as Mary (msh) suggests and record every bite, lick and sip. Food scales are cheap and accurate. Weighing what I eat is the only thing that works for me. For one thing, weighing my food helps me avoid that vague guilty feeling that *maybe* I've overeaten - that feeling often leads to a downward spiral.

    I’ve been up and down a lot too after hitting what was, for me, a milestone weight. I think there’s a psychological reason but, what really matters is to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Taking it one day or even one hour at a time will get you where you want to go. After all, it has to! It's not magic. We know if we stopped eating altogether we'd lose weight (then die - yikes!:wink:) so it's a matter of finding the point at which we lose a pound or so a week then just keep on doing that until we get where we want to go. We can do it!

    Kackie, it’s so good to hear about the many successes in your life. You remind me to be grateful for the things I have – and there are many. You’re one of them – and so is this group. :heart:

    Mary SVQ

    p.s. Meg and Diva, I almost forgot to mention my old refrain...eat lots of fruits and veggies too. I call them my willpower for a reason. I just can't stay on track when losing weight means being in a constant state of deprivation. I like an abundance of tasty food. It takes the tastebuds a couple of weeks to adjust. (I used to be a glutton for processed foods.) Once you're used to more fruits and veggies, they taste wonderful!
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you all ladies for your advice and encouragement. You have some excellent points & ideas. I've lost 12 pounds since the beginning of the year...I think I deserve a heart rate monitor...so I'm going to get one this weekend. I also do not weigh my food...though I do use a measuring cup for things that measure well that way, so I think a good scale is on the shopping list this weekend too. I'm not a big lover of salt...and I am trying to stay away from processed foods, but I think I will add that tally to my MFP Food log.

    Laura...I think it is that "we're not as young as we used to be" part that is one of my hurdles. In the "olden days" I would drop weight easily when I dieted...now they seem to be more difficult to part with.

    Kackie...I had not read your post yet, but tonight when I walked our dog I zigzagged the field that we walk in...I'm hoping that added some extra steps. My best bet is to just add 15-20 minutes on the treadmill each morning instead of every other day...meaning the alarm would go off at 5:00 am. There...I just found my extra time.

    jb...I feel your pain. I love beans, and really haven't thought of adding them to my diet. I'll have to snoop around for some good lunchtime recipes as hubby is not a bean-eater.

    Divamsm...don't get discouraged...take the words of wisdom from this fine group of very successful ladies and we can make this work for us.

    I know that I am truly dedicated to this because on the way to work I realized that I left my WW tracking book at home...I panicked until I remember MFP...I log both places, so at least I am very aware of what goes into my mouth. I just need to be more aware of the quantities and not be eyeballin' my servings.

    Again ladies, thank you all so much for your help...I truly appreciate it, and apologize for my whiny-butt post this morning. Just what you all needed first thing!

    Welcome new folks...you've come to the right place for success!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Howdy all! Hope everyone has had a good Wednesday. Mine has been good, except that Hub's foot is still swollen from the stepped on nail. He's had his tetanus shot so that's good and he's on antibiotics but it worries me. He made an appointment with his doctor for Friday when the antibiotics are almost out, so we'll see how it is by then.

    I bought BOOTS today. I have large calves - they're almost as big as my thighs. Much smaller than they were 149 lbs ago, but the shape hasn't changed: my legs are still the same size from top to bottom. So this is the first time in my life I've ever been able to wear boots. I was so amazed when they zipped.

    Marcelynh: Woohoo!! Congratulations on the new grandbaby. I know you must be just as thrilled as you were with the first one. I bet you were a fantastic coach.

    Genealace: So thrilled to hear DBF is finally getting out of the hospital. It's been a long journey for him, but being home will be wonderful medicine.

    Mimi7grands: Ooooooh, I wish I could moderate dark chocolate. The only time I can have a piece is if hubs is having some, breaks me off a piece and immediately eats the rest. Otherwise, 1 bite = the whole bar. Congrats on your amazing loss. I hope I can say 10 years from now that I *WAS* obese. I'm determined to make it so.

    Thanks for the roasted veggie recipe. I've passed it on to hubs, who is the cook in our house. I'm imagining it with a little garlic.

    Megathome111: How frustrating. I know that stalled feeling and it can be incredibly discouraging. How much are you drinking? I drink nearly 100 oz a day and found my loss slows down when I drop below about 72. If you can, consider upping your fluids. Like the fruits and veggies Mimi7grands suggested, it also keeps hunger at bay.

    Mazaron: I'm sorry. I guess "I'm trying to stop losing" does sound odd. But I do need to up my calories. And it's so scary after all these many, many, many months of focusing on keeping them down.

    Laura80111: I hear you! That's why I'm not leaving. Just logging and being accountable helps me feel more like I can control this. Not feeling completely that way, but better about it. This will be my anchor and discipline.

    msh0530: Good report, especially on the logging/eating front. You're doing better on the exercise front - if you don't quite make the goal, you'll come close!

    That's all I got. Hope you all are well.

  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    Hi1 My name is Nicolette, I am 51, 52 in late August. I am a retired RN, a disabled Veteran. I began this site at the beginning of the New Year. I had lost some weight in the latter part of 2011, so have that added to my ticker.

    So, is this where we go when we have been led out to pasture? lol.

    I'd like to have some friends that are my age, and dealing with some of the health issues that comes with being a 50+ woman.

    Anyone need a friend? I do!!


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!
    Moving around some.Have a hard time getting up and down from chairs,toilets etc.Pain is manageable.
    Dr took off the immobilzier and just have an ace on.Stitches come out next week and therapy starts.
    Thanks for all your love,prayers,and kind words,it means a lot.
    Have a good night!!