
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Back to work yesterday after surgery 3 weeks ago. Actually had to work both jobs- 5 hours at the airport and 5 hours at Christopher Banks. Did a 30 minute mall walk , and then met DH and some of his coworkers for dinner. -at The Cheesecake Factory. I don't think I did too badly. Water to drink, endive salad with vinegrette and blue cheese crumbles and 1/2 piece of low carb cheesecake.:laugh:

    Kackie, Geocaching is a type of treasure hunting game where people have hidden "caches" and then post the coordinates on a web site. By using those coordinates,and a hand help GPS, a geocacher tries to find the cache.Ofter the containers are well camouflaged and very well hidden. Once you find a cache, you sign a log book to prove you were there and return the cache to its original place for another person to find. You then log you find on the cache web page. Many caches are hidden in parking lots and are referred to as cache and dashes. But the ones that my sister and I like are usually along trails or in the woods. This has been a good hobby for us to get outdoors in the winter when we would otherwise hibernate. It is also a good way to get exercise the other times of year as well. We have been to lots of places even in our own area that we never knew existed- parks, waterfalls etc. The website is geocaching.com. I think you might be amazed to find out how many are in your own neighborhood. Whenever I go on vacation, I have to spend some time geocaching. OK- enough-Can you tell I'm a fanatic?

    Off to bed- I'm still not back into the swing of things- going to be early- but 3:30 am will be here soon and I know I won't like the sound of that alarm

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,473 Member
    Virginia - thanks for the idea. That's what I do, too. But down here at the condo I didn't have any frozen fruit. Next time I'm going to bring a can of crushed pineapple with me.

    mimi - I try to change my shoes every 6 months.

    When we got to FL someone said that there was to be a rocket launch today, I read in the paper that it was rescheduled for Fri due to wind. The weather wasn't bad yesterday and I understand it's only supposed to get better. Went down to the pool yesterday, didn't go in but I may by the end of the week. Glad I brought down an old bathing suit with me.

    We got a dresser for the spare bedroom. Nothing real fancy -- just something from WalMart. But it'll suffice for down here.

    I'm trying to think of meals that don't involve a lot of prep or ingredients, are healthy, that I can make down here. I don't keep any spices down here as they'll go bad by the time I would use them up. I could bring some with me if I knew that I'd need them. Like I don't want to buy a 5-lb bag of flour just for a Tablespoon or so to coat meat. I'd have to take the rest home with me because with the humidity down here, it would be a hard lump by the next time I came down.

    Marcelyn - CONGRATS on grandmahood! Be sure to post some pics as soon as you can.

    Bobbie - hearty welcome and all other newcomers (too many to mention individually)

    genalace - what great news about your DBF. So happy for you. Looks like you have a bit of a haul ahead of you, but your making it one step at a time.

    What is my lenten sacrifice? Well, it really isn't so much of a sacrifice as a healthy thing to do. I'm going to AGAIN try to add more yoga. I think I can probably do it on Monday before the xtremepump class. Jessica is going to try being a pescatarian. Hope she can get enough iron, or is at least aware of sources of iron. She tends to be anemic. It's not that she can't get iron from veggies, she just has to be conscious of it.

    mimi - I love my fruit and veggies. One thing I've found, tho, is that the veggies are usually lower in calories. But I love either one. I like to have a piece of fruit for dessert. Oh, I love having lunch at Whole Foods! I'm jealous. I wish there were some Meetup groups in my real local area, most of them are in Charlotte

    Pam - I'm pretty muchly like you, it takes FOREVER for me to lose and practically overnight for me to gain. However, I can have just a little bit of a sweet. I can't count in my exercise calories, either, or there is no way I'd lose anything

    Welcome jmderango. You've come to the right place for motivation, that's for sure!

    kackie - you sound so much like me, too. I have to exercise almost every day or else I feel "yuk", like a slug. I went food shopping today just to get some other things in the house we can eat that I can heat up rather than going out to eat all the time. Don't get me wrong, I like going out, it's just that it gets somewhat boring. Anyway, I was in the frozen food isle, I usually don't buy frozen meals so I really had to search for something that I would like that met my criteria (decent on the calories, sodium, additives). I'm constantly amazed at how if something is deep fried, it really doesn't appeal to me. Even the bakery section of the store right now doesn't appeal to me. Unfortunately, the store didn't have any organic peaches in, hopefully, they will next timeI go.

    divamsm - don't give up! Sometimes it takes a while for you to see the results of your work, but you will.

    Virginia - I have cankles, too. I never wear dresses or skirts but pantsuits. And I do have to be careful about which boots I put on because I can't wear them all. It does feel so good when you get a pair that you can wear.

    Took the yoga class today and then there was this interval class that I decided to try (originally I was going to go to zumba). I liked the yoga and the interval class. In one sense, I'm glad that I didn't go to zumba, the music was so loud and loud music just doesn't motivate me. Guess it's my age showing. Tomorrow there is some sort of cardio class that I'll try.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    This one's to Virginia, from Nancy. :flowerforyou:

    I meant "What a great thing to be able to say, that you are trying to stop loosing weight" ....:blushing: and it was intended as a compliment and as sympathetic encouragement! You've worked so hard to establish a lifestyle of loosing weight, learning to stabilize is going to be a real challenge. I am pulling for you as you learn and thank you for being so willing share your experiences.

    The way I think you read my message to you on this morning's post might be an example of the hazards of written communication - it can be so easily misinterpreted when you don't have my smile or tone of voice to send the right message. I am so sorry if it seemed unkind.

    Take care of yourself.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Virginia - I'm absolutely with you on the 'trying to stop losing weight'. It is a knife edge to get the right balance. I'm going to see my dietician next week and will let you know if she has any helpful ideas.

    I have a hectic day at the gallery today and I'm already bogged down with work, so I'll just wish you all a very good and healthy day.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    WOW - Trying to catch up. I think I'll try two posts. Missed you all. It's been a busy couple of days.

    Welcome all newcomers. Love this group of Ladies. Always take away a boat load of ideas and some inspiration. It helps to share this journey! Come back!

    Nancy: Glad your DH has joined you! It's wonderful to have a gym partner.

    Kackie: Sking and snow sounds wonderful. I lived in Colorado for 10 years and miss sking and all that goes with it. How impressive that you started over 40....... I don't think I've skied over 40. (blush) Need to get back.

    JB-2011: Sounds like we are reading similar information...... I'm trying to eleminate all grains except Steel Cut oats... I just can't part with them..

    Virginia: Ouch! Hope your DH heals quickly. Curious if you eat steel cut oats. I'm not sure if they are helping or hurting my progress. I know a scale would help to weigh food and I suspect I need more water. Thank you for the encouragement!

    Michele: Hope you get your pool! A girl can dream................

    Suzieq: Thank you for the sodium tip. I have been really watching and feel better. Now I have to force water.

    Marcelynn: Congratulations on your new Grand Baby BOY! Wow #7 how wonderful.

    Genealace: Hope your DBF gets to leave the hospital today. Keep us posted.

    Mimi7: Dark chocolate is my weakness too. I have to kill my sweet tooth..... dead and I'm hoping I can have my favorite DC every once in a while.

    MEG: I can so RELATE! I have a hate/ hate relationship with my scale right now. The sad thing is that I was 10 pounds lighter in August before my injury and I was trying to loose then........ It feels overwhelming some days. Shopping is what really breaks my heart. Nothing fits... We will get there. We just have to keep trying.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    A quick Hello. I have to get something done today. It's going to be close to 70 here today so I'm going to walk and get outside.

    DH had a wonderful birthday. I went back to subbing yesterday at a local elementary school. Boy was I tired at the end of the day. Love all my little friends, but they are exhausting! I am still looking for something permanent, but will probably sub through Spring and give it my all this summer. I fell into bed last night.

    I have written down everyones suggestions. Water, food scale, no simple carbs, moving more....

    I have faced the fact that I will have to cloth the body I have for the 50th anniversary party next weekend. So after I exercise I'm going to go out and look today. I hope I can find something pretty that doesn't break the bank. I will try to ignore the size and just find something flattering................cry.

    I always think things are going to be easier. Serious problem with rose tinted glasses here. Happy almost weekend.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Heading out to get a new set of tires and other not so fun errands. I'm wearing my Shape ups so I can do some walking while they work on my tires and packing a goodie bag so I'm not tempted to grab fast food at lunch time.

    My scale hasn't moved in weeks, but my clothes are fitting looser and looser, and my energy level is at an all time high. I account it to clean eating. My mind is clear, instead of foggy, and my skin and hair are healthier than they've been in years. So I've decided to just STOP worrying about what the scale says and measure my success my how I look and FEEL from here on out. The last of this weight WILL eventually come off.

    No more beating my self up for not being a size larger than I was in my early 30's! It took me 5 decades to get comfortable in my own skin. I'm gonna stay active, choose REAL foods, find something to smile about every day and be the best me I can be... period. :flowerforyou:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    OK, The book "The Happiness Project" is changing my life! :happy:

    Her first chapter is about coping with clutter and tasks that get put off until they weigh heavily on the mind.

    My personal take? For the rest of February I have resolved to put away my clothes when I change and make our bed in the morning. I do feel more peaceful when I go to bed/get up in a tidy room. Like the author I put a check-mark on my day-book every time I complete my task to my satisfaction. Must have those gold stars! :ohwell: Making the bed is really no big deal - it's a duvet. Shake, toss and go. Unless Buster the Poodle is in there. He's white. The bedding is white. Shake and...run for cover! :laugh:

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I guess I'm "marking my spot" too, but not like male dogs mark their spots. I don't often read the message boards, over on the side it's just too worthless. A friend of mine told me about this one, at LAST there are people here that have some sense in their heads LOL just kidding

    I might be down to my goal, have been holding steady, up and down a few pounds here and there, my old clothes fit again, I'm not unhappy with my weight. I'm another dog-lover, a semi-retired nurse who has a foot care business and loves doing that. Live in Oregon with my wonderful hubby, 2 Labs and an old cat who puts up with the 4-month old puppy. I want to get healthy because I don't want to turn into a stiff old lady who can't get out there and do things. LOL how's that for being generic? LOL

    Hiiiii jackiebo, nice seeing your face on here. Oh wait, that's not your face, it's a Lab-collage :laugh:
    From one dog lover to another -- we all have to mark our spots from time to time, lol, so you might as well mark yours here and join in on the fun. So many great topics and discussions about stuff, it's hard keeping up with everyone but fun to read how everyone's doing on this journey.
    I'm So happy to hear you're not unhappy with your weight, and might be down to your goal! I must say you're looking quite trim!! Thanks for being there for me. Let's go hiking.
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    good morning all - yes I'm still alive - been MIA for over a week - still having issues with what I can eat - and eating in general so I haven't been tracking ANYTHING and I'm up 2 pounds after hubby's 60th birthday bash on the weekend.... :sad: not happy about that but whatever - it is what it is and I'll get back on track - getting back on this post is the first step for me.... :drinker:

    haven't been able to catch up with all the posts in my absence - hope everybody is doing well and welcome to all the newcomers!

    have a great day everybody - be back later on.... :flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Snowy Thursday,

    Yep I think the weather people got this one wrong, at least at my end of town. They said a trace to 1" and it was 3" and coming down hard at home when I left for work and hubby was out shoveling:wink: Only a trace here at my office but I have my boots anyway.

    Jane- glad to hear that you are healing and getting better everyday:flowerforyou:

    Lynn-grocaching, sounds interesting, maybe if I had more time that would be something I'd enjoy doing...maybe when I retire:smile:

    Realpure-good luck on that shopping, I know that we all have rose colored glasses at sometime in our lives and I would have to say that I had mine on for about 8 months last year:blushing: and having hubby telling me I looked fine when I knew I was "out growing" my fun cute clothes:cry: The glasses are now off and I'm seeing myself in reality...glad I finally realized I needed to be back here:drinker:

    Suz- I only wish that I was dealing with one size larger that I was in my 30's, I only know that when i was in my 30's and slim and trim and very active with three little boys that I still thought I was fat and too big:noway: when in fact I wasn't.

    Nancy- the first chaper on clutter and putting off tasks...wow that so sounds like me:bigsmile: every weekend I vow to clean out one closet and throw away things not used...and I always find that there are really "important" things in there and I "might" need them in the future.:ohwell:

    This week has been a really good one for me so far and I feel like I'm making serious progress. I've broken down my losing into multiple mini goals, like #7 lost and I'm 1/4 of the way to goal, the next being #10 lost and I'm 1/3 of the way to goal, etc. It just makes me feel like I'm getting some where.

    I guess I could also say that I know progress is being made because I can button my jeans again. I wasn't going to buy bigger jeans so I just pulled out what I had in the closet and if I could get it on, over my hips and zipped that's what I was going to wear even if it was skin tight:noway: ....but buttoning the top wasn't happening:grumble: which was okay I just wear my tops to cover it up. But now I can button them and it's not uncomfortable:wink: it's the small things that make you feel like you are making progress.

    I best get going, remember to drink your water:drinker: and keep moving because we can and will do this even if each pound comes off kicking and screaming:laugh:

  • Good morning wonderful ladies,

    I've been mia on here for a few days. Just busy and no time to post really. (not even now but I wanted to get a more recent post on here!!)

    I was very disappointed in my weigh in yesterday and only lost 1 pound. Since it's only my 3rd week I was hoping for more than that - but I'm at least happy it was a loss and not a gain. I'm trying to switch things up a bit the next few days hoping it will help. I haven't been sleeping well and dh is up a lot during the night and it affects my sleep too. We need one of those mattresses where you can't feel the movement of the other side of the bed!! :yawn:

    I just found out yesterday that I'm going to be a grandma again! :bigsmile: My grandson will be 2 tomorrow so the spacing of the 2 kids will be pretty good. I also have a granddaughter who is 13 that this same son had before he married my daughter in law. It's going to be a very busy year for me as my youngest son is getting married in August here in CO; my oldest son is getting married in September in CT: and my middle son and his wife will be having another baby the end of October/beginning of November. It is nice to have positive changes taking place in the family to look forward to, as we have had our years in the past of great losses.

    This is all the more motivation to stay focused and on track with losing weight and getting as healthy as I can be.

    I am sorry I don't have the time to post to each of you - but I DO read all of the posts and love hearing about your lives and challenges and successes too! It sure helps to know that I'm not alone with the kind of struggles that face women in our age group!!

    So thank you for allowing me to be part of this group and to peek into your lives! I hope you all have a wonderful day! back to work for me! :happy:

    Janice :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    PS - also is there a way to just make my ticker automatically show without having to go and copy and paste the code each time?
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Good morning wonderful ladies,

    I've been mia on here for a few days. Just busy and no time to post really. (not even now but I wanted to get a more recent post on here!!)

    I was very disappointed in my weigh in yesterday and only lost 1 pound. Since it's only my 3rd week I was hoping for more than that - but I'm at least happy it was a loss and not a gain. I'm trying to switch things up a bit the next few days hoping it will help. I haven't been sleeping well and dh is up a lot during the night and it affects my sleep too. We need one of those mattresses where you can't feel the movement of the other side of the bed!! :yawn:

    I just found out yesterday that I'm going to be a grandma again! :bigsmile: My grandson will be 2 tomorrow so the spacing of the 2 kids will be pretty good. I also have a granddaughter who is 13 that this same son had before he married my daughter in law. It's going to be a very busy year for me as my youngest son is getting married in August here in CO; my oldest son is getting married in September in CT: and my middle son and his wife will be having another baby the end of October/beginning of November. It is nice to have positive changes taking place in the family to look forward to, as we have had our years in the past of great losses.

    This is all the more motivation to stay focused and on track with losing weight and getting as healthy as I can be.

    I am sorry I don't have the time to post to each of you - but I DO read all of the posts and love hearing about your lives and challenges and successes too! It sure helps to know that I'm not alone with the kind of struggles that face women in our age group!!

    So thank you for allowing me to be part of this group and to peek into your lives! I hope you all have a wonderful day! back to work for me! :happy:

    Janice :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    PS - also is there a way to just make my ticker automatically show without having to go and copy and paste the code each time?

    Congrats on the next grandbaby on the way:flowerforyou:

    Don't be discouraged #1 loss is really good, if you can keep that up it will be a slow and steady an permenant loss:drinker:

    For your ticker, go to community, and settings and click on SHOW MY TICKER below each of your forum posts.


    Did you get much snow in Longmont? In the Tech center I have about 3.5 " but here at work near DIA about a trace...crazy weather:laugh:
  • I'm glad I found this thread. I'm 63 , live in NJ and happily retired ( only because I can't find a job) After 3 years I don't know how I would find time to work again. I only hope the savings lasts longer than the long life I plan to live.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning and happy Thursday!

    Nancy, I had to laugh at your post about shaking the duvet and running for cover LOL. I do the same thing - FLOOOF! - then quickly exit the room and let the dirt/hair/dust settle. Goodness me, look at the layer on my dresser, didn't I just finish dusting? My two "dirtbags" love sleeping on the bed and for some reason I always let them. I've tried to teach them to bathe themselves before bed but I'm not having success with that. I wonder if they'd mind terribly much if I just took the vacuum to them. What's a mother to do. :laugh:

    I've taken up doing aerobics again over the last couple of days, and yesterday decided to try some jumping jacks. I've always had poor luck with them since 50 lbs of "excess" bobbing about and repeatedly crashing down was most uncomfortable. I would usually just squat up and down, swinging my arms, never really jumping. WELL, I must say I'm stunned and amazed at how things have changed! I did 30, yes 30! real, true jumping jacks yesterday with very little bobbing and crashing. YAY I'm so happy. My calves are a little sore this morn, might be from the 50 squats, might be from the jumping. But that's ok! I'm just happy. At the end of my routine I did some dancing...the Twist, the Jerk, the Locomotion and the Swim, giggling a bit at self while doing so. Can I actually have fun again and dance? And jump? 56 lbs ago I could barely get myself out of bed without pain and agony. Phew! That's one road I'll never travel again.

    Have a wonderful day everyone, thanks again for the daily discussions, it sure does help me. Let's go Salad Sistas! :drinker:

    :^) jb (my new pic is "Lovey" - a commissioned portrait I painted a few years ago. I've got to start painting again!)
  • Congrats on the next grandbaby on the way:flowerforyou:

    Don't be discouraged #1 loss is really good, if you can keep that up it will be a slow and steady an permenant loss:drinker:

    For your ticker, go to community, and settings and click on SHOW MY TICKER below each of your forum posts.


    Did you get much snow in Longmont? In the Tech center I have about 3.5 " but here at work near DIA about a trace...crazy weather:laugh:

    Thank you Laura!

    We only got a trace of snow here too. Just enough to cover the grass, make the roads wet, and track mud into the house. :ohwell:

    Where in CO are you located?

    Welcome Jan in NJ! You've landed in a great place here! :happy:

    Back to work! :smile:

  • I'm new to fitnesspal this week, but have about 70lbs to lose so your stories are all inspiring! I live in Columbus, OH and own my own business which has me driving and riding a desk a lot. Not much time/energy for exercise, but I know I'll need to get started on that routine soon. I am married with two kids ages 11 and 9.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Heading out to get a new set of tires and other not so fun errands. I'm wearing my Shape ups so I can do some walking while they work on my tires and packing a goodie bag so I'm not tempted to grab fast food at lunch time.

    My scale hasn't moved in weeks, but my clothes are fitting looser and looser, and my energy level is at an all time high. I account it to clean eating. My mind is clear, instead of foggy, and my skin and hair are healthier than they've been in years. So I've decided to just STOP worrying about what the scale says and measure my success my how I look and FEEL from here on out. The last of this weight WILL eventually come off.

    No more beating my self up for not being a size larger than I was in my early 30's! It took me 5 decades to get comfortable in my own skin. I'm gonna stay active, choose REAL foods, find something to smile about every day and be the best me I can be... period. :flowerforyou:

    Here Here Suzy! I love this. Glad you are feeling healthy and happy. You've inspired me.
  • chargers8709
    chargers8709 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone:

    I am fairly new to Fitness Pal. Seems to be a awesome tool!

    I am currently starting the Push Circuit of Chalene Extreme.
    Feeling stronger and firmer every day. Still struggling with the
    scale though. I seem to be in a 5 lb plateau....lose and gain...
    frustrating. I am also adding Turbo Jam as my cardio. Hope to
    bust my plateau.
  • Just a quick note about food scales. I started out with the Biggest Loser scale. It worked fine but needs special (i.e., expensive) batteries. After that one died, I bought the Eat Smart digital scale on Amazon. It's inexpensive, was rated by 3,000 reviewers (5 stars) and uses regular batteries. Just don't set it on a wet counter!

    Welcome to everyone who's new or re-starting. This is a great thread.

    Mimi SVQ