

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: TGIFriday!

    Let me start by saying it's only 14 here in Denver right now...Virginia I would love a 68 degree day:drinker:

    Frogmama- glad you saw the scale move. Your deer in the front yard reminds me that at one time when we lived in Southern Oregon, in the country on 5 acres we had deer in our front yard all the time. It was also the first and last time hubby helped me put in a garden as all I did was feed the deer:blushing: we never got anything from it.

    Michele- your warm weather there in FL sounds wonderful...laying by the pool...that's several months away:wink: Enjoy your shopping:drinker:

    Barbie - thank you for all your words of encouragment, you always have great words to share with us:flowerforyou:

    Marcelynh-enjoy that grandbaby. It's interesting about being the grandparents our #2 DIL's parents are some of our closest friends and when we get together our grandsons manage to keep all four of us hopping:laugh: and no one feels left out...but when they leave we all feel exhausted:wink:

    Robin- you can have your pity party here any time you want to...hang in there take it one day at a time:flowerforyou:

    Suz- I loved the picture you put in with your post...yep that's exactly how I feel:happy:

    MEG- yep those "hot pants" of our yesteryears wouldn't help any of us lose weight...oh but I wish I had that "hot pant" body:noway:

    Stilllonely- WELCOME:flowerforyou: glad you were able to find us, I wasn't sure if my directions would work:huh: we all look forward to hearing more from you.

    Well the scale has continued to bless me this week...of course I'm not logging it yet as I do consider Tuesdays my weigh in days and I do have to get through the weekend, they are so hard for me:ohwell: out of my "work week" routine. Weekends start at 11:30 on Fridays when I get off work and so for 2.5 days there is no routine:sad: and sometimes no discipline:sad: I will need to work on that.

    Everyone have a good day, drink your water:drinker: and let's keep moving.

    PAFMP Posts: 15
    Laura - I have a terrible time with weekends too. Too easy to just stay in and eat way tooooooo much. I need to do better discipline and planning. I know that's where I fail.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    GOOD Morning!

    Eileen: Yes, living as well on the weekends is a challenge, isn't it? I don't notice as much of a difference now that we are retired, BUT being consistent over time is the goal, right???

    SuzyQ: I LOVE your cartoon photo!!! Oh, so true! And my Mother is always saying to enjoy THIS AGE, because you won't ever be there again. When we are in our 80s, we will look back at this age as so desirable! So............

    Laura: Glad your scale is going in the right direction and hope it continues that way! Good going! I think you sent your colder weather our way in MT! It was 5 when I woke up, BUT the sky is blue and I am SO HAPPY! I will take cold if I can have the sun!

    Linmarten: WELCOME! We are happy to have you here and look forward to getting to know you!

    Went to bed last night with only some plain yogurt for dinner, because we had gone to "Pub Night" for homeowners at our lodge. I normally only have 1 glass of wine there but someone gave me a second one, and yes, I drank it. By the time we got home at 9 I was STARVING, so ate the yogurt and got in the bed. I would have eaten all the wrong things at that point if I had started looking for a real dinner. Feel great today, so it is a good strategy for the future. :flowerforyou: That second glass of wine is when I start making bad food choices:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Gotta go get on my ski clothes...it looks like such a perfect day out there! Take care, Dear Ladies!:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Can I join this group?? Am 58 and on my second week on mfp. Have done great with food & exercise - but blew it last night when a neighbor brought over fresh, warm zucchini bread!!! (I had never had it before & needless to say it was delicious - so much so that I had more than one slice....)
    Of course you can join! Just jump in with us, and welcome to you and all newcomers!

    Can I just say IT'S FRIDAY! I may be just a little bit glad to see it this week. Yesterday, I had to go to an unexpected workshop in a town about 90 miles away. Why can school administrators not tell you that they have registered you to attend something? I found out about 48 hours in advance. Anyway, at least it was beneficial, although I am probably weird for finding the common core standards for math interesting.

    As my grandson once told me, my allergies have risen from the dead. I am already tired of sneezing and it is only February. What's up with this weather??

    You probably won't see me much this weekend, as I am keeping my 6 year old and 3 year old grandsons. Can I count that as days worked out?

    I had better get back to work at applying those math standards. Have a great weekend! Mary
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I haven't posted much here but have been reading. What a fantastic group this is. I am so inspired by the dedication and awesome weight losses of most of you. I also love to read about your grandkids, many of you are so lucky to have them living close to you, mine (ages 19 mo. and 2 mo.) are across the country but we Skype every weekend.
    Liz from WA State
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Friday, I have had a busy week, yesterday my grandson was here when I got home from work, by time MOM got here we had a late dinner and wasn't a good choice dinner. But time with my grandson is worth falling of the wagon I will start over again today. Lots of restarts lately. Took day off of work to go and make some money at another Dr office, so double money today :) woohoo will help with my mini vac a GF and I will take in March before my 2nd grandchild come.

    Lots of water today

    Eat Healthy Ladies.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Happy Friday-
    Sally- Glad you are feeling better. I liked your idea of dancing while cooking. I will have to try that. Congratulations on hitting your new low weight.
    Meg- Hope your hot pants arrive soon!
    Michele- Sounds like you have been keeping busy in Florida- and you have been keeping up with your exercise and healthy food choices. Nice job!
    Barbie- Thanks for all of your inspirational posts. I also love my heart rate monitor. It's like I have a contest with myself to see how I am doing.
    Marcelynh- Congratulations on your new grandson. I can't wait until I have grandchildren, but it looks like it will be awhile.
    Robin, I certainly understand how frustrating it can be when work cuts in to the exercise, time to prepare healthy foods and having a clean house. Don't forget the sleep too. Just remember= our day is coming!
    Suz- Sounds like a good book. I will have to look for it on Amazon
    Laura- glad the scale blessed you too. You can make it through the week-end! Think how great it will be on the official weigh in day
    Kackie, It seem like anything after that first glass of wine often leads to bad choices. You had a great strategy in going to bed after the yogurt. You are a much stronger woman than I am.

    It is really raining here today, but better than snow. I think it is supposed to get colder tonight so we will see what happens. The airport was super busy today. Usually we are busy in the very early morning and then it dies down. Today the line just kept coming. I can't imagine where everyone is going on a Friday. Usually people leave on Sat for their vacations.
    Working at Christopher Banks this afternoon. Maybe we will get some nice to fashions in today. DH is meeting me at the mall at 5 when I get out of work so that we can walk for an hour. Then we are going out for a fish-fry. Have a good week-end all.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morgan and happy Friday to all - I'm down another pound! It was like pulling eye-teeth getting rid of that sucker. :smile:

    Thanks so much, everyone, for the kind words of congrats on my recent success with jumping jacks - not sure what it is about them that makes me feel like I'm on the road to fitness - but I have this picture in my memory of a bunch of young guys in military boot camp having to do 100 jacks first thing in the morning. Where'd that come from? Watching TV when I was a kid?? Have no clue, lol. Yesterday I did 45, not sure I'll make it to 50 today with the way my calves feel - sore from jogging in place for 30 minutes doing aerobics for the last 3 days. Now I'm thinking about getting a jump rope. This is crazy! :noway:

    It's clear as a bell and sunny here in Portland today, after running some errands I'm going to get my bicycle out of the shed and see what condition it's in. Might need a little TLC. I'm anxious to try riding - might have to walk it down the hill from my house to get to level ground, though - I'm afraid my hands won't be able to squeeze the brakes hard enough to hold my weight during gravity-pull. Now there's some faith for ya! :laugh:

    Eileen, I hope you're able to garden again one day! Oh are things ever starting to pop up out of the ground around here. All of the perennials are coming up, along with lettuce and spinach seed that we sowed in the garden a couple of weeks ago. Yay Spring's a-comin'! :flowerforyou:

    Better get a move-on, need to get out in that beautiful sunshine! Have a great day!

    :^) jb
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Hi All,

    So happy to find so many fun notes and inspiration this afternoon. Laughed out loud at your cartoon SuzyQ. That is the truth for sure.

    Got some new measuring cups to add to my counter and stocked up on my veggies and healthy dinners for the weekend. Looking forward to a girls night with our daughter tonight. She wants to see the "Vow"....

    Had some success shopping for the 50th Anniversary. Managed to find a pair of attractive black pants and picked up a great fun necklace. Still shopping for shoes ( my ankle won't tolerate heals yet, so this might take me a while)

    Wishing everyone a great weekend. -
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    @Desiree – My son’s stationed in Wiesbaden. Hope you enjoy your trip. I want to go before his tour is up.

    @Janice – sugar and most of the processed carbs do that to me as well – I get tired and lethargic, and if I sit in one place too long I fall asleep, doesn’t matter what time of day or how much sleep I’ve gotten. Also, Congrats on being a grandmama again – I have another one coming in June and one in late Oct/early Nov too! Aren’t they great! :love: :love:

    @Meg & Diva (and others frustrated with getting no results) – It really sounds like your eating is in line. I would strongly suggest the food scale and measuring everything you eat. I bought a food scale a while back and was very very adamant about weighing and measuring everything. I got to the point where I could estimate my portion sizes fairly accurately, so the weighing and measuring tapered off – and so did my weight loss. When I finally got back around to weighing and measuring again, my “eye-balling” had gotten WAY off – in the wrong direction of course!

    The other thing I’m curious about – what kinds of exercises do your workouts consist of? Do you change your workouts up every 2-3 months? Are you lifting weights? If you’re doing the same workout you did 6 months ago, or even 3 months ago, your body gets used to it, and doesn’t have to burn as many calories to complete it. If you normally walk, try an aerobic exercise video that incorporates more side-to-side movements for a while. If you walk 6 days a week, change 3 of those days to strength training (every other day). Even if you’re doing a variety of exercises, if you get into a regular pattern – walking on Mon, weights on Tues – your body will eventually get accustomed to it. That doesn’t mean you have to do something different every day – changing your workouts every 2-3 months (usually at the point where you can get through them without ever breathing too hard) is most beneficial.

    @schmogo9 – You and me both! :sad: The week of Valentine ’s Day was crammed full of celebrations for me: my daughter’s bday and a baby shower on top of Valentine’s Day. I could have done worse (and have in the past), but I still had way too much chocolate and a couple of pieces of cake that week. I thought I could just go back to my normal eating, eliminating the junk food and logging my food as I had been doing. But I struggled all this week with cravings – mostly chocolate and Mexican food. So I started back on Phase 1 of SouthBeach this morning. Success so far – we’ll see how this evening goes!

    @Laura – congrats on having such a great week and a NSV to boot!! :bigsmile:

    @Barbie – Thanks for your thoughts on the HRM. I’ve resisted getting one too, partly because I’ve read posts from some people who didn’t feel they were that accurate (even the ones on the chest strap). Everyone I knew a couple of years ago was getting Body Buggs, but you have to subscribe to some website to be able to download the data, from what I understand, and I don’t want the extra expense of that. Does yours have the capability to download the data, or do you just read it off the monitor?

    OMG! Hot pants! Haven’t thought of those in decades!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Well, the scale was up 2 lbs this morning, but after the temptations and struggles of the last 2 weeks, I’m actually surprised it wasn’t more than that. It had been beautiful and about 80 here the last 2 days and I was really getting the urge to get my veggie garden going. Today the wind will knock you off your feet, though, and it’s only about 55, so it’s not gonna get started today. Tomorrow, I have an extended family get-together to go to (Mom and Dad, all my sisters and most of their families, and my kids and their families). We will be celebrating my Mom’s bday, but I will be hosting it, so I’ve already planned a healthy menu, and will only have a small piece of cake, if any at all.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful, productive weekend! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • JanuaryJan
    Good Friday afternoon all~ !

    I am so happy this is Friday and the end of this work week. Although I have a busy weekend ahead of me - aside from cleaning it's all fun stuff though. :) My nephew, his wife and their 1 year daughter just moved here to Colorado from Connecticut this month, so Sunday we are having a "Welcome to Colorado" party! lol I bought a big banner with their names on it, and streamers and balloons, with some local memorabilia. It should be fun. Of course everything is surrounded by food these days but I will just have a very small portion of what I'm making for everyone else. There will be 18 of us, 11 adults and 7 kids, so whatever food and cake are left will be going home with them. I cannot have things like that just sitting around or I am just setting myself up for failure.

    JB Congrats on that stubborn pound being gone!!
    SuzyQ I love that cartoon! I might steal it from you! ;-)
    Lynn I used to mall walk quite a bit when I didn't live out here. Now I am so fortunate to have great walking paths all around me - close to home and close to work. Walking outside in the fresh air on cool days is wonderful. Of course, in the summer, I prefer mall walking because of the AC!

    There's no possible way I can remember who said what right now so I won't even try to respond to each one! I'm just so glad you all are here!!:happy:

    Today is my little grandson's 2nd birthday. Thank goodness for Skype! I hate living so far away from them, especially when special occasions come around.

    I will be getting plenty of exercise in tomorrow with all the cleaning, dusting, and vaccuuming I need to do. Not to mention decorating and setting things up. I couldn't find "vaccuuming" in the exercise categories, but believe me - it IS exercise. Plus I have one of the very old model (and very heavy) Kirby's. I get tired just thinking about it.

    I have not been sleeping well at all for several weeks now. Does anyone else here use a fitbit? I use it to monitor my sleep and at least now I know WHY I'm so tired all the time see how many times I wake up during the night.

    I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Someone was talking about their schedule being messed up on weekends. Mine always is. :cry: My meal times are off and sometimes it's just too late in the evening when we are eating dinner. I'm not sure how to fix it but I know I need to try.

    Happy Weekend everyone!! :drinker: :tongue:

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    I think I'm in trouble for food tonight.... my husband just called and we are supposed to eat with the "leadership team" of his company... private party at a VP's house. His wife is an excellent cook, lots of butter and rich creams.... oh I am so regretting even eating lunch. lol I'm sure they will have a lovely wine too....
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    I think I'm in trouble for food tonight.... my husband just called and we are supposed to eat with the "leadership team" of his company... private party at a VP's house. His wife is an excellent cook, lots of butter and rich creams.... oh I am so regretting even eating lunch. lol I'm sure they will have a lovely wine too....

    Think portion control. When I am eating in unfamiliar territory I try to start by not being hungry. Then I can eat like a bird, a bite of this and a sip of that. Then I can honestly tell the hostess how much I love her cooking without pretending AND be able to shrug off the self criticism. Maybe add in some extra exercise tomorrrow:flowerforyou:
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all,
    Lots of testing with the docs and my numbers aren't good. I'm sure I'll be on statins for at least a while. I'm hoping to speed that and treatment for high bloodpressure by making more changes to my diet. Both DH and I have a new doctor and boy is she full of questions. Big issue for me is dropping the wine with dinner and cutting salt. DH and I are starting a new strategy... no opening bottle before dinner hits table. Then one glass apiece. I don't salt my cooking and don't eat a lot of prepared foods so the food diary is showing me where that salt comes in.
    On top of my day job, I have a working trip scheduled for next week (taking vacation days-haha). 12 hour days from Wed through Tuesday. Will be at the Komen Leadership Summit in Ft. Worth. I'm hoping to drop another pound by flight time because the "business dress" needs to fit well.
    Missed my workout this morning because of PT on shoulder. Will be adding exercises in for that too. Can hardly wait to get my boat back on the water and my bike out of the den.
    Thanks to all for your postive remarks to each other. I feel them directed my way too:smooched:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member

    The other thing I’m curious about – what kinds of exercises do your workouts consist of? Do you change your workouts up every 2-3 months? Are you lifting weights?

    @Barbie – Thanks for your thoughts on the HRM. I’ve resisted getting one too, partly because I’ve read posts from some people who didn’t feel they were that accurate (even the ones on the chest strap). Everyone I knew a couple of years ago was getting Body Buggs, but you have to subscribe to some website to be able to download the data, from what I understand, and I don’t want the extra expense of that. Does yours have the capability to download the data, or do you just read it off the monitor?

    :bigsmile: Linda, I am retired so I have a lot of time for exercise. i walk my dogs every day for at least two hours usually more. i go to line dance classes three days a week. For over a year we had a stationary bike in the living room and I rode it for 20 minutes at a time at least three times a day. I recently started a strength training program that I found in "Strong women Stay Young". I do yoga two or three days a week.

    :flowerforyou: My heart rate monitor has the potential to be downloaded to the computer with some optional device but it doesn't interest me. when I finish a walk or a workout I write down the time and calories burned on a piece of paper and transfer the information to the exercise log on MFP. that is good enough for me.

    :flowerforyou: thanks to Nancy, I am reading "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and learning more about strength training and getting encouragement to lift heavier weights. I am gradually adding weight to the exercises I'm doing.

    :flowerforyou: the other thing I'm doing is participating in a challenge on MFP to do 100 squats a day for 100 days.......I've done 62 days so far and usually do 200 squats.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Virgina, when I reached my goal weight I tried eating peanut butter but found that I couldn't be moderate with it so I stopped buying it. Now I keep raisins, walnuts, and dates as my special higher calorie healthy treats. :bigsmile:

    too much sitting down, now, so I have to get up and going on my strength training.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi All,

    Remember what I said about work settling down a bit? Didn't happen. Long days...late nights. It's a good thing I love what I do. :love: I wanted to breeze in and say hello and that I'm still alive n kickin. Hope everyone is well. I'll try to catch up over the weekend.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Mini-Mac is feeling good enough to go on a sleepover!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :noway: Barrrrbieeeee! 200 squats! Ok, so I have to know. Do you go all the way to the floor or do half-squats similar to sitting and standing? Gosh your legs must be looking so great, and your fanny! :love: :laugh:

    I'm so curious. I've been doing 20-30 squats, some all the way down, some half way.

    :^) jb
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi everyone. 68 here today. In February! What's up with that?

    Soooo funny Vy, when you said "68 here today". In Canada (and Europe and other such places), I was thinking you had turned 68! However, when I went to your page, it says you are 49! So, the 68 must mean Fahrenheit degrees - in temperature, because you must be American!!! Hilarious :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Just say'n that we're an international group of women. Noth'n like a bit of confusion! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    P.S. Currently eating the best tomato soup ever!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Knee has been sore all day.Good news-HUBBY got a job!!!!!orientation next fri.Temp to perm,hope this is the job he`s been praying for.
    Thanks for all the support and love!
    have a good night.