

  • kleinbuenstorf
    Hello everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    Had a really great weekend except that on Saturday I wrote a nice long post and responded to a lot of you and then my computer crashed!!! :grumble: Probably from all that rain that hit the Internet dish!!:wink:
    Very thankful for all that rain since Texas has been in a state of drought for too long!!

    Now for a new week and a new experiment!! Last week I finally lost a pound, first one since the beginning of January, and I feel I have to change something else to get my metabolism going. Years ago I had great success with the Adkins Diet and I thought I'll try it again for a week or two and see what happens. I really need and want to loose these last 10 pounds before my trip to Germany in May and I know already that I can maintain the weight loss once I get there!! So cross your fingers that it will work and of course I'll keep on walking my 6 miles a day!!!:happy:

    Virginia - Your pictures a beautiful and what a change!!! Congrats on your success and on size 8!!!:happy:
    Linda - Where in Germany is your son stationed?? I'll be around the Stuttgart area when I go home in May!!:happy:
    jb - loved your quotes and I actually did the first one!!:wink:
    Sharon - good for you getting back on track after falling off the wagon!! I know how easy that can happen!:happy:
    barbiecat- loved your "me" time story!!:happy:
    rjadams - I know the feeling of losing and then finding again DH!! Mine can be out of reach for sometime because of no coverage in whatever area he is in and my imagination takes over!! Glad you are all together again!!:happy:
    kayms 13 - walk, walk, walk every time you have a chance!! Maybe that will help!! But most of all: "have fun!!" :drinker:
    Geri in England - congrats on your weight loss and good luck for this week!!:wink:
    skinnyjean 10 - wow, look how far you have come and what a wonderful positive example you are to your family!! WTG!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Sarah - what great fun you have in the snow!! Sometimes I miss the snow, but then I'm really happy with the "Texas Winters"!!:laugh:
    Nancy - your shopping trip sounds like fun and congrats on size 8!!:happy:
    KC - hope you feel better soon. My daughter has been sick for a couple of days, kind of same symptoms, she drank a lot of ginger tea with honey and today she is good as new!!:drinker:
    janemartin02 - soooo happy your surgery went well!!:flowerforyou: Now for a speedy recovery!!:flowerforyou:

    I can't remember last time I spent a whole hour reading posts and responding!!! So much fun, great info and inspirations!!
    Hope everybody has a great week,:flowerforyou:
  • seaglass2
    Just stopping in real quick to say hello and wish everyone a great week!
  • kazzyv
    kazzyv Posts: 30 Member
    Hi. I am just starting on MFP and I am 55 years old and live in the UK.

    I am doing Atkins low carbs, and am trying to lose around 56 lbs. Started last week and have lost 6lbs so far.

    Look forward to meeting you all on line and getting some encouragement when the motivation starts to slip - 1 week in I am still motivated.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    A couple of nice movtivational tips here -


    Geri in England
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Happy President's Day all :flowerforyou:

    Got outside this morning and worked some on my raised beds. Looking forward to planting root crops in a few weeks. Also got caught up on laundry and spent quite a bit of time online searching for new "clean" recipes. Went to the Chinese buffet with friends yesterday so am having a fruit n veggie only day today to flush out all the sodium. Won't be doing THAT again! Gained 3 lbs overnight!

    I too relate to the other sweet tooths on here. Clean eating has helped tame that monster sooooo much. Once you get simple carbs out of your system, fruit is plenty sweet, even for baking.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    So good to come here and read the posts. My husband works in a nursing home and he came home with a nasty virus on Saturday...I thought I was in the clear...until today. I am down for the count. Just had to check in and I started reading the posts backwards (latests post first). I saw all this talk of your photo, Virginia and I had to find it!! Beautiful photos.....and they are so motivating! Thanks for posting. There are days when I come on and look at before and after pictures just to help myself stay on track.

    I will be back.....feeling flu-ish..... Just want to feel better. I did a weigh in for a challenge this morning and I was way up. I will see what happens in the next few days. Its time to kick this bug and get back on track.

    Stay well, everyone~
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Vicki - Wow. :happy: Great job! you are an inspiration to all.
    Yes. It can be done at our ages.
    Thank you for sharing.:flowerforyou:
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Good Evening friends...
    This was a very lonnnnnnnnnnnng Monday for me from the moment the alarm went off. I rarely hit the snooze button, but today I slapped it 3 times and it just would not go away...:grumble: I think the active weekend caught up to me :ohwell: Bed is already sounding quite inviting.

    Tonight I had a consultation with a Health Coach. My company (Michelin) has a wonderful health program called Live Well Choose Well. They provide free Weight Watchers for 6 months, different programs to challenge yourself, and many other wonderful benefits for your health. I am trying to take advantage of more of these and so decided to give the health coach a try. Not sure how helpful it was...she basically read my goals that I had filled out on-line to me and asked how committed I was. It was a 30-minute phone conversation that I probably won't repeat...but at least I gave it a shot.

    Tomorrow is WW weigh-in #3, and I am feeling pretty good about it. I should be careful though...don't want to get over confident by any means. With any luck I may get my 5 pound sticker !! The program has helped me be more consistent. Between logging my food hear, and counting my points, it seems to be working.

    Looking forward to looking for the books mentioned in other posts. Have a healthy Tuesday everyone!

  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Finally read all the posts, I really like hearing from you all. You are very inspiring.
    jb_2011 great thoughts. Thanks for sharing.
    vypeters Great glamour shots. You look faabulous. What an inspiration with the before picture.
    Robin love your granddaughter, so precious.
    rjadams I know what you mean about contacts in the phone, I know the speed dial number everyone in the family but not there real phone numbers, Glad you got together and are now able to enjoy your precious Olivia
    janemartin02 Glad the surgery went well, hope the healing is fast.
  • mimi7grands
    Jane, I'm glad your surgery went well. Heal quickly.

    KC and Sally, I hope you're feeling better. Hugs.

    Kathy, my best advice is to do what I'm doing (again) and focus on lots of fruits and veggies. I learned to roast them at a high temp for not too long. They're delicious. I feel spoiled instead of deprived. It's a lot easier to stay with healthy eating when you're enjoying it.

    Suzy's right about getting simple carbs out of your diet. That makes the fruits and veggies taste so good. I'm not perfect at it (dang) but the more I do it, the easier it is to stay on track.

    BTW, try Stevia for your coffee. (The brand Truvia is good - and the packets are easy to take with you. I also like True Leaf, which is a liquid that comes in a dropper bottle.) I like Stevia even better than sugar. Honestly.

    I walked five and a half miles again today. I'm excited to know I can do it. I really didn't think I could. I'm proud to report that I've actually worn out a pair of running (walking for me) shoes. That's a first!

    Mimi SVQ
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Just a quick hello before I;m off to bed.
    Jane- glad to hear your surgery went well

    To all of those ladies feeling a bit under the weather- get well soon:flowerforyou:

    Had a chance to do some geocaching today. Spent f hours out on the trails-slogging through the mud, being careful not to slip on the ice and trying to hop from one clump of grass to another to avoid the water. Needless to say, the trails were very wet out there today. My waterproof boots really helped except when the water went over the top! But--I loved the exercise- burned 1190 calories and kept me from picking!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Hearty welcome to all the newcomers!

    After the Y today, I think I'll stop at one food store and stock up on veggies, etc. I know they carry organic peaches (can't get them in NC), and some other things. Gotta think of things that I can take to Daytona with me. I usually don't buy the concession food -- for one thing it really isn't all that good and another is that it's so expensive! Oranges are in season, I want to see if they carry just 6 eggs since we won't be here all that long, probably just two weeks. I brought 6 hard boiled eggs with me, I don't know that I can use up a full dozen eggs.

    I went to Target to get cat litter. It's on sale, but if I get 2 containers I get a $5 gift card, so I'll leave the litter down here and take the card home with me

    Then I took a step class for 45 minutes. I don't know what it is, but every time I take that class, I sweat so much. It's not real hot here, yet I was dripping. Then I went to Publix and did some healthy food shopping. Spent $70 but got some Health is Wealth Spinach Munchees (haven't had those in a while), Health is Wealth Pizza Munchees (haven't had those either), Seapoint Farms dry roasted edamame, Publix has these small bags of veges, just 2 servings, so I got green beans, cauliflower, snap peas, and asparagus. They didn't have any organic peaches, but hopefully, they'll get some in before we leave. I did get some organic strawberries, oranges, and a few tangerines along with some organic bosc pears. That should last me. Portioned them all out.

    Tried on a bathing suit yesterday at WalMart. Usually, I can't find clothes to fit me there, but this fit me. However, even tho it was cheaper than the one I got, I didn't like it as much. So I didn't get it.

    jb - that's very interesting how sugar helps you store fat. Makes sense. I always feel so much better when I have veges, but I do like my fruit. If I don't watch it, I can easily go overboard with the fruit

    Unfortunately, I had to buy some greek yogurt with the fruit on the bottom. Had one today, to me it was a bit too sweet. But I didn't have anything to put in plain yogurt to make it taste a bit sweet.

    Bought some of the containers of egg beaters. I'll probably have eggs tomorrow a.m. Found this small fry pan that's nonstick but it isn't the t-fal stuff. That can be nasty stuff. Got just 6 eggs. Admitted, it was more expensive that way, but in the end it's worth it. I'll probably hard boil them and if needed take them home with me.

    jane - so glad your surgery went well.

    Welcome newcomers

    mimi - you're so right, I've really tried hard to get rid of the simple carbs. We went out to dinner tonight to Denny's. Not bad food, really. You can get decent things. I had a grilled chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and what they call finger dipping veges which are really 3 celery sticks, a few raw baby carrots, 3 cukes. For dessert I had what they refer to as "seasonal fruit", it was banana and grapes. I'm a bit surprised since oranges, tangerines, grapefruit are in season right now. But at least you can get decent food. I had 2 glasses of water to drink. But what I'm trying to get at is the fact that as I went over the menu, I kept thinking to myself "I wouldn't want the bun/bread".

    Going to get ready for bed now. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, Dear Ladies!

    Nancy: Oh...I loved hearing about your parents! How wonderful they are doing so well.. And the Okanagan Valley is an area that DH and I have talked about trying to drive to someday. We had a wonderful drive through BC last fall from Montana and the wines we most enjoyed were from that region. If we decide to give that a try, do you have any recommendations?

    Frogamama: You have my curiousity...please explain your geocache walks...they sound fascinating and I want to know about them!????

    Mimi: (SVQ): Your walks are inspiring and I want to hear more about them. You'll be glad to know that I roasted a HUGE amount of veggies tonight for 2 other couples who joined us for dinner...the veggies helped me resist the nice baked bread I also served with our flank steak. (I didn't resist the red wine or frozen yogurt, however:noway: :noway: )

    Michelle: Did you ever find a swimsuit??? It is not easy these days is it/???

    DH and I skied this morning but the snow showers and grey skies rolled in and the visibility just wasn't great, so we headed home after lunch on the mountain. We had friends over for dinner, which was nice...I did ok...not perfect, but I didn't eat any bread or any of the rice casserole that my husband adores, so not all bad. The forecast is for snow all week, so the lack of sun will be a challenge for me.

    I love reading what is going on with all of you so even if I don't respond personally, I am so glad you are here! Take care, Kackie:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Good Morning everyone!! I can't believe how much I learn here each day.

    Suzy / Mimi - so true about simple carbs. I have been almost carb free for a week and have noticed my afternoon slump and crazy sweet cravings are getting better.

    Suzy - You mentioned sodium yesterday and wow are you right. I had added broth because my Dr. said it would help with my headaches after removing all my bread...... oii, never thought of the sodium. Not trying that again.

    Jane so happy you are recovering and that the surgery went well.

    My husbands birthday is today. He is a GOAL weight so he purged his closet this weekend and I went shopping for him yesterday. New gym bag filled with new size work out clothes and a wallet. He is so proud. It is inspiring and also depressing at the same time. ( Blush)

    We have a big family event next weekend. I was so hoping I could shop for some new flattering clothes. I am barely dropping anything. I have one more week until I have to go find something. I refuse to buy a size up.

    Off to bake, shop, exercise and drink water. Thank you for all the great ideas. Welcome newcomers.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning lovely ladies,

    i have been missing,..... the bronchitis really put a toll on me....also i had to help prepare for the estate sale that was this past weekend(thankfully, i had most of the items out already)the sale was a success and i will be packing a lot less ...i have been so out of whack with my eating its not funny, yesterday i tired to get back on the wagon, but caved in the evening, TODAY is a new day and starting again.....i still have not found a place to move, so we might need to stay at #2 sons house for a few weeks(maybe more maybe less)....he seems to be excite about that plan...

    @jane so happy to hear the surgery went well, i wish you a speedy recovery

    @michele, enjoy florida

    @kachie...you seem to be loving your skiing

    @sarah & @mimi....thanks for the remainder about MEETUP...i had read about that group a couple of years ago but didn't do anything about....and i would love to have some friends to spend time with

    @robin,,,,your granddaughter is precious...enjoy, sorry about missing your hubby at the airport

    i am sorry not to respond to more posts, but i didnt make notes and cant remember more .....

    have a lovely day all
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Tuesday again! Tuesday already. What can I do to make it an interesting day for my students????? :happy:

    About weight training: I can’t remember who said “the hardest part is observing the required day or two of rest between sessions” but I have the same feeling! :love: I work hard :explode: and it feels good. The most difficult part is getting over feeling self conscious around the big boys in the gym, especially when I start a new workout or use a new piece of equipment. I just started following the workouts in “The New Rules of Lifting for Women” and amazed myself yesterday by doing squats with a 40 lb barbell on my shoulders – 2 sets of 12!

    Jane, pleased to hear your surgery went well. Now, take care of yourself during your recovery! :flowerforyou:

    Geri, thanks for the link about motivation.

    Meg, Good for you calling the Health Coach. Even if you didn’t get any new ideas or advice you got reassurance that you are on the right track.

    Frogmama, J’boy and I love geocaching. As soon as the snow goes (or even before if I find a good site) we’ll be off with the GPS and the hiking boots. Have fun.

    Exermom, it sounds like you’re getting settled in Florida. I too sweat like crazy when I do aerobic exercises like running or step classes. I have to wear a headband and carry a towel! :ohwell: I don’t think it’s age, so it must just be the way I’m made.

    Kackie, if you decide to make that drive through Southern BC I will certainly have some ideas to share. Our valley (The Creston Valley) is often overlooked, but it’s a lovely place too. :smile:

    Realpure, my congrats to your husband and happy birthday to him! My DH has quietly slipped on to the bandwagon. :happy: I noticed a while ago that he’s only drinking beer on weekends. Last week he asked me about protocol at the Rec Center gym, so I booked him a session with the trainer. He went to see her last Friday for a fitness assessment and today he’s going to go through a workout routine with her. I am delighted to think I may have a gym partner – or a gym family since J’boy comes in now and then too.

    Pam3 I hope you are feeling better, bronchitis can hang around for a dreadfully long time.

    Enjoy your day dear ladies. Keep moving and drink all your water! :wink:

    Hasta pronto,

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Suzy - You mentioned sodium yesterday and wow are you right. I had added broth because my Dr. said it would help with my headaches after removing all my bread...... oii, never thought of the sodium. Not trying that again.

    Try making your own broth and freezing it. Also eating 1/2 an avocado every day helps bunches.

    My cupboards and freezer are pretty bare so heading out today in search of some REAL food. I have to drive to the nearest big town to do that... Got my pot of beans cooking :drinker:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tis Tuesday,

    Jane - so glad the surgery went well and hoping the recovery goes quickly:flowerforyou:

    Mimi- you said that when you bake your veggies, you do it on a high heat for a short time....how high? how long? I think I have been doing it wrong, lower heat too long:blushing: and hubby doesn't care for them....me I just love veggies anyway I get them:wink:

    Michele- that is so surprising that the fruit didn't include the oranges or grapefruit which is too bad because it would really be fresh if it was local.

    Today was my weigh in and from last week I lost #1, which is what I was hoping for:happy: of course the ticker shows more than the truth because it goes in whole numbers...the truth being 7.6 lost...now I will "fight" to get that .4 to make the ticker tell the truth:wink:

    I've been trying to sort my clothes to find out what I would like to be wearing come summer and am hoping that the clothes and my weight loss become "one" as I really have some great summer clothes that I had bought in 2010 when I was on this journey and succeeded, the difference this time being I'm not using Nutrisystems but am doing it by cooking all my own foods because this is what reality is. I'm experimenting with a lot of receipes and taking out the sugar and replacing it with stevia and white flour with whole wheat and any receipe that I can find that sounds good I try substituting a "low-fat or no-fat" product if that is available. So far it's been pretty successful and I'm getting a lot of things that I really love and that hubby has no idea that I've changed it, he's the "taste tester" and so far I haven't had to throw away any of my new creations:bigsmile:

    The two phone interviews hubby had yesterday were a bust:cry: one was offering such a low salary that he said the headaches that he'd have with that job wouldn't be worth it and the other was a contractor job which would be for about 6-12 mo, but if they were to offer that one to him he'd probably take it...but the interviewer didn't sound like it would be a go. Glad his unemployment was extended, next month it will be a year since he was laid off, in the meantime the laundry gets done on Monday's and my floors get done on Friday's before I get home...so there are some advantages to having him home:wink:

    Well the piles of paper are calling to me so I'd best get to working.

    Everyone have a good day, drink the water:drinker: and let's get moving.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies!

    SNOW is falling, falling, falling! I think we are looking at 3-4 days of this so I need to make a "Plan" to keep focused and healthy, as I don't do well with no sunshine!

    Pam: I am glad that you are over your bronchitis and have gotten lots of "clearing out" done...it must be a good feeling to have that out of the way and I bet you will be able to focus on your own health better with that done. Take care!

    JaneMartin: So glad that your surgery is behind you and I hope you heal quickly!

    SuzyQ: I am jealous of you planting root veggies right now! I miss my garden when I am away this time of year! I did prepare all of my beds before I left and mulched them very well to keep down the weeds so that I can plant when I return. What are you planting?

    Laura: Congratulations on your loss!:flowerforyou:

    Nancy: I'll have to try to get the Lifting book for women that you mentioned. I am trying to up my weight training...I do everything at home so I need guidance and use a DVD for lots of my workouts so that I am sure I am doing it correctly. I do like the way it makes me feel...and the way it helps keep my clothes fitting better...but it is always something I have to "make" myself do, and THEN I feel better afterwards. I am not sure I will ever get to the point that I am looking forward to doing it! :grumble:

    Realpure: Hope your DH has a good birthday...how great that he is at goal already. A bit maddening how quickly men lose compared to us women though????!!!

    Off to move around and maybe do a few ski runs in this snow. Take care all!:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    SuzyQ: I am jealous of you planting root veggies right now! I miss my garden when I am away this time of year! I did prepare all of my beds before I left and mulched them very well to keep down the weeds so that I can plant when I return. What are you planting?Take care all!:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie

    I won't plant until the daffodils bloom, which is a week or two away... but I've been getting my beds READY for onions, sweet potatoes, garlic, carrots, beets, broccoli and lettuce. Grape vines and fruit trees should arrive in early March but I won't get a crop out of them for a year or two... The bulk of my veggies won't get planted until the oaks start budding, which is usually late April/early May. I'm so looking forward to fresh from the garden suppers! :flowerforyou: