Were you ever bullied in school for being overweight? How di



  • ArynnOctavia
    I didn't become overweight until after graduation, but I was bullied in school for being gay. I think any time someone is bullied for being who they are, it can really affect the victim for life.

    I did my best to ignore my tormentors (though sometimes this was really only on the outside-even if I was hurting, I vowed to never let them see that they affected me). I gave them no reaction at all, which was the only power I had in the situation, not to respond. I had enough sense to know that people picked on me because they themselves felt inferior for some reason, which mostly made things easy to ignore.

    The only hard part to deal with was the rare times when guys got physical; especially the particular way guys tend to get physical when bashing a gay woman. Even then, I never gave them the satisfaction of a response. The good part was that ignorant losers lose interest pretty quick if you don't give them the satisfaction of thinking they've gotten to you.

    I overcame by becoming the best person I could. I moved on, went to college, graduated summa cum laude, and found the love of my life. I'm now working on my health, making my body as healthy as my mind and spirit are.I love who I am, and let go of any anger I had toward others. Who needs that kind of poison in their mind?
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    I was picked on through 6th grade, I won't say bullied as I was a foot taller than anyone else and obviously bigger, no one wanted to get physical, but I grew up in a family that harrased each other constantly so by the time I was in school having someone call me a name had very little effect. My parents raised me to know who I was no matter what people said, I'm so very greatful for that. I'm not saying it didn't suck, but compared to what most of you faced it was a walk in the park, in middle school I finally got somewhat athletic and joined in with that crowd but I was always protective of the people that other made fun of, so it was ultimately good for me.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    When I was about 10, I was chubby and the neighborhood boys started calling me fat mama thinking it was funny. I have never forgotten that. It lead to me battling with an eating disorder for several years.
    I also got bullied in high school when I was actually skinny. Some girl decided she didn't like me, and brought three of her friends into the bathroom and beat the **** out of me. They broke my nose, dislocated my jaw, bruised kidneys, nearly strangled me to death and I had deep bruising under my eyes for six months, and permanent nerve damage. They charged the main girl with attempted murder, but because she was a minor, they had to downgrade it to assault.
    Something I will never forget for the rest of my life, but I too am thankful it happened, because it's made me a stronger person because of it.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I have never really been "overweight" really but I always have thought I was or been self conscious, I remember to this day the day I started thinking about weight, I was in 4th grade, my mom bought me this green velvet dress (hideous sounding now but then I loved it!) anyway I was so happy to wear it to school, I always liked dressing girly/nice, but this boy I had a crush on told me when we were running around the playground that I looked fat or was fat. Ever since that day, I think about it way to much. But I was bullied in middle/high school for looking different, not being overweight, but I still had days where I went home and cried or didn't go to school in general because kids are MEAN and would make fun of me all day for being a 'freak' a 'weirdo' 'creepy' etc... It got worse in high school, I shaved off my eyebrows and started drawing them on, so then the 'popular' girls started calling me a 'tranny' because apparently lack of real eyebrows makes you a man trying to be a women? So yeah, school was a miserable time of my life, but honestly now thats I have been out of high-school for almost 4 years, it makes me happy that I don''t judge people or treat them differently for how they look, whether that be style/weight/etc because I know how bad it hurts to be called names or treated poorly completely based off appearance.

    What's more sad is that to this day ADULTS make rude comments about my style/piercing/tattoos/hair when I am at work/shopping/whatever. That to me is pathetic, kids may not know, or maybe were not taught better, but a grown person acting like that is just embarrassing to them I think.. Seriously doesn't the old saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" mean anything to people?
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Yes, my maiden name was May, so the boys would say in the school hallways, "make room for the Mayflower truck". That was the name of a trucking company at the time. I hated those boys and it really hurt me. I have forgiven them of course, and see them at class reunions and don't mind at all that I've aged better than them.
  • 189andFalling
    189andFalling Posts: 58 Member

    Well, combine being overweight with being the top of the class (by a reasonable degree...) and yep, it does make you very different to the other kids...

    I grew up feeling that there was something 'wrong' with me and only had a few friends. Even at university while I had a BMI of 19.5 I still felt really fat. When it came to socialising I just hadn't had the practice other people had. Even so I did build up a good group of friends and met my (now ex) wife.

    The relationship with my ex was never that great really. She used to constantly criticise everything and use a lot of emotional blackmail. Guess I just didn't know any better based on past experience. Things are so much better now she is gone.

    It's taken me a while but now at 31 things are much much better :). There are a few things I still need to work on (weight and increasing my social circle) but believe it or not I'm a glass half full person. Always see the positive side of life. Even a few days ago when I wrote off my car doing 70mph it didn't faze me. I walked away without a scratch or a sprain and just counted myself lucky.

    I finished up university with a double first in a science, won a few prizes, and gained a scholarship to do an MSc. managed to get a distinction in that. The job I'm in now pays about double what a guy my age should expect. I keep getting promoted and rated the highest in my business unit (but to be honest I'm never really sure why. perhaps goes back to bullying!).

    I have a small but really close group of friends now and we really take care of each other. I've also met the girl I'm convinced I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. We are similar in so many ways it's uncanny. We never argue, fight, moan, criticise, and always have fun together whatever we are doing. She's even as clumsy as I am :). All of that wrapped up in a super sexy 21 year old body as well! Can't believe my luck.

    Some of the kids who used to bully me are now on Facebook. It's probably a bad thing to say but I'm happy they look old, unfit, fat, not very successful, and 'stuck' in that small town. The kids who were nice are all doing well for themselves and I'm happy for them :).

    I guess what comes around goes around!

  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    I was picked on through 6th grade, I won't say bullied as I was a foot taller than anyone else and obviously bigger, no one wanted to get physical, but I grew up in a family that harrased each other constantly so by the time I was in school having someone call me a name had very little effect. My parents raised me to know who I was no matter what people said, I'm so very greatful for that. I'm not saying it didn't suck, but compared to what most of you faced it was a walk in the park, in middle school I finally got somewhat athletic and joined in with that crowd but I was always protective of the people that other made fun of, so it was ultimately good for me.

    I agree completely =D
  • katep2492
    katep2492 Posts: 81 Member
    I started getting bullied in 8th grade for my weight even though back then I wasn't fat I had a women's body and all the other girls still looked like little kids I was only a size 3. Anyway I was called the elephant girl everyday that year, It caused me to be upset so I eight more then sophmore year I was very sick and gained a lot of weight in 2 years I went from 135 lb. to 250 lb. I felt bad about myself so I went on a diet and lost 75 lb. by december of my senior year. I got pregnant lost the baby and was very depressed and from december to june I put back on 50 lb. then I started getting the blocked number calls telling me I was worthless and I should kill myself, I found out who they were and put dead fish all over their car inside and out, they won't ever get that smell out. I let them get to me and that caused me to eat more, best thing is to ignore them, if you can't ignore them putting dead fish all over there car is just as good! ;)
  • obolton756
    obolton756 Posts: 261 Member
    i hate hearing stories like that :( you got it pretty bad... kids are so cruel sometimes...

    i got it too.. more verbally than physically.. my appearance was the main target.. i was never an overweight child... just not as skinny as the rest of the girls.
    they used to call me fat.. when i was 15 i had anorexia. i weighed about 5 and a half stone. then when i recovered it went the other way. i gained a load of weight and wasn't happy with my image then either...

    i'm now 8 stone and have learned a lot from being bullied. you shouldn't care what others think of you. if you're going to lose weight, you need to do it for you.. not anyone else.
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    I was bullied all through school, the worst of it being the 7th and 8th grade when a teacher joined in on it. She made many backhanded comments my way and it got to the point where going to school made me absolutely ill. I ended up skipping 50 days of school in the 8th grade because I was trying to avoid hearing anymore about what the teacher had to say. My thoughts at the time were "if she said it, it must be true. she's a teacher." I never thought to report her or to go to someone for help. I didn't tell anyone about the entire situation until I graduated from that school at the end of that year and I had no desire to report her then and relive the experience.
  • cathylord
    cathylord Posts: 115 Member
    I sure was. Even the teachers called me "the Blob" one year. I was an easy target and it lead to lifelong self-esteem issues. I am still trying to overcome it and I'm now 62 years old.
  • cm1985
    cm1985 Posts: 17 Member
    Never really bullied at school maybe just a few comments but nothing that scared me, but my mother constantly tormented me and still does. She used to say I would never find a man that would love me because I was "fat" , then when i found him and got married she says it won't last because I keep gaining weight and he will eventually leave me. My mom did it out of love but doesnt know how much it affected me. I am very shy, I have very low self esteem, and it used to lead me to eat more, because i felt ugly and felt like she was right. So to those moms out there, dont tell your daughters these things. Help them to live a healthy life.. dont torment them.

    FYI my hubby is a cutie! He loves and supports me, and helps me with everything and anything!
  • cm1985
    cm1985 Posts: 17 Member
    Never really bullied at school maybe just a few comments but nothing that scared me, but my mother constantly tormented me and still does. She used to say I would never find a man that would love me because I was "fat" , then when i found him and got married she says it won't last because I keep gaining weight and he will eventually leave me. My mom did it out of love but doesnt know how much it affected me. I am very shy, I have very low self esteem, and it used to lead me to eat more, because i felt ugly and felt like she was right. So to those moms out there, dont tell your daughters these things. Help them to live a healthy life.. dont torment them.

    FYI my hubby is a cutie! He loves and supports me, and helps me with everything and anything!
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 119 Member
    Not too much... a few times ppl said stuff but I had a big mouth and always came back with a quip to shut them right up... like, "you can change fat but ya can't change ugly" :-)
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