


  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Dear Son,

    Thank you for picking up the 2lb weight and working out with mommy last night. Watching you trying to do my weight tape so you could be with mommy, rather than play with your toys, totally made my day.


  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Dear me,

    Get your butt off MFP and do some flipping push-ups!

    Sincerely, you read about other MFP-ers working out more often than you actually work out...

    hahahahaha this site is so addictive!
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    Dearest Belle,

    He's just not that into you. Get over yourself.

    (and go to bed, you have to be up at 5 to unload a tractor trailer)
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    Dear Athetic/Muscular/Skinny/Fit/Careless Boyfriend,

    Thank you for reminding me all the time how skinny you think I am, and what not. You hardly know that I struggle on a daily basis with my eating and fitness habits. Those comments make my day and boost my confidence! However, you also don't know that while you think my body is glorious, I hate it. Slowly but surely, I will reach your level and won't be nearly as self conscious as I am now standing next to you. But I have an important favor to ask you. Let me remind you that I go over to your house more than half of the week. And it is because of that my healthy diet is being rearranged. While you don't worry about your calorie intake, going to fast food resturaunts so often kills me. For my sake and yours, let's just have oat meal, rice cakes, pineapple and water when I come over!

    Sincerely, your lover.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Dear Baggy Pants kids everywhere,...The only smile I want to see needs to have teeth behind it! Pull'em up already!

    Signed, No Crack allowed!
  • eksims1
    eksims1 Posts: 51 Member
    Dear old women who are customers at my job,
    Please stop asking me when the baby is due. I'm sick of it. My tummy sticks out due to the fact I slouch a lot. Even if I was in the early stages of a showing pregnancy, you should not take the risk and ask me anyway. Quite a gamble don't you think?

    The person who helps you figure out what sweater goes with those pants, which for some reason you can't figure out on your own after 60 years of life.
  • annemw82
    annemw82 Posts: 97 Member
    Dear Moose ( my mischievous pug),

    Please stop snorting in my face while I am in the plank position. It is difficult enough without your snot on my cheeks.

    Dear Me,

    You can do this.

    love always,
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    Dear Teenage girls and boys at the gym:

    If you are going to sit on the machine use it! It is not a chair so you can flirt with the cute boys/girls next to it. If you decided to honestly work out please also learn how to use the machine properly. It scares me when you put way too much weight on the machine then proceed to use it incorrectly. You are doing more harm than anything.

  • CharityPearce
    Dear Aiden, (my boyfriends 7 year old son)

    Thank you for telling me that you think I'm beautiful no matter how much weight I lose. You're an amazing kid and you don't even know it. You have such a kind and loving heart. You see the world as a big place full of adventure and fast cars, I envy you sometimes, but I enjoy seeing you so excited when you learn something new. You're polite, responsible, chivalrous, intelligent, and most of all, you're special to me. I know you want a brother or a sister out of your dad and I, but truthfully, I am perfectly happy to only have you. I may not be your biological mom, but I'll come as close as I can. I love you Aiden.

    Rawr (means I love you in dinosaur),
    Your Ashley

    This made a tear come to my eye. What a lucky boy Aiden is!
  • CharityPearce
    Dear Baggy Pants kids everywhere,...The only smile I want to see needs to have teeth behind it! Pull'em up already!

    Signed, No Crack allowed!

    Crack kills! : ) Hilarious! And I couldn't agree more. If you can't walk with your legs in normal position, you need smaller pants, and/or a belt!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    (Thank GOD someone made this thread.. I could use a vent)

    Dear older brother of mines,

    Why do you want to join MY gym? It's the only place I have to be free from you and the rest of the family. It's my safe haven and I'd appreciate it if you'd butt out---I don't care HOW selfish I sound. You constantly insult me and my weight loss----even to my friends when you are *kitten*-faced---which is every single night! I'm sick of being your little punching bag just because you do the exact same squats each and every day and now have arm definition. Whoopee! (Sarcasm).. So no. I really would rather just seal you in your room like in, 'The Cask of Amontillado' instead. Love ya!

    Don't come near my gym!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Dear teenage son of mine,
    There's a reason I gave you a cel phone and I pay the bill every month. It's called "communication". I know you live with your father and there's a time difference, but that's no reason you can't call and leave a message or a text. I miss you like crazy and haven't seen you in almost a year. Me texting/calling you is getting old. This is the only way we are able to communicate and it's very important to me as I've explained a few times already. Seriously.

    I wish your son could read this -- That would kill me too. I've got 2 sons...hang in there.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Dear Lou (stray dog I've been trying to catch for 2 days)

    I really wish you would trust me enough to get in my car. I realize you're probably still waiting for someone that dumped you but you are going to starve or get hit by a car.

    Although I love all the time I'm spending sitting on a curb throwing food to you I would rather get you somewhere safe. Please give me a break when I go back this evening and follow the fried chicken into my car.

    Crazy Dog Lady

    Aww...thats great your trying to take him in, hope it works out!

    Thank you! I was finally able to catch him yesterday. Just in time too, it has been pouring since last night. I get to pick him up from the vet this afternoon. He was still scared but showed absolutely no agression when I picked him up.

    I'm not sure my husband is as excited as I am. :smile:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Dear Lou (stray dog I've been trying to catch for 2 days)

    I really wish you would trust me enough to get in my car. I realize you're probably still waiting for someone that dumped you but you are going to starve or get hit by a car.

    Although I love all the time I'm spending sitting on a curb throwing food to you I would rather get you somewhere safe. Please give me a break when I go back this evening and follow the fried chicken into my car.

    Crazy Dog Lady

    Aww...thats great your trying to take him in, hope it works out!

    Thank you! I was finally able to catch him yesterday. Just in time too, it has been pouring since last night. I get to pick him up from the vet this afternoon. He was still scared but showed absolutely no agression when I picked him up.

    I'm not sure my husband is as excited as I am. :smile:

    Aw! Congrats to you and poochy! The hubs will get over it.