


  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Dear Self,

    Please don't be discouraged when you get on the scale this week and you haven't lost any weight, even though you've walked 20+ miles, worked out on the bowflex every other day, counted calories, ate healthy food and met all of your goals!

    Why do you only get encouraged to do better only when you do lose? It's time to stop it and look at long term goals and not pay so much attention to the scale.

    Be Strong!
  • Mirth
    Mirth Posts: 77
    Dear Elliptical Guy,
    I'm sorry I don't know your name and have thus deemed you in my mind as Elliptical Guy. I'd like to thank you for being friendly and accepting of my attempt to get in shape. Going to a gym can be very intimidating, but seeing you there always makes me feel better. I'd just like to thank you for the encouraging smiles you toss my way from time to time. It helps remind me that I'm doing the right thing, even if it's embarrassing to be so out of shape.
    Out of Shape Girl

    P.S. I'm probably too young for you, but your smile is foxy.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Dear Elliptical Guy,
    I'm sorry I don't know your name and have thus deemed you in my mind as Elliptical Guy. I'd like to thank you for being friendly and accepting of my attempt to get in shape. Going to a gym can be very intimidating, but seeing you there always makes me feel better. I'd just like to thank you for the encouraging smiles you toss my way from time to time. It helps remind me that I'm doing the right thing, even if it's embarrassing to be so out of shape.
    Out of Shape Girl

    P.S. I'm probably too young for you, but your smile is foxy.

    Seriously... you should introduce yourself. You never know...
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Dear people who make fun of people at the gym,
    I don't go to the gym but have heard many people ( and you know who you are) that make fun of peoples clothes at he gym. Yes there are tight clothes,loose clothes,skinny people, and fat people. But they are there to work out just like you. Give them the credit they deserve for going to the gym in the first place. If your there to judge your not there to work out.
    Go Away!
    Thank you and have a nice day!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Dear Rylan (my 3 year old son),

    Running in circles around mommy while she is trying to work out with her Leslie Sansone dvd does not my form of playing with you.

    In fact I am more scared im gonna end up kicking you in the face when im kicking back or running into you when im doing my side steps that its making working out really hard for me.

    Lets compromise, mommy will play with you when shes done, I promise!

    Btw thank you for always telling mommy how bootaful she is every morning. Your mommys lil life saver and you always know how to make me smile. :o)

    A very scared mommy.

    Ps. Your welcome for exercising with you. Lol.
    (When im done he always says, thank you for exercising with me mommy)
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Dear humans,

    So long, and thanks for all the fish.

    The dolphins

    P.S. The mice are really in charge.


    The answer is 42.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    Dear MPF friends:

    You are trying to "lose" weight, not "loose" weight.

    Best regards,

    God forbid someone makes a spelling mistake on your watch huh? Troll.

    Am I the only one noticing the "MPF" here?
    Deliberate mistake or brilliant irony?

    Hahaha! Nice catch ;)
  • FindingTotalHealth
    Dear Mona and Ella (my labradors),

    Please, pretty please stop taking my sock outside. I know you like to carry things but can't you at least carry your own toys? I like my socks and hate it when I can find one but not the other...

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Dear Cat,

    I realize it is EXTREMELY interesting that I am on the exercise bike but that doesn't mean you can try to rub on my feet while I'm going 15mph. Accidents happen my furry friend. Leave me alone!

    :laugh: my letter would be very similar.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Dear baby,

    Thank you for still needing morning naps so Mama can exercise and your brother can watch Auto B Good.

    Dear Sam the dog,

    For the love of Pete can you please stop snuffling my leg while I bench press, my face while I do crunches, my side during burpees (how do you manage this?!?) my butt during yoga, and and my water bottle during everything else. You needy needy whiner. You can pretend you're a lap dog when I'm done. :-P

    Dear coffee,

    Get into my belly!
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Dear Donovan,

    You are absolutely, 100% the light of my life and I am so incredibly blessed to have you. BUT, when I am working out, please stop pulling my pants down and laughing, tugging on my leg saying, "Mama, I don't want watch this," sitting on my stomach when I am doing crunches, sitting on my back when I am doing push ups, and mainly leaving those damned little matchbox car laying around where I will inevitably step on them while working out, which means you get to learn some colorful new words. Thank you!

    Mama loves you baby

    Dear cute guy who does ab stuff next to me,

    Yes, I am single. ;) hehe
  • tinksmommy2006
    Dear MFP friends,

    We are here to motivate EACH OTHER. I am not your personal motivator. Would it really kill you to put up a comment now and then with words of encouragement or even just "congrats!"? Really?

    If this is not happening...the congrats and need new friends my dear:(
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    My dearest sons,

    I fully understand your want to play Gears of War 3, Call of Duty 3, & Battlefield (whatever). You were allowed to play those games for a while even though I was never ok with it. It was necessary for me to put a stop to it for obvious reasons. You are 5, 7, & 10 years old, and regardless of how much you try to plead your case with's NOT happening anymore. Stay a kid for as long as you possibly can, because being a grown up isn't what you think it is (although some parts are pretty cool). I know you're not going to believe me now. You'll hate me, call me a meaner, and be mad at me. It just means I'm doing my job. You'll realize this in about 10 - 15 years.

    :heart: Mom
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Dear Me -

    It is your turn to shine.

    You've spent so much time surviving that you somehow stopped living.

    You can relax now. Everything is fine. You are safe. You have a lot going for you.

    Stop pretending. Start living.

    And hey - there is more to you than the pounds you want to lose. You're not ugly. Don't even think it it?

    Now, go for a walk...shake it off.

  • jvorrei
    Dear mother:

    You do not have "saddle bags". And stop pinching your flat belly trying to claim you're fat. You're 5'5", 105 pounds, and wear a size 2. Shush.

    your chubby daughter.

    P.S. When I finally grew up and got the nerve to tell you how bad you made me feel about my body when I was a teenager... you apologized. You are a wonderful, kind person and I know you didn't mean it. Thank you for trying to watch what you say about *my body* and reminding me that you'll always love me no matter what size I am.
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    Dear beautiful children of my heart and my wonderful husband:

    I'm glad that I finally found the strength to do what was right for myself. I'm glad that working out and losing weight has been "working out" for me. (Pun intended.) My depression has been getting better and I want to be the best mom I can be to you and the best wife. Hubby, I know we've had ups and downs and we almost lost sight of why we married in the first place, but know that I truly do love you and am the luckiest girl alive to have you by my side. I'm not sure why I ever lost sight of that, because all the ones before you were worthless and not like you. To my children, you really showed me why life was worth living. You gave me the hope and ability to live. I want you to know that I will never hurt you again and will always be there for you. You are the reason I wake up every day, just so I can see your beautiful smiling faces. I love you. And to my husband, I love you....forever.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Dear cats,

    When I'm doing plank, I'm not trying to make a little human fort for you to hide underneath. One of these days, your tails are going to tickle my tummy and I'm going to fall and land on you. :(

  • koulamara
    koulamara Posts: 19 Member
    Me too
    Dear Frank,
    Where were you yesterday? Thursday was payday - right?
    We miss you so much.
    Joey will explain further when he pays you a visit today.

    I am looking forward to seeing you....:angry:

    I used to work with a Frank! Ugh!
  • alpha1029
    Dear bladder,

    I know it's a change for me to drink so much water, but please let me get an uninterrupted night's sleep.

  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Dear MPF friends:

    You are trying to "lose" weight, not "loose" weight.

    Best regards,

    God forbid someone makes a spelling mistake on your watch huh? Troll.

    Am I the only one noticing the "MPF" here?
    Deliberate mistake or brilliant irony?

    Hahaha! Nice catch ;)

    Oh jim! How glad I am your not on my friend list!