


  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Dear Self,

    Please don't be discouraged when you get on the scale this week and you haven't lost any weight, even though you've walked 20+ miles, worked out on the bowflex every other day, counted calories, ate healthy food and met all of your goals!

    Why do you only get encouraged to do better only when you do lose? It's time to stop it and look at long term goals and not pay so much attention to the scale.

    Be Strong!

    I sooo needed this today! thank you =)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Dear Husband: Thank you for everything. I'm going to do everything I can to make your upcoming birthday as wonderful as I can, because you deserve it. I love you beyond words.

    Dear Job: I am so grateful for you. I promise to resist getting jaded and ungrateful, because I love you and want us to be together for a long time.

    Dear Sister: I love you, so much I can't stand it. Please be careful with my sister, she's my favorite sister. Forever.
  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    Dear Cancer
    YOU SUCK. You tried to off my husband at 49, and again at 50 and again at 51 and again at 52. He's almost 53 now, and he is still here. He beat you down every single time, and he is tired, so just LEAVE. Make sure the door hits you in the *kitten* on the way out.

    Wife and caregiver to Robert

    World Cancer Day 2012 is Feb 4
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    Dear John (my so called best friend and crush/used to be crush),

    I thought you were a nice guy. Until it came to today. I understand you like to speak your mind, but when I confided in you about my last attempts I did NOT expect you to tell me that maybe I should have tried harder and to try harder next time so you would not have to see my face anymore... not that there is gonna be a next time, but... That's just down right nasty :/


    Don't let there be a next time :(
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Dear Cancer
    YOU SUCK. You tried to off my husband at 49, and again at 50 and again at 51 and again at 52. He's almost 53 now, and he is still here. He beat you down every single time, and he is tired, so just LEAVE. Make sure the door hits you in the *kitten* on the way out.

    Wife and caregiver to Robert

    World Cancer Day 2012 is Feb 4

    My prayers are with you and your husband! I hope he kicks cancer's *kitten*!!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    Dear MPF friends:

    You are trying to "lose" weight, not "loose" weight.

    Best regards,

    how do you know?!?! :tongue:
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Dear Aiden, (my boyfriends 7 year old son)

    Thank you for telling me that you think I'm beautiful no matter how much weight I lose. You're an amazing kid and you don't even know it. You have such a kind and loving heart. You see the world as a big place full of adventure and fast cars, I envy you sometimes, but I enjoy seeing you so excited when you learn something new. You're polite, responsible, chivalrous, intelligent, and most of all, you're special to me. I know you want a brother or a sister out of your dad and I, but truthfully, I am perfectly happy to only have you. I may not be your biological mom, but I'll come as close as I can. I love you Aiden.

    Rawr (means I love you in dinosaur),
    Your Ashley

    This is one of the sweetest things i have seen in a long time! Aiden is lucky to have you :)
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Dear Self,


  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    Dear Co-Workers, and all people noticing my weight loss,

    I do truly LOVE it when you notice and compliment me on my weight loss ! It means the world to me when you notice my saggy pants, or my thinner face. And for those wonderful words - THANK YOU ! <3

    What I cant stand is the constant : "what's your secret ? what are you doing?" questions, and the disappointed look on your face when I tell you that there is no "special, secret pill"

    I count EVERY calorie I eat, stay under 1460 cals a day, and try to exercise whenever I can. That's the "secret", nothing more than logic and proven science.

    So, please keep your "Oh no, I couldn't possibly do that, that's too hard for me (while you weigh 100 Lbs and have NO extra ounce of fat to lose)" comments for yourself, since these are the ones that I CANT stomach !

    No one ever said it was EASY to get here !! I suffer every single day with wanting to eat that french fry, that piece of chocolate.

    So PLEASE, I beg of you - just leave it at the : "GOODNESS, you look GREAT !" part. Period. Noting else needs to be said. I will take it, and still LOVE it and feel accomplished that my super hard work is paying off !

    Best wishes,
    Danielle :heart:
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hey me,

    Why did you drink diet coke tonight and when are you going to learn your lesson? One diet coke sets of your goal bladder and keep you wide awake! Now I'm in pain and wide awake at 1.50am... Please learn your lesson and don't do it again. Its also full of nast chemicals so just step away from the coke... For good!

    Zara x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Dear drunken partner,

    Why do you have to drink your own body weight in vodka, every weekend and keep me awake all weekend with your snoring? If I didn't love you so much I'd strangle you...

    Your exhausted fiance.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Dear boyfriend:

    I am sad you are away, and I miss you. I understand that you are coming back with your father in tow and would like for the house to be tidy. That being said, you could have helped a little before you left. And as much as I love your homebrewing hobby, I do not love the huge cache of beer bottles that really need to find a more permanent storage place. The house will be spotless and organized when you get back, so let's work on keeping it that way, shall we?

    Your loving girlfriend who is tired of being the only one who ever cleans(except the bathroom. I admit you always clean that)

    This times 1000! My husband brews and his stuff is EVERYWHERE. Drives. me. insane.
    My partner brews too, and has 400 bottles lying around as we'll as all the kit and barells of brew. Grrrr x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hey zara! (That's me):

    I know things are tough right now but kick yourself up the *kitten* and get back on track! Your only hurting youself in the long run! This binging is stupid! You freaking idiot! Ha ha.


    Today IS a new start x
    love this one.. ditto to me too.. : )
    Aw good stuff xxx
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    Dear 16yr old Son,

    I have been using MFP for 210 days and have never missed a log-in. I know how to track my calories, some would say religiously. I have a qualification in Holistic Therapies (including nutrition). I have been using the gym for many months now. I know how to use most of the equipment and am more than aware of what I am, or am not, capable of.

    Since your trial membership at the gym began last week, you have obviously learned more than I did in ten years. I now bow to your superior knowledge of everything in the world of fitness and nutrition.


    Your Mother.

    Dear MumofSeven,
    I love you. I will be you in ten years. I hope my sense of humor stays intact as yours has.
    Love, leann :)
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Dear me,

    Kick it into gear! You have a lot to get done, step up the motivation. Please. Well done on going two miles today, but where's the writing you needed to get done? You sit and daydream about stuff, success, job, independence, love... happening while you should be making those things happen. Come on. Time to get up and do some stuff.

  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Dear 9 month old puppy,

    Please stop walking over to me and pretending to want attention ... when in reality you just want to fart next to me and then walk away as to not contaminate the couch in the living room where you have spent the entire day sleeping.

    Love with watery eyes and wishing she had a gas mask,

    Your human mom.
  • anabell31
    Dear ex-boyfriend,

    Just in case nobody explained it to you, having a girlfriend requires more than asking her out and changing your facebook status to "in a relationship". So stop complaining about "needing a woman in your life" when this one was more than willing to be there even if you left our dates early to go play Dungeons and Dragons.

    You're gonna miss this
  • StacyX582
    Dear Mom,

    Thanks for taking this weight loss/eating healthier lifestyle change journey with me. You've always been the most supportive person even at my heaviest, and you're my biggest fan now that I'm finally losing weight (and I'm yours!). I can't wait to see the healthy people we become this year. We're going to dominate Las Vegas real estate and look fabulous doing it.

    And yes, I can't wait to eat that reward pizza with you tomorrow for the superbowl, even though I'll be in the gym all day on Monday working it back off.

    Love, your daughter :heart:
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    Dear gym gawker guy,

    Yes I saw you come in the treadmill room doorway and watch my *kitten* as I ran today. After all the room is covered in mirrors. Yes I know my pants are a little tight. I appreciate that you took time of your day to enjoy the view. I'm even more impressed that when I turned and stared back you just smiled and kept watching. However for future reference, yes I am busy. And tell this to your buddy that you sent in to run on the treadmill beside me for five whole minutes, I don't talk while I run, and coming to stand by him will not encourage me to do anything more than smile. If you like the view, I will be back on Tuesday. And no, I still won't chat it up with you then either, Im a little busy running.

    Happily married mom :)