


  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    Dear hubby,

    I know we couldn't afford things for each other for Christmas, but you didn't have to go out three weeks later with our son and buy me things and stuff them in a stocking for me to find. I really was okay with it. I do appreciate that they were measuring cups and a kitchen scale though. Thank you for supporting me and my efforts to get healthy, even when it seems I have gone all OCD on you. I couldn't ask for a better husband. I <3 you.

    Dear son,

    Thanks for going with daddy while he went shopping for me. You kept him from buying things he shouldn't have :) I also wanted to say thank you for asking daddy if you could get me flowers. They were the most awesomest present a mommy could ever get; perfect and beautiful and made mommy feel like a million bucks.

    The girl with two of the best men in the world
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    Dear Me,

    You are worth it! You have been abusing yourself emotionally for years and now that the ex is gone getting some of your self-esteem back. You will be able to do this, it won't happen overnight so you need to be patient.

    Dear Children,

    I love you dearly and know you are trying to be nice when you offer me parts/bites/leftovers of your snacks such as ice crean, fruit snacks, chocolates, etc. I know you are both underweight so I need to feed you as much as I can and the most calories I can (dr's orders) but I just wish you would understand that I can't do the same.

    Dear Dog/Birds

    I know I like to sit quietly on the couch most nights and knit BUT....if I do attempt to get up (and should be doing it more ofter) and exercise to a DVD please do not freak out!. Birds flying around and squaking and a dog barking and running around you in circles does not make exercise any easier.

    Sincerely, Me
  • MissAmyB80
    MissAmyB80 Posts: 159 Member
    Dear Super Bowl Food Day @ Work -
    Please stop calling my name. You hateful delicious spread of home made comfort food.

    Love - the girl who just walked by you to heat up her chicken and veggies........
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    My letter to myself, really helped me today. Its inspired me to keep a diary. Thanks! X
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    Dear Aunt who is a Fanatical Physical Trainer -

    When you come to visit at the beginning of April, please see more of me than just the fat. I know you want the best for me, but the fact that you cannot see the person I am, only the person on the outside, makes me want to avoid you more. While well-intentioned, it's very hurtful and frustrating. You've never battled your weight... You are Korean with different body type and metabolism, you spent your entire day in the gym, have no children, apparently have no real budget so can afford to eat exclusively at Whole Foods... I work a full-time desk job, have 3 children, and come from BIG stock who raised me with bad eating habits, and am on a budget that would make most cry. I will do my best to lose the weight, for ME, not you, and your tough love makes me not want to be around you.

    Feel free to celebrate my successes with me. No one feels, or fears, failure more than I.


    Your Niece
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Dear New England Patriots,

    I need you on your A game for Sunday!! I nearly went into cardiac arrest 4 times during the AFC Championship game against the Ravens, and have yet to fully recover from it. It would be very nice to bring the Lombardi Trophy back to Foxboro to join the others, and of course, a girl can ALWAYS use another ring :) Brady, Wilfork, Mayo, Gronkowski, Welker, Hernandez, Woodhead, and Gostkowski, you are all going to be KEY players in Sunday's game, and I need you all to DOMINATE!! Let's make this REMATCH count!!

    A very excited Patriots Fan!!
  • BananaCat83
    BananaCat83 Posts: 77 Member
    Dear boyfriend:

    I am sad you are away, and I miss you. I understand that you are coming back with your father in tow and would like for the house to be tidy. That being said, you could have helped a little before you left. And as much as I love your homebrewing hobby, I do not love the huge cache of beer bottles that really need to find a more permanent storage place. The house will be spotless and organized when you get back, so let's work on keeping it that way, shall we?

    Your loving girlfriend who is tired of being the only one who ever cleans(except the bathroom. I admit you always clean that)

    This times 1000! My husband brews and his stuff is EVERYWHERE. Drives. me. insane.
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    Dear Piles of Work on my Desk:

    Please hide until Monday. I have an insane case of the Fridays, and I won't touch you at all.

  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Dear Anatomy Professor,

    I was recently informed by another professor that you actually are quite foul at anatomy, and struggle with it 20 years into teaching it. So, I would like to point out that asking us to know everything in our dissection guide is somewhat hypocritical, unrealistic, and mean. I would deeply appreciate the possibility of getting through this course.


    Your student
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    Dear Abs:

    Please show up soon!! I can feel you sometimes and know you in there but you never stay long enough for me to enjoy! So please this round I know you will may your presence known and stay! I will treat you right with clean eating and limit my sushi and beer intake...Thanks for listening..

    See ya SOON,
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Dear everybody:


    Dear co-worker,

    Thanks for the compliment this week. I know I'm not "loosing" weight (gods it killed me to write that lol) for anyone but me, but it really made my week when you noticed!

    Dearest fiance,

    I GET JEALOUS WHEN YOU FLIRT WITH THAT NPC IN SWTOR! Get over it. And my sith character is MUCH hotter.

    Oh, and thanks for moving from Indiana to Louisiana for me. I must admit, I'm pretty awesome and I am SO worth it, but I still feel sad that you moved away from your family. I know you tell me not to worry about it (because, you know, it's hard to feel sad when THIS AWESOMENESS is constantly around you), but I still feel guilty. We'll make the trip in a few months, ok? :D

    Dear homebrew in the closet:

    YOU WILL GROW UP TO BE A DELICIOUS VANILLA/CHOCOLATE PORTER YES YOU WILL. And you will give mommy lots of yummy calories!
  • Grinnix
    Grinnix Posts: 14 Member
    Dear 5 yr old son,

    Will you please stop saying cuss words at school and flipping kids off? I wish you would tell me where you hear them, and no it was not on nickjr like you said. You don't always have to be the boss of everyone at school and please stop sitting on other kids when you think they are in your "spot". I would really like for you to have a "green" day today so you can play video games this weekend. It would be nice to have one day where I don't talk to the principal or teacher.

    I love you, let's do better next week.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Dear Friends and Family,

    It's nice when you say that I don't need to lose any more weight, however I'm the one that needs to decide that and telling me not to lose more and to be careful of an eating disorder gets frustrating and condescending. I'm 5'5" and 138, I'm hardly a toothpick.


  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    Dear Teller,

    Dad loves me and is not a threat to you. When he snuggles with me on the couch or gives me kisses, you do not need to protect me. I know you love me, and yes I am your momma, but Daddy loves me too. You can share. Green is not your color.

    Your mom.

    PS: Stop whining...
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Dear Jovi -
    Just because you've been in a stable relationship a long time and you don't have that fluttering romance of falling in love and constant adventures of being single and stupid doesn't mean you need to panic. 24 isn't old. There's still time for plenty of adventures. Calm down. Stop acting like you need to impress the boy all the time, too. He's going to keep you, there's no need to remind him that you love him or that you think he's adorable alllll the time.
    Love - JOVI!

    Dear bf -
    I can tell you're feeling something similar, you always want to DO something and don't know what it is. Out with it and say something. So it's been winter, I've been down with migraines and a lack of ideas, and we've been a little stale...doesn't mean you can't look at me and tell me that we've officially jumped off the everything is romanticised boat. I know that. We can still have tons of adventures, they just wont look as ridiculously romantic as the earliest ones did because we're not trying to impress each other and we're just being with each other. Is k.
    - Your lady.
  • heathermarie311
  • jpoulsen2
    jpoulsen2 Posts: 65 Member
    Dear Mom,
    You have taught me to use weight as a way to protect myself, to keep myself safe. Being over weight may keep people away from me, but what I really needed this whole time was people at my side. Now that I have discovered my own path to good health, you do NOT have my permission to turn my journey into a competition with your own. It is not FAIR that you sabotage my efforts, tell me I'm not strong enough, and then gloat about your own successes. I am your DAUGHTER. You should just love me.

    Moving on with my life
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Hey zara! (That's me):

    I know things are tough right now but kick yourself up the *kitten* and get back on track! Your only hurting youself in the long run! This binging is stupid! You freaking idiot! Ha ha.


    Today IS a new start x
    love this one.. ditto to me too.. : )
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Hey zara! (That's me):

    I know things are tough right now but kick yourself up the *kitten* and get back on track! Your only hurting youself in the long run! This binging is stupid! You freaking idiot! Ha ha.


    Today IS a new start x

    :flowerforyou: you can do this :drinker:
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    Dear Cat,

    I realize it is EXTREMELY interesting that I am on the exercise bike but that doesn't mean you can try to rub on my feet while I'm going 15mph. Accidents happen my furry friend. Leave me alone!

    I'm so sending this to my cat too :laugh: