50+ Women for the Month of April



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    We’ve just come back from an hour at the dog park with a boxer, labradoodle, weimardoodle, and a bunch of other dogs. The weather here is beautiful here----63 degrees right now.

    Today is my weigh-in day and I lost 3 more pounds. YIPPEE:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :flowerforyou: Anne---our trip in May is to California. We have friends and family to see in Red Bluff, Vacaville, and Eureka so we’ll be in some different weather (very hot inland and chilly and maybe foggy on the coast). .......

    We’re leaving on a trip on Monday and taking our laptop computer and staying at RV parks with wifi so I can stay connected........


    Sounds like your weather was better up north than down here. We got rain in late afternoon, early evening, and I just came in about 9p and it was pouring:drinker: They were pouring at Applebee's too, but I didn't partake. 4a comes early.:grumble: I did have 1/2 a 7 oz sirloin and a bunch of broccoli for dinner there, and it was good. Fortunately, I checked the database this afternoon to estimate calories, because as you may know, the search function for food and exercise is DOA at the moment.

    CONGRATS on losing 3 more lbs. I will have to hurry and try to catch up with you, but I think you are probably going to be ahead for the duration.

    I am not sure if you are talking about two different RV trips or you are starting your May journey a little early, but I wanted to suggest that if you are coming thru my area, and would like to take your "kids" to a great doggie park, send me a personal message and I will send you the directions. The park I am thinking of is close to I-205. If it is mutually agreeable, I can arrange my schedule to drop by and say hello, but that will depend upon your schedule and preferences.

    I envy you being able to take off and go. I used to think about doing that when I retire, but with gas prices as they are, and other considerations, I will probably be a day tripping homebody.

    I was amazed at how quickly I filled up tonight. I ate about 1/2 of what I normally would have for dinner at a restaurant in the past, brought 1/2 of it home.

    I have a walking program mapped out in my neighborhood, and have managed to hit it every day for at least 30 mins, sometimes 60mins, which equals 3 miles. Only missed last Saturday because of my previously described travels.

    I will be interested to see what happens this Saturday on "weigh day." I would like to be down another 20 lbs by July 4th., and another 20 by Labor Day.

    Well, it is past my bedtime, so :yawn: G'nite all.

  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    I've discovered another way to lose weight...:grumble: :laugh: . I've been sick all weekend, which killed me since it was so beautiful, with a stomach virus and lost 2 lbs!!??!! Don't worry not the pig flu. Though i work at a hospital i'm going to avoid patient areas as best i can.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Sorry to hear you've been ill,mnichol. It's not a fun way to lose weight!:noway:
    As for me, I've made no progress and it's my own fault. My husband and I took a mini-vacation in NYC followed immediately by a spur-of-the-moment trip to Fla to see my parents. My mom had had a cold and needed some of my attention. She was actually pretty well by the time I got there and we were out for dinner every night except one. The weather was great and it was nice to walk a little and get some sun.
    We got home Sat. night and were out of here first thing Sun morning to help our son move from NJ to his girlfriend's apt. in NYC. Was a long day, but am happy for them. Yesterday, I finally started to get life back to normal here. I went to the gym for the first time in weeks. Of course, my joints ache even more than usual now.
    Afterwards, my husband and I went to purchase a lawnmower. As retirees, we decided to fire the gardener and take care of the lawn ourselves. I couldn't even operate the first machine they showed us - was pretty funny and pathetic.:laugh: So, we ordered the smaller residential size of 21 inches with an electric starter. I am actually looking forward to mowing the grass and getting exercise that way. We'll see how long that lasts!
    Today I need to tackle laundry and food shopping. Of course, I'm adding exercise to the schedule. I may go to the Y and for a walk. Also have the eye dr. - following up to see if I should begin treatment for glaucoma. I feel like I'm too young for all these aging issues, but my body doesn't agree.
    Anyway, it's good to be home. I desperately need to get into a healthier routine. I will also try to check in here more regularly. With this great weather, I just want to be outside all the time.
    Have a great day everyone.
    PS How was the wedding healthier4me?
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Morning All,

    It's going to be 90 degrees here today. That is a record. It is usually 60 average. I'm going to the gym this morning after my school run. I will probably go see my daughter in laws flower garden after dinner. I'll get to visit with my other half of the family. Yesterday was softball with my oldest grand daughter. My hubby & I took her & her brother out for dinner. I did very well, Water, and a chicken salad wrap with coleslaw.

    I have managed to yo-yo between 159-162 all week. I sure hope by Thursday I can say I am 159. I wanted to lose more but I think that was asking for to much.

    Hope all have a great day.

    :heart: Kathy
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    mnicnol - sorry you were sick, but i'm sure glad it's not that swine flu. That's some scary stuff. I'm kind of worried about our Texas and NY friends. You all be CAREFUL!!!!!! I like your new picture too! You look THIN!!!!!

    Kathy - i've been hearing about your weather on the news - TOO HOT!!!!!!!! Also, my Dad lives on Long Island so he always lets me know what the east coast is doing. I'm doing that same yo yoing thing you're doing. It BUMS ME OUT:angry: when it goes back up from 119 to 122:grumble: :grumble: Oh well - we just have to keep on keepin on.

    ZaZa - glad to have you back! I think mowing the lawn would be great exercise. I have no lawn - LOTS of weeds - it'll be worse now with my "weed eater" gone:cry: I'm not exactly sure how i'll handle it. I have a little JD ride on mower - but 3 acres of weeds may be too much for me and it!

    Barb - sounds like you're really going in the right direction with your food! I love that - when you eat at a restaurant where you used to eat everything and end up taking half home! It feels so........NORMAL!:happy: A very good thing! I used to think about travelling when i retire also - in a little toy hauler (so i could take my ATV) - but the older i get the more i realize i don't like to be away from home so much. I still have my group of camping buddies - but don't think i'll be the traveling retiree like Barbie and Jake. Of course - at this point - with my house and all - don't know if i'll ever BE a retiree!:laugh:

    Everyone have a good day and get outside and MOVE if the weather is good!!!!!!:drinker: elli
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi everyone

    I am so glad to be home and getting back into routine:bigsmile: . Yesterday I did 6 loads of laundry and got them all on the outside line to dry. So lots of exercise going up and down the basement steps and bending. I also got in a 75 minute brisk walk outside. It was a very warm 86 with very gusty winds blowing. In actuality it is a good thing that I have a bit of weight on me or I think I would have been blown away like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz!!! I am excited to say that I have dropped two+ lbs of the 5 that followed me home from the wedding:bigsmile:

    Barbie -great job on dropping 3 lbs:happy: Keep up the great work, I know you can do it:flowerforyou: Both my husband I and love to go travelling and I like to take my laptop with me to stay in touch. Unfortunately this past week I didn't have wifi access so that wasn't great. What kind of RV do you have? We have a 5th wheel and have done quite a bit of camping in our own area but that is all going to change as my husband is retiring at the end of the summer and we will hit the camping trail. I can hardly wait:bigsmile:

    mnichol--Sorry to hear that you were sick. Give yourself some extra love and attention. Sure is a hard way to drop pounds. Hang in there and feel better soon:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Zaza--I know what you mean about getting away for awhile and breaking with our routine. Always seems to throw me off too. Good idea about the lawn mower. I have to tell you that with the health problems that I have had that I didn't think that I could do any yard work but I started off slow and have gradually built myself up to accomplish more. This past winter was the first time in 15 years that I was strong enough to shovel snow and I did it. So just take it slow, injuries are no fun. The wedding was very stressful, we tried to remain positive and upbeat but it was very trying. We were never so glad to be home:happy: The flight both ways was uneventful, the weather and resort were nice. We only seen my son and his wife and other guests basically at the service and a little after that day and weren't included in anything they planned for the remainder of the week. So my hubby and I made the absolute best of it (even though our feelings were bruised) and enjoyed each other's company. Thanks for asking, I appreciate that:heart:

    Kathy--sounds like you are doing well. Gosh, I can't even remember when I was the weight you are. Just hang in there as I know it gets more challenging as you get closer to your final goal. You can do it:happy:

    Well all you wonderful ladies I hope that you all have a wonderful day. Remember to make yourself a priority:happy: :happy:

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hey Marie - sorry you had bruised feelings:frown: but i think it's very cool that you decided to find the postivie side and have a good time with your hubby. My older boy has been married 4 almost 2 years and although we're still very close it's been a hard thing (but also the RIGHT thing) that his wife is the center of his life. On his first deployment i knew every little thing he was doing and thinking - this time i find lots of stuff out from his wife 'cause he tells her all. So - a little bruised feelings (not that i would ever tell either one of them) here as well. We just need to take care of US i guess! Anyway - glad you're home - sounds like you got LOTS of exercise in! AND already lost 2 pounds!!!!!! Awesome. have a great day.

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hey Marie - sorry you had bruised feelings:frown: but i think it's very cool that you decided to find the postivie side and have a good time with your hubby. My older boy has been married 4 almost 2 years and although we're still very close it's been a hard thing (but also the RIGHT thing) that his wife is the center of his life. On his first deployment i knew every little thing he was doing and thinking - this time i find lots of stuff out from his wife 'cause he tells her all. So - a little bruised feelings (not that i would ever tell either one of them) here as well. We just need to take care of US i guess! Anyway - glad you're home - sounds like you got LOTS of exercise in! AND already lost 2 pounds!!!!!! Awesome. have a great day.


    Thanks Elli

    I really appreciate your kinds words...it helps knowing that others understand what you are going through. Things don't always go the way that we want and knowing when to let go of it sure helps the healing process. What I know for sure is that we aren't always given a choice in what we are given but we are given the choice in how we feel about it. Another positive thing about our trip was that my hubby went to the fitness centre with me and worked out. He didn't gain anything while we were away and is so proud of himself. as I am of him too:heart: Seems like the exercise bug is rubbing off on him and I am delighted to have a workout buddy:bigsmile:

    Hope you have a great day and thanks again for your support:heart:

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello All,

    Elli & Marie, I just got threw reading your post's. Elli it is warm but a nice breeze here in the house. :bigsmile: I almost hate to leave to get into a hot car.

    Marie. believe me I have been bruised also. I just shrug it off. With to boys I know the wives are the center of their life and sometimes I take the back seat. I do have great daughter in laws thank goodness. However, bruises still arise. You are not alone. Thanks for the complement also.

    On another note I had to drag myself to the gym, but glad I did. Now I just keep on telling myself why did I let myself go this far out of control. Oh well, can't cry now. Got to move on. Baby steps.

    Have to leave so I just want to say thanks to all with such great support. I just love this thread. It really keeps my grounded.

    :heart: Kathy
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Kathy - the good news is you DID drag yourself back to the gym! So kudos to you for THAT! Quit beating yourself up. You're FINE! Thanks too for your input on the mamas of boys thoughts. I'm lucky too in that i love my daughter in law AND my "un daughter in law"!

    Marie - you're more than welcome - that's what we're here for - to support each other - in ALL walks of life! Nice that hubby worked out with you! See - this healthy lifestyle is catchy! Very cool!!!!!!

    It's still cold here today, but the rain quit. If it's not TOO muddy i'll walk the dogs after work and look for some asparagus - yum! THEN go to the gym.

    Have a great day everybody!
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    It seems like forever since I've posted. Been busy and have read a bit but not posted.

    Kathy - sounds like you and I are at about the same weight and goal still. I weigh in and get measured Thursday. We'll see if the inches have come off like I've hoped. Still not down a size but I have been pretty careful and have been exercising faithfully.

    We leave Monday for a short camping trip to try out our "newer" (not new) trailer. We will return on Thurs and then leave on the 11th for 2 weeks to go to our niece's graduation and then to Yosemite Nat'l park with my sis and her hubby. So...my posting will be sporatic for the majority of the month of May. I sure hope I can stay focused!

    Bruised feelings:cry: I hear you. And yet, we want our children to grow up and live their own lives. It's just hard when the closeness we have with our sons seems to deminish after they marry. I fully believe it is not intentional. They just have their loving wives to bounce things off of! :smile:

    Have a great day
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh WOW Esther, Marie, Kathy - thank you guys SO much for this mother/son talk. I've been so depressed on and off about this...........this is helping me so much! I know it's the natural progression of things - but it's just SO hard. Especially with him over "there". I love you guys. thanks!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I missed all the talk about sons. I have a better relationship with mine than I do with my daughters.

    I set up my pedometer at lunch today. From 1:00 til 4:30 I walked 6737 steps, 2.5 miles and burned 237 calories. Does this sound about right? I have never used a good pedometer before.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member

    I set up my pedometer at lunch today. From 1:00 til 4:30 I walked 6737 steps, 2.5 miles and burned 237 calories. Does this sound about right? I have never used a good pedometer before.

    Becky, I've been using a pedometer for a long time. I'm not sure I set up the length of my stride correctly and I keep forgetting to try to adjust it so I don't take the distance too seriously. Also the calories burned is partly based on weight so since I think I weigh more than you do, I would likely burn more calories walking the same number of steps.

    after looking at my pedometer for today and doing some arithmetic to get a similar number of steps, I got 6300 :bigsmile: steps, 3.3 miles, 292 calories.

    What I try to focus on is trying to walk at least as many every day or more. :bigsmile:

    I love my pedometer. :love: It tells me that I'm putting forth a lot of effort.:bigsmile:

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I tried to quote Marie, but I botched it. I don't have the patience to try to figure this out.
    Basically, I just wanted to say that I feel for you Marie , but I love your wonderful and positive attitude: "What I know for sure is that we aren't always given a choice in what we are given but we are given the choice in how we feel about it. ".
    I'm sure it's inevitable to have bruised feelings as our kids grow up and leave us, but I still hope it doesn't happen. If and when it does,though, I hope I will remember your positive outlook. I think your approach is the only way ultimately to "keep" our kids close. That being said, I ached for you when I read that you weren't included in some of the post-wedding activities - that would really hurt my feelings.
    Same goes for you Elli - undertsandble that your son would talk to his wife the most, but I would still hate being left out of the loop.
    For now, my three boys are still pretty close to me, and I'm very thankful. My oldest will be 25 in a week and he just moved in with his girlfriend. This is a first for our family and I feel like it's a turning point, but so far, so good. They happily include my husband and me, and I pray it stays this way. I do realize that we will be tested as the holidays approach, etc. and we have to "share". Will be very hard, but it looks like I have some experienced moms to turn to for advice and support.
    Keep writing everyone - i love reading about what you are all up to. I just can't keep track and mention everyone's names the way Kathy and some others do. It would take me forever to write a single post (it already does:laugh: ).
    Have a nice evening and a great day tomorrow.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Since we all seem to be talking about our relationship with our grown children, I'll add my two cents. I too know what it is like to have "bruised feelings" where they are concerned. The letting go process has been the hardest part of parenting for me. Life was so much easier when the messes they made could be cleaned up with soap and water!

    My son has always been closer to me; his sister to her father. She is 26 now. I had a very close relationship with my mother, but since she was about 16 she seems to be embarrassed by everything I do or say. The last time I went to see her, I had to stay at a friend's because she "didn't have room" for me at her condo. The only time she calls is when she needs something.

    My son, who is 28, and I are very close, but we don't talk NEARLY AS MUCH since he married on New Year's Eve. I know this is the way it is supposed to be... Leave and cleave... but I still miss hearing his voice. He got orders and he and his fiance married without either her folks or us present, so she would be a spouse and have full military rights and benefits when he deployed. I understood the whys, but missing the wedding was the straw that broke the camel's back following my first holiday season without both my parents, and I fell into a deep depression. That's just not something a mother ever expects will happen.... missing their child's wedding. Before the marriage, he called multiple times a day. Now we do good to hear from him once a week. Funny how marriage does that. But we love his wife and she and I have a great relationship so far.

    Since we are venting here... Ill go ahead and confess I am really dreading Mother's Day this year. It won't be my first MD without my Moma, but it will be my first one without either of my kids around. Hubby's family has a big celebration planned, but I don't want to go. Of course I will go anyway, but it will be very awkward because I'll be the only one there without a parent or child present. So those of you who are pray-ers, pray for me.

    Enough of that! Its a good thing I ate great and had a good workout YESTERDAY because today life kept getting in the way. I was only able to walk half as far as usual and went over my calories for the first time in weeks and weeks. Tomorrow I plan to get back on track.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    After reading al the posts about relationships between mothers and adult children, it makes me think about how fortunate I am to still have both my parents and a good relationship with both of them. I am an only child and my only "kids" each have four feet and a tail.

    My heart goes out to those mom's in the group who are going through changes in relationship with their kids. Part of it is the natural progression of life, but sometimes, when a child's apparently thoughtless actions hurt parents, I sometimes think a swift kick in the direction of the child would not be a bad idea :wink: (I AM being facetious here, just in case anyone is interpreting my remark as advocating violence to solve relationship difficulties)

    I am not going to say "I know just how you feel" because, as I said, I haven't any children, but I most certainly do feel your loss. I hope being part of this group and trading comments and encouragement can keep everyone on a positive track. All of you /us have worked hard to improve our lives and health and keeping in mind that you are not alone can help keep your "eyes on the prize"--namely the goals we are all working toward.

    I hope my feeble attempt at philosophy is not totally pathetic.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: How did it get so late? :yawn: :yawn: I know, it was the 30 minutes on the exercise bike and a lot of conversation about the million things we still have to pack in the motorhome.

    Becky----congrats on going to the gym even if it did get cut short. When people rave about having a workout buddy I think about situations like yours when your workout buddy doesn’t want to stay as long as you do. When Jake comes to the dog park we walk slowly for 20 minutes. When I go without him, I walk at a moderate pace for 40-60 minutes.

    Barb---it would be great to meet you along the way but it won’t work this time, but as we drive I-205 around Vancouver I’ll be thinking of you. I never thought I’d be RVing. We started a year after I retired. If Jake weren’t such a great RV driver, we’d never be doing it. As for the gas prices, we say we’re spending our children’s inheritance. Your persistence has paid off by not being as big an eater in a restaurant. Good luck on your walking. It’s the best exercise and inexpensive and available in your neighborhood.

    Mnichol---sorry you’ve been sick and glad it’s not something too serious.

    Zaza—wow, you have been busy. Your body will thank you for the return to normal. It’s good to hear from you again. Good luck with the eye doctor. Enjoy the lawn mowing. Is your yard flat? Mowing on hills is a lot harder.

    Kathy---I’m amazed at how well you fit in exercise and healthy eating with all those family obligations all the time.

    Elli----As much as I love traveling, I am always sad to leave home. Two years ago we were on the road over 120 days including one 99 day trip. We vowed to never do that again.

    Marie---how great that you could hang your laundry outside. I lived somewhere for about six months where I could do that and I loved it. We’ve had our share of family events with Jake’s kids where we were grudgingly included and have developed the hide of the rhinoceros so we don’t get our feelings hurt so much. Our problems are different because of Jake being divorced from the mother of his kids. His kids, especially his daughter, are much closer to their mother. Our May RV trip is to visit the kids and grandkids and we are making plans for ourselves so we don’t sit around waiting to be included. We have a 30 foot motorhome with one slide. We used to have a 5th wheel but the set up was too hard for Jake so we traded it in for the motorhome which levels itself automatically. We’ve only been RVing for four years since we retired. I’ll look forward to hearing about your travel adventures.

    Esther----what kind of trailer do you have. How great that you’ll be on the road this summer. Yosemite sounds like a great destination.

    Susan, thanks for sharing all that about your family. The changes are hard. My mom has been gone since 1991 and I still find myself reaching for something in a store to buy for her. Treat yourself well for mothers’ day . You deserve it even if there’s no one there to do it for you. Last year we had driven 700 miles in our motorhome to visit Jake’s kids and because their mother was in town, they “fit him in” for an early breakfast at a coffee shop to celebrate Fathers’ Day.

    It has been a joy to spend this time with all of you. You sustain and encourage me. I need to get to bed soon. I woke up much too early this morning and as a result came home from the dog park exhausted and crawled into bed and took a two hour nap.

    Pleasant dreams :yawn: :yawn:
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Morning all!! Thanks for the good thoughts. Feeling better this morning, its weigh in day for me. Hope to get back to exercising today, haven't been able to since Friday. bummed i missed out on such a perfect weekend weather-wise.:grumble: :drinker:

    barbiecat: where are you going in your rv??
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    All this talk about RVs has me thinking. While I don't drive on the highway, but my husband does. I wonder if we could survive an RV tour. One of my best friends is taking her 3 kids (20 - 25) for the first time this summer on RV trip. Will be about a week at Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Zion. I'll see how it goes for them and then maybe I'll see about trying it, after peppering you all with specific questions if we do decide to try it.
    Have a great day everyone. I love Spring!
    PS Susan, I will certainly be thinking about you on Mother's Day.