


  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    what is grass fed???
    It's what beef cattle are suppose to eat.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member

    Saturated fat is only bad for you in the presence of carbohydrates (This makes ice cream one of the worst treats out there). Most of the fat on our body is stored as saturated. Saturated fat is in breast milk. The saturated fats in coconut oil and grass-fed/finished butter are more likely to be used as energy and less likely to be stored as fat (MCTs).

    I know you didn't just say ice cream is one of the worst things out there. Care to substantiate your claim that sat fats are only bad in the presence of carbs or are you making things up?

    Ice cream?
    I've been eating it daily for many years and haven't gained any weight. I'm almost certain it's stay-thin magic.
    Why is it bad?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member

    for the record, I'm a medium rare to rare girl. Why get rid of flavor? I don't even like burgers well done.
  • KavemanKarg
    A good chunk of the saturated fat in steak converts to stearic acid in the body, in otherwords, it becomes one of the healthiest fats on earth once you eat it.

    It is also high in mono-unsaturated fat. Which is also awesome.

    And actually pretty low in the polys, making it even more awesome.

    Steak plus steak fat is a COMPLETE HEALTHY FOOD. If you do not over cook it, it is high in fat soluble vitamins, if it is fresh it even has the meat equivalent of vitamin C (which is why nobody gets scurrvy eating FRESH meat, only over cooked or old or preserved/processed meat).

    Even CAFO beef has very little polys, although the polys it does have is mostly omega 6, it is still very little. I have many friends on FB that are zero carb and live on excusively beef (in near perfect health) and the are pretty unanimous that grass fed beef is a waste of money (ethics aside).
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    Having some NY Strip steaks tonight...yum!
  • wilberfamily
    wilberfamily Posts: 111 Member
    I agree with everyone that says foods are good in moderation and with portion control. I too am a medium rare girl :) I just earned my bachelors in nutrition science last year and it is scary how many crazy myths are out there. People need to make sure that the information they are basing their decisions on comes from a reputible source.
  • wilberfamily
    wilberfamily Posts: 111 Member
    :tongue: And now we are having steak for dinner tonight
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    A steak isn't bad for you unless you eat a big ol one every day. Enjoy it -- you need variety in your diet it makes it easier to stay with it.