April~ Biggest Loser DVDs / Challenges (New Members welcome!



  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    I was all set to come home tonight to do a big workout after taking last night off. :tongue: I had to have an MRI today and I have one every six months so I'm an old pro at them and I don't get worked up about them or anything but I look like a pin cushion!! :grumble:

    I went in to get the IV for the contrast and the gal was chatting away, stuck me in the arm, no go. Now, I learned a long time ago that I'm fine as long as I don't watch the needles so I'm looking away. Then she says, you know I don't think that one is going to work but you've got a great vein right here, as she's patting my wrist. I'm thinking in my head...oh geez I hate IV's there but of course I don't say anything. Then she jabs me so hard and fast it brought tears to my eyes! :sad: She instantly knew that was no good either and admitted so and apologized for bruising me as she's pressing hard on my wrist to stop the pain (it didn't work). As she's holding it I'm starting to get nauseated :sick: and told her so. Anyway, 15 minutes pass while I try to recover and not pass out and someone else has to come in and stick me in the other arm. At least he was successful the first time. Then I spent an hour in the tube getting imaged and I feel like I've been run over by a truck! I just want to crawl in bed and call it a day!

    Anyway, my body says no and I'm listening. I'll have to work extra hard tomorrow. At least I did do well on my calories and food choices today so I have that going for me! :drinker:

    Nighty night everyone!

    HEY KAT! Hugs for you! Take it easy ok! :cry: I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow.
  • constancemwj
    Hi everyone,
    You ladies can always put a smile on my face. :happy: even after the last two days I've had. Its nice to know I'm not the only one going through a bad time.. ..... I got rearended on the free-way yesterday. :sick: Traffic stopped, I stopped but the 2 cars behind me didn't........ What a mess!.... :sad: :sad: and why me!!!!!! and to make it worse I was in a company vehical... Not my owe. so I couldn't just go home and cry:sad: about it..... After it was ok for me to go. I had to take the car to the machanc and myself to the urgent care to be checked out too.....:frown: At least that wasn't as bad as your experance was, kat........They where really good to me at the urent care no IV's and I checked out ok. but it was late when I got home and I missed all but the last 10 min of BL.......:frown: and was so stressed and tired that my fitness plans where forgotten........ :yawn: So I went to bed without even turning on my computer and loging in.... And to day with running here and there felling out reports and basic reliving yesterday..... It wasn't much better. :cry: so again no exersice tonight But tomerrow I'm taking half the day off, it's another track meet for my daughter.... so i"ll go watch her and walk some miles between her races and events......... I'll be shocked if I lose any weight this week.????
    Jenny-- Hope your little one is feeling better It's hard when they'er sick and you can't do much......

    Tomorrow will be a better day!!!!!!!! hopefully for us all........
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Wow it sounds like both of you didn't have the best day!! :flowerforyou: I hope everything gets better for you both!

    I stayed after work and used the gym again. I used the elliptical and worked my arms and chest today!! Its a lot easier to workout at a gym if you have been there cleaning the equipment all day LOL plus you're already there, so you don't have to make yourself go to the gym. Its convenient. I'm going to have to write down the challenges so I can remember to do them LOL
  • tabbyh25
    tabbyh25 Posts: 66
    what do you guys do for the last chance workout? this is my first week doing the dvds and I love it.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning people!!

    Mina, I would not do the SHRED everyday. I think I'd get so bored with it for one & for two, I like to keep my body guessing!! I am trying to get it in 3x a week though because I like the routines & I think that the moves are very challenging. I'm also on level 2! It's crazy tough! I'm thinking for my last change workout I might try to tackle levels 1 & 2 in a row! Wish me luck!

    Laura, good for you working out at the gym after working all day! That's some dedicataion!

    Connie, keep at it girl! It'll come! This is a process. We might not lose this week, but by making good choices & being active it WILL work! You're doing great! So sorry to hear about your accident, but at least you're feeling okay.

    WildKat, I'm also sorry to hear about your bad experience as a pin cushion. How awful for you! I think Crystal would say... ((((((((( HUGS ))))))))))

    Tabby, make your last chance workout a real challenge for you!! Do something that you wouldn't usually do! This is your last day to shed some extra calories & hopefully pounds!! I'd love to hear what you come up with!

    Crystal & Jenny :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I"m not liking the looks of my scale this morning! I'm really hoping for a change, but it's looking like it may not come this week. We'll see!
    Have a great day people!! :drinker:
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Good Morning !!!! This is how I spent my morning !! Getting Cali ready for school today is picture day !!

    She had to have a new outfit and new shoes and she called her self fashion !! She is 6 and already a diva ...LOL she wanted to wear lipstick and stuff.... I am scared of when she gets older LOL I never ever got into wearing makeup and doing my hair I was always laid back to my appearance .. She has to be perfect ....

    Well I got a digital camera off ebay they said that some times it works sometimes it dont so I figured I could maybe open it and fix a short HA yeah rigth this thing has so much different panels and screws and yeah so i guess I waisted $35 oh well ! It would have been a nice camera I did get to take one picture with it .. But now cant get it to turn back on !

    well today is LASt CHANCE workout day !!!!!!!!

    MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT ...... 1 2 3 4 MOVE IT

    JUMPING JACKS ..........WALKOUT PUSH UPS ............ CARDIO............ STRENGTH


    Alrighty ladies have fun check in later with you all !!!! HUGS and smart choices today

    Oh this is my dog Otis my husband calls this his "playgirl" pose LOL he is sunbathing
    He is such a funny Hound
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!! Cali is like the cutest little DOLL!!! seriously looks like a doll!!! Sauls picture day is comeing up next week....I am just worried about if his haris willstay down and is wearign matching clothes hahah boys are so easy!!!! and with that I would like to know if anybody would like to buy a goldengate bridge in arizona.....HA but fashion is much easier for them. For saul he is happy if he has blue pants to wear. That is his one requirement....blue pants he such a hoot!!! he is feeling much better and that makes mommy feel super duper better! Sorry iwasn't on yestereday my hubby surprised me while I was working in the yard and we went to go and pick up stuff to build my much longed for and waited for front deck...we are using milk crates as steps right now....yep thats right we are pretty sophistimacated and classy hahahaha!!! So with me working out in the yard for a couple of hours before and runnig around I was tuckered out! I am going to now go back out and work longer in the yard and seriously rake for the last time ( I hope ) and maybe rake myself all the way to MINA this time ahahahaha

    Crystal i LOVE YOUR DOGGGGGGGGGGGGG he does have quite the 'come hitther' look! He is such a stud! Of course show me anythign with a 4 legs and resembles a dog in anywyay I will say that it is the cutest thing ever....not really an impartial person I guess hahahha. I don't know what I am going to do for last chance.....I really have to work in the yard and then I am going to go over to my sis and i dont' know if we are going for a walk or a video or what....but I will be sweating I promise!!!!

    Kat and Connie you poor girls!!! *sigh* you just sound like you had a pretty all around sucky day. SO sorrys!! But the nice thing is that today is a new one!!!!! It can't get worse it can only get better!!!!

    MINNIE MIna get a hRM with a belt for sure....it feels funny the first time or two but then it just ends up feeling like a little extra sportsbra so it becomes no big deal!!! I think you need...the pink one. Yep pink would look super cute for you hahahah

    Sandy sandy baby saaaaaaaaaaaaandyyyy sandy baby sannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy babyyyyyyyyyyyy hahahaha sounds like you are goign to kick it up on the last chance whew I hope there is something left of ya when you get through haahah Thanks for the nice words about mommyhood! It definetly made me feel better!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    EMilie you can do this!!!! Come and join the last chance work out and kick our butts!!! Did I miss anyone??? there are still some new gals I don't know so HOWDY and lets all work our butts togeather...butts and legs and abs....well you get the pic ahahah

    ok I have to run and get started!!!

    loves to all
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Crystal, your Cali is so cute!! Boy do you have your hands full!! I don't even want to think about my girls turning 6. I'm still in denial that my oldest (MJ - 3) will be going to school soon. I never thought she'd get there! I'll have her for another 2 years then she's off into the world! I just hope that I'm giving her a firm foundation to stand up for herself & to be confident & strong & all that! Okay... I can't talk about this anymore.... :sad:

    So great to see you Jenny!! I just love reading your posts!! Your new deck will be so nice!! I know that you've got to be excited!! I'm sure that you can find another use for those milk crates so don't be too sad to see them go! :wink: Seriously though! We both seem to have a leaf problem!! I swear I'm raking leaves all year long! They get everywhere!! Under the shrubs, in the mulch & those stupid propeller things that the trees drop!! GGRRR!! I have little baby trees everywhere!!

    I haven't worked out yet today! I had some things to handle this morning then I was waiting for Gabby to wake up from her nap! Well, she's awake now but I had to eat something!!! I've been so hungry these last couple of days. So, I ate a salad & some almonds. Now, I'm just waiting for it all to settle so that I don't barf all over the floor while Jillian punishes me!!

    Wish me luck!!bb:laugh:
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Woohooo..... so we went for a walk with Maeve in the wagon and Otis on the leash !!!! Then we were playing outside for a total of 60 mins woohoo...

    Then we decided to take the huge grape vine plant off the edge of our ditch ... yuck that thing was everywhere I love the way it lookd in the summer but it was over growing all the flowers that grow along the ditch..... so we did that for about 40 mins then I did my 50 Jumping Jacks and I had a snack .. Aunt millies whole grain light bread ( 70 calories 2 slices) 1/2 pepper jack cheese 2 slice tomato and lettuce ... argh my turkey pastrami was no good :(

    But Now I amma gonna hop on that treadmill to sweat sweat sweat..

    By then Cali should be home !!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i am backing out of the challenge. going to be going through some rough times. DH was just fired. and he is the only income earner. just keep us in your prayers.
    thanks and good luck everyone. the food will not control me......
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Chipper I am so sorry to hear that. Just take things day to day. Yuo can and will get through this (((((HUGS))))) Your doing great on your weight loss just keep it up... We are always here if you need a shoulder to lean on .....
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Wow I just noticed the new tread. haha

    Today I did a mile walk and tonight I want to do Cardio max cardio level 2, and BL 2 IHC for women. That's just 20 minutes but this would be a rest day for me since I did my sculpting workout yesterday. Hope I see big changes. :bigsmile
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    Hey all you beeyootiful people!

    CRYSTAL - Cali is adorable!! :love: She's going to be such a heartbreaker:) And so is Otis!!
    I have 3 babies, too: Max, Molly and Carrie. And they're all golden retrievers. Hehe. But they're all at home in Manila with my folks because I couldn't bring them with me when I moved to Singapoh. :( But I miss 'em everyday.

    JEEEEEEEEEEEENNNYYYYYYY - Your posts really crack me up and make my day! :smooched: :laugh: And yes yes I shall get me an HRM with a FUSCHIA belt. Very me. Tres Chic!

    SANDY - I actually agree with you about the shred. I'm doing multiple videos at a time to keep it crazy but I really love the simplicity of the shred, which makes me want to do it everyday. Haha. But I skipped a day to let my shoulders rest. Pushups are killer. But I love how I can actually do them now. Hehe.

    CONNIE - I'm so sorry about your car!! :( I hope YOU'RE OK! That's what's most important!! Take care! :smile:

    CHIPPER - You're definitely in my prayers and I hope things start to look up for you soon.

    LAURA - You're so lucky you get to work at a gym! Then you definitely won't forget to workout. Hehe.

    Meanwhile, I've got this event next Friday where I have to get dressed up and pose for pictures. I was hoping to be 10lbs lighter but I'm not. Haha. Oh well, I'll just have to make the most of it and wear a jersey (read: STRETCH) dress and high high heels. Maybe I'll wear a cocktail hat to distract the attention from my pouch. It's so difficult being a big girl in an Asian country... Everyone is tiny here. Plus I work in the fashion industry, so everyone is extra extra tiny. Ugh.

    THINK POSITIVE. FOCUS. We can do this! One day I hope to post fabulous before and after pics. :)

    :heart: Mina
  • constancemwj
    Hay everyone, :happy:
    What a better day It's been ..... But I don't think I did very well for the challange thursday...... I just tryed to keep moving all day.... It's hard to walk and watch a track meet at the same time.... I kept wanting to stop and cheer for lynsey and her friends.. It was a lot of fun.. I think I cheered more then I walked...... their school took over all first.... We were all so proud!!!!!

    Crystal your cali is such a cuttie....
    :blushing: Maybe someday soon I'll get brave and get a picture of us on here...

    Chipper I'm so sorry for you....I know It's hard when things are so uncertin...we'll be praying for you Just don't give up......things always get better...:heart:

    :flowerforyou: I hope many pound are lost tomorrow for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Well today I had to clean my apartment like crazy when I got off work LOL so thats sadly my exercise for my last chance workout. I did bike to and from work again.

    Chipper, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I hope everything works out.

    Well I hope we all do well tomorrow!!
  • tabbyh25
    tabbyh25 Posts: 66
    i just wanted to let everyone know that I lost 3 lbs. this week. I am so excited.:laugh:
  • CrystalOKeefe
    i just wanted to let everyone know that I lost 3 lbs. this week. I am so excited.:laugh:

    Tabby Make sure you enter that in the chart !!!!!!! WOOHOO YOU GO GIRL !!!!!

    Constance I glad that your having a better day!!

    Thanks to everyone for the comments about my lil diva LOL she is sooooo funny!!!

    Well I weighed in @ 150.0 this morning I was so hoping to be back in the 149 range since I had been there once ... Should we start charting our inches lost too? just so we have a place to keep it ? Cause on here I cant find my old measures???

    WOOOhoooo everyone it is friday have a great day !!!!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Tabby- Congratulations on your 3lbs that is AWESOME!!!

    Chipper- I am so sorry to hear that you are having a hard time right now! I was recently there. Great Big (((HUGS))) to you!

    Crystal- Your little Cali is a cutie! Kids do grow fast don't they! We can track inches lost also if you want. I like to go by inches lost more then weight to be honest since muscle weights more then fat.

    Connie- I hope that you are feeling ok. I am sorry to hear about your car!

    Jenny- Thank you for always making us smile :smile:

    Sorry if I missed anything! I hope all of you are doing well!!!!

    Amanda :flowerforyou:
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Well sadly I lost zero pounds this week, but I know I'm smaller cause my pants are about to fall off LOL!! So I know I'm losing inches and gaining muscle, I just can't wait to see the numbers on the scale reflect my hard work!! I lost 8.5 lbs last week before I joined this group so hopefully next week I'll lose more weight.


    Tabby- good job on the 3 lbs lost! Keep it up, thats great!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    A big 4 pounds for me. Woohoo I knew I was doing well cause I didn't cheat once all week but I didn't expect that much. I'm soo proud of myself. Hopefully I can lose at least 2 pounds next week.

    Arm 13 inches
    Leg 25 3/4 inches
    Waist 40 1/4 Inches
    Hip 44 1/4 inches