April~ Biggest Loser DVDs / Challenges (New Members welcome!



  • tabbyh25
    tabbyh25 Posts: 66
    Congrats Mammakisses on your 4 lb weight loss. That is great.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Thanks I wouldn't be doing this good without you girls. The support here is great!
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    i just wanted to let everyone know that I lost 3 lbs. this week. I am so excited.:laugh:

    YAY FOR YOU! WOOHOO!! That's awesome. :)
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    A big 4 pounds for me. Woohoo I knew I was doing well cause I didn't cheat once all week but I didn't expect that much. I'm soo proud of myself. Hopefully I can lose at least 2 pounds next week.

    Arm 13 inches
    Leg 25 3/4 inches
    Waist 40 1/4 Inches
    Hip 44 1/4 inches

    That's awesome news! Congrats!
  • constancemwj
    I agree with you Emilie, I've never been so motavated to stick to an exersice program since I joined this group... You ladies are awesome... :flowerforyou:

    and great job everyone....

    Don't feel to bad laura last week I gained 2 lbs... sometimes we go up and sometimes we go down we just need to go down more then up.... and this week I went down almost 2 lbs....:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    and maybe next week I'll get past the 155.. that's been hunting me all month.
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    I agree with you Emilie, I've never been so motavated to stick to an exersice program since I joined this group... You ladies are awesome... :flowerforyou:

    and great job everyone....

    Don't feel to bad laura last week I gained 2 lbs... sometimes we go up and sometimes we go down we just need to go down more then up.... and this week I went down almost 2 lbs....:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    and maybe next week I'll get past the 155.. that's been hunting me all month.

    Thats awesome!! Everybody is doing great!!!

    Its like 3:30 am, and I had a girls night with some of my freinds so there was some pizza involved LOL but I won't be seeing them for like another month or so since I live far away :cry: so it was a once in a blue moon type thing. It just means that I get to work it off tomorrow at the gym. The cool thing I found out is that I even get a discount on personal trainers since I work there and I will meet with mine on Tuesday for the first time!! I am super excited.

    Well its late and I am going to bed, but I check in with everyone later!! Hope you all have a great day!
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Laura its ok a splurge every NO AND THEN is ok!! We are people and we are not perfect !! Beside a good pizza mmmm.... I love pizza but I have started ordering mine light cheese light sauce and only veggies !! Cause its the meat and cheese that pack on the calories!!!

    I am so glad that everyone lieks it here so much!! You all are a great bunch of people !! Your encouragment and just your company make it so nice !! Thanks to everyone!!!

    Well today I dont know what I am gonna do.... I hope the weather man was wrong its supposed to storm today but Id like to play outside lol I say that like I am a kid..... I did notice yesterday on my walk that there is a lady in the neighborhood that was walking and jogging maybe one day I will catch up with her and make a buddy LOL

    Maeve is being major crabby today I am trying to get rid of the evil nunite (her bottle) I think this weekend I will find a way to rid that thing from my house!!! And suggestions ??

    Well everyone have a great day !!

    Oh yeah I wanted to ask who watchs Ghost whisperer????
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Hey everyone I posted a great article on our health attack page Check it out!!!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Laura, you hang in there!! One night out with the girls won't kill you!! Just get back on track PRONTO!! You're going to love having a personal trainer!! I had one years ago & absolutely loved it!! It's great having someone push you & show you all kinda different exercises!! ENJOY!!

    Crystal, your ticker looks AMAZING!! Keep up the good work!!

    I am feeling so bloated & gross today!! I need to go put on my workout clothes & burn off some calories!! I know that I'll feel better then!!

    I gotta get myself into the 150's this week!! This morning I weighed 162!! Yikes!! I know that weight fluctuates from day to day & I feel like I'm retaining some water & other "stuff" so I"m trying to keep that in mind!! But, I'm going to work really hard this week & I've decided no more after dinner cereal!! I always have the calories for it, but I feel like it's doing something to me. I'm starting to crave it & that's never good!

    Have a great day people & enoy the sunshine!!
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    Hi my little girlies!!! Yesterday was a 'heck' day! *sighs* I have come to confess my food sins....I was so upset that I my brain decided I needed a chocolate chip cookie.....of course I dont have them in my house so what do I do ? i bang and clang around with pots and pans make them! I ate a pile of cookie dough and them moved onto to the baked ones. It didn't make me feel better but it did taste good. Maybe that is the whole problem with overeating. We know that food isn't going to heal anything...I mean how could it, but the taste of the food is good and so maybe that is what we are clinging to, the 'good' that we can get. It always tastes good so if everythoing around us is bad there we are going to that constant 'good'. *sigh*

    I just need to get this off my chest. You all know that I have a special needs boy, but he isn't like so special needs that he is terrible in class and stuff like that. He is good and always has someone with him to help as well. Well I have been having a problem with the art teacher not wanting my son in her class, becuase he is different, he isnt' like the other kids, he might pose a small challenge....I talked to higher authority about it a while ago and it was suppose to be taken care of. Well yesterday she wouldn't let him go to class. He is always with his class and she wouldn't let him go!!! His kindergarten teacher told me and she was also just mad as hops as well. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!!!!! For heaven sakes what is so earth shattering involved with kindergarten art that my son cannot be in that friggin class???? i asked if he was misbehaved and his teacher said that he haed a wonderful day. She just doesn't want him in there becuase he isn't the same as the rest! It is discrimination plain and simple. And what is so riciculous is that she of all people should feel strongly about discrimination, she is native american and is very much so against anything about discrimination and wrong doing when it involves that, but not when it comes to disabillities I guess. (I am in no way predjudice about anyone or thing.) I just don't understand!!! I got so upset that I drove right over to the highschool and marched into the principals office and sat and waited to talk to him. He was completly shocked that it happened, he had already had a conversation with her about it! He was super nice and very supportive of me. So at least that was good, but I still feel terrible anger. I don't like it at all, I am soooooooooooooo not an angry person at all, it just isn't me. i know that if you guys would meet my son you would just all love him to pieces! This is the first time that someone has ever acted this way towards him. I just feel like I could go and beat her to a pulp!!! grrrrr

    So that is why I ate all those flippin cookies. and darn it, they tasted good. Thank you all for lettin me vent. I am just a mess about it. I mean he is only in kidergarten, what is going to happen as he gets older????? How am I going to be able to protect him from this?:??? He has had such a rough little life, I will do anything for him to keep him happy, safe, and content! Oh man I just have this nasty ball of anger eating away at me I could just scream!

    I just want ot thank you all for being such good friends! It is wonderful to be able to tell you all the good the bad and the ugly adn you are always soooo supportive and encouraging! I think that I will work this out but I have been just frazzled all night and mornig about it!!! I need ot go for a walk or something and burn off soem steam. ooooo maybe I will do my bob...I mean do my yoga!:wink: that is relaxing.....I just need to ask myself "what would bob do?" he would go kick that lady's butt....ok maybe not but he would do....soemthing....hahaha...

    YOu girls are all amazing!!!! Look at all this weight that was lost this week!!!! *hands laura a belt* You have now entered the my pants are falling off my butt and I don't need to look a plumber club! I am plagued by teh drooping of the pants as well. But I am too cheap to go buy new ones hahahaha. Theat scale never shows the inches you lose, so girl you are doing awesome! Remember last week you had a BIG number so it makes sense that you might now see too much this week!!!:happy:

    WOW emilie look at you!!!! I am proud of you for sticking with it, it can be hard, and now look at you 4 POUNDS!! woooo hooo

    Crystal you are awesome! The chart that I want fit into as being 'normal' is the stupid panyhose chart!!!! have you looked at where the 5' girls have to be on that? HA is all I have to say! I am throwing a party when I fit into that lousy chart :wink:

    Meloni you haev done aswesome! IT is just great to see those numbers huh?:bigsmile:

    My sandyyyyyy stupid water and 'stuff' doesn't it know that it doenst' belong in your body ???? hahah I hate that when I retain too! But at least you know that it really isn'' fat pounds it is just stuff that hasn't filtered out yet!

    Shannon you can get back to the workouts this week!!! Some weeks are just not as good as others. I think that you need to look the mirror and you will see one beautiful woman! INSIDE AND OUT!!! You are purdy girly ahahahaha!!

    Amanda you are so close to the the 140's! You go woman or is it....machine....hmmmm between you and sandy....I dunno haahaha we gotta watch you two:bigsmile:

    Connie you did great! Even if you had a 'bad' week look at the loss!!!

    eenny minne miny mo...MINA don't worry! Your week was super busy and we allll have lazy days! you are still looking gorgeous and dong great!!!!

    TABBY you should be excited you are doign awesome and I am so glad that you joined us! Keep up the awesome work girly girl!!!!

    Cathy keep up the good workouts! I wanna try the wii fit too!!!! ambye for christmas.....

    my little tiger KAT don't worry about the weigh in...next week you will probalby drop 3 or 4!!! Stupid water retention....see above message to sandykins....hahahah:heart: You are a powerhouse look at all your great work outs!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

    Ok so instead of my normal messages I usually leave on the sheet I did here haahah all at one shot but this week was kind of a bummer for me! Sorry gals!

    You girls are doign sooooooo great! Just look at all that you have acomplished! You just have to look at the spreadsheet and see all the fabulous work you are doing! We can do this togeather!

    LOVes to all and keep up the good work! I swear, no more cookies for me today----I left at my in laws last night to make sure ahahhahaah:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    I just need to get this off my chest. You all know that I have a special needs boy, but he isn't like so special needs that he is terrible in class and stuff like that. He is good and always has someone with him to help as well. Well I have been having a problem with the art teacher not wanting my son in her class, becuase he is different, he isnt' like the other kids, he might pose a small challenge....I talked to higher authority about it a while ago and it was suppose to be taken care of. Well yesterday she wouldn't let him go to class. He is always with his class and she wouldn't let him go!!! His kindergarten teacher told me and she was also just mad as hops as well. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!!!!! For heaven sakes what is so earth shattering involved with kindergarten art that my son cannot be in that friggin class???? i asked if he was misbehaved and his teacher said that he haed a wonderful day. She just doesn't want him in there becuase he isn't the same as the rest! It is discrimination plain and simple. And what is so riciculous is that she of all people should feel strongly about discrimination, she is native american and is very much so against anything about discrimination and wrong doing when it involves that, but not when it comes to disabillities I guess. (I am in no way predjudice about anyone or thing.) I just don't understand!!! I got so upset that I drove right over to the highschool and marched into the principals office and sat and waited to talk to him. He was completly shocked that it happened, he had already had a conversation with her about it! He was super nice and very supportive of me. So at least that was good, but I still feel terrible anger. I don't like it at all, I am soooooooooooooo not an angry person at all, it just isn't me. i know that if you guys would meet my son you would just all love him to pieces! This is the first time that someone has ever acted this way towards him. I just feel like I could go and beat her to a pulp!!! grrrrr


    I CANNOT BELIEVE SHE DID THIS! You're right this is discrimination! UGH....her ignorance makes me want to beat her to pulp!! Good for you for sticking up for your son. As you said at least the school principal was supportive. I hope she realizes how badly she messed up.

    I am ssooo the emotional eater also. I've been kicking my @$$ since last wednesday. I've been working out every day and I cheated on Sunday= but I made myself workout that day extra hard to try to make up. So I was hoping for a good number, but I never let myself get my hopes too high. But this weigh in - I GAINED 1.8 LBS!!!! I was CRUSHED. I was so disappointed- It ruined my whole day. That's why I didn't log my weight yesterday.

    I've been going over all kinds of possibilities like, " I just had major surgery on 3/24 - maybe my body's trying to heal and that's interfering with the weight loss" and " Maybe I've been working out so much that I'm building muscle" and " What if I'm pregnant" and last but certainly not least " Maybe aliens came and took my scale and replaced it with one that doesn't quite work just to mess with my head!"

    Ok so the part about the pregnancy- I've been wanting to have a baby FOREVER. That's a big part of the reason why I chose to ultimately have the surgery. So we haven't been on any birth control since March last year. So me and the hubby decided we were going to go on birth control bc of the lapband. The problem is: I went on 04/09 to the OB GYN and we decided on the nuva ring- which you put in on the first day of your cycle......ya that hasn't come yet. Aunt Flo- where are you??? And because of my crazy thoughts (that you've already witnessed) - I thought - NO WAY we're going to pregnant within this short timeframe. So we haven't been using any protection whatsoever. So I guess there's a small, miniscule, dust particle size chance that I could be pregnant. Like I said before- I don't get my hopes up ever, so I'm expecting a big fat negative- but I'm going to put off taking the test until early next week to appease the denial part of my brain. We'll see how that goes.

    I'm better now. I got some of my motivation back - not a 100% - but some. :cry:
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Jenny you and your son are totally in my prayers, I cannot believe that anyone would have the gall to do that to a child. I hope she figures out how wrong she is being.

    Goya, don't feel bad about the weight gain. Like I said earlier that I hadn't lost any weight, you're probably in the same boat as me, unless you really are pregnant. If you know you've worked hard, then you are probably building muscle. I need to buy a measuring tape so I can actually keep track of the inches I lose.

    Well today was a lot better. No pizza today LOL I ended up staying up so late that I let myself sleep in longer thinking I would be able to work out after work in the gym only to remember when I got there that we close at 8pm on Saturdays! I can't believe I forgot. So even though I'm off tomorrow I am going to go work out for awhile at the gym and then after cleaning my apartment, I'm going to the yoga dvd. I need to work off the pizza from last night LOL

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member

    I'm really struggling this weekend especially since my numbers didn't budge this week, but you all are so supportive, it makes it so much easier to keep going.

    JENNY - I think you should write to Oprah or something. GAWD. That woman! I want to give her a piece of my mind. Don't sweat it Jen, you know you're in the right. And Saul will pull through fine too.

    LAURA - Yay for fighting the pizza temptation. :)

    GOYA - Oh honey, don't let the numbers get to you. It's a mind game! And you know you've got all of us backing you up here. We gotta just push through. So don't give up ok?

    I picked up a book the other day called THe 7 secrets of slim people. And it's such a simple, straight forward book, but it's making so much sense.

    I blogged about it y'all are up for a read: http://superskinnyjourney.blogspot.com/2009/04/seven-secrets-of-slim-people.html

    I think you girls may be able to relate to this book, too, since a lot of us over- and emotionally eat. It basically says, the more we limit ourselves, the more we'll obsess and binge. I say it very very simply, but that's a basic theory in the book. And it hit such a nerve with me because that basically recaps my whole dieting experience. I take out whole food groups (ie carbs, fat, sweets, soda, chocolate), then obsess and gorge the next opportunity I get. Cheat and give up.

    With me, I really have to dig deep, get into my head and overcome this overeating crap. Learn to take everything in stride and not beat myself up every time I reach for a bag of Maltesers... Or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

    So my plan right now is to keep up the exercising, but to go through all the exercises in the book and deal with my demons. I'm reading another couple of books simultaneously by Dr Martha Beck, which is more Cognitive Therapy stuff. Hopefully, I'll get somewhere and get to the root of my problems.

    The other day, I let myself eat what I wanted without judgement and I ate almost 2500 cal worth of food! I didn't realize how big the numbers were until I really counted everything. So I completely understand why I didn't lose any weight this week, and why my weight loss has been so slow. I also got my new Heart Rate Monitor, a Polar FT40! So I'm going to be counting calories burned.

    I hope all you girls are doing FINE and I hope to hear more from all of you. :) Let's do this!
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    Laura, you hang in there!! One night out with the girls won't kill you!! Just get back on track PRONTO!! You're going to love having a personal trainer!! I had one years ago & absolutely loved it!! It's great having someone push you & show you all kinda different exercises!! ENJOY!!

    Crystal, your ticker looks AMAZING!! Keep up the good work!!

    I am feeling so bloated & gross today!! I need to go put on my workout clothes & burn off some calories!! I know that I'll feel better then!!

    I gotta get myself into the 150's this week!! This morning I weighed 162!! Yikes!! I know that weight fluctuates from day to day & I feel like I'm retaining some water & other "stuff" so I"m trying to keep that in mind!! But, I'm going to work really hard this week & I've decided no more after dinner cereal!! I always have the calories for it, but I feel like it's doing something to me. I'm starting to crave it & that's never good!

    Have a great day people & enoy the sunshine!!

    Hey Sandy! I don't think you're gross. I think you're FABULOUS!! 150's here you come!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Laura, you hang in there!! One night out with the girls won't kill you!! Just get back on track PRONTO!! You're going to love having a personal trainer!! I had one years ago & absolutely loved it!! It's great having someone push you & show you all kinda different exercises!! ENJOY!!

    Crystal, your ticker looks AMAZING!! Keep up the good work!!

    I am feeling so bloated & gross today!! I need to go put on my workout clothes & burn off some calories!! I know that I'll feel better then!!

    I gotta get myself into the 150's this week!! This morning I weighed 162!! Yikes!! I know that weight fluctuates from day to day & I feel like I'm retaining some water & other "stuff" so I"m trying to keep that in mind!! But, I'm going to work really hard this week & I've decided no more after dinner cereal!! I always have the calories for it, but I feel like it's doing something to me. I'm starting to crave it & that's never good!

    Have a great day people & enoy the sunshine!!

    Hey Sandy! I don't think you're gross. I think you're FABULOUS!! 150's here you come!!!

    :heart: :heart: :blushing: TY!! :blushing:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Jennykins, I just want to say, hang in there! We love you & pray that you & your family have the strength that you need to get through this. I am shocked that anyone, especially a teacher, would treat a child this way! Maybe she should look for another line of work if she isn't willing to be caring & compassionate! You'll get through! Stay strong!

    Goya, you keep working girl. Our bodies don't always do what we want them to, but if we treat them right, they'll come around, eventually!!:wink: I wish you & your husband lots of luck & love on trying for a baby! They truely are a gift from God! (that's for you too Jenny):wink:

    Mina, you keep strong!! No more crazy over the top days!! Do this for YOU!! Keep reading your books & find your motivation but most of all take care of you!! Everyday does matter! Every meal does matter!! Take control! You can do this!!

    Laura, great job on avoiding the pizza today!! Have a great workout!

    Have a great day people & I'll check in with you all later!! :drinker:
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Why is it that the people who either work in medical clinics or gyms, the ones you would think would eat healthy, are the people who eat badly LOL. Today at work I had to go in on my day off to get my cpr card with the other employees and what do they bring for snacks?? Doughnuts LMOA oh and some fruit. So I had to sit there watching everyone scarfing down the doughnuts and stay strong. Man I wanted one, but I knew if I had one I would end up eating two LOL It was the same way when I used to work at a clinic, they brought doughnuts every Monday.

    Well I hope everyone is doing good today! I am excited I have tomorrow off, I am soooo ready to relax.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Laura- That is really funny and yet oh so true! Good for you for staying strong and knowing your limits that is awesome!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Hope all you lovely ladies had a great weekend! My three kiddos have chicken pox so I have been crazy busy with them. I also sat down this weekend and read Jillian Michaels new book and I LOVE it!!!! So new game plan for me. Going to work out five hours a week doing circuit training and then on Saturday I am going to do Cardio Max and an ab work out. Already started eating clean so I have that part down. Here's to hoping I can get that last 15-20lbs off before the end of August beginning of September!

  • CrystalOKeefe

    I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!! Mine well it rained almost all weekend so me and Cali played soccer in the kitchen LOL so she could just practice go after and kicking it!! It was fun I should have had my hrm on cause I am sure I burnt a few cals... Saturday Morning was BEAUTIFUL !! I got out there and cleaned my flower garden for an hour and a half.... since we had moved in I didnt get that all the way done yet.... Oh it looks so much nicer now!!

    Jenny my dear I give you much praise and hold you high in my world for the wonderful life that you chose to give your amazing little man Saul !! There needs to many more of you out there in this world! HOW people could give up any child no matter what there health issues are is beyond me ....... They are precious gifts of love. That teacher that did this should be fired fired and her teaching license taken from her. I personally would have gone there and kicked the **** out of her ........ But that would get you no where either.... You are an amazing strong impowered woman and today I am giving you a

    Many (((((((HUGS))))))) to you Jenny you are truely one of a kind !!

    Everyone this was a good week!!!! Lets keep going let nothing get in our way of our dreams and success !!!!!!!

    Laura you stayed strong AWESOME great job ..... Food cannot beat you , you are strong !!!
    You ladies rock !!
    Well today is beautiful Cali is in school , I gotta go run pick up something from freecycle.... And not sure what else I gotta do !!!
    Have a wonderful Monday Morning !!
  • Didimsun
    Didimsun Posts: 15
    Hi Everyone

    My name is Kelly. I joined your group at the weekend (thanks Crystal!). I wanted to join as you all seem motivated yet human.....and I hope to emulate some of your success :flowerforyou:
    Speak soon