Anyone else NOT have a Valentine?



  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Terminally single, and would love some Valentine's romance, but that just doesn't seem to be on the cards. I'm supposed to be in Berlin on the 14th, and had planned a girl's night with some colleagues, but as my passport is stuck in a bureaucratic swamp, it looks like I'll be at home and trying to bury my head in the sand. :frown:
  • BettyBudski
    BettyBudski Posts: 54 Member
    I bought myself a nice big tattoo, I go on the 16th to get it though lol, close enough!
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    No valentine here. I was seeing a guy, but, he lied to me, and dumped me due to me being fat (I'm not fat). He was also seeing other women. I asked him about it (for safety and health reasons) and he denied it. He's been in my life for 6 years. Yeah, this valentine's day sucks.

    I am thinking about doing something special for myself, and rewarding myself for this past year's weight loss transformation. A massage is definitely at the top of the list. :-)
  • Princessbrene
    Princessbrene Posts: 112 Member
    What really makes me laugh is MFP thought an author's name was dirty. "****ens" HA

    I was trying to figure out who you were talking about, but now I think I have... first name Charles? I like your encouragement of other men to "man up" on V-day btw. And, I think women who have a good man should treat him well also. Why is this such a foreign idea these days?
  • paul7799
    paul7799 Posts: 98 Member
    What really makes me laugh is MFP thought an author's name was dirty. "****ens" HA

    I was trying to figure out who you were talking about, but now I think I have... first name Charles? I like your encouragement of other men to "man up" on V-day btw. And, I think women who have a good man should treat him well also. Why is this such a foreign idea these days?
    Yup good old Charles.

    I'm not sure, mutual respect and treating each other well is such an elusive concept it seems. I've seen way too many posts by people who have been cruelly criticized about their appearance from their partners on here. Sad.
  • Rene_J_G
    No Valentine for me either, but I'm okay with that. Maybe I'll just get myself a new Heart Rate Monitor to keep with the heart theme.... and since mine decided to stop working today.
  • sporadica
    No valentine for me... instead, I'll be in Istanbul learning how to bellydance. Bring on the sequins!
  • fallonlaree
    No Valentine - so that day I'm already planning on doing double time at the gym! While I'm on the elliptical I'll be thinking of what could have been.....HA
  • mdulanto9177
    On a postive note...been married for 6 I have a Valentine...Best thing about him is that he loves me for me... fat and all! On that day, we don't really do anything is over-rated. He already tells me sweet nothings for us, it's just another day that we can tell each other I love you♥
  • LButterfly201
    No Valentine either...think an early night is on the cards :) with maybe some chocolate haha
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    Have been single for about 13 months now so yeah no Valentines for me. Plus, If I had a girlfriend I wouldn't need to rely on a holiday such as Valentines day to show her my love ;)
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Just another day. I think it's the day I have to take the garbage can to the curb. So that makes it a little special.

    The day I "took the trash to the curb" was special for me, too, so I bought myself flowers then, too! :flowerforyou:

    Good for you! I used to joke that I lost 260 pounds with one stroke of the pen. :wink:

    I agree, people would say you lost weight, I said Yes 275 lbs :) 25 lbs on me, 250 of him. Best thing ever :)
  • repoman150
    repoman150 Posts: 42 Member
    Options valentine for me either!!!
  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    No valentines for me. I've been widowed for 1 year. I would love to meet someone to love and romance me and do likewise in return and be able to grow old together. But let's make the best of it you guys!! LOVE YOURSELF!- get yourself some flowers, treat yourself to a massage, manicure/ pedicure, go shopping for your new smaller sized clothes. Make yourself a favorite dinner, have a movie night with some wine at home. You work hard- you deserve to pamper yourself!! CELEBRATE YOU! :love:
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    No date - just a little treat for me, from me.
  • The_new_me_76
    The_new_me_76 Posts: 70 Member
    No valentine but hey oh !
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    Yeah, I don't have one, either. I guess I suck. Meh, I'll do something nice with my students that day. Candy for everyone! Maybe a pop quiz. >:)
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    No Valentine at all :grumble:

    Been like that for YEARS. But I'm only 23, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much :frown:
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Just me and my favorite little man.
    Never cared much about it when I was married. But now I would love to have a Valentine.
  • jlynwhet
    jlynwhet Posts: 38 Member
    I'll be spending Valentine's Day alone (after working all day) for the 5th year since losing my husband of 41 years to cancer on February 3rd. For the first time, I'm not sad and can spend more time realizing how grateful I am for having been married to a good guy for that long. He was truly a "gentle" man and an gentleman.