Why so much hate?



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    To those of you that sent me friend requests, I truly appreciate the gesture but I am not looking to add anyone at this time. I try to offer support daily to everyone on my list, so I need to keep it manageable. :flowerforyou:

    I knew that as well... because I read your profile... which is why I didn't send you a friend request.
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    I don't know about anyone else...but I wouldn't ever assume you were LL Cool J.
    Does he LOOK like he needs to lose weight??

    As for the haters....go get laid or something.
  • GrahamBarwick
    there are a lot of people with a lack of sense of humour on here...BIG TIME, Dont let folk get under your skin brother to another mother
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    the people that bothered to check my profile only did so with the intention to find material for criticism. An activity that happens on this site every single day. Disagree with someone, check their profile to find something to use against them.

    You're not kidding about this. Someone posted a thread once about what to do if your 15-year-old daughter asks you for birth control pills. I referenced the famous Bill Cosby joke ("I brought you into this world, and I'll take you out."). And someone responded that I must think it's okay to kill your children because I'm from Texas. Excuse me, but WTF? There are some bored, crazy, humorless people on this site.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    This is why I stay off the forums as much as I can. I've heard the excuse that "everyone's hungry" to why everyone is such a b itch..but c'mon if you're doing it right you shouldn't be hungry.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    the people that bothered to check my profile only did so with the intention to find material for criticism. An activity that happens on this site every single day. Disagree with someone, check their profile to find something to use against them.

    You're not kidding about this. Someone posted a thread once about what to do if your 15-year-old daughter asks you for birth control pills. I referenced the famous Bill Cosby joke ("I brought you into this world, and I'll take you out."). And someone responded that I must think it's okay to kill your children because I'm from Texas. Excuse me, but WTF? There are some bored, crazy, humorless people on this site.

    Wow. That is crazy. :huh:

    On the topic of where you live, are you familiar with the song Austin? Great country song.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This is why I stay off the forums as much as I can. I've heard the excuse that "everyone's hungry" to why everyone is such a b itch..but c'mon if you're doing it right you shouldn't be hungry.

    I think that is more of a joke than an excuse.
  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    Holy crap! The OP looks EXACTLY like LL Cool J!




    [flee giggling]
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    This is why I stay off the forums as much as I can. I've heard the excuse that "everyone's hungry" to why everyone is such a b itch..but c'mon if you're doing it right you shouldn't be hungry.

    I think that is more of a joke than an excuse.

    Probably meant as a joke but some truth to it. I know I am cranky when I am hungry. Of course that is not excuse to attack people.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I'm convinced that it is a lack of carbs that make these people so cranky.
    I just have one suggestion for them: Go eat a banana. You'll feel better.
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    I saw the humor in it and found it funny
  • hippychickuk
    hippychickuk Posts: 93 Member
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Really, though, people do fly off the handle easily here, as everywhere, but compared to other websites, this is Sesame Street.

    I've read a couple threads on Bodybuilding.com and those folks get BRUTAL. I consider myself very thick-skinned, but I wouldn't want to be part of that community.
  • DivaDiane
    Lighten up, people. :bigsmile:
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    To the best of my knowledge, he has never misled anyone to believe that he is LL Cool J. He is inspired by LL Cool J and that is commonly understood for most other people on the site.

    I decided to change my pic to one that included a microphone. Perhaps that will help :smile:
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    Some people just have no sense of humour !! I don't think sarcasm is well understood. These forums are just like a playground sometimes .........
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I saw the thread & immediately knew it was a joke. Never would have imagined it could get taken for anything else. :noway:
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    ok, this may be stupid, but i was thinking, because of all the humorless people on here, why no put a littl (sar) next to you're post so everyone knows its sarcasm :) you could do a (ser) for serious posts.. or (hum) for humorous posts...

  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    ok, this may be stupid, but i was thinking, because of all the humorless people on here, why no put a littl (sar) next to you're post so everyone knows its sarcasm :) you could do a (ser) for serious posts.. or (hum) for humorous posts...


    Because the joke wouldn't have been funny if EVERYONE got it. :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    To the best of my knowledge, he has never misled anyone to believe that he is LL Cool J. He is inspired by LL Cool J and that is commonly understood for most other people on the site.

    I decided to change my pic to one that included a microphone. Perhaps that will help :smile:

    :cry: :brokenheart: *sniffle*...I loved the old pic.