Creepy Chicks at the Gym



  • tataliciousd89
    I don't know if I would call that a fail. Lol.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    One night after my swim and shower I was at the locker getting ready to go home. I have long hair and it was wet. I was brushing it out with a brush. A woman that I've seen at the gym but don't know told me that I should not be using a brush on my hair because I could damage it. I told her I know that but it's all I had with me. Next thing I know she came up behind me and started combing my hair with her own comb. I jumped back and she asked (in an offended voice) 'what, you don't like to be pampered."

    Um no, I don't like strangers combing my hair in a locker room.

    LOL um who does that... weird! I would have gave her the crazy look :tongue:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    One night after my swim and shower I was at the locker getting ready to go home. I have long hair and it was wet. I was brushing it out with a brush. A woman that I've seen at the gym but don't know told me that I should not be using a brush on my hair because I could damage it. I told her I know that but it's all I had with me. Next thing I know she came up behind me and started combing my hair with her own comb. I jumped back and she asked (in an offended voice) 'what, you don't like to be pampered."

    Um no, I don't like strangers combing my hair in a locker room.

    yikes...when I read this I actually glanced over my shoulder to make sure noone was coming at me with a comb...ewww...
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    My former personal trainer. She never looked me in the eye, never smiled - ever. But the weirdest and creepiest thing about her was that she never, never said an unnecessary word to me - not even "Hi". She would meet me at the trainer desk, walk away like a robot with me following, and give me a command. When we got to the end of the routine list I had printed out, she would instruct me very briefly in the last movement, watch me do it, then leave without saying goodbye.

    oh my gosh she sounds AWESOME! at least the part were she would just walk off, hahahaha I used to love doing that to people that bourd me, or if like there was a moment of selence I would just walk away, AWESOME! hahahaha
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    There's a girl at my gym who I secretly call skinny skanky. Ladies, please, if you choose not to wear panties under your workout clothes, for the LOVE OF HEAVEN, make sure your shorts are long enough to cover your nether bits, or make sure that your workout pants are a thick enough fabric to hide the "camel toe". There is a girl who takes my body pump class and I HATE it when she's in front of me, because every time she squats or lunges I get to see more than I bargained for. I DON'T need to know her that well.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I have not noticed any at the new gym location I go to but the old one in the same chain had two girls that would literally just troll for guys EVERY time they were in. They would come in, sit down next to a guy specifically with a leg or thigh machine and slowly do reps... Then sit there for like 20 minutes flirting and then leave.

    While I was there I noticed these two girls go home with different guys at least 4 times...

    Its you see these girls all the time...The guy you were working out with the night before stuck it in now your getting whatever he had the next day....
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Here you go.:tongue:
    Creepy girl checking you out

    How you doin??
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    while I occasionally check out the muscly guys at the gym (sorry, got a thing for great shoulders lol), I'm pretty sure I'm not the creepy chick at the gym...I'm usually way too busy sweating my *kitten* off to notice much other than other people have way better form than me, and they can run faster and make it look easy...and then I realize belatedly that all the guys in the free weight room just behind the upstairs treadmills can see me sweat buckets lol...

    my "ew gross" moment was in the women's locker room seeing some elderly women in the showers de-callousing (sp?) their feet with those little scrapers....EW....
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    I was in the hot tub at my gym, alone. It's in the women's locker room so everyone is of course naked. An older lady got in and put on goggles. After racing through every possible innocent explanation in my head, her head went under and I bolted.

    Rolling on the floor laughing. I honestly can't think of a reason why anybody would actually put their head under in a hot tub. Creepy, creepy creepy.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    There's one girl who's pretty much furniture in my main gym. She sits around the weights section not doing anything at all, in full workout gear, talking to anyone who'll give her the time of day. I loved breaking her little heart - I spoke to her on Wednesday, but my only words were 'Are you using that?' No, she replied. 'Can you move then?' Her face dropped and she got up and moved onto the next poor *kitten*.

    And so I guess you think it's a good quality to "break some ones heart" that's pretty lame, sounds to me like this girl uses the gym to pick up guy's, and I'm willing to bet she got over your "cool" reply, real fast
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    Not a chick but...

    One of the semesters I took a weight lifting class in college there was a guy that would come into the weight room that was reserved for the class. He wasn't in the class so he shouldn't have been there in the first place. I never ever saw him work out his legs once. He would just stand in front of the mirror doing any work out he could with dumbbells for his upper body for two hours. He has huge arms, huge shoulders and huge pecks, but from the waist down he is ridiculously scrawny, very awkward looking.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Oh, boy. No disrespect, but there's an older gal that falls not into the MILF or Cougar category. How I see it, put the hat on her and she's a spittin' image of the wicked witch of the west. Anyway, whenever I'm on the elliptical, she walks towards me, slows waaay the F down, smiles and stares until she passes me. Creeps me the F out.

    You know it's funny, because you can lose weight but you can't fix ugly. We weren't all born beautiful. I wasn't. I may be overweight because of choices I made, but I'm not attractive no matter my weight and it's not nice to call someone creepy because they weren't born attractive.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    There's one girl who's pretty much furniture in my main gym. She sits around the weights section not doing anything at all, in full workout gear, talking to anyone who'll give her the time of day. I loved breaking her little heart - I spoke to her on Wednesday, but my only words were 'Are you using that?' No, she replied. 'Can you move then?' Her face dropped and she got up and moved onto the next poor *kitten*.
    And so I guess you think it's a good quality to "break some ones heart" that's pretty lame, sounds to me like this girl uses the gym to pick up guy's, and I'm willing to bet she got over your "cool" reply, real fast
    And so I guess you think her behaviour is completely fine, despite it being a gym and not a bar? I don't make a habit of it, but she's a nuisance and I'm in the gym to work out, not fulfil her desire to talk. Think what you want of me - I'm just not a very subtle person and crap like that annoys me.
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    Sometimes i am guilty of being creepy chick but i'm not actually checking dudes out i'm checking out how they lift!! I want to be on the weight side so bad and can't get anyone to go with me to spot or show me how to use the equipment.....I'm envious !!!

    HAHAHA me too, but now I found a guy friend that is teaching me to lift
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Unless you count the old ladies walking around butt naked in the locker room with the girls hanging down to their bellybuttons (I'm sure that will be me someday, but in the meantime I'm glad gravity hasn't kicked in full force), I haven't encountered any "creepy" women, although the ones who do the weight machines and use like 5 pounds on everything make me wonder who the heck they think they're kidding.

    As an old lady, I used to be a 38B, but now I'm a 36 Long! hahah!
    Sometimes people are using very light weight because they are doing physical therapy or just plain have so little muscle strength. Though sometimes people lift really light weights because someone told them to start light and no one has helped them form a plan to increase their weights. Its OK that not everyone's goals are the same. I don't lift very heavy, but you should see my Tai Chi.:happy:
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    my x-fit class and I... yeah we are the creepy ones (in my opinion)... we stare at you because you are lifting wrong.... our trainer makes you feel guilty so you will come over and hold the resistance bands while we run and you think 'dang wtf!!!!', we steal your weights (seriously, we actually run around and steal the weights off your bars when you aren't looking!!!), kick you off the pull up bars and rowing machines because we are being timed for our work out... we run into you if you get in our way because, hey, your in our way... we don't share the medicine balls, those are ours because we need two each to do wall balls... we don't share the boxes because we need some for box jumps and some because we are short and can't reach the pull up bar... we do dead lifts, we do sumo lifts, we do suicide runs, we flip the tires, we climb the ropes, we do HAND STAND push ups, we do enough that you are looking at the white board to see what we are doing so you can try... we are the ones that have a puke bucket that gets used.... and we gross you out because you know you aren't puking because you aren't working hard enough... oh and we pick fights.... and yet.... why do yall keep telling us to keep going, keep up the good work, and ask us about our work outs in the parking lot? yeah, we are the creepy ones :) We are the ones doing the burpies just for fun :)

    Wow aren't you guys important and impressive!I did crossfit for a few months and loved it, but I did it at a crossfit box, not a regular gym. I had to give it up when I injured a disk doing one of the ballistic lifts. And I can tell you, now that I'm recovering and back at my regular gym and working my way back up to my full lifting strength, if anyone was running around my gym doing crossfit, attempting to throw me off equipment with the attitude that their WOD was more important or significant than mine, creepy, would not be the thought that came to mind. More like arrogant, self impressed *kitten* hole.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I don't know if I would call that a fail. Lol.
    I would fart SOO loud if I assumed that pose. o_O
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    my x-fit class and I... yeah we are the creepy ones (in my opinion)... we stare at you because you are lifting wrong.... our trainer makes you feel guilty so you will come over and hold the resistance bands while we run and you think 'dang wtf!!!!', we steal your weights (seriously, we actually run around and steal the weights off your bars when you aren't looking!!!), kick you off the pull up bars and rowing machines because we are being timed for our work out... we run into you if you get in our way because, hey, your in our way... we don't share the medicine balls, those are ours because we need two each to do wall balls... we don't share the boxes because we need some for box jumps and some because we are short and can't reach the pull up bar... we do dead lifts, we do sumo lifts, we do suicide runs, we flip the tires, we climb the ropes, we do HAND STAND push ups, we do enough that you are looking at the white board to see what we are doing so you can try... we are the ones that have a puke bucket that gets used.... and we gross you out because you know you aren't puking because you aren't working hard enough... oh and we pick fights.... and yet.... why do yall keep telling us to keep going, keep up the good work, and ask us about our work outs in the parking lot? yeah, we are the creepy ones :) We are the ones doing the burpies just for fun :)

    That's not creepy. That's rude.

    I do crossfit at my box, not at my gym. There is a time and place for everything and if you think you're special enough to interrupt my workout while I'm at the gym you have another thing coming. Time to take your broke *kitten* to a real box so you don't bother people at the YMCA trying to get fit.
  • dee74
    dee74 Posts: 62 Member
    I was in the hot tub at my gym, alone. It's in the women's locker room so everyone is of course naked. An older lady got in and put on goggles. After racing through every possible innocent explanation in my head, her head went under and I bolted.

    I believe we have a winner for creepiest.