ChaLeaners Unite!!



  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    Rinalynn - My pants felt tighter too. Now they are considerably looser. I am on my second week of the Push Phase. My thighs are more toned.... they've "shifted" if that makes sense? Where fat is soft muscle is not so... giving.

    I have been feeling so tired this last week. I've been playing around with my calories since I have not lost any weight and have gained 5 lbs this last month. Since doing that I am draggin, even though I eat back exercise calories.
    Right now my minimum is 1400+ workout cals.
    Before it was 1600+a FEW workout cals.

    Also, I am getting mixed answers (not from here) about ADDING other workouts to the routine. Some say stick solely to the set out routine and then others are saying add in some extra where you can ... additional videos, yoga, running/walking. What is the consensus in here? Good idea? Bad idea?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Rinalynn - I think you should give yourself more time to see results. You just started the program. Concentrate on doing your workouts and eating healthy. Try on the same pair of pants in a few days and compare. I remember reading somewhere a long time ago that some people tend to build muscle faster in their lower body and they should avoid lifting heavy weights for that particular body area. Again I read this a while back and I don't know how true that is. Do some research and see what you find. Also, go ahead and post a thread to the entire community and see what some people tell you. I still think you have be more patient. Hang in there!

    Brile - as far as doing other exercises with the program I think it is just a matter of personal choice. My first plan was to do the plan as suggested but I did not find it enough for myself since I was exercising more before I started ChaLean. I like to work my abs every other day or so and I also like to run and do Zumba. I wanted to be able to include those workouts with CX. For someone who was not exercising a lot, not sure if it is your case, then following the program as suggested should be enough.
    About your calories and feeling tired, it is not so much about a certain number of calories, it also has to do with what you are eating. Are you eating clean? Are you including lean protein, healthy fats and good carbs in your meals?

    This is just my humble opinion, I am no expert. Take care!! :flowerforyou:
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    alf1163 - I am still cleaning up my diet. but it has been really good lately. My proteins are usually low, so I am trying to get more in.

    I'll look into adding a few more elements to my workouts if my energy level returns to normal. The only major alteration has been the calorie change. So, I'll see how this week goes.
  • rinalynn
    rinalynn Posts: 87
    Thanks alf1163 and BRILE I will keep at it, I was doing P90X before and found I didn't see much change so I thought I would work Chalean in with it, alf1163 I think I read that too some place I am going to look into it. Thanks again. :happy:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Happy Sunday!!! Getting ready to go for a job with my husband. He is willing to get out there with me. :drinker: :drinker:

    Jess, how was the triathlon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait to hear about it!!!

    Have a great day!! :flowerforyou:

    Hey Annette!! Thanks for asking about me! Tri went GREAT! I can't believe how much stronger I am since last year!! It all went really well and I beat my goal time!! In fact, I even placed... 3rd place in my age group!! Swam 600 yds, biked 13 miles, than ran a 5K in 1:24:07! I added a pic to my profile of me w/ my trophy. I was soooo shocked and excited to place! :drinker:
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    AH HA!
    I may of figured out a big part of my issue.... WEEKENDS!
    They have been killing me!
  • rinalynn
    rinalynn Posts: 87
    Happy Sunday!!! Getting ready to go for a job with my husband. He is willing to get out there with me. :drinker: :drinker:

    Jess, how was the triathlon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait to hear about it!!!

    Have a great day!! :flowerforyou:

    Hey Annette!! Thanks for asking about me! Tri went GREAT! I can't believe how much stronger I am since last year!! It all went really well and I beat my goal time!! In fact, I even placed... 3rd place in my age group!! Swam 600 yds, biked 13 miles, than ran a 5K in 1:24:07! I added a pic to my profile of me w/ my trophy. I was soooo shocked and excited to place! :drinker:

    Congrats to you!!!!!
  • rinalynn
    rinalynn Posts: 87
    I looked up the info on my bottom half. :laugh: They say I can blame my butt on my hormones. I have to do high reps using low weight on the bottom half and high weight on my upper half and I should get 45 to 60 min of cardio training per day. High Intesity interval for at least 30 to 45 mins per day my intervals should feel like 7-8 on a scale of 1-10 level 5 for recovery intervals. So Chalean X fits perfect in this program along with P90X and running and biking. I guess I will be working my butt off everyday.!!:smile: I finally got all my Cals figured out and with all of this exercise I will be eating even more. They also said I Could take some Supplements to help out 5-HTP not sure if I want to go this route I need to look into this more. I don't like to mess around with stuff like that. I found this in the Health Publications By Dr Olson. thanks again for your help on my earlier question.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Anyone have shoulder pain after push-ups? I'm on my 2nd week of ChaleanX and went with the same weight as I did the 1st week for the Burn Phase 1, but noticed when we did the 3 pushups at the end, my arms were shaking so badly I thought I was going to collapse! Now I'm having pain in my shoulders and wondering if it's just muscle building, or if I need to take it easy on the pushups? I normally only do knee pushups and managed to squeak out all 3 at the end of the program yesterday.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,401 Member
    Fitzfour: I'm not sure about the shoulder pain. I've not experienced that in particular.

    I did Burn 1 this morning. I like this one! Need to run or do some cardio, but I HAVE to work on packing my classroom, get dd to swim lessons and then work at the pool from 12:30 to 8:00.
  • purple120
    purple120 Posts: 244 Member
    Did Burn it Off and Recharge, on Saturday didnt have a great calorie burn only about 250. Rest day on Sunday, and starting the 4th week of Chalean today.

    My weekends always kill me on my eating, but I am making better choices then I ever have. I haven't experienced shoulder pain during my push ups, but you might want to check your hand placement or go to your knees if it's bothering you.

    Have a great workout.:flowerforyou:
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    Week 1 done and started week 2 today. I have to say Burn it off on Sat KICKED MY BUTT! Man tht was hard good thing it was short!!!

    I hope to see improvements soon in that respect!

    I am curious as to what you guys do on the 2nd day of the week? Do you rest like it tells you to or do you do something else?
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Finally joining in! Now I remember why I didn't want to have that surgery - recovery time stinks although I'm still feeling 200% better than before surgery. Did Burn Circuit 1 and so far so good. I kept the weight low and only noticed neck pain during the push-ups so I will keep those reps low until neck is 100%. My goal for the next few weeks is to just get back into working out regularly. I'll probably do the Burn phase until we leave on vacation - we have a 10 day car trip planned at the end of the month. Then when we get back I will redo the burn phase with more accurate weights. Anyone else repeat Burn before moving on? I'm guessing Alf might have -

    Jess - Congrats on your Tri!
  • purple120
    purple120 Posts: 244 Member
    Jess - Congrats on you "Tri" I dont know how you find the engery to do all of that, all I can say you're an animal.

    ENI29 - I run on the second day and do some ab work. I just take Sunday as my rest day, or just do stretching that day.

    Duffyzmom - Glad to have you back. I'll probably do the Push phase again, because that's the workout I'll be on when we take our road trip
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello! This morning I did push 2, extreme abs and fat blaster. It is week 4 of the push phase!!!! :drinker: :drinker: I will finish this Wed, right on time...I am going to NYC from Thu to Sun so that little break is perfect for me. Then on Mon next week I will start with the Lean Phase. :drinker: I am going to weigh in and take measurements on Thu am before I leave on my trip.

    Duffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am glad to hear from you and that you are able to start!! I am glad you are feeling better but take it easy!!! I think it will be a great idea to repeat the burn phase after your trip, this way it also gives your body time to get stronger and get ready for push which is a lot harder. Somehow I have managed to complete the phases before a short break, after burn I went to Vegas with my husband for 4 days so that was my break and now to NYC (work) so another break between phases. I did not repeat burn. I did not think 4 days was too long to repeat it especially when I had finished the 4 wks.

    Rinalynn, glad you have found some info on your concern. And remember, you "might" not be able to change your body but I know you will shape it in a way that will satisfy you. Embrace your curves! :wink:

    Eni, when I first started I wanted to follow the program as recommended except for resting two days a week but after a couple of weeks I wanted/needed more so on "rest" days I run or do circuit trng or Zumba. Also when I lift I do an abs workout. I am sure you know your limits so do what feels good for you.

    fitzfour, not sure about the shoulder pain. Where does it hurt exactly? What part of the shoulder? In the past when I've experienced soreness after push ups I feel it more on the chest. Make sure your posture is correct when you are doing them. I hope this helps.

    Have a great evening!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    I need some guidance on the program and diet.
    If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.
  • rinalynn
    rinalynn Posts: 87
    Rinalynn, glad you have found some info on your concern. And remember, you "might" not be able to change your body but I know you will shape it in a way that will satisfy you. Embrace your curves! :wink:

    Thanks so much!! :flowerforyou:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    I need some guidance on the program and diet.
    If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.

    I just started the program so I'm not sure if I can help but I'd definitely try. I'm still on the Beachbody boards so I can also pass questions on there if need be. This morning I'm feeling the Burn Circuit 1. Mostly in my legs which makes since because I've really never done weight with my legs. I'm headed out for my first run in my 10 mile training perfect for a day off.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I need some guidance on the program and diet.
    If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.

    What exactly do you need help with?

    Duffy, have a great run! You will like the CX.

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • purple120
    purple120 Posts: 244 Member
    It's a rest day for me today, but I'm doing Kenpo X from P90X. Just wish my calorie burn was better. I wouldn't have to worry about calorie burn if I stayed within my calories. That's my goal for the day eat healthy and stay within my calories.

    Brile - I'm not a good source of advice on this but this is what works for me. We are all different and what works for me might not work for you. My calorie intake should be anywhere between 1300-1400 (depends on age, height and weight). I stay between 35% protien, 45% carbs and 20% fat, but on my lift days I try to eat more protien than carbs. My percentages are not always exact but these are my goals. I try to eat as clean as possible, but there are times when I don't. I eat the calories I burn. I used to stress alot about this information wanting to fit a mold so I could be instantly thin. But it doesn't happen this way at least for me, so I've got to keep trying things that fit my lifestyle. The beach body sites have tons of info that can help you.

    Taking your advice and not over training with running, but I am adding other areobic workouts.

    Have a great workout:flowerforyou: