Question for the guys: "Fake"women uncovered?



  • TexasGirl_Amie
    I say to each their own.

    I don't do makeup, have a big booty, and they don't make padded bras for big boobs. What you see is what you get with me. No surprises.

    That being said, if a girl wants to wear a bit of a padded bra, so be it. As long as she is confident and happy with a kick-*kitten* personality, it shouldn't matter.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    How to trick people into thinking you're good looking... by Jenna Marbles

    You're welcome.
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    Push-up or padded bras are fine, as long as its not something ridiculously phony. However, that fake padding for butts shall not stand. IT SHALL NOT STAND! I like boobs in all sizes, from A to ZZZ, but I have a certain preference for butts. And I'm okay with a small butt if I know what I'm going into, no pun intended.
  • DebsXmas40
    Great replies from the men. This only backs my conviction that most men are great human beings! :wink:

    was just thinking the same thing! :happy:
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    It's refreshing to know that guys care about more that T&A...

    this might shock you, but...
    I personally dislike being appreciated just for my appearance
    When I dress nice, I do it for me...someone "undressing me with their eyes" ~ Gross!

    Now then, a guy being interested in my Heart, My Brains and/or Sense of Humor...

    Very Nice!

    The thread was about what men physically like about women and what is acceptable about being fake - not how nice a person you are inside. No need to be offended :bigsmile:
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    There is another reason for the padded bra. Some women have parts there that stick out too far for thinner bras. Many situations call for modesty.
  • sgtlittle
    sgtlittle Posts: 258 Member
    Women are beautiful just the way they are made. Me, personally, prefer a woman who is confident and knows how to use what she's got. I'm sure most women feel the same way about men, but with any group there are those that prefer bigger/smaller over who it is used.

    I do like a woman with a firm, round butt, but do not expect her to be fake and pad it.
  • sgtlittle
    sgtlittle Posts: 258 Member
    I wear padded bras simply because you don't want the nips showing - awkward! Push-up bras are fun if you're going out or whatnot, but regular padded bras are great for day - to - day. But the panties with padding is just hilarious!!

    Seeing as the topic got on to make-up and all, I find it hilarious when I see the super tanned girls, with their plaster on their faces, extensions, and fake eyelashes because I always wonder what the poor guy's face looks like when he wakes up in the morning and the girl looks like a whole other person.

    I have a friend that used to wear TWO bras because she was so self conscience of how little her boobs were - though they're totally proportioned to her thin frame, she doesn't any more because she's gained the confidence but it was always funny.

    I love it when the nips show! Oh, women who go commando are so sexy.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I love it when the nips show! Oh, women who go commando are so sexy.

    I know this is going to come as a shock, but there are times when a woman actually wants to be taken seriously and not only appreciated for her sexuality. :wink:
  • CurvyBiker
    CurvyBiker Posts: 17 Member
    I don't dress "for theguys". I wear what I feel good in. If they don't like what they see...................